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Mateuš Conrad Dec 2016
sometimes you look at these people and think:
is it better me drinking whiskey, or is it better treating
them ontologically as zoological specimen
                                                  and worth of caging?
i think that the Aristotelian awe-principle
for the practice of philosophy was
overly-exaggerated with dues
that consider science, i think that science
confiscated the emotional
imprint of philosophy that's bound to awe
and said: willcommen unto die phobia-realm...
which i still ascribe to postcolonialism...
  the times' propaganda say:
             arachnophobia is perfectly suited
to match-up to a billionth remark of Islam,
which is why i find Islamophobia so weird...
   arachnophobia consists of only one spider...
minding the phobic in Islam?
                          it's not a case of one spider...
it's a case of spiders...
                             they can't reason with
the Big Brother opportunism, which exists...
turning the blind eye won't help...
  it will simply aggrivate such people...
and using this language has created such
frustrations... correctly? aggravate,
dance of vowels. phobias aren't big, they're small...
miniscule... tell people that something is
small when it's actually big enforcers
a postcolonial past more so...
   i see these children like the psychotic reaction
to a prophesy kindred ot Harold II's slaughter
of the innocents...
                  they're there to edorese someone...
      after all: who gives a **** about these people?
                                                         ­  (endorse)
the psychiatrist gets paid, the mental health nurse
gets paid... why would they give a **** in a way
that says: i wasn't paid for this bollocking!
  maybe up in Manchester... but down here in London,
they don't buy disguises, you're
labelled Romanian: you're bound home where
you could have been a plumber but are reduced
to a straitjacket because: some ******* said
you didn't **** her... Philip Collins and hey:
welcome to paradise.
                        down 'ere in Loon-town you get
your money's worth...      
                   i wish they took care of me...
   silence pays... you get your cringe's worth of ****
to the Kilimanjaro's worth of calling
               bottled crema-foam on a phallus
an anorexia... as i see it: anorexia in Freudian lingo
is an objection toward treating ****** artefacts
in culinary terms... means that paradox
of having a cake and eating it too...
                obviously you'll sexualise problems...
i think anorexia is a question of making
          ****** parts culinary aggregates...
                i'm not jotting: girl, aged, 16, ***-starved..
i mean in general... making ****** objects
equivalent toward a culinary status for a care
to make them more appealing in being ******...
the anorexic might start thinking: so i **** it,
and don't eat it?   penguin clap for an icecream cone!
ruffian yoga minus the slippers and the seal clapping...
the loudest revision of applause: i can guarantee....
cos the flippers were wet... hence the additional
aquatic acoustic.
                    this is very much akin to that quantum
theory of: tornado at coordinate a.,
         and a butterfly as coordinate b.,
          i can see anorexia as a substitute to sexualised
preferences in making body-parts partially edible...
            i see **** i think of the cow's ******-pouch / pillow...
    i don't know, maybe because being in my 30s
i can still fake arousal when looking at it...
       i am not the original alienist... some martian
took my title role...
          but i can understand anorexia as a way to rebel
against putting potato mash and a steak and a few
veggies with the same duty nod as one might put
a ******* object into one's mouth and having to
a Werther's Original suckling tactic on it and
never attach a bone to it, i.e. never eat it...
      anorexia by my standard is verily sexualised...
   you put something into an open space and
it's almost a trans-transgender movement...
      which is why i find the transgender "curiosities"
obstructs in art... post-transgender occupancies
           are not reserved for the easily pleased...
anorexics are such people...
             this is sexuality confused with dietary requirements...
this isn't a circumstance of pronouns politicised
and exploits of modern medicine...
                   i do tend to abuse seafood
whenever i am cringed by the suggested floral pattern
whenever i dare not see the benefits of cesarean...
and i just can't see islamophobia fitting the irrational
rationality of other conscripted phobias...
          poor choice of Greek to be honest...
                      i think they're referring to:
a subtler suggestion, minus the crusading empowerment
that's yet to be honed on...
                        well **** yeah...
once you've actually a philosophy book,
   you'll become immune to any writing advice...
                you'll actually become immune
to advice for writers.... bhy writers... because you'll
realise their opinions are disputable and therefore
disposable... because they forgot that the one thing
that democracy hates... is its subversion,
                     art is the foremost stealth-seeker of
despotism in democracy... because it simply loathes
plagiarism... art is despotism in democracy...
               and it knows it... it's just too "shy" (aah...
wee wee poo poo) to admit it...
                 from what i learned from athos?
the best advice? is to not give any advice.
                    athos? alex dumas, the three musketeers.
the moment you finish a philosophy book,
a creative writing workshop and a quote by
Hemingway will seems as nothing but a bad dream -
these quotes come from people who abhorred
the mere concept of spelling, due and through
it being an "inconvenience"...
this is from people who suggested you were always
an incapable narrator without a daydream to
escape into... these writers began sounding like
your english teachers...
              then again... is sexualising problem better
than abstracting them? personally, and
without due approval: and all the more happy for
such a circumstance having been presented for me...
            we know the sane are too numerous
because they are allowed to make too much sense
of their dreams...
                     i contend anorexia, not as an eating disorder,
but as a disorder of a culinary aversion toward
          sexualising non-culinary objects in culinary terms...
or adding cream to the phallus or melted chocolate
to the ****...
                 i find that certain culinary objects are
   and this is the norm: that extends into what
quantifies as the norm, for the norm is always
a quantifiable parameter than a qualifiable
      exchange, since an exchange never appreciates
     a qualification, or a grocer's worth of norm
for a conversation of two quid's worth of earning
equates to 20 tomatoes...
    we have assumed to know it all
whereas we are congregating in a plughole
     of close proximity prefixes, i.e.
re-: reflect, reflection, reflexion, reflex,
  reiteration, reimagining, retraction, reaffirmation...
    it's a tsunami of language / lounging with too
many images... it's "lounging" with too many images...
it's the proximity of prefixes... twinned with
the opportunism of the genus of synonyms creating
a deaf-shaft of faking rhetoric...
     i still placard the whole circumstance
a dance of vowels, or the unforced deviation of
keeping up an aesthetic....
                     no, i can't claim schooling,
because i don't want to claim being indoctrinated...
     and perhaps my Freudian is a little-bit
copper-wired / ageist...
                  but isn't food for the anorexic
  a bit like turning a ****** object into food
          for the ennobled aggregational stereotype?
the jokes aren't jokes for anorexics...
  the cucumber is doubly manifest
                         as both edible, as both sexually
arrogant... and thirdly as "inspiration" for
an architectural project...
                      oh **** fame... little albino blondie
can **** on my testicular cancer for all i care...
               and say the bulge was: like
******* on a cowish ******...
                                      i like puppets anyway,
cos i'm a bit laxed in that way...
                         for all the things that might be
given, of the few things that can't be translated
from house or car, or a wife and 3.4 children statistic:
personal integrity.
        obviously certain people can only hum along
to the achievements of a zenith's worth of a house
and a car and a dog...
                            personal integrity is almost too much
for them, such "essential" components of being
a human rather than doing a human reaction
       later involve the cliche of the ultimate gamble...
and we all know how humans love to gamble...
well... few ever manage to gamble the stake of:
a leap of faith... and we all know how Nolan's inception
         ends...           that's me seeing the film a few years later...
      so how does man, the gambler fair
   when he's asked to gamble with the odds
  leap ratioed against a stumble?
                                      numbered is that 10:1?
it's just fascinating that vowels are the sole assured
                        proprietor of "dyslexia",
or as i care to mind: even with a language proficiency...
and tongue-tied waggle that's excusable for
anyone ready to write something down.
      i can appreciate being an individual,
but i can't celebrate it... i'll only utilise my individuality
to create a new plateau, a norm, the most
distinguished liberalism of my individualism;
     i will only utilise my individuality to create a new
norm - and anything that comes against it:
can burn in hell.
Jeremy Betts May 2022
(too long version)

Life indeed pushed me to the edge of the cliffs end but the jump was my decision, no one there could ever be bothered to care enough to even explore the simplest question much less begin thinkin' about askin' what I was thinkin' when I settled on the option I ultimately, on more than one occasion, failed at miserably while attemptin', like the byproduct of rabbits ******' my faults are multiplyin' as my spark goes dark at the same time my shine went dim, not worth restorin' this vessel that sits as decoration in a white trash front lawn deterioratin', startin' from the back end then devourin' the engine

One step forward, two giant leaps back pedalin', that was the general motion of regression, lookin' like I'm plagiarizin' Michael Jackson when he's on stage performin', masterin' that classic moon walkin' he's known for doin', never as smooth as him but you get the picture I'm paintin', losing track of my destination as it began droppin' out of sight behind the horizon, followin' the trail the sun was blazin'

Can't see the forest for the trees and vegetation, could have heard the pre-lumber fallin' if you would only humor me and at least pretend to listen, but that there is somethin' you have zero interest in which is interestin' cause if the past has taught me anythin' about what you find pleasure in it's that you're lovin', above everythin', the chance to keep pointin' out and highlightin' how I'm a terrible human bein', a garbage person but not a man and no CDL license, I'm not pickin' up the trash I'm metaphorically dwellin' in only then to have it pile back up again times ten, ultimately creatin' my own land fill location within, wilfully lettin' recycled misfortune to continue hittin' me on the chin, it's due to inadequate trainin', not for the lack of tryin' to defend

No direction just a lie practiced to perfection too keep 'em from noticin' my state of depression, leave 'em guessin'. But to keep the honesty rollin' in I have a confession, I'd loan you the money to pay attention but you'd never take that good for nothin' offerin' and I ain't even placin' blame, just sayin', I know my position, I'm fully aware I'm on the losin' end of this game of tug-a-war life and I are playin', though I think it's cheatin', countin' cards to ensure a win, gamblin' that I'll give in and fold before noticin' I'm the mark bein' taken, the journey of life is a rigged expedition

What am I doin' besides losin'? Why am I here became the daily question, how do I get out this mess of confusion that's drownin' me to the point of extinction? It's an impossible equation even for a mathematician with years of education, so you know for certain I'm lyin' when, for no good reason, I have a go at answerin'. The slipknot is workin' just as I was expectin', slippin', goin' taunt, slidin' into its final position

I should mention, if you're thinkin' this has taken place solely for attention you're sorely mistaken, you never come to that realization, dodgin' conversation in an attempt to avoid confrontation, leavin' me noticin' there's no one standin' by and extendin' a hand to help and lookin' back there's never been. No one attendin' my lonely execution by decapitation in an effort to stop the spreadin' of harmful misfortune I feed myself, bad for my mental health, a deadly addiction that's become somewhat of a tradition through repetition, turnin' a weapon on myself, worsenin' my condition, that's a fact based observation not an opinion

No resolution in the hard hitting revelation that there's no salvation for someone who's gone and done what I've done and gone on livin' in a web of fear that I first spun for protection but couldn't stop the infestation from gainin' the traction it was needin' for the completion of my complete elimination

Cravin' anythin' real to place my faith in, I'm bein' told the hate and pain I'm bathin' in is of my own creation, I can see the connection as I sit broken down in the intersection of real life and fiction, I've lost control again and once again there's no mulligan. Am I seein' the glass half full or half empty or maybe it's all an illusion regardless of perception? Lost my vision, can't see through the pollution and corruption runnin' rampant with no solution comin', I'm a simpleton so this ***** gettin' confusin', a complete brain malfunction

I've awoken the beast within and just as I was predictin' we instantly began battlin' to the death, fightin' for position and a quicker end to the situation I'm always findin' myself in then findin' out for myself that it's always been my own reflection startin' back in my direction, the ugly inside is finally outwardly projectin', can't even pretend to be my own friend, enough is enough, I'm saying when

Its lurkin' just under the skin, waitin' for the moment to strike and beat me down to nothin'. When will it end? Never I'm guessin'. I'm gonna have to try to put an end to it all myself again, tirin' of the repetition to the point I usually take no action, sometimes due to exhaustion but still just lettin' it all happen like that's what I was plannin' from the beginnin' but that makes about as much sense as quittin' ****** right after the needles insertion or waitin' till after overdosin'

Frustration givin' way to aggravation and aggression leavin' little satisfaction even if I could squeak out a win, but I'm no longer wastin' time waitin' for that to happen so I'll probably most likely be caught sleepin', dreamin' about what could've been had I listened to my gut feelin' and put in the same amount of stock I place in what my treasonous mind and heart are always sayin'
and not let doubt creep in and claim top billin' as it's permanent position, knocking out compassion and reason, replacin' both with the hate and weight of a nation

It's a fools mission, I WILL be beaten' into submission, the last thing I'll hear as my energy gives up on existin' is the mortician statin' then time stampin' my expiration, that and the body bag zippin', family left pickin' out a coffin from the bargain bin, not worth payin' a fortune, only payin' little respect to the fallen then quickly forgotten at the drop of a pin

You're sayin' I have a purpose but I'm witnessin' me wastin' every minute of the earths rotation and never reachin' the conclusion that I was slackin', far to laxed in the preparation for a home invasion of this mental prison I'm caged in where I'm servin' a life sentence and I'm mentally and emotionally starvin' while my vision of any kind of future begins to darken

No open invitation, but that's not stoppin' my personal demon from just walkin' right in and startin' the killin' spree up once again, focusin' first on positive motivation just for existin', of course that's just my imagination, but could you imagine? A horrible vision to the average pedestrian, I know, but I still crack a grin at the thought of it happenin', the devil on my shoulder is at it again

My light fractured through a prism and some went missin' and I never got around to lookin' so no chance of gettin' it back into my possession, there's no raignin' it in, goin' from a fools errand to a search and rescue mission seemingly overnight but for what reason, just to teach me a lesson? I don't test well, I won't make it to graduation

Choices made out of desperation got me lookin' and feelin' like a felon, to survive I had to become the villain of the biography I'm narratin', this isn't livin', at best it's just barely holdin' on for dear life and weakenin', a measly attempt at survivin', forced into an intimate relation with the unforgivable, each of the sinful deadly seven

The line not to cross was paper thin, walked it like a drunk person in front of a couple corrupt police men, heathens but feelin' better than, lost control long ago, before I fell off the wagon, I ain't talkin' about drinkin', it started way back when with prescription medication, ones that were suppose to be helpin' but then used for wreckreation and that's when it began draggin' me down to an underground parkin' garage elevation

I didn't have a break down, like I said, it was a break in home invasion with the assumption there was somethin' worth takin' to begin with but everythin' inside is broken and you can see the corrosion of the foundation built on sand, makin' this temple worth nothin', even self worth is fadin'

Graspin' at the air and yet again findin' nothin', grapplin' with the notion I'm nothin', prayin' my emergency flotation device will suffice cause the water is ragin', feelin' the undertow currant strengthen in it's concentration, I think it's attackin' and there's no escapin' so I began blinkin' SOS in old fashion morse code hopin' you don't need help with the translation, if that's the case then I'm done for, why bother debatin', I'll take myself out of the equation, preparin' my soul for the comin' evacuation

You begin lyin' just to raise my spirits but I ain't buyin' into what you're sellin', counterfeit concern bein' spoken with no emotion or conviction, after the extensive evaluation I see it's no garden of Eden I'm livin' in, again, someone's been lyin', I'd be wakin' right into the den of a rabid lion shrouded in original sin, I ate the fruit knowin' full well it was forbidden, straight up poison but zero ***** were given, so this was bound to happen, the writin' was on the wall, who am I kiddin'?

You have my permission to begin the process so let's just go ahead then and get this over with so I can silence the voices within, I've eliminated every complication, layin' on the tracks at the crazy train boarding station, awaitin' the unavoidable, provin' I was correct in the assumption that this is the right time to initiate my endin', a personal Armageddon...oh, well hello, you must be that Satan guy I've been hearin' so much about from everyone preachin' directly in my ear then going out the other, it's still hard not to listen, I'm just tyin' up a loose end or two then I'm yours for the takin'

...alright, thanks for waitin', now then, let the journey to my endin' begin shall we? I'm takin' the lead on this one cause I know where we're goin' and I'm no good at followin' direction...obviously, it goes without sayin'

neth jones Sep 2022
with disciplined guilt
i can spill a kind of pornographic hemorrhage
                   provoking a spell into the mind
                      a spiel
so many illicit thoughts to priss a label on
             laxed into this state
              i imagine my punishments
               received in swollen glory
and   in turn   for this ungated imagination
                         i may earn further punishment
(no glory / dunce / head hung)

skirting dirt for promise
opening the aperture to the wild dark woods
    and beyond natures primal propeller
seeking out opportunities for submission
  under a church weight
          of my own mined and kinkled cranium
Arthur Doletzky Apr 2015
In my life I have lived many different lives. In these lives I've lived I have met people of many minds, different kinds.
  I've met people of the good kind, I've met people of the bad kind.
  I've met people of the "tall" kind, I've met people of the "short" kind.  I've sat with people of the nice kind, and people of the not so nice kind; people of the "laxed" kind, and people "tight" kind, people of the "big" and "small" kind.
  Of all these kinds, none compare to to one so fair, this kind is rare.
  I've known people of the "sweet" kind, and those of the "sour" kind.  Talked with those of the "high" kind, and helped those of the "low" kind.  I've had times with those of the "up" kind, and been there for those of the "down" kind.
  I've traded ideals with the creative kind.  I've worked with the athletic kind, and I've shared and learned from the smart and wise kinds.
  I've met narrow kinds, wide kinds, stubborn kinds, charming kinds, angery kinds, dark kinds, light kinds, honest kinds, lying kinds, sarcastic kinds, fun kinds, fast kinds, slow kinds, loving kinds, so many kinds! All different minds.
  I befriended many, but still I do not think there are any who compare, to one so rare.
You see This kind, is a kind of its own.  for you my dear, are one of a kind.
If you have any tips or suggestions, please share.
Arthur Doletzky Sep 2014
In my life, I have lived many different lives.  In these lives I've lived, I've met many kinds, all different kinds.
I've met people of the "good" kind, I've met people of the "bad" kind.
I've seen people of the tall kind, and people of the short kind.  
I've sat with those who could be said to be of the "nice" kind, and those of the.. Well let's just say "not so nice kind"; people of the " laxed" kind, people of the "tight" kind, and people of the "big" and "small" kind.
  Of all these kinds, I dare not compare, for each kind is its own kind of rare.
I've known those people of the "sweet" kind, and those of the "sour" kind.  Talked with those of the "high" kind, helped those of the low kind.  I've had some times with those of the "up" kind, and been there for those of the "down" kind.
  I've traded ideals with creative kinds, I've worked with the athletic kind, and I've shared and learned from the smart and wise kinds.  
  I've seen the strong kind fall and helped back up by the caring kind, I've seen the strength in the loving kind, I've seen on kind change to another kind, one kind grow to become several kinds, and several kinds merged to become one kind.
I've met narrow kinds, wide kinds, stubborn kinds, anger kinds, dark kinds, light kinds, lying kind, honest kinds, pale kinds, annoying kinds, helpful kinds, pretty kinds, so many kinds! All different minds.
  I've befriended many, still I don't think I should compare, that just wouldn't be fair, each kind is rare.  
  Each kind is a kind of its own, special, one of a kind.  You see my friend, every kind; is one of a kind.
Jon G M Aug 2014
Under the lit sky
Your naked body
Surrendered and bound
To your own desire

Your heart beating wildly
Body laxed and spent
Your breast tender to the touch
Of my temptations
Each breath sculpting a new rise and fall of your essence

Your sparkling body
Twisted in the white linens
Whispering the sounds of your spirit
You recover and say “Yes”

Surveying you as you recover from your giving
Breathing in your ****** scent of your spent body
My lips thirsting for you
For the friction of our bodies
His name is Louksur; He is the chief of Lodwar,
His chiefdom is in Africa, in the state of Kenya,
In the savannah belt of Turkana, in Lodwar
He is the rich of the richest in Africa,
His house is full of food and wealth,
Wealth and fortune flow into his house,
The way waters of river Turkwell flow
Into the glorious lake of Turkana.

He has a matchlessly beautiful wife,
He bought her as a slave from the Jews of Ethiopia,
He unlike other African chiefs has only one wife,
He loves her with entirety of his heart,
All he has belongs to her and no question,
He is an uxory who is timorously uxorious
And the love for his wife suffers no pinch of temerary.

His son has a big wedge shaped head, he looks as none,
In his line of ancestors, and foremen of the Turkanai,
As they mostly have ball rounded head and small eyes,
Their eyes are small, an adaptation to ward off desert flies,
No forgetting the flying sand that can pinch those with wide eyeballs,
When the Turkanai elders queried the origin of enigmatic shape,
That reigns the wedge shaped head of the prince, son of Louksur,
Chief talked it away with wisdom of those who are in love,
That the head of my son his only uxorial, it is genetics of the mother,
My dear wife Adome, to whom I will give my scepter of power.

Chief Louksur’s love for his wife went higher as he aged,
As in the same tandem, beauty of his wife Adome, peaked,
The chief loved her that he resolved not to have any ***,
With Adome from then henceforth, lest she becomes *****,
Chief mused and resolved within himself against *** with Adome,
As ***** of his testicles along with sweat would only vilify Adome,
Adome began wondering why her famed beauty is not sexually provoking her husband,
She thought chief Louksur is using his powers to play *** with other women in the bush
She began hating a husband who suffers from uxoriosness, better a sexually active brute.

One time in the wee of the night, Adome told chief Louksur that she feels like *******,
Chief offered to give her security, but she declined,
she said she was more safe when left  alone,
As it was not a month for Pokots or Merile cattle rustlers, moreover, there was a full moon
She went out into the night alone, leaving the chief in the inner chamber, in blankets,
She did not **** anywhere; neither was she feeling like to ****
It was only a stunt to make her come out for a treat of love,
With Sialo, the manservant from Bukusuland, who sleeps alone in the shack,
At the far end of the compound in the chief’s homestead,
She knocked once and Sialo opened the  wickwork of reeds
forming a  shutter of the door to the servant's ,
She whispered to him ; I have come as we talked, he welcomed her
With a warm, silent and electrified volley of affectionate kisses,
She almost fainted, due to intense compassion from the servant,
They undressed and did it twice, to her maximum satisfaction,
She even laxed to go back to the inner chamber, where chief was,
Instead began fondling and fidgeting playfully with Sialo's ***** *****,
She had never seen a circumcised *****, forget of a gelded Carmel,
She had only been zero-grassed to chief’s uncircumcised ****,
She married the chief when she was a ****** of fourteen years,
Sialo’s ***** was miraculously stiff and rigid, sharp like a beckon,
In its tremendous position of guest for more work love,
Adome was pressing it aside on the thigh of Sialo, it slipped back,
Often to go back to its ***** position, she screamed and giggled,
On each stroke of her experiment, she flitted as she screamed,
Sialo lying on his back, enjoying soft touch of Adome,
As chief was peeping through the hole in wick-work of the door,
At the moonlighted experiments of Adome with Sialo’s *****,
He had his rusty gun on his shoulders, as he peeped with angst,
He resolved not to lose Adome to the servant
He better lose her to death, but not the servant,
And that’s how chief became an uxoricide.
Ken Pepiton Sep 2021
A gain for us now, init
intuiting ting
tink think ****.

we did it, a gain, a step we took,
was taken as granted, as that saying,
take it
or leave it, we took it, I guess.

Here we are, thinking
human is my class of creature,
I am not a bird, or lizard or ant,
I imagine,
slow thinking,
I am more mind than body now.
Human individual elements seemingly
cease reproducing after fixed parameters
of imbalence in cellular rechargibility,
and friction,
itches and scratches, aching bones
fighting gravity
for eighty years, parts departments
empty, vacuous cavern, no flame,
no dancing shapes of unseen things

-- nada comin' in boss, burn wha'chagot

it’s a mess, being old
and urgeless, lazy
laxed, empty
of anything I needed
to do, performance enhancement lessons
missed, cue questioned, one too many times…

this is that, the after math, from an idea virus,
adding dividends we
derived, clearly,
from worth of beauty,
shining, true, all luring beauty
{diamond farm- laughing reminding me}

in our native wished to be state,
ever after, beautiful
to all who see
your rarity, your victory
in being and doing and becoming, nothing but you,
and this, more than mortals think to ask,
satisfied mind with riches and no woe,

are there truths I have not witnessed,
are there joys that drive the storms on Jupiter?

Does it hurt you
if I scorn the lie that built your institute
of holy known secrets, framed
in faith most precious, peace
of knowing,
for me,
there is no hell, ever after
this, if I suffer this, if I fail not now
to live to be old…
too late.

I am old - not useful for much -
and retired, not poor, not capitalist
wealthy, rich in the common precious things,
husband of one wife, who holds that certain beauty,
to this day, few I know dare say,
time is not kind to some old ladies who fret and fuss,
and rage too many one more times, to
have a partner, in the last days before hospice…

-- raucous throat clearing noise, to remind me
breathing is unconsciously already reminding me
-- if I wish to breathe, I must put to more labor
on the bellows, fan the
flame of famous desires that warm the cockles of the
of me happy to warm up and flow as
flowing thing, if you notice, flowing, as if being
init initially in this fluid state,
floating, not rowing,
fluid peace
of mind, not roiling boiling, cataracts, just, iyustified
ya, da, yes yada yada
ya, da, yes yada yada, we take our time,
we take our turn,
merry is gentle as wisdom,
say an ifery what
I sang like a blue jay squaches skritch, if you listen;
then singer is not the fullness of me, as I am blue,
when you see me,
as a jay, flying, you know, I am beautiful.

Part of me lives in my heart, in my part of all
that remains in my future.
Thoughts are thought as swift as this, once.

Gain and loss, sorted said senses
of cost and worth.
With a glance, see the flash, feel
me hope, feel me hope you choose
not to lie, not to
say, I know
I know, amen, amen, until you walk a jubilee journey,
suffer not a novice to teach or preach,
and ignor any grumpy old men,
who cannot
when they don't shave,
and feel themselves seeing
seeing wordsworth or whitman
or some wizard where the fool is hidden.
Fancy that.
Uka Mar 2019
Magic is that
When water turns to glass
It goes by a name called Ice
It shifts and it cracks
With winds no laxed
From the cold which is outside
But when the sun comes
Its puddle within
Begins its movement inside
For no colder days
Could plague the sky
That could keep the puddle Ice
Stick and leaves
In frozen seas
Suspended weightless for a time
But pressure from the sun
And nature stuns
Its levitation mirrors a crime
Snaking like a valley
It dissolves so grieffully
And will never be a solid no more
Until next year
Someone may steer
Upon it
And see Ice like never before
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Behemoth's seem to weareth white robed apparel these day's
They giveth thee a gaze
And layeth in their own deceit,
Spreading their feet laxed to the hurt they causeth other's....
Monster's hateth light
Even one another.....
Yet I shalt bypass these fiery trials
Wherein it shalt taketh many miles
But passing through the fire furnace
I shalt be sparkling luminescent on the other side
I feeleth high from
This happiness that hit's,
For those that hit and miss
Sorry for thy loss
But mine soul's a glimmer
Of what thy jealousy hast lost....
I am being raised
To the cumulus elixer
Feeling good now
I'm free to go forward....
Not for noone just saying moving ahead looking to brighter days
Dawnstar Mar 2018
I sit, I wish
    for the glistening moon pools
          to sprinkle down my way.
                 Dreamy starry sky,
                    and the soft combing breeze
                      sings sweet lullabies
                    to the indigo trees.
              Sing the same to me,
           and I'll go where you go;
            river so wide,
          wider's my window!

           Now dance as you've done
        so many times before;
      embrace the morning sun's
       broad rays on your shore.
                                                         Far banks shall appear
                                                 with the coming of April,
                                               and strike out I will
                                            through the dusty rock passes
                                       through mountains of yellow
                                      and bridges of gold -- until
                                          I gain the city of friends,
                                             lamplights and streetlights
                                                    ­   and buslights and doors
                                                           ­       will be closed.

                                                        ­Gone, then, are the wishes
                                                 and wonders and wants,
                                      the things that I hoped for
                              a long time ago.

                     The trill of the strings
                           (my only respite
                                from keen madness
                                      or a tantō
                                      to wish me goodnight)
                                 rises on palm-tops,
                            floats in cool grasses,
                       gives purpose my soul.
                                  So much peace I find
                                     in warm charming moonlight....

                             Tomorrow, concern may put your course
                                       on a laxed and lumberous way,
                                  great river of the dying day,
                          but as long as my will goes on,
           and the wonderful will of the Maker,
     those fleet-footed brigands
won't catch me, for I am
      faster than they are.

...Calming storm,
     you stirrer and squeezer,
       present most of the time that I need you:
                Set my mind,
                   for all its vain attempts;
               make me relent,
                 and I won't deceive you.
                        Till then, I'll be leaving you soon,
                            but know my April blush
                               is the same color as in June,
                              and the fabric of all that I hope for
                            is the cloth of the comforting moon.
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
yeah, i met my "future" wife-to-be at
   we were engaged,
   she was russian,
   obviously there came a pressure
within the framework of
      cultural "differences",
historical *******,
         why polish children under
the communist regime were forced
to learn russian, and few ever
came to be fluent in the tongue...
but then i met my wife...
    what a beauty,
  i was introduced to her by david hume,
and partially by karl popper...
    i was sitting in those lecture
rooms thinking -
    just shove me back into the lab.
and let me do what i'm supposed to do,
**** the electron migration theory
in organic experiments...
  but no...
       i was also looking for a half-way house
between science and the humanities,
humanities being my closet-love-affair,
history, literature...
         i could have been the ****
in the humanities brothel majoring
in history or literature...
nope... had to bite the grit of science...
  but then i met my wife, sophia...
**** it, she's the one that gets me out of
bed every day, she concerns me,
she nourishes me,
    i admit, it can sometimes become stale
with her, her book's worth of ****,
   and my the ******* wriggling maggot brain
book worm...
              ah, no relationships are
perfect, after all...
                    but safe to say, she loves
my compulsion within the realm of music,
how i even had to listen to it when falling
   she doesn't mind me not talking,
she doesn't mind my drinking habits,
  she doesn't mind my nonchalant fashion sense,
she doesn't mind my many more acknowledged
    the perfect woman, that is philosophy...
i mean, you can't learn this woman,
  you can't tame her, you can't exactly do
anything with her, apart from living a parallel
life, next to her...
            sooner or later, she becomes
the feminine aspect of the diety i call god
      within rodin's the kiss sculpture...
then i start thinking about the kiss of a leech...
it doesn't exist, but i like a moment to stare
at a phantom image... freshly conjured
in my mind...
                    and as you might expect,
when you don't study for solidifying a certain
enterprise that's worth "studying",
and find yourself imbuing the essential
   aspects, extracting a personification -
when you study the rigid orthodoxy of
            chemistry, physics or biology,
     and you get a nibble, an inkling into
the half-way house that's the membrane
seperating science and humanism...
                    let's just say this is what sartre
wished he had...
             the flood-gates open,
    anter the tornado, the tsunami,
                 the laxed muscles,
  the sweat from the arm-pits rather than
        the sweat from labour upon the brow,
        the lack of idle deeds:
                                 and the devil's hands.

— The End —