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Kate Eddy Jun 2019
The blaze took the house with great speed,
Those inside at once had fleed,
But all was not as it appeared,
For when at last the smoke had cleared,
Among the husk of the home
The children discovered they were alone.

They dashed about at a frantic pace,
Looking around for the smallest trace,
Fearing the worst was yet to pass,
One last glance the children cast,
It was then they noticed her cloth of blue,
And the fate of their mother they finally knew.

Running to where their mother laid,
They knew a farewell they'd have to bade,
Knowing that they couldn't stay
For their only relative live far away,
When their mother was put to rest at last
Julie knew she had to push them past.

Leaving the ashes of their past behind,
Hoping a new home they would find,
Julie did for her sisters all she could,
Knowing that reliving the past would do no good.
And so at last Julie and sisters journey began
To reach their home was the only plan.

When the sky turned black as night,
Julie knew something was not quite right,
Stopping their ride Julie and Linda can tell
That something must not be going well,
As they returned they were alarmed to see
Their sister Clotild drowning in the sea.

Julie at once knew what to do,
Into the water at once she flew,
Clotild's head went slowly down below,
The fate of her sister Linda afraid to know,
But when Julie came to the surface at last
Seeing Clotild, Linda knew the danger had passed.

"Clotild, what were you thinking?" they wished to know,
Clotild answered simply saying she was hot and wished to go,
To cool her feet with the fresh feel of the sea
At the time not seeing where the fault could be,
Please don't do that again, they'd scold,
For had they not known, a different story would of been told.

Racing to where the smoke had led,
Each took in the scene with dread,
As flames spread across the little town
Chaos had evidently ensued all around,
Julie looked about the destroyed land,
Knowing what it was like to see the damage firsthand.

What Julie saw then made her blood go cold,
For upon a burning threshold
A girl lay unconscious in need of aid,
Julie knew if she stayed
Or if she delayed-
A heavy price the girl would of paid.

Julie ran as fast as she ever had before,
Diving last minute towards the floor,
Dragging the girl safely away,
The girl opened her eyes as if to say,
She felt she was going to be okay,
Julie couldn't imagine how she'd come to be alone,
Thankfully, evidence of life had clearly shown.

Many had seen what had transpired,
The courage of Julie they had all admired,
But when asked why she put herself in harm's way,
She said, I couldn't very well let her stay,
Julie then took her to where Linda and Clotild stood
Knowing that she'd done all that she could.

It was clear that the girl had no home,
As tattered clothes had clearly shown,
Julie realized that there was one thing she could do,
Knowing that the girl's options were few,
She decided to offer her a chance to restart,
For with them she'd always be a part.

Frightened she was when she finally awoke,
Noticing in gentle tones the sisters spoke,
What happened? They wished to know,
Tears at once began to flow,
They listened to the tale she wished to be told,
As the story of Chloe began to unfold.

I'm an only child, I only had my mom and dad,
In fact they were the only family that I had,
I had to do homeschooling for we were too poor,
Yet, even with that I'd been happy as none before,
Then today fire took my home and the next I'd known
I was fighting for life on my own.

Julie didn't know what to say,
Yet she noticed even now Chloe seemed to be okay,
As if she'd accepted what had passed,
Hoping her parents would feel peace at last,
Linda and Clotild felt like they could relate,
It seemed as if tragedy was the common trait.

As they continued on their way,
Julie and her sister's story they relay,
Finishing with when they had met,
There was something Chloe couldn't forget,
She looked at Julie asking,"Why help me?"
For the reasoning she did not see.

Julie looked at her kindly and without hesitation said,
If I didn't move I knew you'd be dead,
I knew I couldn't leave you there to die
Hopeless though it seemed at the time I had to try,
I took a emergency class a few weeks ago you see,
And the first thing I was taught was never to flee.

The spell of silence was suddenly shattered,
When Julie noticed a girl pale and battered,
Who suddenly collapsed in a heap
As if she'd fallen fast asleep,
Julie went at once to her side,
Sweat thick on her brow she spied.

They knew something had to be done,
Already the setting of the sun had begun,
Julie drove as fast as she could,
And into view a little town stood,
Spotting a doctor's office the girls go,
Hoping the illness the doctor will know.

Slowly the girl began to groan,
Opening her eyes confusion shown,
Seeing her awake Chloe asked her name,
Instead of an answer a blank look came,
The doctor took the girl into another room
Returning a few moments later with a look of gloom.

"Please, she said gesturing to some seats,
With a critical look she asked,"How'd you meet?"
We were driving along when we saw her in the road,
The girls said as their concern clearly showed,
The girl sat in quiet destress as the doctor stressed
This poor child's memory is quite a mess.

"What could you possibly mean?" Julie asked at last,
The doctor answered as a pitiful glance she cast,
She doesn't know who she is or where she's from,
Linda asked," Then for her.....what is to come?"
She will have to go into foster care I'm afraid,
Yet as she said that the girl had swayed.  

Julie was at her side rather quickly,
As the girl appeared even more sickly,
Against Julie the girl then went,
As if to show her energy was clearly spent,
Julie and Linda laid her in a bed,
Knowing she heard all that was said.

The next day when the first ray of sun appeared,
The girl's condition seemed to have cleared,
She said to the doctor as if to get her to see,
I think those girls are my only family,
Julie heard what she said wondering where this would lead
For it appeared as if she planted a seed.

The doctor went to the girls asking if this was true,
"Yes, was the answer that Julie threw,
As the doctor could not prove them wrong,
The girl was allowed to come along,
Leaving the little town behind,
All appeared to have recent events on mind.

Finally Julie asked the girl as she wished to understand,
What was it that made it so she lied to change the plan,
The girl said at last, I felt a bit safer with you,
And I'm not saying that the doctor wouldn't know what to do,
But you helped me , even though you didn't know me at all,
I didn't want to be alone, she said appearing small .

They looked at the girl in a kind way,
At first not knowing what to say,
Finally, Linda asked if she remembered her name,
The girl responded with much disdain,
I'm afraid no name comes to mind,
And I want to leave my past behind.

It's time I start again she proclaimed,
As things can never be the same,
I think we should start with who I am,
So you can call me and all can understand,
How do you like Lucy as a name?
I think that will do nicely as it is simple and plain.

And Lucy was what the girl was to be known,
As if to show how she felt, relief was what had shown,
Lucy then listened to their adventure,
Ending with when they'd met her,
Lucy looked at Julie in a new light,
Saying, "now I know my decision was right."

When the day had come to an end ,
A night under the stars the girls did spend,
Do you ever think about that day ? Asked Clotild
Her voice was sadness filled,
Julie and Linda glanced at her and with pity said,
Clotild we've got to move ahead.

Clotild said nothing and proceeded to bed,
As if to shut out her sister's presence instead,
The next day away from her sisters Clotild did stay,
And not one word did she say,
They came at last to a city to see,
And angry mob corner a girl while she looked back defiantly.

The girls went at once to the scene,
So the situation they could glean,
Linda asked what they were doing,
The mob answered saying, a thief is who we're pursuing,
Linda got in front of the girl asking, "what has she stolen?"
A shop owner pointed saying, it's in the bag she's pullin.

Linda took the bag and looked inside,
In which many foods did reside,
The group glanced at the girl asking the cost,
Paying for the items they had lost,
As the mob slowly trickled away –
the girls asked why she didn't pay .

The girl hung her head Shamed,
you can't blame me she claimed,
at first they had not caught on,
it was then that a girl came along ,
she doesn't have any Home,
she's with me and we're on our own.

My name is Nancy and this is Carol she said,
saying this as if on thin Ice they did tread,
Julie stepped forward and said then,
We won't hurt you, we are friends,
Linda went to them with the bag
knowing that it was all they had.

Once the bag was in their possession,
Nancy said as her weariness began to lessen,
"Thank you for all that you did,"
and with that the farewell they bid
later that night where the girls stayed,
an unexpected visit Nancy and Carol paid.

Hey , Chloe said is everything okay?
Carol answered saying we decided not to stay,
the girls looked at each other asking where they go,
as all of them now wish to know ,
Nancy looked at the girls with hopeful pleasure,
Hoping to find a life that was better.

We were wondering if we could join you guys
and find out where our future lies,
Come and join us, Lucy said to them,
for now they only saw friends,
it was then their story they began to tell,
and at once silence fell.

We are sisters you see,
For so long we'd no where to be,
Believe it or not we had a home,
Better than any have ever known,
For a minute not a word was said,
Carol continued with a look of dread.

"We were well off because of our parents occupations,
The girls listened with much anticipation,
My mom was a doctor and dad was a lawyer you see,
That's why we were such a wealthy family,
One day, said Nancy picking up the story, that changed
Dad came and with mom words were exchanged.

Apparently, dad was being sued,
For as far as his client viewed,
Dad hadn't done all that he could,
Therefore to his client he was no good,
I don't know how much they took,
But the nerves of our parents it clearly shook.

Soon word spread throughout our town,
And eventually people stopped coming to him all around,
Soon mom had to pay for all of bills on her own,
And the stress of it had clearly shown,
One day our parents argued whether or not to send us away,
Carol and I didn't bother to stay.

The girls looked at them with dismay,
Wishing there was something they could say,
Nancy continued saying, the next day we packed our bags,
As she said this  her shoulders sagged,
We knew then that we'd never see our home again,
I thought Carol and I eventually mend.

We ran away from every place we were sent,
Even though no unkindness any family meant,
Since that time we've been alone with nowhere to go,
Sighing, Nancy said, now our story you know,
Julie put her hand reassuringly on Nancy's shoulder,
Thanks for letting us know, she had told her.

What about you? The two sisters wish to be told ,
So to the sisters the story did unfold,
Nancy and Carol stared at Julie with the look of awe,
As if realizing only now who it was that they saw,
Is this really true? They asked as if yet to believe,
It's true, they said as if to show they didn't deceive.

"We've heard of you! Carol said suddenly,
As if the memories of those events surfaced finally,
You were on the news a few days ago,
She looked at Nancy as if she'd know,
Yes, Nancy slowly said as if the story began to return,
Julie was surprised at what the news people had learned.

I just helped those who I thought I could,
Just like I think anyone should,
Carol and Nancy smiled at Julie as if happy to know,
To a new home with Julie they would go,
Several weeks had passed since their journey began,
And out of Europe they were as they planned.

Six days later in New York they came,
And though tired they were happy to be on land all the same,
Through the vast city the girls drove,
Right down New York's main roads,
Throughout the day many had noticed the girls go,
As recognition slowly began to grow.

Comments circled about them regularly,
"Can't we be left alone!", Clotild said sullenly,
Linda and Julie glanced at Clotild momentarily,
She was worse then they thought, they noticed worryingly,
They went to a park and set up camp for the night,
Somewhere that was out of sight.

The glow of the moon lit up their camp in soft light,
Julie and Linda had a feeling that Clotild wasn't alright,
She hardly paid them any heed,
And when they approached she'd recede,
They wished they could make her feel better,
But she was just too bitter.

The next day the girls went through  to Nebraska's state,
Clotild what's wrong? Chloe asked seeing a look of hate,
"I'm fine!" Clotild said violently,
The girls stared at her silently,
It was then that Linda and Chloe swapped,
As the others continued to look at Clotild shocked.

A village came out of the blue,
Those in the village had looked at them as if the girls they knew,
As they set up camp villagers watched in awe
Not believing who it was that they saw,
A girl said, " mommy it's the girl from tv,
The mother glanced in their direction saying-it is indeed.

Looking in their direction Julie sees,
Sheltered in the shade of the shops a girl looked on miserably,
Julie went at once to her to see what was wrong,
All at once had withdrawn,
As the girl noticed and began to retreat, Julie shouted wait!
Catching up Julie noticed that she was pale and under weight.

Are you okay? Lucy asked then,
As a cut Julie did tend,
Linda went and got her food and drink,
And looking at the girl Julie began to think,
Looking at the girl seeing the bleeding,
Julie asked her what was wrong and she said," I was fleeing."

Julie glanced at the others with concern,
Trouble at once they began to discern,
Julie took the girl into her tent,
The other girls to guard the tent they went,
An hour later Julie came out at last,
How bad is it? They asked noticing the look she cast.

Her name is Rose and she's frightened and has good reason,
Julie said this her voice began to lessen,
Last night her parents were robbed and killed,
She witnessed it Julie said her voice with concern filled,
After a minute she continued, apparently the robber knew,
She ran because she didn't know what to do.

She's still in shock unfortunately,
Since no one's caught him he's still at large you see,
She no longer has a home,
She's afraid and she's on her own,
We can't leave her alone with that man on the run,
Okay we'll leave tomorrow at the rising of the sun.

The next day at first light the girls left the village behind,
Each one with the thought of home on their mind,
The sky was crystal clear the air crisp and sweet,
For a minute a pair of eyes Julie did meet,
It was a figure of a boy her age she saw then,
She did not see him again.

For the rest of the day Julie's attention seemed to stray,
To that boy that didn't stay,
Who was it who she had seen?
Was it an illusion or a dream?
As she watched the smoke from their fire burn into the night,
Something went across Julie's sight in flight.

Julie got up and said,"whose out there?"
As this reaction seemed quite fair,
It was then a boy had appeared as a silhouette in the night,
Julie went up to him before he went out of sight,
Why are you following us? she asked her voice tight,
Looking at him Julie can tell something's not right.

Hello Julie, I've come to warn you,
So when the time comes you'll know what to do,
There is one among you you call your friend,
That person you'll lose in the end,
Julie glaring said, " What do you mean then?"
The boy said," the one you call a friend will betray you in the end

Beware he said on and on,
Then as suddenly as he appeared he was gone,
Julie looked at the place where the girls laid,
Suddenly feeling very afraid,
She didn't know why for she thought it couldn't be true,
So to bed she went and thoughts of that night flew.

The next day into Colorado they appeared,
For all the girls weariness at last had cleared,
As each knew their journey was about to end,
And soon all of them would have a home again,
Keeping that in mind, the girls look until a clearing they find
Where a cabin lay with trees behind.

The group went to work setting up camp,
As the air turned cool and damp,
The girls sat to eat dinner at 6:00 that night,
Finishing they feel tired and Julie knows something isn't right,
Because try as they did to stay awake,
Julie knew a drug was placed in something they ate or drank.

As Julie was the last to go down,
The closing of a door was her last sound,
When she woke at last around a room a glance was thrown,
As this room she had not known,
Wondering where you are? Asked Clotild in a mocking tone,
Julie looked at her as confusion shown.

Clotild what.....Julie stopped as understanding grew,
Julie felt as if she'd been hit in the face as she said,"It's you!"
"Why? Julie asked, what have any of us done to deserve this?"
Looking at the others who she originally missed,
Clotild glared as she said, " you don't care or know
To hear Julie this and Julie that wherever you go.

Yet even with that- before any of this began,
Instead of taking command,
You left mom in that fire to die,
And you didn't even bother to try!
So yes Julie, it was me
Because I had every right to be.

"Clotild, how could I have known this would of occurred?"
Yet even as she said this, she knew she wasn't heard,
Goodbye Julie, said Clotild as she stood,
"Clotild, Julie said realizing it'd do no good,
Julie tried to stand only to find her hands and feet tied,
Clotild ran out the door as the binds she tried.

When Julie freed herself to the door she went,
Without luck opening the door her energy she spent,
The others finally woke with a groan,
All went to Julie as she sat alone,
Linda came to her asking, Where are we?
And where is Clotild? For it was her they didn't see.

As they looked at Julie they knew something was wrong,
For she had an expression that didn't belong,
Julie told what happened and the girls began to dispute,
"It's true, said Julie at last , an answer they couldn't refute,
"What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do?
The answer of which nobody knew.

The door was locked from the outside,
And yet no matter how hard they tried,
The door had stayed in it's place,
It seemed like too much for the girls to face,
When all seemed lost and hopeless then,
The door opened revealing only a friend.

The boy Julie had met came at once to her side,
As a look of depression on her face he spied,
"Who are you? asked Rose suspicion clear in her voice,
I'm a friend and I'm here to help, he said by choice,
"How did you find us?" asked Julie her annoyance plain,
"I followed your sister as she took you away", he claimed.

We might as well leave as there is no reason to stay,
"Be wary, your sister intends to make you pay,
What on earth could you mean? asked Linda upset,
Wondering how much worse things could possibly get,
But again as suddenly as he had come to their aid,
He vanished as if to show they were too much delayed.

Their journey home they still went,
To each other their strength they lent,
Not one word had anyone said,
For due to recent events their hearts were filled with lead,
Finally a town came into sight,
As they came they noticed a girl in flight.

From trouble the girl ran,
Behind her as she went she scanned,
Glancing to where her eyes lead,
The group at once to guard the girl they sped,
For a few thieves at once took chase,
Stop! Julie said intent on putting them in their place.

They stopped asking, And why would we listen to you?
At once a fist Julie threw and away they flew,
At last the girl the group had found,
Julie went to her saying, "they're gone, no one's around."
The girl glanced shyly about,
Sure it was now safe she then came out.

"Why bother to help me when you didn't know me at all?"
With them after me, I don't see why on you responsibility'd fall,
They had no right to take from you,
And I knew there was something I could do,
The girl said, I don't even have a home,
I was going to try and  find a life of my own.

Would you like to come with us? asked Rose,
Really...yes please the girl said as the door on her past closed,
What is your name? asked Rose facing their new friend,
Sky, said the girl as a note of confidence she did send,
Where you heading? asked Sky as they left the town behind
Linda said, we're hoping our dad we'll find.

Sky asked confused, what could you mean?
So the girls explained how their journey came into being,
Sky was so amazed that for a minute she could only say,
Julie there's no way
They looked at her and Lucy said, it's true,
And her admiration of Julie quickly grew.

Sky then said, I am sorry that your sister lost her way,
For the wound was still fresh and twas a heavy price to pay,
Thank you, Julie said to break the ice,
For silence had latched on as a vice,
At long last to their father's house they came,
Realizing to each girl life wouldn't be the same.

Knocking on the door as anticipation did build,
Throughout Julie's being fear had filled,
For Clotild's eyes Julie had met,
A look Clotild sent as if to say Julie's actions she'd regret,
At once Clotild took flight-
Quickly vanishing from Julie's sight.

"We need to get inside now, Julie said urgently,
The girls glanced at Julie not seeing what the trouble could be,
Julie? Asked Linda with growing concern,
Seeing what she could learn,
She's here, was all Julie had said,
The girls heard and looked around with dread.

The door opened to show a man with a serious look,
Asking angrily," where is the money that you took?
Your money was stolen? Was it by a girl with blond hair?
The man looked annoyed saying yes as if he'd despaired,
We'll get it back, Julie said taking off with speed,
To the place where Clotild had fleed.

Clotild was hiding in a group of trees in view of all,
"Clotild, Julie's voice did call,
Don't make this harder than it needs to be,
Julie ran into the area as the threat she didn't see,
Running at Julie blind with rage a knife she drew,
Yet as the knife was ****** in Julie it didn't go to.

For right as it came it was Rose who took the blow,
And slowly to the ground she did go,
Dropping the knife Clotild ran,
As she noticed the failure of her plan,
"Rose, Julie said as she sank into her arms weakly,
Her breath came rather futility.

Rose weakly noticed all the girls had gathered around,
They watched shocked and no one made a sound,
Julie asked her voice sad "Why did you jump in front of me?"
Rose smiling said, Julie you taught us all what we should be,
Wincing she said, I didn't want my friend to die,
So futile though it appeared at the time, I knew I had to try.

Rose had tears in her eyes,You gave more than I ever dream of,
Julie cried as Rose went to be with the ones she loved,
After everything Rose had been through,
Julie felt peace for she knew
At last her wish came true,
At once Clotild Julie went to pursue.  

But Julie didn't have to go long,
Seeing Clotild's hands tied Julie's eyes were drawn,
For next her a boy stood tall,
Seeing Julie a serious look did fall,
The money taken to their dad they returned,
Julie then to her dad she turned.

Do I know you? Her dad asked looking at her hard,
Suddenly appearing on guard,
"Dad, It's me Julie, she said as her voice cracked,
"Julie, is it really you? Her dad said as to react,
Why are you here? And why are these girls with you?
So introducing the girls, Julie explained what they'd been through.

For a while, Joe hung his head in shame,
Your mother's dead? As if he was to blame,
"It's not your fault!"Julie said with conviction,
"Yes it is, he said looking stricken,
I was a cop and I promised our plan wouldn't change,
For a time it worked he said this he aged.

What? Julie said wanting to understand,
Joe didn't meet her eyes, my job kinda took command,
I missed our anniversary and your birthday,
After a time your mother said she couldn't stay,
That was the last I'd heard from her unfortunately,
For years you girls were all I wanted to see.

"Dad,  we can be a family again,
Linda said jumping in hoping strength she'd lend,
Joe looked up with a sad look in his eyes,
But why would Clotild blame us for your mother's demise?
Julie said, She's broken and just looking for someone to blame,
I'm sad to say, she is not at all happy we came.

Joe looked at his girls and said, you truly wish to live with me?
Wondering where the reasoning could be,
Yes, said Julie I promised these girls a chance to restart,
I told them with us they'd always be a part,
Then yes, you can come and live with me here,
Hearing the girls did cheer.

Turning to the boy Julie smiled back,
You like me, she said as if it were fact,
What makes you think that? the boy asked in a mocking tone,
Looking up Julie noticed a smile had shown,
So why then did you come to our aid?
Because to the those girls survival a huge part you played.

So who are you? Julie asked then,
A tone of curiosity she did send,
My name is john if you really wish to know,
And as of now I don't intend to ever go,
Leading John into her home
A happy ending the girls at last had known.

Until we meet again  -
I have 2 words and they're The End
This is the first epic poem I've ever written. It's based on a story I wrote as a kid.
Autumn Rose Aug 2016
The last firebird flied
over her as she stood
on the last crumbling
Prickley pine trees
shivering above the dew,
the first breath of the
winter in her soul was
icing through the flowers.
She fleed the Golden-emerald
city, heart broken by the
gong of war.
Sinking her nails deep into
the ground.
Sheding tears of a dragon
from the crystal eyes
of the universe.
Falling down
her porcelain face.
A work of art.
Her lips red,to seem like
cherries in the spring.
Casting a glance at the pale moon
while the wild wind was
howling to the north.
Ruler of the skies
as the morning stars sang together,
looking different today.
In the shadows of her lace fan,
the silky blossom on the
kimono dress.
Embroided with the silver thread
of moonlight, encrusted with
the diamonds of night.
The great ocean waves can't destroy
her purple throne.
Although left all alone, she will
never surrendor.
The obediance will suffocate
from her light, rising like the sun
after the dusk once again.
Because she is... the Empress
Rj Feb 2015
she and I had fleed around from each other for so long that finally we just got tangled up together and lay down
Carson Mcullers A Tree. A Rock. A cloud
CapsLock Mar 2015
Down goes the night,
somehow I just can tell.
Another day with no sunlight
and I'll spend it in my cell.

I once did a bad deed,
I shooted someone in the head
then I ran, I quickly fleed,
before he dropped dead.

Yes, I had my reasons
for such a hideous crime,
but that doesn't help in prision
where I'm doing my time.

I know I had it coming...
I know justice was served.
but I hate to feel rotting...
Rotting in my cell...
One for J. Cash
Max Chisholm Jul 2010
I wonder what would happen, if you came through my hood
Sitting back for hours, wondering if you should
Will you keep your eye over your shoulder, at the man behind
Just because he looks, like he’s on the grind, in a bind
Or maybe cause your thoughts, are already intertwined
You judged us from the start, step one till the end
When you came around the corner, now your acting like a friend
Now I’m beginning to wonder, what your willing to spend
So I won’t expose the fact, that your friendship is pretend
What’s more important, your wallet or well being
Looking at your stance, your on the verge of peeing
Scared out of your mind, is it a ghost that your seeing
You think were gonna hurt you, well were not disagreeing
Hand on your phone, calling cops for your freeing
Now step back from your fear, see who really needs to be freed
Stuck in this world of prejudice, originated from greed
When can I move on, from the hatred that I’ve fleed
Treated different and tortured, cause I’m not of your creed
Now I’m gonna make up for my pain, get even with this deed
Let’s see how you handle it, when your soul begins to bleed
Georgi Naydenov Jul 2019
A red moon cast on a folly filled night
Humans hid away in fright
A haunting melody was in the air tonight
For the Bone King had arisen from his lair

A lone maiden of silky woven red dared
For she ventured into lands mortals bewared
Slowly following the music of the dead
Not knowing where it led

She encountered the King amongst the tombs of the undead
The land around him had already dwindled
Not even a single flower had remained
But she did not dare fleed

Slowly she took his bony hand
As they danced amongst his land
The Bone King was in disbelief
Why was this fair maiden not scared?

“Maiden, wherefore art thou not afraid? I dareth not guaranteeth thou art safe, f'r I am but a monst'r.”
“Why should I be afraid of the most magnificent being ever made? My king, you fail to understand, for our souls are a reflection of one another.”
"I am a monst'r, am I not? F'r all apart from thee did withdraw, leaving me withthe sc'rn undead."
"You are for them, my King. But what value do the words they utter hold? Beauty rests in the eye of the beholder."

"And f'r me, thou art the most wondrous."
This is my personal edit on a short poem under the video "Waltz of the Bone King". Credits for half of the poem and for the idea that sparked my interest go to "Infinite Daydreams"
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
Tis anesting, such sweet sparrow,
hath thou fleed from an icy grip,
tis springtime's warming blow,
that melts such waters, now to sip.

Tis some tunes, of squabbles in
thy nest, a gentle tugging snack,
of tasty worm, a hearty din
that chicks, with joy attack.

Alas, poor nesting sparrow,
thy chicks and you will flee,
when there comes the cold and snow,
then, I wonder where thy be.
Andra May 2015
i never would've thought that seeing again those eyes that
i already
the heart would weep a little
and would languish,
and the stomach would rub its walls stressed that
the hands were shaking too.

there. thats how everything fleed inside my body,
like there's a competition between organs:
which one will break down first.
the lungs, they can not breathe anymore,
the brain, going into "freeze" mode,
the legs, suddenly not having any bones,
but a sort of gelatine that rather flows,
and flows,
and these eyes that want to wash my cheeks,
my sins.

*I think,
that mum was right
when she said
that love is nothing but
chemistry and hormones...
Bellie-boo Nov 2013
A train pulls into the station,
A taxi pulls up and drops someone off at the same station.

A man climbs out of the taxi breifcase in hand,
A women pulls up clad in a office dress heels held in hand.

At midnight a man boards a train heading north,
somewhere along the way a women also boards the same train heading north.

The man started at one point,
The women another point.

The man came alone,
The women inspite reality never felt alone.

Two cups of hot coco sat together,
Two pairs of feet snuggled under the blanket together.

The train came to a hult,
As so did the conversations hult.

A breifcase left the train station,
A pair of heels fleed the station.

As a taxi was hailed the breifcase was placed on the floorboard,
The heels klanked to the ground of the taxi's floorboard.

A man drove off in a taxi,
A women stole away in a taxi.

They may not have started together,
But they ended together.
Master of all voices
“There will come a time when you choose radiant over dire.
A moment when you don't feel the rage but choose to remember the spirit.
Look to those moments and be ready to defend your home ancient
For the world is not enough to get rid of enemy’s heat”
“Come Centaur! Crush them beneath your hooves!
I want you to put some weight on them
Because they don’t really care what are our moves
Kick every untrust worthy enemy creep”
“I can’t carry you all at times alone
Make them fear the hammer, Omniknight.
Don’t let them near me on fire
I don’t want to get fired up this early
So get ready to open up the sight”
“Motred! I want you to work hard
Let them get back to their ancient
With the fear of coup de grace
Until then you go your way”
“When did they start destroying our structures?
And our pursuit for peace lead to fight.
Our alliance leads to their battle rage
I look around and I see the Drow ranger crawling silently”
“Our Omni knight is busy preparing first aid
The agony is deafening .
Our battle is rumbling down.
It looks as if all going to clash”
“With our attacks swollen
I am desperately collecting rifles
The destruction is resuming
Awareness is lost”
“Yet even in all of that there is a glimmer of hope
The echoing strike of coup de grace
In Centuar’s smile
Or Windrunner’s silly laugh “
• It's the smells of battle that stay with you long after they've ended.
• In Stonehall it was blood and sulfur, smoke, and rot and fear...
• You won't win the war by dying for your Ancient.
• You'll win by making the other dumb, unfed ******* die for theirs!
“Redness of bloodshed of creeps
The colour of blood boiling enemy . The height of unreached cliff
And time of unfeared battle rages”
“Fake moves, helpless creeps Fell for the need to push Now the fluid flowing through the woods For they have started the attack.”
“Alleria! Get some air from the bottle
Shackle those ******* one or two
I bet Drow didn’t learn your power shot
So why stay still? Get them”
“Axe held his axe ready, standing very still at rune side,
The even minute ticked
He charged towards me,
I was taken by surprise by Rubbick.”
“He lifted me up in the dark vacuum.
then Axe ran to get me with his axe
As my weapon fell to the ground.
I yelled Omni! In a second he purified me”
“Axe and Rubbick backed off with bleeding heart
I pressed attack and drew first blood on Axe
Some general you turned out to be!”
“Nevermore saw pain in me, but I fleed to ancient
Motred and Centuar were hungrily covering Traxex and Void
Keep up Windrunner! Try to call off Blue ranger”
“As I went with the cry, the smell of hell clicked my instinct
I drew duel against demon, Shadow fiend…I challenge you
But he escaped… We weren't finished!....”
soul Nov 2018
Get up in the night,
In my mind to find the light
Holding the white candle,
But Darkness was getting hard to fight
Lost in the narrow woods,
No space between the tree to peek outside,
There goes the stars shinning  bright
moon being the cheater snatching all the lime light,
In my heart I feel a tide
Of emotions that wants me to hide,
There lies my injured heart
With a arrow along the middle side,
Something blinds my vision
Like it doesn't want me to see ,
The picture of the site that had fleed
All my sense comes to stand still,
When their happy memories comes to live
With champaign in one,
And the knife in other
That they used to stab me,
Multiple times without a hustle
For moving on you have to let go, then how come I am not able to let it go?
Riot Jul 2016
Dilusional baracades
I've said everything I've ever needed to say
But it doesn't seem to be enough to go around

rose thornes in our poisened heads
stitched together with needle and thread
we take our brains and dip them in lead
it smells just fine to me

Dimmed dreams and shiny things
we thing about the lies we used to feed
feed ourselves and our decorated bleeds
Nothing is right
Because once we all had fleed
It was nothing but dimmed dreams
and shiny things
Useless Stardust Nov 2017
I am the king of my pieces,
where the king owns the game,
my pawns are gone,
my knights are slain,
my rookes have fleed,
and my castles decayed,
all is left is me and my Queen,
she protects me,
like a cloak of safety,
I don't want to end like this,
no, not this way,
in this game of where the king controls,
I want to save her,
I want to protect her
its not supposed to be the other way,
I try to help,
I am useless,
I am weak,
I cannot do such thing,
it is not in my power to,
I'm afraid to lose my Queen,
kelvin mungai May 2016
Its time to run
I have failed to learn
My mistakes are hot on pursuit
Am donned in nothing but my birthday suit
The hunter has become the hunted
My dark future is now haunted
Their love is gone
In place fury has been born
My pen has become my enemy
The wrong i have made him commit are many
Its time to hide
Time to tuck my creativity back into my mind
Writing i have to bade goodbye
My fake hope no one has to buy
For my poetry has to die
This will be my last piece
And hope my hunters will make peace
To all the ink i have spilled am sorry
The tormentor has fleed no more worry
I apologize for staining the paper
But from your world i will disappear like vapor
To all poetry fan its no time to cry
I woun't be there your tears to dry
Am getting tired of flight
But i have run off arsenals to fight
For those i have misled
Read this final piece and assume me dead
If you don't hear from me sooner
Know my mistakes made me a goner
Pen down
Keiri Dec 2019
A wolf's howl deep in the night
The moon shining peaceful bright
The trees embracing the subtle light
The cubs crawling with all their might

A wolf running trough the vast mountain
Running along with its kin
A human tripping over her chin
By the name of Din

She's frail and small with red eyes
The wolf glares at her common lies
With her came the darkness demise
Red were all the skies

She summoned an eternal dark
The cubs all started to bark
Momma wolf growled and marked
With her body she made an ark

The girl laughed hysterically here
The forest was filled with eyeing leer
The cubs were shaking with fear
Momma wolf kept her close to her dear

But the storm passed by a loyal knight
Before known they saw a calming light
Farore's howl soothed the fright
The girl fleed the haunted night

The woman kneeled for the wolf she saw
And a triangle glowed on her right paw
She is now the mother of three
But the fourth is chosen to set them free.

The one chosen by Farore to save the day
Her fourth son will keep the monsters at bay
Followed by a glowing star shouting ''Hey''
They will bring peace and keep it to stay
A fan poem...
When you know what I'm talking about: You had a great childhood ;)
Also..... forgive me for including Navi, but I had to XD
Ngamau Boniface Dec 2015
I loved it not when the bed grew cold
Birds chirped no more and their delight fleed
Day became as night, dark and forbidding
Mystery wrestled my mind restless
Around me, movement ceased,life ebbed away
I felt the breath fade faint
A joy departed never to be enjoyed
the stillness of it unsettled the springs of fluid drowning my eyes
and as the torrents cascaded, a trembling hand reached up.
But the deep called after me also
It held a gift to unravel
Scared and scathed though I was,
I somehow had to win some bread
With each step there grew greater uncertainty
I keep trudging on...
Alexia Bliss Mar 2016
Looking around to see
Corpse all around and
Everything deserted,
Weird thing is people
And the corpses are
battling people are
Losing till we fleed to
safer ground,
Listening you hear
Battle calls,
Looking around and having
An fear of heights, is
peaceful dream or a
Walk in the park,
Compared to what I see and
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
My Heart came alive again today
But it was only a tease
Nonetheless I soaked up the magic
Until the moment fleed
I learn you've learned about me
Though you've only heard one side
Nonetheless that you jumped to attack
Made the magic in my heart die
Nonetheless I'm still enamoured
Just of the world beyond your snare
I'll go dreaming, rocking to and fro
Finding a spirit my wounds to bear
Potato Jul 2019
You entered my life
Like a shade on a moonless night
And just as quickly
You went away

You took away my sight
With promises of bliss
And for a while
You were right
I'd give it all again
for another kiss

But you exited my life
Like a shade on a moonless night
So dark and free
Fleed the light of day

You burned away my light
With the fire you began
And for a while
It felt right
I'd do it all again
for another chance

You changed my life
Like a shade on a moonless night
Because now I can see
And now I stay away
love Mar 2020
I am sitting on your fading Utopia,
Dispersed in the Saturn's rings,
My home,
Your cold shoulder.

No need for permission,
You love the grenade's smell.
The rage,
The bullets,
Penetrates -
I  am wounded but sacred.

Fleed from your captivity,
But I am still a part of you
I will carry my broken limbs,
Disjoining, to find sth new.

A concrete tomb,
I will make it my home.
My body can rot,
Sprinkle perfume,
To hid the truth.

Hid in the creeks,
Hid under the moon.
But will never  divulge,
To your utopia's rule.
hsn Jan 14
topsy turvy truth
silent lips and shut teeth
sweat swells solemnly  

i beat around the bush

to find the peace of mind
that has fleed in a fearful frenzy
being too afraid to say the truth
Bekah Halle Jan 9
How conflicting life is, to which we desire:
Fame, fortune, faith, fellowship and all freedoms;
To wonder with open eyes, all my heart sucomes,
Being fully present in the beauty and mire.

One man's shoes: ***** boots laden with pebbles
Brothel-bound, consumed by ****** delights that bleed,
Poison in others’ souls, from which he fleed,
To find comfort elsewhere, the ego revels.

Another sacrifices her desires but still hordes
Possessions and worldly opinions consume,
Drunk affirmations that do not comfort or bloom
Known to him only horrors in which his mistress lords.

Coin and notes, to the world, connotes successes,
But inwardly hollow; the soul finds rest none,
White walls, stone statues, pillars aplenty plom
Yet free is not them from psychological stresses.

It is theirs to endure while here...

— The End —