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galaxy of myths Nov 2017
The bitter truth is that
I am not what you want.
Not your fave ice cream flavour,
not your fave flower,
not your cup of tea,
not your fave tee.
I'm not your fave song,
not your fave scent,
not your fave weather,
not your fave sweater,
just not your fave anything.
My entire being.

The ugly thing is that
you're precisely what I want.
You're my fave ice cream flavour,
my fave flower,
my cup of tea,
my fave tee.
You're my fave song,
my fave scent,
my fave weather,
my fave sweater,
my fave everything.
Your entire being.

At least we can both agree to disagree
Judy Ponceby Oct 2010
I was a chaparone at the All Hallow's Eve dance.
Listening to the band play Halloween faves,
and watching the eyeballs floating in the punch.

The background decor, seems made for Doomsday.
Grungy, haunted house theme, hellish ghouls,
Gargoyles gone mad, witch's brew, and bats all aflutter.

Here and there between the goth and the empath,
a psychopath roams, silently stalking his prey,
amongst the frightening selection of costumed kids.

The mental resilience to survive such horrors,
depends on your grasp of reality.  Realizing the lights,
the music, the garish dress, meerly decor for this night's festivities.

And yet, underlying this ghoulish fun, a sense,
a sense of doom, and *******, by something
otherly, stalking its prey, seeking that single moment.

To bring to light in the dim, ghostly haze,
a wickedness yet unknown to those attending.
That ever vile teacher, bent on making those around her suffer.

We have all seen her, stride the halls purposely,
Giant mole on her chin, Ruler in Hand.
Striking fear in the strongest of souls.
That authoritarian of witches, Ms. Nasher the Head Basher!

For Can you Spare a word or 5?
Psychopath.  Chaperone.  Resilience.  Doomsday.  *******.
st64 Dec 2013
marvel at the complex-pattern
painting such a span of swirls
light-panels less than shimmer
in the afternoon shadows on the wooden kitchen-table
biggest fear - your leaving

beautiful summer-days lost in your eyes
oblivion dances like a wily-***** at hypnotising fire-licks
from our languid-bed, I'd lazy-feed you lox-on-crackers
and everything you liked
heaven never had it so good


woke up and *you weren't there

where'd you go to?
no letter, no call.. for days

to overcome this fear
I brought in a  b-i-g-g-e-r  one
that used to drive me to serious-pitfalls in the past

off to the exotic pet-shop, my toes marched me
and I got one - very toxic thing on legs
without a natural terrarium

once home, I set it free
I set free.... my biggest fear
        to blot out your absence
        to overcome your presence
        to forget you

it crawled around and made a home
while I hardly breathed nor slept
and moved about on ginger-steps

I kept feeling strands of your hair
          in my sleep
          on my cheek
          inside my cry
and woke to moonlight bathed in sweat

I did not wash your pillow, after weeks now
I bury my face in olfactory-memory lingering
and pine for you, but I see your missing set of keys and..

/ scratch .. scratch /

I hear a sudden scurrying
heartbeat jumps out cage
eyeballs to the parquet-floor


I'm getting used to this new pet
and she doesn't mind my breathing
                    oh, I swear she's a brain-scanner
                    when she looks at me that way
                    like she can read me.. through and through

I dare not pet, I dare not touch... ohhhh no!
       I leave her the daily-bowl of delicious, fresh worms
       to find it empty in the evening
I guess, thanks for freedom.. of sorts

one day, I left the window open
as I jotted down some poignant thoughts
at my antique-escritoire
    espied her legs upon the solar-sill
    thought she'd be running... a leaver, too
but no..    
                 she was sunning all her legs awhile

the season's changing.. leaves are falling
crackle of wind in the air

now, I'm making me some coffee in my silver whistle-***
hot, solo beverage to calm my settling-mind
when.. ping-ping.. comes a text
lo and behold....
it is you...


delirium / delirium /
(I'm on cloud-nine... you're coming home tonight..
                                      you love me so much, you say..
                                      made a mistake..
                                       you've got something big to share..

I've taken time to prepare a special-meal.. candles and all your faves
but must pop out quick to get some lox...)

I'm back now, got the stuff now
key in lock
but the door.. jammed by a weight.. of sorts
can't seem to push the ****-door open...
shoving hard, I see........

fear compounded by a minus
simply multiplied

S T - 4 dec 13
plan(e) in the air.. pushing tin's a fine way to get there :)

sub: fly

days fly by
on wing of trust
in rusty-daze
Chabadtzke Jun 2018
People say I'm obsessive, and I wholeheartedly agree. I'd die for a favorite artist, and I reread stories I like until I hate them. I force myself to love every song performed by "my band", to a point where I'm not entirely sure which of their tunes actually earned their place in my heart.
It brings to mind a modern-Hebrew term, "protektzia". It can be translated as social leverage, or "pull". Protektzia is when you are related to the administrator of an elite high school, or when you're friendly with the secretary of a sought-after doctor. It's as if songs walk up to me and say, "hey, I know I'm not that great, but I was written by so-and-so!"
All that changes when old Depression drops by. Suddenly, things I cared so much for are meaningless. It's like quarreling with a close friend. Although, I don't hate my former faves so much as scorn them, for being silly enough to exist.
Why does depression do this to me? Because depression is the drainage of passion. As a cow needs to be milked and a dripping air-conditioner needs a bucket, what are obsessions if not an outlet for the passion contained in the heart?
But neither are necessary when the cow is dead and the AC off.
Thankfully, depression to me is a mood rather than a condition, and so I host frequent reunions with my beloved idols.
You are all invited!
Miley Cyrus Dec 2014
So like i wowke up
and i was like i'm gonna read me some poetry
and i did it like..psshh **** it i did it
and i ripped 3 of my faves out
and decided i was gonna be positive right here right now
and decide to be ready for whatever comes my way and to change
because whatever i can't handle now...was designed that way that i could grow and learn from it
so im sorta prepared to change
jammin to miley currently
and i'm just gonna chill
and be completely in the moment
doing my thang
because first of all it's my life
and we don't live in eternity
we live in a world full of people trying to make it
feel important and interpret life
so i don't blame them for being complete *******
but this time around im focusing solely on me
...time is winding down..and life's too short to count up who the **** hates me
and wonder how am i gonna show so and so how much i don't give a **** today my life should be filled up with joy, adventure, and i'm gonna push my self to do that
me personally chooses not to give a **** about ****
that's me
that makes me happy
and ******* can talk, can laugh, and what not
but it's my life
straight up like i'm sorry if i offended you or if your angry of something that's going on in my bubble
but whatever our world right
but i'm focused on what i'm doing and on what the **** I want do
and I know you people viewing are like what the hell
your right
TR3F1LD May 2023
his own & this world's realities are like the fuzz in the States
they're ones to escape, which is a plan of attack
that, like a unit of ammo dispatched
to the bean of a **** autocrat dying physically damaged & sad
hits his deli̲ght-bankrupt brain; like Donald the dung piece, today
he feels bold, so maybe there'll be, like abundance of cake
fortune coming his way
["fortis fortuna adiuvat"/"fortune favors the bold"]
this one's a schmuck thing to say
but this club reminds of Ukraine (what?)
he, like motorized cavalcades from the next-door empire, invades
its territory causing, like unaccommodating writer, a sla[ɛ]m
[Eminem & his "Unaccommodating" song]
as he shuts the door frame; obvi, sO̲me people may
find them bars offensive, like an armed aggression
so my apologies, I'm somewhat ashamed
mainstream house stuff is on play
a thought in his skull: "this is lame"
Michael S. straight after he turned around & stumbled on blamed
Toby F.; through the crowd he cuts like a blade
[the ending of the "Frame Toby" episode cold open from "The Office" series]
having hopped U̲p on the stage
as if it were a narcotic substance you've ta'en
he, so loud as if with his cullions in grave
nU̲t-wrenching pain, bawls: "THIS ****** *****!", like a brace
of thigh highs colored with stains of blood; yanderE̲[eɪ]
["*****"; "so[ɑ]cks"]
schoolgirl; disgruntled, he makes for the f#cking DJ
delivers a verbal punch in his face by the fo[ɑ]llowing phrase:
"boy, go house-sit with your confounded
boring house sh#t, just like a housewyf"
whereafter thrusts him away
ending the uproar with "ciao, drip!"
music-wise, it's gon' go hard as nuts in this place
as if a flock of ones who're deranged
["who're" is supposed to be read/pronounced as "whoor"]
swung by a club in the wake of a ****** **[ɑ]spital break (nuts in this place)
he puts on midtempo dark cyberpunky synthwave
Gesaffelsteinish mid-paced
type of music; that's what drives his crumpet insane
speaking of crumpets, he spots a buxomish babe
while nodding his ******* nut to this cray
music, he feels like a **** being aimed
at, for she stands with her sight, like one of a gun, fixed his way
for a few secs, at each other they gaze
she's quite a fox with her vibrant locks
reminding of flame; somebody call a fire brigade
hourglass-shaped & rigged out in tight pa[ɛ]nts & a blouse
with a U̲-neck, like a fella without
*****, & leaving her waist a bit out
on display; he makes his way to this frau
salutates her with "ciao"
she greets him with just the same, then he mouths
the following: "babe, you're way like a house
for lodging that's nowhere to be found
that is, in the deep of a labyrinth"
she's like: "what in the void's name's this about?"
he replies: "I'ma translate that one now"
"the way you look's amazing, ten out
of ten", like that "KleanColor" skin bro[ɑ]nzer
["a maze inn"; "Tan Out Of Tan"]
she makes a soft smile, then replies: "ain't you nice, pal
when you lay your thoughts out?"
"not being nice would be a crime
when you face a fine gal
like you", - he replies
"if so, rejecting the company of a guy so gracious would count"
as a crime too", - she replies
being a music-lover with such a need fO̲r it it's
stuff he cA̲[ɛ]n't live without
the guy asks the gI̲rl if she
fa[ɛ]ncies this sound
her reply is affirmative
she says she, mostly, faves underground
kinds of music; they vibe
to these tunes being pU̲t on, just like
that loony sh#twipe the whole antifa community'd like
to see end up ruined, just like
Aleppo or Mariupol; stop, I'd
like, before the main telling resumes, to rewind
a little: the newly-met vibe
to these hard-hitting beats put on; he finds
out, when asking her what drinkable fluid she'd like
to have, that she deems it uncool to imbibe (*****)
he replies: "to tell you the truth, so do I"
so if there's somebody to end up lit during this night
it is the moon in the sky
["some body"]
soon after having their soft drinks taken, they bounce
like the name of the style
of music brought into this wO̲rld heaps
before chicks twerking
blew into the mainstream like "blaow!"
like a sick pervert that digs scourging
while engaged in a bout
of carnal fun, he's got a whip ordered
they wait for several mins for it
finally, the motorized conveyance comes out
like a deb girlie
he trails this fox like she's prey to hunt down
watching her proceed to[–]ward it
in a way like she's on a catwalk waving around
a rig splurgy
having hopped in it, to a lodging place they set out
the saucy look in her eyes
once his palm is put on her thigh
a kind of luminous sign–
–board reading: "absolutely alright
with going on a lewd spree tonight"
"a night out rhyme tale, part I" by TR3F1LD (TRFLD) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (to view a copy of this license, visit

"a night out rhyme tale, part II":

"a night out rhyme tale, part III":
Scarlet McCall Aug 2016
To eat or not to eat, that is the question.
A doughnut, ******, airy I’ll consume--
adjust my diet later to make room--
or falsely reject pastries’ sweet delight
while bingeing pasta deep into the night?
Doughnut, thou art satisfying, sweetly
filling morsel, savored now discreetly—
perhaps a little midday’s sugar craving
is better solaced, hunger I’ll be staving
off, resisting better night time craves.
‘Tis better, easier to have the faves;
by portions small on calories I’ll save,
and skip on other dishes that don’t taste
as sweet and crispy, but go straight to waist.
This is one of the first poems I ever wrote, following the dictum "Write what you know" ;)
Spyley Sep 2010
Kiley in italics
Just Kyle in regular text
Spencer and Kyle in bold

And so it begins...

At poets I laugh
Silly boys with their rhyming
here I sit smiling

gracefully moving
She smiles at my poem
I smile at hers.

She burns all my books
I cry all the time, never over
She is my new fav

I cry when books burn,
Angrily **** those who burn
Even my new faves

She giggles all day
try to **** but always fail
She will live forever

None live forever
Though the war will never end.
We're back in the game

You silly little
youngster and second class guys
I will always win

Powerful, she is
yet she has less "class" than we.
She cannot beat us

two plus three is five
Indeed, but two men do not equal
that of one woman

In their clutter'd brains
Women make odd equations
that just make no sense

men cannot add things
men will never understand
the ways women speak

When girls start to speak
All we hear is rabble ra-
bble rabble rabble

Open up your ears
You have lost this game today
I'm done and win, *****.

Kiley exits
Traveler Mar 2016
Dear Sally:

     Hi! I see you stopped by my page, you're always so thoughtful!
And I did stop by your page, you know, to see what you've been up to lately.
      Unfortunately, yet fortunately, I ran into all my favorite HP Poetess and poets that you so kindly re-posted. And so after reading down your list and commenting and liking all our wonderful friends' poems, I realized I never found your poems.
      Anyways, Thank you Sally for giving me a new home page to read my faves.
       Seriously though, you are very awesome and have a wonderful heart!

Sincerely Traveler
Thanks to Denel, Pud, Eddy and the list goes on!
Soon these Oceans will Breathe your Nation's Flag
The Next White Wave bid your Empire Win
Of all your Faves to Labours your Efforts glad
Now Breed the Cup to place your Feet within
And will such Dream - as Clouds will gladly tell
Care to Raise this Jewel we call the Sun
Feign these Figures as one Critic un-well,
These Tripe-Haste Metaphors ensure your Fun
For what be such Success if Peppered Smiles
Seasoned to Last as any Great Athlete knows
A Pinch on your Cheek; And Gold on your Miles
All where Heart's be Heart your Country's Shine glows.
Still you Conquered - Cakes bittered by Life's Truth
Frost these Doubts - SIGNORA! Then Taste your Youth.
"Do you like looking at the stars?"

I guess. Maybe.

Yes of course. I have ever since.

"What color is your favorite?"

Not quite sure. Rainbow??

Blue! Definitely blue.

"Do you like pizza?"


Yes!  Yes!

You weren't aware
how I was never sure
til' you came but never cared
I've long been searching for a cure
For my uncertainty in life
and cowardice
But you slashed all of those with a knife
And made them all worse
when I thought you had the antidote
never knew I read the wrong note

Now from my faves
they started to become my dislikes
from my midnight craves
now I start to say "yikes"

And that is the summary of your impact
throughout my life~
Charles Sturies Nov 2018
I imagine Kathryn Mcphee as a crocheter.
I imagine Kyra Sedgwick as cooking
Divine tuna noodle casserole.
I imagine Liz Taylor as being a good
I imagine Brandy as an expert in  making
Chocolate layer cake
I imagine Tina Turner as a collecter
of rare beer bottles.
Scarlet McCall Apr 2024
To eat or not to eat; that is the question.
A doughnut--******, airy--I’ll consume,
adjust my diet later to make room,
or falsely reject pastries’ sweet delight
while bingeing pasta deep into the night?
Doughnut, thou art satisfying; sweetly
filling morsel, savored now discreetly—
perhaps a little midday’s sugar craving
is better solaced, hunger I’ll be staving
off,  resisting better night time craves.
‘Tis better, easier to have the faves;
by portions small on calories I’ll save
and skip on other dishes that don’t taste
as sweet and crispy, but go straight to waist.
The prompt was to write a platonic love poem. Sugar, one of my true loves.
Slam my hip down
Hipbone a Warm teardrop
Ripples on impact
My body
Of water
The stage

Walls turn wonderland
As the pills kick drum
I am the bass drop
Hands dove letter
To my mouth
The room waves
As she stands staring
Knees locked in contrapassto
Pinstripes in my eyes
I have no need for the white eyes
Or white fabric
Purity was always
your delusion
Dreamt into syringes
Pricked into tiny faves
Fat with cake and promises from their daddy's
Or any man
With a poloroid camera

I am standing on the ceiling
Chandler trees raze
And solidify a shining icy stasis
Large and formal
Cold and towering
Tables glued upside down overhead
tiny tealights stuck too
Fire flickers down

You are a spotlight
All Lighthouse

Curvature of the earth
You beam clairvoyance
Shake your head.
Free of these lighthouses
You are under tealight s
A woman dances

Your hand touches your tie
Wrist muscles with fingers stimming
Champagne watch
Navy sleeve

Soft hand on your cheek.
Sue K Connally Feb 2014
What could get me
more likes
more love
more faves

what can I do for more attention and Views today..?
I know..

Watch me create
look at this
I made this overnight

Look at this funny post
I found it.. I poured over the images and stories to find this
to return it to
My Page

watch me real-time pour my soul out on your screen
I will complain and throw verbal tantrums of

crying out
for love
for views
for likes
or just sympathy

Look at all of these images of me and all of the people
in my
see there, ..
that's when I was happiest
Isn't that amazingly great?..
like it

Support my life
with your attention
Confirm to me
you see
You see the persona I am sculpting through my Feed

I am the Best

I am just beautiful

I am so inspiring and desirable
to study
and to affirm

And when we meet in person
you will know
that I know
That you like the image I have projected
and I

We will sit together side by side
with phones and

crafting our online identities
-possibly going to rework this or continue a series from this topic
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Post me fellow hp members your responses.
Mine is " I'm kicking my ***; do ya mind!??!" -Liar Liar
Well, one of my faves from Comedies.
Luna Jul 2017
Every morning I feed my cats. Little toy soldiers that never wind up (until you pull their tails) They dont march well either. They just eat sleep meow repeat. I'm always saying that they need to lose weight, but maybe I'm the one who needs to lose weight. More off my shoulders and less off my plate.  

Every day I give in to their precious faces. Prancing around in the most angelic of ways. I forget that even angels lose their halos some days. So I feed them. Gnarly minced meat that looks like a drunks *****.  

The phone rings. I'm the type of person that absolutely has to answer. I could be brushing my teeth or doing open heart surgery, and I'd still answer. I'm worse than your granny who picks up to telemarketers. $200 landline bill and a cheeky response of "but it rings" Yes it rings but it doesnt need to be answered. Diamond rings exist but they dont always need to be bought.

Florida called me today. (Yes, the state) They wanted to know if I would test out some skin products but my skin is already a product. I answered the call, in hopes it would be you but it wasnt you, because it never is. Even when it is it isnt because you are never you. (its not like you live in Florida, but maybe you moved?)

You told me about a week ago that you were "emotionally dead inside" What the duck does that even mean? We're all dead inside! You told me you didnt know how to love. Nobody knows how to love, its just something we're supposed to do. If we dont know we just act. Thats why we have actors and actresses.

I'm not good at questioning you because you're about as helpful as those helpless self-help books that i'm supposed to do (but I never do). You always send me mixed signals and but i'm too stupid to read between the lines.

I always fill my glass with too much soda. I always fill my plate with too much turkey and never finish it. Actually, I have this weird thing where I always have to leave the ends of things. The last bite of Thanksgiving dinner or the end of a Candy cane at Christmas (I hate Christmas) But things like that are normal, and if they're not, they're strange things that nobody really cares about! (so stop asking)

Do you ever get intimidated? I mean really backed up against a wall shaking? Not that 1 night stand kind where your boyfriend forgot where he left his boxers and Mr. Moroz gets off from work in half an hour. No, I'm talking scared shitless. You act so tough like nothing phases you. Everybodys afraid of something atleast thats what ive been told. You like serial killer movies, and getting into the minds of them. I like serial killer movies, and getting into the mind of you.

You started a job placement. I was half heartedly happy for you, but sad also cause you'd be busy most of the day. You tell me you never ignore me on purpose but what about that day you left me on read for 3 hours? Anxiously glued to my phone until a blinking light revived me.

Sometimes you calm the storm. You make me feel alive even though you know i'm dying. You tortured me in a way that I liked it. Laying on top of you, your arms stretched around me, until we both fell into a deep slumber. You told me you've never been with a girl but you'd like to. Truthfully, I've never been with one either.

You love showers. You've never actually told me and I'm too afraid to ask. Is it because the water drowns out all other sounds? Or if you're crying nobody seems to notice. Water isnt that pretty to me. Alot of people dig the oceans view, but I just wonder about the fish and see past the bottom-less pit.

You had penne chicken tonight. Chicken is one of my faves too! I like it fried, greasy and deadly. Heart-attack in the making! You once asked me to pronounce something, I think it was **** but maybe i'm mistaken. I didnt know why then, but I do know now. I'll leave that to you to decode. You cant line up lies like numbers unfortunately. Life skills are a bit more complex than equations.

We all have self destructive behavior. We all dislike something about ourselves. After all, theres no perfect body. Theres no perfect brain. We all cope in ways differently, but indirectly that makes us all conclusively the same.

You told me you liked fire and I called you a Pyro. I should have called you a liar but at the time I didnt realize I was the one jumping through flames. You told me you didnt like fire because it got you off, you liked it because its amazing, its pretty, its miraculous. You told me you burned yourself. This should have rose red flags, I should have got goosebumps and took off running. I wasnt scared though, I was intrigued.

Maybe you're a thrill seeker. Maybe in the process of saving the world you forgot to save yourself. But then I re-analyzed the situation. I took a stand point from a birds eye view. You were never trying to dodge the fire. You were the fire and I should have been trying to dodge you.

You asked me what aroused me. I played ping pong and made you answer first. You said Brittany Snow. I wanted to say you at the time and maybe I should have. Maybe I should have held my heart on the line and watched you tie knots then burn it.
just maybe

i'd     still
here    today
SarahTheFreeSoul Dec 2018
Our faves barely love us
The ones that we admire stay not
And those who genuinely crave our presence
Their heads get burried in the sands
Faces get soaked in the muds
Goodness, how saddening?
Love isn't a fair game
Affection comprehends no just at time
First attempt of becoming a poet
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
The trees are
Lit up
Like Los Vegas
Te front yards
Lit up
Like Los Vegas
Some many colours
All pretty
It’s hard to chose
A favourite
So not
To be discriminatory
I just all
Christmas lights
As my faves
No matter the colour.  

Merry Christmas to every person on this ball.
Butch Decatoria May 2020
Don’t you just love the loud chewers
Who chew and talk at the same time, love it right?
Then here comes Covid like Santa Claus
Just ruining everything—my adolescent tantrums...
Then they take credit for having survived it
Anyway Covid is leaving us lump some of charcoal, empty, cold.
“See! Told ya so!
So,There is a reason why we eat with our
Mouths closed.
Less splash of spittle, please!
There’s a Germaphobe present—“

Don’t cha just love it
Them ****** loud chewers,
And ******’ mouth breathers...
Nuked by forefathers and ****
Science, their virulent hatreds
Designer genetic babies styled to
Your faves liking.
Designer bio warfare, just because.
Don’t cha just...? M m m.
kate roxanne Sep 2020
Don't ask me how I am only to be followed by,
"How's your love goin'".
It's not cute, it irritates me.
I forgot about it,
I certainly could not even remember how an actual human touched my heart like my faves did.
Don't chat me all of a sudden just because you find my profile picture
pretty or stunning,
it is not who I am.
You might regret it, I have scars, not just in my body but it's all over me.
Embedded in my soul.
Don't talk to me as if you know everything and understands it,
cause everyone who easily accepts it, leaves.
Don't tell me I will be okay just because it did not happen to you,
I am not okay and it will take time.

You see, its easy for someone to spit out words and questions.
Tell you things so you can feel better about them, I get it.
You might admire for the way I look but can you even face the monster in me?
Even I, could not battle this.
what makes you so sure that you can
**** this?
You're just good to me because what I've been through but after that,
after you think that I might be getting better because of you,
I know you will change and leave.
So don't ask me these questions if you're not going to stay and be consistent,
It will end up in deep repugnance.

Acme Feb 2020
Launch your poems into unknown
waters. Pick your top 10 faves and
send them off to the great beyond.
Leave this nest and find true flight.

— The End —