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Shamans, in an attempt to find a word that all cultures could understand, to represent, universally, the subject; married the languages by root.

Each attribute or thing that the beast is said to do, have or have power to do or over is found as a definition in a language of the individual roots.

Take Sanskrit for instance. "Dra," is "water and combine it with Sumerian, "Gun, Gon," and you get a "water-born," beast who "writhes, twists or wraps around," which is the Ouroboros Serpent as shown in ancient images.

The secret to all ancient myth or religion is in interpretation of language into foreign languages over time.

And, yes, it is very creative, appears complex due to time but is just humans trying to describe observable nature.

None of it is meant to be taken literally unless you literally live six thousand years ago and speak in an ancient tongue.


Keltic, "Con, Kon," makes the Dragon, "All-knowing." *

And we know from Plato that Greeks
stole their root words from the Celts.
Plato's own words in,

'The Cratylus.'
All mythology is born from the language of trade and existed as a pre-science.
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
Deadhead Barbie's hypin' the tour
Telling all her friends about the tickets she scored
Hey six-up yo' gather near the doors
We're going to wear the tie-die t-shirts one more time
Dee Dra's grandpa's cooking up some homemade wine
It's really going to kick it in us one more time
The lights, the music, ambience together entwined
And Deadhead Barbie twirling 'round as if she's blind but, she's not blind
Electric skull head, steal your face, I like your smile
Nothin' left to do here; listen once in a while
I can't believe that all these years they're still in style
All that dancing, good for lovin'n, sweating miles
And Deadhead Barbie's blood is flowing fast
She grabbed a piece of something that was built to last  
Maybe not forever, but one of life's best blasts
A bigger bang might break the earth into two halves
And Deadhead Barbie's drinking Dee Dra's wine
There's a party in the parking lot.  Yeah,  Dee Dra's fine.
Dancing girls with dancing bears a one FINE time
Deadhead Barbie's had her pants pulled in again
sowa Mar 2020
NA KS. DRA HAB. NATANKA W GRZECHYNI MUSZELKI 52 OKTAWY DWIE VON STEFAN KOSIEWSKI Studia Slavica et Khazarica XXI Prolegomena do Niebopolityki PANDEMIA PSYCHOZY Zniweczona Rzeczywistość Zarys Estetyki Chazarów Fascynacja Obłędem


Czy Arcybiskup Krakowa Jędraszewski żydoską babkę Wojtyły
z domu Szulc wyniesie na ołtarze Kościoła Rzymskokatolickiego
za rodzicami Santo Subito Lolka przez tzw. populus Romanus
ludzi siatki ojca Hejmo w ramach działań operacyjnych SB?

Czy ważne święcenia kapłańskie ma Jędraszewski od kropienia
wodą święconą żeliwnych klap kanalizacyjnych w mieście Łodzi?
Czy uchodzi, by cudownie rozmnażane przez Dziwisza relikwie
zachowały ważność do usranej śmierci, jeśli gówno przychodzi


Kubicy w sporcie z przedmiotów szamańskich nie posiadających
nawet mocy placebo, bez wiary w modlitwę księży i biskupów
Episkopatu Polski, którzy w porze Pandemii CORONA ograniczają
liczbę członków Rodziny Góralskiej na Mszy św. za Ojczyznę?

PS. Nie licząc przychodów Kubicy pochodzących z dofinansowania
amatorskiej aktywności państwowymi dotacjami Morawieckiego
hojną ręką słupa Obajtka w PKN ORLEN, jak poseł Kaczyński nie
zalicza do Rejestru Korzyści obstawy i kierowców biseksualnych.­ewski-ssetkh-pdnxxi/
Studia Slavica et Khazarica Zarys Estetyki Chazarów
The Dragon steals the waters of life,
The Dragon steals the waters of life,
  The Dragon steals the waters of life,

a Hydra eats those who lie.

This is the story of
                          Darr-en Gunn,
His life was a
                             short-en-ed one.
While hunting some snakes
                                           having no lucky breaks.
Found himself consumed by a
                                                               ­   gi-ant one.

Was warned of one snake,
                                           the seven-headed Drake.
Found himself consumed by a
                                                               ­  gi-ant one.
In Old Foggie swamps lies a place
                                                           ­      he haunts.
With a hunter digesting in a
                                                               ­ Dra-gon!

The Dragon steals the waters of life,
The Dragon steals the waters of life,
 The Dragon steals the waters of life,

a Hydra eats those who lie.

All children should learn  
                                                         ­                    of a swamp that churns.
In a place where they say
                                                                 the wa-ter burns!
Hy-dra is originally Sy-dra. 'Sy' meaning 'thief' and 'Dra' meaning water so the Hydra is a water-thief. IE: it burns up the waters of life. 'Dragon' in Proto-Indo-European(the first language) was spelled 'Dher Ghen.' So "Darren," is Dher Ghen with the 'G' silent.
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
Bikhre alfaz
Tute khwab -

Bikhre bikhre s Kuch alfaz h
Tute tute s khwab h
Antarmn ab bechen sa h
Hue khwab aahat s h
Dil m lga ghav sa h
Bikhre bikhre s Kuch alfaz h
Tute tute s Kuch khwab h
Sangharsh krna bna muskil sa h
Aasan raah ki talash v na ktm hota sa h
dra dra sa ab mn rhta h
Hoton ki hasi v ab khi chupa sa h
Khi gm K sagar h to khi shukh K leher aae h
Kisi K sapne hue raakh K s
To kisi ne nae sapno ki chavi bnae h
Sunn K baat yh nae dil m
aae Kuch aash sa h
Bikhre alfazo ko sajakr koe
Naye sapne bunne ka khwab sa h.
Bikhre s alfaz h tute s khwab h pr ek asha ki kiran ne di nae si aash h
Is moeilik om te begryp,
en nie rerig mooi nie.
Dis 'n spoegspat soos 'n herrie-
'n gemmors wat langs die kar staan en bedel.

Dis 'n gemoedsbekakking... ag verskoon tog
verswakking soos die breakdowns innie gossip magazine.
Ag shame , hulle dra ook maar swaar aan society se crimes
en al dai drugs is maar ommie pyn te verlig.

Kyk nounet daar , sterre wat pyn , is seker maar
'n metafoor. Vir wat? Se jy my!
Jy wat my analiseer en dissekteer...
want daar is geen meer sterre wat pyn nie,
die woorde wat rym ennie
ander goeie goed is lankal van alle kleur bevry
in my agterkop waar dit donker is soos
'n land waar hoop 'n feeverhaal is.

Dis te donker om nou te rym,
maar te donker om in te hou...
so ek sny maar die kanker stuk vir stuk uit
en bloei nonsens-ink op die blaai.

Aan die einde is dit nie net die gedig nie.
Dis die ganse wereld wat rym.
Elke herrie en spoegspatter
elke gerookte ster en hartseer kokkedoor
ek , jy - ons almal is 'n gedig.
Ons almal rym...
ons is net te moeilik om te verstaan
en nie altyd mooi nie.
Jou boodskappe die sonstrale
wat elke nou en dan my dag wil maak
en ook soms 8 minute vat om by my uit te kom
maar gee lig en lewe in my donker wereld

al is jy miljoene bietjies weg van my af
is jou liefde n warm drukkie wat ek
moeiteloos in elke donker nag
om my bang lyf kan vou

jy wat agter die horison jou eie horison sien
en dalk self die maan met my deel
,van n ander kant af,
dra ek na aan my hart...

soos n tietie sonder nippels
of n bangmaak boek sonder sy stippels....
is my lewe net plein
en puntloos sonder jou.

Jy is my duisend-myle-weg
, maar altyd daar,
chill-jou-guava maaitjie
wat my weghol hart bedaar.

Familie buite stam en bas
bloedloos dalk , maar hegte vas
grenslose vriende oor die wereld heen...
God se grootste seen.

- aan al my vriende wat ver weg bly , maar meer beteken as my eie asem en wat ek dierbaarder ag as my virginity ;) ek is so ongelooflik baie lief vir julle.

Carinda du Toit. Aldridt Koltzow. Marli Roux. Tarryn Forster. Frederik Rudolph van Dyk. en al die ander...
beth fwoah dream Mar 2020
the mother of the love was cindy. she lives as wari and has no longer power. her beauty is renowned and she should rule.

argentina was the land of dd but mexico was goal and it was dana's land. dana is alive but needs to take control.

germany was grand and elsa was their king. elizabeth will rule. william was leam and harry was star. charles was ruu.


the leader of the wall must take the city down dunstable will rule but row must take command (paul p) just lift the iron up and drink the holy well. paul (row my) must lead the way and let the city fall like jerico to row.

sibelius was chief his love could control hell. his land was mexico. he will return in 100 years. for now his son razor must reign. razor reigns already he was always strong with his power.

anthony (anthony p) is still rome. druididous stole from anthony. italy will love his power. his father still lives. he was known as tora. he will always save his people every time. (anthony and cleopatra).

simon (simon d) was the bell of the dance. his land was the guard of the law, his saviour was the christ.

palastine was oscar's (livin christ) land. he loved the people first and then the chosen leader. china stole his heart but his mother's magic eye was always the greener for the dome of the bar which was his mother's land.

syria was kim's the turks obeyed her law and her partner simon rice was the lord of undeceived. (kim's favourite sword - immaculate) kim would only ever give land to someone who beat her in a sword fight.

pakistan was morrow. morrow still lives. i will give him pakistan tomorrow.

laura (y) was time of space. her land was always persia. she always controlled the south and gail (r) did not deceive.

gail was the haunted skull. her wind would launch the sail. her seas were ever brave and her love was always true. persia (north)
was her heart. never steal her heart.

spain was not my son he was never in my life but portugal was spain and gavin (p) was their king.

the catharsis will run and run. i will never be deceived the gate is always closed for love is in our hearts.


gina (p) was our queen her lands would always flow. china stole her heart but england was her throne. ( i would like gina to come back to china to bend for the corn) gina's mother was druella in the ancient times.

david (b) was the king, he was the lionheart. he was our favourite king and no man could deceive.


gavin (p) was the james and diamond was his jewel. diamond is his wife and he must now command for nothing could corrupt.

stuart scotten was a scotish noble.

michael never ruled but no man thought he should his love was always wine and wine should not be loved. (as usual we will give him the principality of lowe as a gift so he does not destroy everyone).

serbia was the good, the love that jesus saw. give my son his thone. the love will be believed. in ancient histories serbia was known as dela. (see note lower serbia is now held by lassa and tal as guardians of the land below mount denar.) serbia and palastine must live in peace now the jew is gone who wanted to hurt palastine so much her people were forced south.

ok important note. we believe serbia was originally dunne but he always wanted land so he was not allowed back to earth. his lands were south of mount denar. oscar/ the christ/ the livin held after dunne left the earth but it was eventually agreed serbia below mount denar would be loved by tal and lassa as guardians of the land.

iatilahhomanne is the blue sky is yugoslavia. his wife is doran. she was his love. his old name was swee. yugoslavia is west of tee and north of do or die generally it is where teem is now. (old dree) their language was hebrew their god was jesus. the jews wanted christ to be their god not their christ. it is easy to find yugoslavia of the old world it is next to dree (ethiopia) and west of door. we believe they were also palastinian descent in the old world.  

pakistan was blue, she gave it to her heart and lassa always rules. lassa is alive give him his power back. no man then will grieve for joshua is back.

australia is madam it must return her power she knows the paths of peace and lives as mary rose.

newzealand is (d) (not good) madam must take control or ruby (a place) will aspire.

america is (d) she seethes to take the land. her hatred scalds and scalds it was berire's land. berire was the chief his land was mule and strike the karaoke's scream i will protect his thone.

orinoco should control his mind is always lead he knows no dark of heart and all his love is treve.

treve is always beth but she was ian's soul. please leave me ian's heart and yours should be atol.

atol would not be right. orinoco always marries beth (yet again). gail will not marry jet.

jason (rye) was no fool his lands were israel's heart. he loved the soul of rule but simon (d) could command.

kirby was the goo, india his throne. he was the amicable man his love was always christ the taj mahal he built and that was his home.


i only want to love one girl, her name is beth. her love is like a bird that listens to the sky and then listens to all my love for her.


denmark was lasa at the dawn of time demeter is the rule and she's the queen of time. demeter now is young she is the queen of time her land is do or die and masa must command.


was the house built by the sea it was eric's house and he was the son of the man he was the love of the life and he lives these days as stan.

france was warren hall but i must now be true. please give my catherine (m) land for aragon must rule. she was also in the ancient history joan of arc.

paul (p) row my (principality palace in tlau.) dunstable took paul's money.

laura y (south china) it was the bys that took laura's money.

mowh has saved the word in china but as usual she tried to take power and had to be destroyed..

in venice beth was cocyo (the giver of bliss)  ( row cocco)

stav in south china is oscar's principality. stav is where oscar (the livin) is always happy. tao (ian and my son) loves to live in lowe.

the emperor of berling (north west south china) should have been. martin j. his brother originally drim dra dro was originally the prince of lowe but when i gave martin his territory in berling nick j became the prince of toi with the principality of toi. this was true in ancient times. martin was known as jo.  

orinoco was the emperor of china. the world was the waiting because the love would always be good.  

skybird drew was ray son. drew were the rightful thone of japan. the drew meant the solace of the earth.

gina in venice was tray.

ian's mother was fred.

eusebius was the poet of the heart.

eri (y) sometimes marries the man of the water.

michael is the guardian of the keep. i will always love my true.

helen (v) was the lover of the vine. she was chinese but had no throne.

claire was jezibel.

david was dow and fun

dunstable was char the feather of the water. he stole row fun.

in venice
eri was elea
laura was dezibel
gavin was cla

i have accepted as a gift a principality province in tithale.

kim of indonisia was the man the people loved. kim of the creator. we used to call kim the good man of our lives and the gentle spirit. everything of his goodness is returned.

our love was the strength of the world.

solace was drew. drew was the noblest family of all.

laura (y) was the mwang the rulers of the town and they were always princes.

in 1288 beth said goodness is more powerful than evil.

watling, turner and maccarthy were forced.

i am the family of fwoah.

lauren fwoah meant lauren the beautiful.

it was the evil family foo who made everybody born (or moved) to england. i demand all their money returned.

trump was the man of the star. he wanted the world to be quiet but loved. his name was choo. his current wife is belle and she was always his queen. his throne is peru.

boris was the baron of the star. your wife is livia and your land was mexico and your name was boro. your son was stevio the prayer of the mind and bringer of peace.

blair was catcho, the man who spent the fun. his original land was japan and he was noble but not the throne. the throne is now skybird drew.

it was the swinster family who hurt diana.

the current emperor of china is loco. he will give the territories to beth. his wife was the queen of the north.

*** (orinoco) was the conqueror of time. his destiny was power. he always loved beth and his province was the south.

japan is dalta at the moment it should have been drew. he stole for power as the armies wouldn't work. he wanted peru but i will not give peru for his destiny is fire!

peru should be malta but malta should be fire the love was the love of the love was always peru and peru should be ruled by scotland.

india was palm of par he was death of silence he was a resiliant man and today he lives as par.

atlantis was my sky i'll always love her heart. her chimney burnt to flame when carthage stole my love. phonecia was the blue and blue as of the wave (m) does wish but it is oscar's soul.

ian wynn was wales his love was orinoco. his daughter still lives as simone.

anthony (rome) was cabra in italy and dree in china which meant love me love. he was also lieu which meant the loved. (anthony and cleopatra)

lean built pisa tower. he was best at food.

row meant delight the sky.

the agha khan was dal which meant the love. he believes his true throne tunisia. i believe this is correct. also iran and iraq.

tin is throne of india.

del was the true throne of sweden. he is in charge.

norway was lion's land. it belongs to strong. who lives as guy.

the shah of iran was simon rice's father. he was the true throne. he was known as tal, which meant the good leader. iraq was also his which was the flower of land, denmark was also tal's land because yassa pretended lassa, this meant the throne was wrong but tal is lawful throne and lassa agrees.

godolphin was the arabian throne.

gina's money was taken by tong and fau who was the imposter winner of gold. they are both dead.

beth's love was the strength of the world.

drua took beth's seal in the china parliament. he stole my money. i was the word of china. i will return and take my rightful seat. my friend the shah of iran has already bought me the principality of siam and principality stav for my livin/oscar/christ ( oscar was born 25/12/97 this is the truth) as a wedding present. my mother gail has bought blue principality province. lowe i have agreed purchase when fun returned for my tao and my michaels.

gina was croan in china.

laura (y) married fleep.

dree took beth's money by pretending royal blood.

dominic (b) was poland of the ancient worlds his charm was nina and she was the curl. nina was so beautiful no man could ever resist, deceit could not destroy them there would always be a whirl!
Breathing Ice Oct 2010

Oh yeah. You  were
all I ever wanted...
Huh.  With your too
sweet     lips
and    your    
painted lies.
****,   you
were so dra-
matic about
(all the ****-
ing time too)
but the way
   your fingers    
played with
my hair and
the way you
said I   love
you    was   too  good,  
too **** ******* good.
                                                 But   you   know    what??                                 DON'T
betterdays Apr 2014
here sit i
a skalded-babe
at a prison-box of
metal and wood and plaster.

chained for the span
of the elf's glory passing,
i shuffle leaves of wood
from in to out.
i move the hamsterwheel forward inch by inch,
or i runabout in a
with my cheesy,
tailess-rodent, biting
and chewing away,
for the need of budget burning yeilds.

if lucky some snail mail
may come to relieve
the electronic humdrum.
if not,... i suppose,
i can knock on the world wide, spiders-door, enter
the ether-frame...
and see the cat, playing
piano, badly in fortissimo.
or be a mouse-jockey
in the web-led rodeo

then when the elf's are done

home to hearth,
i will run,in the rover of the land.
to sit by whale road on
golden sand.

and go make fodder for
the artisan-sawdust-man and the child.
for us to eat with carrot-comb and steak-stabber
before sitting down
for a night in with the
napowrimo day 13
prompt; write a poem using
kennings (kennings are compound words)
i took a wry turn with this one, it only sort of fits the brief.
lucy winters Jul 2015
ek is deurskykend, transparant, deurmekaar
opsoek na my vrede, my mensweesm my wees
ek voel so secondhand, so op gebruik, so klaar
bid vir verlossing, a trade in vir n nuwe vlees, nuwe gees, beter wees
my oe hoop op vol trane on gehuil
ek slaan lelike kolle uit in my sogenoemde persoonlikheid
maar dis alles ek, ek wat my vervuil
ek wat my eenkant hou, ek wat my uit smyt
ek wat ja se al wil als binne my nee skree
ek wat bly staan terwyl ek moes weg hardloop
ek wat myself wou uitvee
ek wat myself vir cheap thrills verkoop
maar hirdie ek is te oud om te kniel
hierdie ek word te oud om te glo
so ek staan waar ek staan en verniel
en ek bly staan sonder n tree en verloor
kyk dis ek wat hier staan, te sad om te bid
te seer om te huil, versteen deur my toedoen
daar is geen hande vat en aansit
maar ek dra dit met n smile want dis my skoen
Jare terug geskryf.  Al hou ek nie van wat ek gekry het,  dra ek my keuses en die nagevolge
Kate Lion Jul 2015
>>>>>>>>>>i    of a well
                 d     t
                r     u
              a     o
            w    p
          m    u
         y     f
       s     l

the more i draw, the more energy i feel expanding my mind.

a                                                       ­                                    o     u
k                                                              ­                        l                d
i                     ­                                                               c ­                     s.
n                                        ­                             into the                        
g                                    ­                 w myself
e                                             dra
v                                      a  n
e                ­                   c
r                                    i
y t h i n g  l i g h t e r

(i really can do anything)
TR3F1LD Feb 2024
I write sometimes li̲ke I'm out for
blood (I kind of have been & am)
like vampires; tha[ɑ]t's for
all the injustice & violence absorbed
[video games, films, (& later) rap & politics-related stuff]
from this unjust & f#cked world
you may think I'm a kettle boiling, 'cause
writing rhymed texts & going hos—
—tile in 'em is a way to blow steam off
besI̲des that, I'm bored
like a plank that I̲ would, o[ʌ]f course
not mind watching a ****** dumb war—
—mongering, power-drunk ****
walk off into the waters galore of hungry cro[ɑ]cs or
sharks, though I̲ would o[ɑ]pt for something much worse
if punishing power-corrupted schmucks were
up to mO̲I̲ with my warped
mind; like a drama queen, or a jihadi fiend
at a public spot with **̲[ɑ]stile in—
—tentions & a bomb, or a gun on him
I'd make such a scene
one tor—mentors would love to observe
one worth grabbing some ****** po[ɑ]pcorn
[like the one portrayed in "punishment of an autocrat"]
****** alert; the cynical fiend
inside wants to join this lyrical binge
give 'em *******, dude
listen U̲p, you da[ɛ]mn fool
this message is also for the trap rap playschool
that you pU̲nk pertain to
consider yourself LIA 'cA̲U̲se you're plain doomed
[lost in action]
like an aircrA̲ft which is about
to crA̲sh into the ground (plane, doomed)
call thI̲s sh#t maltreatment
but don't get the joke twisted
saying that, like a wicked professor prone
to acquitting indecent, bold, I'ma teach you a lesson, ***
I don't mean you'll be a victim of *** assau[ɔ]lt
or something
a lesson 'cause in this lyric-writing game, you
are as qualified as lame stewds
you better find some da[ɛ]mn tools
'cause the screws of mine are cray loose
just like Deadpool's; memorize this name to
call me by: Slay Illsome
[Deadpool's real name is Wade Wilson]
you're like pup: so ****** tame you
should be called Lame Chillsome
["po[ɑ]p", in the sense of "pop music"]
so inept that holding somebO̲[ɑ]dy's dra[ɛ]nk, you'd
prob'ly wind up with the dra[ɛ]nk spilled, chump
I'm an instiller of awe & distaste
a thrill killer, nuts, A̲lthough well-trained
and I really like to slay noobs
I'll be enjoying some thrilling, high-octane tunes
while you'll be stricken by the grave blues
'cause I'll have you feeling such a pain you
are gon' wish it were Max 'stead of me & start to pray to
["Payne"; Max Payne, who mostly just guns down his targets]
me to put you down like I̲'m the type slinging
off at others; I'll I̲ce you by swinging
my ****** blade through
your neck like a batter, whereA̲fter I[ɑ]'ll pick
up your nut & make use
of it as a **** bA̲sketball, *****
I'll chop you in parts, then bo[ɑ]x 'em, like a way to
verbally tag an attrA̲ctive gal with
a set of plumply shaped *****
I'll have the box wrapped a la gifts
and then get the remainders of you sE̲nt ta
a replantation-focused center
(so much for something with the littlest of spite...)
like a substance a[ɑ]ddict
tryna quit but quickly sliding ba[ɑ]ckwards
one verse & I'm back to mY̲ bad ha[ɑ]bits
[the prelude]
of writing; like someone you wa[ɑ]nt, this art form
is something I sure have go[ɑ]t a lust for
which explains why
I'm sO̲ de—voted to my stuff when it's getting laid, like
a carnal co[ɑ]mmerce; lyrical self-indulgence, much more
than self-indulgent "I̲'ve got" type twerps
making unco[ɑ]mplicated trap
as if there were something like a cavy that
those diletta[ɑ]nti aim to catch
like someO̲ne depraved, I have (what?)
a ba[ɑ]wdy-like urge in my mI̲nd when I verse
like a tI̲ght-fit guise worn by a gal with nice curves
exercising, intention... of nailing rhyming
["in tension"]
as if rhymes were lush girls
the type to whom technical seduction comes first
lyrics-wise, which is why some of my works
may be regarded as hot stuff
like a heated iron flyi[—]ng to[—]ward
the face of a tyrant-like ****
with the bo[ɑ]ttom side forth; do this kind of stuff for
fun & to maintain these mI̲nd skills I scored
["slay just to maintain some relish & killing skills"]
which explains why I dub it "bar sport"
[sport/fun of making bars (rhymed lines)]
you trap rap hacks ou[ɑ]ght to ha[ɑ]ve your
bars shA̲rp just like swords of samurais, for
["sharp" in the sense of "stylish"/"attractive"]
as I̲'ve said afore, I'm O̲U̲t for blood, twerps
struck this "bar sport" writing up short
["bar sport (prelude)" followed by this one]
on hope, wound up with a flood of thou[ɑ]ghts versed (wow)
guess this writer's inner fire's no[ɑ]t burned... out
like someone dO̲ne too much work
"bar sport (Slay Illsome)" by TR3F1LD (TRFLD) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (to view a copy of this license, visit
Die ou kniee knak en kraak
en maak geraas
, maar sal sukkel-sukkel teen die rand
hou om jou te dra.
**** *** ek kriekbeen,
in die laatnag na jou vra.

My ribbes is marimbas,
uitgehonger vir die hokmaak
van 'n antieke snaardrom hart.
Wat nou met mening elke been
se noot raak slaan en hammer
asof opnuut gevorm en gespeen.

En tog die kop raas soos
basyn geskal en bomval,
want binne woed die stryd
van goed teen kwaad.
Ek speel vir jou 'n simfonie:
Die lirieke dalk af, maar tog op maat.

Ag ek's sommer simpel,
dis die liefde wat so praat...
Ek sien meer sleg as goed in my raak, maar jy verf als nuut en ek word hergebore in die pragbeeld wat jy van my skep. Daar is interne struwelinge wat my laat twyfel, want *** kan iets wat so goed en eg is, dan deur die kosmos as verkeerd bestempel word. Tog met al my fisiese, emosionele en geestelike wroegings... is dit onvermydelik dat jy oor my hoogste mure geklim het en my saggies vertroetel, terwyl jy my herskep met oe wat ook eventueel sal leer om die mooi in myself raak te sien... dankie Snoekie! Lekker kuier vanaand. Liefe jou!
lucy winters Jul 2015
ek staar dae lank na n lee wit muur
binne my brand als soos vuur
in eensaamheid word ek toegevou
buite kou die druppels dou
die laaste uur voel ek so koud
voel so amper amper oud
al die dinge wat my pla
dra ek diep, dit volg my na
ek kou en herkou
my tong so amper flou
steeds ***** jy naby my
en ek kan jou net nie kry
Written for H.
Die arendgod was reeds verswelg
Agter sleepvoet trapsietjies
Wat met motreen sy voetspoor laat

Menigte kleure het deurmekaar gedreun
Om hul water afhantlikes met 'n bulderende
Brander van stemme te dra

En die skerts wat dans oor hulle skouers
Dan af traan om met hulle verwante menigte te vereenselwig

Die gedreun van stemme bereik 'n stilte vol antisipasie
Die bekoordes vind hul ligging ...
Op hul merke...
Gebore vir die oomblik...
Kneukels raak wit van koue en klou...
Iewers flits 'n meganiese weerligstraal...
En ons swem rugslag in die sproeireen
Jy wys nie die son vir 'n blinde wat weer kan sien nie.
Dis mos nou kinders-kry dan trou ,
'n priem baba se : Ek is lief vir jou.
Verby nog voor dit begin het.
Of is my hart nou wiegiedood wat
doodluiters my eie galg om die baba hang.
Breek ek die glas-skoen? voordat die lewe dit kan breek?
Of het ek nou maar oulaas 'n manier
om al die goeie goed - uit vrees
van stapel te stuur?
Ek kan jou volg... sal jou volg;
sou jou volg tot waar die wind ons waai
en saam jou kan ek... sal ek
sou ek heeldag rondomtalie en tiekiedraai,
maar *** gaan ek die onbekende in
as dit tussen my en die horison le?
My hartklop eikehout in die gang,
hy klop nog koud , maar hy klop nou!
En jy praat van altyd en van later en van dan:
verder selfs as wat my sig durf reik!
Jy is my nou.
Jammer dat ek more jou gister gaan wees;
probeer verstaan, ek verlang nog silwer en plooie
en die wereld is my lapdoek en die lewe is my lee papier
en ek wil groei.
Ek kan nie die trouring dra nie
,as hy nog koud aan my vinger kleef...
my hart is dalk nog prematuur ,
maar ek wil graag uitgan
en die koue skouers en spervure
vir my self gaan beleef.
Moet my nie die son wys nie
Ek leer nou eers *** om te sien...
en moet nie se jy is lief vir my nie,
want more is dit verby nog voor dit begin het.
En dan hang ek die priem.
Carlie Sims Jun 2018
i wont be on here too much longer
the ink in my pen sems to be rnnig
o u t .

the tho
ghts in my hed are draning

my poetry stands
& unfinshd

blank thoughts on the
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2018
bo po ci Łacinie niet łatwo? tzn. łewo? to po co huj znać polschen!? a... huja darmo.*

it's an "alternative" - or it's an
  ~alternative: a hypher-inflated
(see how the conjunction
reverse skipped? ski ski scalp?!)
the germanic peoples are so:
quasi! they...
                 you feel Asiatic?!
                    then why the ****
are you squirming?
                   Pogana Syn...
piszem to jem spokojny...
                   a tym, czerp co?!
huja w windzie!?
głowa wisiąca w stajni?!
                    grob twe matki
na: pochybel!
                  i to: stos!
                   gwar i rydzyc kto i
szto... hujah skor:
                    na Krem wasz; Pan:
    ŚCZ! - jew! say the rest,
what's missing? I!
widzi? o! ser myj "blady"...
nad sejm...
    bo niby 'ski...
  o pats ty! niby nie!
                          se: gavron na ******>radzi! ha ha ha...
                        bydle skuf-wyryte!
                    a tu smakiem:
szemlać? tak ?
  daj chlopu schować:
              co dar ziemi chce zabrać...
ty chańbo, ty srokim zgiem:
by dać Ukraine w baw: chowanego:
         tyś! Azjatyk...
   a czym ti zapomni: tym ci ja:
pełzag: Y, I, J -
   klątw i hubris zza dnia:
na codzień -
o nie...
   ty po polsku będziesz mi mówić
z pod nóg...
    i ja ci nad glowa ci pendem nad
        a wskarz ani pier ani po:
bedzie wart prawd;
co mi tam:
    ink rusujy jeno: bleh... cyli germana
blah... cyli: ь... ali to: niewigoda!
                    zed miszem tlo?
ah... harcik! harcik! myszem zle!
no kaza-g'nock... miszem sto razy źle!
funny, isn't it? punctuating from
            you can't reflect on this but
you can ingest a Kandinsky?!
          i'll say it a second time:
if i need to acquire a fascination with
IKEA manuals... i'll tell you!

p.s. a lesson in:
    how you counter learning the alphabet.
Jonathan Dyhre Jun 2013
Lyset på nattbordet
kaster lystige skygger utover rommet
de leker sammen
i en yndig vals
oppettet veggen.
Lyset slukkes og skyggene forsvinner
men valsen pågår enda
en absurd vals
som fyller tankene mine
en yndig vals
en vakker vals som dra meg med.
Jeg klarer ikke slippe taket .
Raskere og raksere går valsen,
helt til jeg ikke lenger klarer å holde taket å den
den kaster seg utover
prøver frebrilsk å fange virkeligheten,
men plutslig
så er valsen borte
og alt som er igjen
er meg
The North Star Nov 2024
In die hart van Afrika se suidegrond,
Styg ’n taal, sterk en bond.
Diep in son en sand,
Stemme dra oor hierdie land.

Afrikaans, die taal van hart en kin,
Gevleg met stories van waar ons was en bin.
Van boereveld tot stad se straat,
Sy ritme sterk, sy klank hard.

Woorde wat van berge hoog weerklink,
Stories oud, na die hemel gesink.
Met elke “sê,” ’n belofte gegee,
Van erfenis wat nooit sal verdwyn.

Ons taal sing van lag, van trane en vrees,
Van stryde gewen en drome geheg.
Al verander die tyd, al rol die gety,
Afrikaans bly staan, sterk en vry.

So hef jou stem, laat dit luid wees,
’n Lied van trots, ’n taal om te lees.
Want in elke frase, elke woord en rym,
Dra ons ons Afrikaans, deur elke tyd.
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2016
i wake to a fetish of b.b.c. radio 4, i lie in bed for about two hours listening to it, makes me feel like i'm hovering in my bed through a busy street, all that talk talk talk; that radio station broadcast has all the perks of quirky things, only the english could have moulded such an organism, like today, listening to a play, with with bill nighy (the last remaining old **** with a really distinguishable voice) about an actor's career, i never experienced acting on the radio, that pure monologue where either rasp or slur or lisp of the actor's mouth -interior gave you more than ****** expressions akin to that farcical maxim: i cry but in secret laugh - i laugh but in secret i cry - look at the eyes. well he was in it, apart from geoffery rush ol' bill is the next in the line of distinguishable voices - distinguishable voices tend to have some distinguishing visage characteristic - the villain φ' - backward upsilon / the english y - φυωσις- / phuosis + -γνομον / gnomon - physiognomy - backward upsilon i.e. not a pigeon coo-coo likening, a dried out plateau of the mandible jaw droop stressing the larynx's counter-u expression - less kiss-kiss prune of the lips - physiognomy / φυωσιςγνομον - also not the theological megalomania of likening y with i as implying no distinguishing need for the study of the tetragrammaton - i have no phonetic unit to shot it, unless it be akin to: hydra - saying the word hydra without association the y with i, as in hi- -dra; i guess you'd have to learn polish pronunciation; oh yeah, and the news of the beatles' producer died today, dubbed the 5th next to john paul george and ringo, george the 2nd... and why did the greeks with their beautiful alphabet start using diacritic marks? i know the roman alphabet is ugly like 1 - 9 / too musically abstract and would require stress marks of accenting the symbols, but why would the greeks need that too?*

so that's the morning fetish done and dusted,
it used to be classic f.m. prior -
now it's talk talk talk -
then the metabolism counters of alcoholism,
diluting semi-skimmed milk with water,
**** won't stay down, jumps right up,
then the nicotine tuberculosis cough
of a nicotine hangover that's worse than
alcohol abuse dehydration -
cough cough - ah please just shut up!
then waiting for the faeces worm to poke
it's ugly head from my **** -
******* on the throne of thrones
to ease the pressure on the *****-duct muscle
because that's what stimulates it like
food entering the oesophagus -
and then abstracting while reading the sunday
newspaper magazines (it's wednesday today,
a lucky day to revise sunday prints of the fashion
magazine and book reviews - and that's the odd
thing, many reviews of books of fiction and non-
and no review of a book of poetry,
england and it's grand poetic history and no one
reviews poetry books, just a little poet's corner
in the news review section, a ******* in a dark
alley in the shadiest bit of the east end
somewhere near the docks on the isle of dogs) -
but straight to the point...
red hot chilli pepper's warm tape (album: by the way),
and ***, yeah, boy, lots of it running through it,
you put it on, and you're not expecting anything,
the verses are so-so, but then... boom! the chorus
strips you into O... i like songs like that, the hidden
chorus agenda, no over-burdening solos, clear funk
of the bass actually being heard unlike in metallica songs
(of course, exception, devil's dance, but then hushed
by too much rhythm guitar),
and it's not like a ****** loosing his / her virginity with
an immediate ****** akin to free's all right now -
poem done, heartburn already fuelling me with acids
of fasting... a day about to begin: at 6p.m. - running through
to ~5a.m.
TreadingWater Jan 2016
but wait,...I had s. o. m. e. hope
itfeltsostrange in my body
so displaced on-my-tongue
let's just be honest; I knew that it didn't

it's a place I've. come. to. know.
A little {A lot} Too Well
it's sick; i've found there's a comfort
~in the broken~
grown "ac"cust"om"ed" to this hell

oh-sweet-love; i don't have the vanity to
...that your g. o. n. e.  doesn't a\c\h\e\
... my whiskey bears witness to how
my >hands> qui>ver > and> shake

spendingmy nights
dra _ gg _ ing>>>  a cigarette
while 'ole Keaton sings... my... songs...

^H^op^E^ is wish _ ful th°in°king°
better saved for those who-know-it's-worth
cause I've tossedthedice; and/my/love
,... and it {just} hasn't been,... e n o  **ugh.
beth fwoah dream Dec 2020
uk raf highest level

dra (comander in chief)

tree, doe, sta, daffodil
ma da la dee so wa.

highest level command all countries sea of china.

highest level artillary china

sea, say say, atata,
suzie, nightbird
tra, so, summer, mon,
toto, motto, qui, ta.

china temples motto
china building straw
all systems a a
beth fwoah dream Jan 2021
fwoah dream reiterates that sea commands all military under fwoah.

fwoah continues to support trump (choo) in this difficult transfer of power. we’ve had the fake news now we’ve the fake vote. china requests transparency at this point in time and recounts in the areas where there was corruption against our ally america.

dra (english commander raf) would like to thank fwoah for continuing to support the military in great britain. he would also like to thank ian of china for making sure that china would never attack. he wants to move forward in action with china and support the idea that evil is no longer in the world. scott advises police support to southern ports to turn back anyone who classes as evil on the new ap.

fwoah advises extra 400 jobs in the south for policemen to id check for evil people trying to move to great britain. fwoah paid 2billion into police funding for this service from taxpayers cash. exchequer has £130 billion and boro was yet again trying to steal money.
this 2 billion spending to be determined by scot of scotland yard with emphasising creating jobs. definitely  400 on southern coast. key phrasing ‘system’ army and police and customs to work together.

emails to changes to government and request for finance to be emailed to www.chinachange.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2024
through the forest: instead of running
simply walking
muddied feet
muddled tongue
                       if i could get away
from "getting away" i would call myself
by my name
in third person
and then wonder: what's with this
pronoun gymnastics that
is dumb-    -ing people
who think they are walking on eggshells
but instead: are:
walking on broken glass...

the mirror of the sky
and the mirror of the seas
how entwined without adjectives
sometimes things are devoid
of adjectives

a mountain is a mountain is
Moses and Muhammad and they too
are: non-responsive in

lazily stomaching an afternoon
within a day:

i sNIGGER... snigger -
yet the added S- is somehow not so much
concerning the rest of the word
"somehow": "offensive"?

i'm still astounded by what visualization
was generated from Frank Herbert's
Dune... beside the rather unique
punctuation there is not much to swallow...

willows willows and some drool...
**** and pike and birches for all lost *******
like dissociation with dogs
having *** like we try to think "we" in
the royal sense: devising plans
to outstrip *** from function
like *** is devoid of function
of magnetism like
there is no synonym and no antonym

through the forest: perfect exercise for
both mind and body
not running: oh hell no... no running involved
just hunched for moments at a time
then upright...

sitting on a stump of what was formerly
a prided oak
on a throne of stump
i sat and pondered whether:
is Matthew a good person?

3 years this long distance "relationship"
i gave up so much travesty of
the lived, personal, experience
that i found blind-spots concerning
fellow man
and felt more indulgent than
associating Goethe with the title: patriarch...

of whom? artists? like Shakespeare
isn't already the patriarch of actors... isn't he?!
not out of vanity or wounded self-esteem
but paper and ink are readily available
in that: they're no longer necessary...

and all these people attached to miniature
Apocalypses in their pockets
these soft-machine hullabaloos
feats of anti-engineering
it would almost, almost therefore: seemingly
be: best associated with...

seems almost idiotic to pressure the id
to overcome the ego
in the grand scheme of
psy: schematic: associating man with man
within himself:
under what metaphysical scalpel
were these 20th century intrusions:
ventures: in understanding man
how well man became understood
find foundations of such progress
in Auschwitz...

elsewhere life under the Quran was as if
a nightmare to which i woke into
seeing life undisturbed:
with the exception of the unavoidable
outliers akin
to the Pakistani **** gangs of Rotherham

voiceless dental fricative [θ]
or its voiced counterpart [ð]

i think that's the dire consequence
of not keeping check the evolutionary
strategy of language as
its own entity: self... minus my self:
my self: the reflective component
"v" / "vs" the reflexive myself strictness...

forget the aesthetics of spelling
and how it looks on paper...
through the forest
i walked with only one ear...
well... two ears...
but one ear was focused on the parody
of listening to music
while the other ear was honing in
on the furor of the birds
bothered by a pendite...

i literally unearthed this word, right now,
on the spot...
spot of ENSOO... in one sitting:
omicron omega omicron omega:
U turn up to Silon...
up to Silon... my version of Zion...

second-person plural present
             active imperative of pendō

and people come to me with these
iron maiden chambers of grammar solely
on the vestiges of stressing... *******...
pronouns?! seriously?!

what the **** does pendoo mean?
ha ha! well well... just my luck for resurrecitng
old tongues
while i baptized myself in the nettles!
oh the nettles!
i took my shirt off
i was going to take all my clothes off
and run into the nettles
i thought it might suckerpunch me good
to feel the itch crawl into my skin
if i also itched with my testicles
but then again: indecent exposure...
sufficed with rubbing nettles
on my shins
my forearms
my hands
plucked a stem
and rubbed it on my face
plucked a stem
and rubbed it on my chest and my back

like Husayn -
i became a martyr of self-doubt...
no... it was certain:
there was no affair
no cheating involved
but it would have been cruel
to give hope
when the realist in me knew:
perhaps i do not like my work
but i love the company i keep
at work...

i was thinking about the properties
of doing such a thing
hinging upon a story i once read
about Roman centurions throwing themselves
****-naked into nettles...
duck quack medicine...
chemo... no...
cherry chemistry CH CH CH
choo choo...
  "too many consonants" my scratched ***
and tilting halo: for ****'s sake...

equivalent to DZ...

          quack... duck... medicine... ah!
lost a word for a moment:
or hum-pathology: **-meo-pathy...
etymological: where?
    ** in Greek: meo mea yes yes
-pathy yes like -ology...

                   this tongue outside of my
mouth in my head
not exactly a rhetorical gift
but for the duty to interest:
i.e. being invested in being interested:
undying! preserved! mummified!

what comes now is a flood of memories:
one or two hiccups
but compared to what Edie was used
to with her experience of men...
over a stretch of 3 years
we only met twice
and we had Oppenheimer sort of ***

that's what happens when
a cryptic meander:
a recluse... yes yes: once or twice
in the brothel
but what i also learned
when *** is bought / exchanged
that rigid LIMP ******* ****
i'm trying to get my rocks off
want to lick her out
finger her and then she blurbs out:
that will be extra...
she also forgot to peel the banana
but she forgot what the ******* is
for and isn't for
and that was a waste of time
i ended up paying £130 for massaging her...

and that's what: in the heralded
wisdom of a 55 year old to a 38 year
some ******* clue:
oh yeah, yeah... the younger girls
are *****...
hornier: puppet: you have my strings?
am i to believe that women
in the luxury of the menopause
are... wait wait...

  wait wait... menopausal women
are hornier: freer...
than their younger counterparts... period!
the end!
i've heard too much ******* to suffer
the fate of the gullible patrons of:
*** for pleasure...

   and she might have thought me an invalid
for not having secured a progeny
in child of my own

           but now i just see timidity breeding
if that's even possible whenever
i see women in that brackets of (18 - 45)
that's a good bracket to have...
invigorating: indispensable...
like this was my ONE NOTCH
and a belt of all those times
i wondered whether or not i had erectile
dysfunction: clearly not...

******* the brains out of an older woman:
trick came with the thrice tickle...
current affairs and political lies
are tasteless:
suffice to say that a sound reading
of Marquis de Sade coupled with some
sobering Kant and Bukowski's efforts
yes yes... all a matter of fact: stress...
a poem a day keeps the psychiatrist away

a poem a day keeps the psychiatrist away
so much for apples...
tangerines oranges snakes and ladders...

the realist spoke:
i was never going to leave London
for her
that dynamic of mother daughter
grandmother was strict and Christian-obligatory
i can't do Christian-obligatory
when you have suspicions of
the one and only heresy that is: hypocrisy...

i couldn't leave London for Kauai
i would hate waking up
driving past the golf courses of Princeville
and i would hate to live among
even if they were Polynesian half-winks
of what the genesis story is
of that vastness: i.e. Taiwan...
too much sun not even *****: ooh! azure!

i'm an urban rat
i need urban slang to surprise me
especially if it's coming from the youths
of Hackney and they're Somalis
or Nigerians ...
i feel sick whenever i travel back to Poland
and am stuck with an ethnic homogeneity

too much white on white
i once stated already that: the future is mixed race...
for all the ills and ailments
we need a genetic vibrancy
and one way is to breed:
no sorry... that **** is on AUTOPILOT right
now... as natural as gravity...
but at least black women will stop
wearing wigs
and their half-kin will have a full crop
of hair and there will be no more
*****-slapping concerning alopecia...
perhaps no teeth-whitening envy too:
orange skin tan peel: blinding ivory: ugh!

                        only in Essex...

plus! i don't want to come across as some
but i really really don't need a car in London
sure i'm heading to Poland
to get a driving license in September
but that's just a formality blah blah blah
but over there: bicycle: bad bearings...
knock-knock buckling...

             England is an island but Kauai
is a whirlpool of existential constipation
that's equivalent to: ha ha... claustrophobia...
oddly enough it was just that...
plus summer is coming
and with that Wimbledon
and the concert season
and the Euro finals and being a tourist
of bad-mouthed Ahmed Ahmeds
flying in from Sow-Di Land of
the free peoples of Putinphilia... well: you know...
blah blah...

           yes: i am the bad man...
because i'm the realist and i wanted the memory
bank to implode then explode into
stretching time:
that non-linear point of having
a concern for time...
a stretching and juxtaposition of time
and that's also QUANTUM TIME...
as much as i might enjoy the quantum space
of my bedroom and me kneeling
before the bed and typing this out...

memory = quantum time

                       i can play with it as much as i can:
with the additional fervor of having
memory intact outside
of the realm of pedagogic infringement
and acidity once upon a time
constricted by learning irrelevant facts:
it's like: why do they teach us biology
when they know none of us will
be doctors or at least most
why don't they teach us nutrition in school
help us focus on the entire body
rather than bulldozer our experience of
youth with talk of *******
thrombocytes and chlorophyll?

          pedagogy is outdated - clearly:
if it weren't for a self-assured want to grasp
etymology / other languages...
beside from the basics of arithmetic and some
grasp of letters: although nuance
that sound to the letters presented
and what dyslexia is there to be spoken of?

ah ha ha... blah blah...
for all my afternoons to revolve around such
joy: to write.
Macy Jul 2024
Here I am again, sharing some 10 pm thoughts haha. Lately I wanna go to camiguin. Right after I heard he's in the isla I was thrilled as there will be possibilities that we can meet haha I am eager to go home. The reason was not because I miss my hometown and our home but because of a guy HAHHAHA. I hate to admit it but yes that’s right. I wanna meet him and have some of his time since summer is the only time we can hang out. And I want to do something I haven’t last year. I was so hesitant back then and that turns out I "basol" too. I don’t have the courage to face him at that time. I’m so insecure. I believe I need to step up for myself jud ay. I can’t be like this. I need to face things, including him or any guy. I have this feeling that this is the last summer we can meet since our schedules will be tightly pack.

If somehow we will never meet again I do hope he will have the true happiness his been asking for as he deserves it. I do hope he will have a successful career and in life. Pero uy pugson nato na magkita ta please, let’st tl bisag pila pana ka tuig from now. Hulat ko ha? Kay burag need nako ni, I’m not sure if ikaw pod

Ll kay burag ever since it’s just me man lang. Never felt this is a mutual understanding. I can feel that I’m not your type man, you only see me as a friend maybe?

Before I always judge those individuals nga gaka inlove even though they haven’t meet in person. Now I can testify nga possible man day siya haha high school pajud to last nato kita HAHAHAHAHA tas karon vivid pakayng mga panghitabo. I cannot figure out what you have done that makes me like you. Di man ka sweet nako haha tas di man ka flirty. Ga imagine2 raman kog scenario dri tas assumera lang Kay naay mga gagmay na hints ka ginapakita but still no assurance so wala jud na para nmo. I’m just making things up. Malay koba naa kay uyab or na ex na na wala ko knows tas sa ig rabi ta ga communicate and ana sila pang kabit daw na dra haha so naa **** original? Pero Yawa basag himoon kog kapit. Hayst kini jung pagka reader nako moy pasimuno bay haha tag as nakatayng standards tas ga himo2 ug scenarios.

Ayaw sad intawn paabot nga mag decade nalang di pa nako makuha ang closure be haha luoy sad ko huhu. Gaka ulit na rabi kos akong self kay sig handom nimo. Dig kapul an haha sgi **** nmo kapaakan imo simod lol.
Not a poem.
Ps. This was written long time ago (8/24/2023 7:18 pm)

— The End —