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DSlewis Jun 2020
The devided light.

Resting light upon my face,
Clouds darken to snuggle night.
Tides eb and flo in this restful place,
As we witness sunsets of devided light.  :(Damian Lewis).
Witnessing a sunset, below darkened cloud, the tide is out, the drops from the darkness to display devided light.
Our time was short
not aged like wine
The truth was plucked
from the vine
And I never got the chance  
to say goodbye

The thoughts hold on
The heart despairs
The ghost of you
is everywhere
And I will always be next to and
. . . near you

so goodbye . . . farewell . . . goodbye

The day begins
just like it ends
Is it God's good will
it came to end
But my loneliness
shouts out in vain

So when something ends
it's time to begin
I won't be looking behind . . .  
it's just the wind
And my arms are aching
from the pain

Goodbye . . . so goodbye
fare thee well

So go on now . . . cut your losses
Close the fact inside the coffin
Take the key and
lock it deep inside

Learn how to say your prayers
Long for the day without the cares
The evening air comes on now so chilling

Say goodbye , goodbye now . . .  forevermore

Goodbye . . .
you've closed the door

With every step I'm feeling
Where once so firm I'm reeling
from the overburden
of my motal ways

So just release my last goodbye
Don't even dare to ask me why
The chances are cast
the lot now devided

. . . so goodbye . . . goodbye . . .
. . . goodbye . . .  fare thee well . . .
Kara Jean Jan 2018
The throne she called home
His manipulative love
The legacy devided
Her life as red as wine
Her inner secrets confined
She is a mistaken flaw with no cause
She is the ugly in refined
She is undecided  
She is unwanted
The woman with no weakness
Her guidance is useless
She is the devils spawn
Iska Dec 2017
We are not poets.
Nor are we artists.
         We are the bleeding hearts
                                                   Daring to rebel.
Society cuts this world into careful little blocks.
Devided by cold cut stones forced to comply.
And yet,
             If you look a little closer, you will notice,
                  Not us, for you will never see our face
   But you will see our fragments.
             The pieces of us we leave behind for you
                Scattered among these cold stone walls
Words we have carved into the stone
             With our own ****** nails.
                              Proof that we exsist.
                                               Proof that you can to.
So here we are,
                    Strings of letters
                                       And scattered lines,
                                 All echoing the same war cry.
                          “We Are Here.”
                                                    "Are You?"
Jae C Nov 2013
I struggle and struggle
I push and push
Working to provide
But never satisfied
The never ending work days
The never ending bills payed
Trapped in a vicious cycle
Of working for next to nothing
Just pushed down and trampled
My efforts feel strained
And my life feels drained
I hope one day
We can start a new
And not be so devided
So broken and bruised
SG Holter Jun 2015
Raindrops raining rings
On coffee cup surface.
Too wet to care,
I remain seated on the slab
Of concrete

By the containers.
Oil and filth creep into fresh
Cuts and scratches.
I ignore my hands itching,
Drink and exhale.

I could be a millionaire
Throwing cash at the shadows of
My emptiness, or a holy man
Preparing for Tukdam with
Nothing but his robes to

His name. Anything but this
In-between existence devided
Between too much work and
Not enough free time or sleep.
What am I doing here, should

Be the last words they'd watch
Me think. The concrete won't
Answer. The coffee won't comfort
My restlessness.
But the rain replies:

You're living.
"And what are you doing here?"  
I counter.

Dag J Jul 2013
unbearable secrets
negotiating bearable truths as
                         day brakes in
                       everyday life of
                     rural experiments

         taken by the
huge momentum of lifes

               broken by the
        roughness of modern
         intellectuality as the
       devided forgetfulness
                                              grows­ into
elegant white memories
© MMXIII by Day J
Veronica clark Oct 2018
The path to war
Is never the same
Some of it may be a lie
We might be to blame

Destruction is never good
We might have gloated
We accepted bad not good
We might have boasted

Innocent is innocent
Proved in court if law
Seeing isn't always believing
Of what we might have saw

In any circumstance there may be peace
Talk and gestures communication
At least

The different colors of this planet
Are not to be the same
Not to judge
Not to blame

We each shed a tear
We each have fear
The one and the same

Think of fabric
All colors stitches
Think of that time
It may have been torn
May have been ripped

A world of color is beautiful
The nations not devided
All stiched together
The color not one sided

It is whom we are
For which we stand
Stick to your values
Don't be bland.

A world without color, race or religion
Might be recinded
Enjoy what we have
All well blended
Daan Nov 2014
God is being generous,
life gave me all I wished for,
yet I miss one simple thing,
a teacher, to take me under his wing.

And you noticed how I'm happy,
how I'm laughing all the time.
But did it ever cross your mind
that I'm just being kind?

All given will be taken,
all earned is undecided.
All I know is that we're
all devided.
By the same to become one.
SG Holter Oct 2014
The Devil took on the shape
Of a city crow.
You should have seen him
Manouver through the streets
On the warm gusts of wind.

Beak silver, feet golden,
Wings as wide as the smile
Of a demon's fresh from
Heaven's grasp.
He turned his head, exposing

An eye; a window to his lack
Of soul, as black as the center of
Nothing. Fresh wounds from
Needles in the arm of a girl
On the pavement below

Were sunsets and rainbows
To him; he croaked with the
Voice of a hundred crying mothers:
Your opened veins are my gates.
Syringe keys and ****** handles.

No single sin is anything
Without the eye that judges it.
Behold: Within the skies above
Is only air, no godly love.

No devil neither rests beneath,  
As blade within an earthly sheath.
Behind this blackness you will find
The consciousness of Humankind.

The crow looked up and lifted off
With a giant rustling flap.
Then, mid-air, changed into a dove
Of summer-cloud white; glided above the roof
Tops; became one with the sunlight

That stroked itself across the face
Of the girl in the street.
She looked up at a passing
Child. One that didn't cringe at the look
Of her weary, weathered features, but smiled

As if knowing her.
I swore I could see the chemical veil lift
From her eyes.
Who needs gods or devils, I thought.
*They're only devided by heart.
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
A million points of lightascending to the skystanding watch in the darknessuntill a sun will rise.Screaming to an emptinessof how we once defined ourselves,claiming all of creation,blinded by the hands over our eyes.What power inspires in us this madness,that our existence should be definedby a light that no one can see?What inspiries in us this madness,to base our existence  on that which we can't see?That which can't be seen?A million points of lightascending to the sky,archangles in the dark stand watch,untill the one will rise.Is this our definition of progress?I doubt how far we've come.We appear to ourselves as deities,claiming what nature has presented as our own.We **** everything, damning us as a devided race.Our actions betray, offering us blindness and stupidity.Can anyone see our self-destruction?No one seems to remember our existence,so very delicate_without the light we are but shadowswithout the light we are but dust.A million points of lightascending to the sky,the archangels watchuntill we ourselves fly.
Harry clute Jul 2017
Politics have devided my brothers views masked its self like a performer on a stage of props staging it's lines of lies allowing each mind to wander within its powerful web of deception for politics is a tool forged from the minds of men to whittle a device made solely for profit for those of wealth and not of greater device for only the whole of the Apple is pure and true to its design until it is devided by the hunger of free will
The world is in a sickening state.
Wars rage through once beautiful and peaceful lands
Stripping them of dignity, personality, and strength.
Some parts of the world are still left unseen.
Left without crucial aid to those who die uneedingly to polotic's hands.

As I watch the news or read a worn out second hand magazine
As I read as I sit and I wait for appointments or my friends to join me for dinner.
Questions arise as to why the world must remain so devided?
If the world were to compromise on pride, polotics, and expectations...
If its' citizens were allowed to unite
Simply to aid with a true and helping hand....
Oh what a beautiful and productive place this Earth could be.

Wars would not be needed out of disputes and economic starvation
Discrimination could be abolished when we see how each one of us isn't so different.

We all suffer the same and we all are blinded by pride, greed, and power.
Alas, if only thes human souls could see past their heavy and set ways..

Beyond cold polotics and being united in common grounds..
Of being Human and caring about the rest falling due to such problems..

Removing the hassles of blinding self-centered needs and the powerful wishing to stay as such...

Then this world would and could be a united and beautiful place.
I know I am only dreaming....
However, some dreams were made to come true.
Blade Maiden Sep 2018
Overly emotional
strangely proportional
partly suboptimal
highly improbable

by truth and anger
and all that subsided

I'm trying
I'm hiding
Bad at denying
I need to feel
I need to scream
mostly defying
the urge to break
the urge to destroy
to disappear, to dissolve
I might be lying

To myself
to myself
My need for leaving or staying
is always unmet
with internal bleeding
my thoughts are paying
and these monsters
in my head
keep eating
Did I really put them there
Or did it happen back
when I was twelve?

I hear you
but your breath is so cold
I wanted to believe
in anything but you
But I think we got too old
and the house
my heart grew in
has long been sold

And when I'm drinking
you get angry
but what should I do?
My thoughts feel so scattered
and you can't pull me through

I'm trying
I'm fighting
Bad at denying
I need to feel
I need to dream
mostly defying
the urge to fake
the urge to decoy
to reappear, to resolve
I might be lying

to myself
MaddHatterQueen Feb 2018
It is possible
for grammar to-
be a mistake ... sometimes

words are

NEVER  perfect

I type,



true words,
run like a stream


from my brain


this brain
my brain

had been
under construction
for all
my entire being

were born in here
in my brain

from my....


no conclusion


I was counting
scrambling numbers
poor additions
about life

adding, nothing

NOT YET.... no method
with a bit

of seizure

relying on them
to save me

deppening on them
to revive a tune

to make these mistakes
look pretty???

There are
many languages devided

= many errors in
                     perfect grammar


the ones with gutts
rasing amo  
firing reprisal

unique insignifacance
intellect that does not belong
to the world

it is possible
for mistakes
to be a grammar

not understanding
why I have to prove

there is no such existance
in humen kind.
© The Madd Hatteress
Nobody, and nothing is perfect.
Tyrel Kriger Oct 2016
Here I am devoid of trauma
Waiting for it
All my troubles
The smallest part of anthing
That is real

The things that I let
Hold me from the strain
Would hold water
But not hearty broth

We are afroth
With simplistic hinderence
We are alive
Cultivating anger, passion
From small discrepancies
In our superiority

This word and not that
Ascribing universal truth
From a devided
One planet species

Thinking true and high
But still arguing
As if the two were
simultaneously possible.
It has begun
Off to my right . . . dancing
Thumbs snapping
Music thumping
In all intensity
We are looking  . . .
Looking into the ways

Swaying ,
Chills surging ,
Together saying . . .
Power be to my sunset's moment
Don't steal it away

24 left
No more sound ,
Dancing done
But no less aware
We are not devided in two
As we wait for our sun to rise

12 . . .
When to live
When to die
Sacrifice the truth ? ? ?
Ha !
We paid our dues

Dance now again
Dance like it was an Irish jig
To the last second
Shed not a tear
Nor give in
Wail not , nor whimper
. . . But be brave
Dance life hours life
John Reilly Aug 2017
The road itself
Had not changed
But the median
That devided  it
Had shifted
And what had once
Been the center
Brightly defined
Is now
A pair
Of black
Parallel lines
a strange
Why was I drawn
to this
I circled around
Ride back
Try to guide the bike
Between the lines
And picture
Quite literally
What it means
This new
A shift of what
Once had been
Taken for granted
Is it just me
My life
Ghost  road
Ghost ride
From allegory
To zeitgeist
I am your
Poster child
A guy with
No hands
Trying to take
A picture
With my iphone
In the middle of
the ******* road
DarkDepriment May 2014
Before the world ends
And where all devided between
Good & evil
I want to know that i lived a great life on earth
And that i've made all my wildest dreams
Come true~
Hira malik Oct 2017
and than there is a night
an impeccable night full of blooomy stars,
all along the way i travelled so far
i have earned a lasting peace,with my devil self
engrossed in me, i can hardly see
these code words of flying bees....
i am not affectionate towards all the people in this **** world
neither a heart of gold i keep.
a stainless piece inside my chest
is eroding itself into dark peel!!
lament is lamenti have learnt so far ,those words speak by ur heartonly donot part!
and i am not, wat i was
yet the happiness never ajar
unending lunacy keeps me euphoric
out of those mumbles i hear around ;such sort!!

ur face is designed by those linear curves

that are drawn by these fathom faces
and they are so hospitable
to make the sketch of ur life
filling it with their favourite colors
and hanging it beside!!
curling canvass of my bedsheath
every morning i straighten them up
not for my sake, but for little sums of cries and laughs
i am bound to be like this now and forever
for i am devided in half!!
Veronica clark Dec 2018
If I had to decide
I would like to stay undecided
To keep my frustrations when things go wrong

Yes, like most I have hopes and dreams
But those are well grounded
When nothings is going well as it seems

Most people know what they want
Thats ok too
I choose to be different
Not only because I don't have a clue

My reasoning is this,
I feel the need to proclaim
Because even when plans go right
It still doesn't end the same

Life sneaks up a timeline with many paths
When your angry, when your sad ..even when you are having the last laugh

Life cannot be planned because nothing ever is
You will miss the adventure
That I know life is

To always know what happens is no fun at all
So I say stop planning
Let things land where they fall
Once was the memory as fresh as frozen dew

I stepped back and then over
the rotten log of truth

Now the days are slated
in the absence of the years

Leave me debating on the worthy of shedding salty tears

The oaken deck and floorboards
of my weathered ship

From the sun and salt
have turned to white at the ending of my trip

I left one foot ashore and the other out at sea

Have thus been devided serving two masters knowing that it can never be

I scowled at by the landward winds

Then turned and prayed to us at sea they'd send

So the back and forth of my life
I sadly never let it end

Now the mast has broken
the repairs will never last

Thus I come limping into port
dropping anchor , and  holding fast

The dingy is the last ride
on the oars that water drips

I'll not be putting out to sea
It's now the time that R.I.P. s

But be not sad the greatest voyage remains

One a joy to make
that eliminates
the pain
Marty Jul 2018
Upon my cheeks
For the world to see.
Debossed deeply
Agony and weariness
Linger in the dry rivers.

Endless nights
No sleep in sight
Heart knockin on deaths door
Mornings light
Evils terrifying fright.

Burning a path
In loves aftermath
Torture defined by wrath
Spelling out demons path
Washed in the ****** bath.

Pillows soaked in tears
Releasing nightly fears
Sheets devided by daggers and spears
Stacked upon satan's piers
As the glorious end nears.

Happiness avails
As the nights air becomes stale
Love once again will fail
Open the daily mail
And receive the mornings hell
The Dedpoet May 2017
Insane like a heartless confession,
Soul sessions,
Reality of the beast spreading infection
I Spread the Ded in Poet,
Like a sobering moment-
Know it,
I take you down with me
As you took me to highest heights,
When you leave:
Even crickets seem to sigh at night,
Pain soars hand in hand with happiness,
Ironical elevations,
Body and soul
Better for the sickness,
I see i love you,
Destroyer of beauty with the quickness,
Personal mixing with business,
What is this,
A brokenness with every decision,
Precision demolitions,
Words of fire.
Love the ammunition,
A contradiction conflicting,
Happiness sickening,
Bring on the quickening
Face of the beast,
Hopeless in your light,
I see when its too late,
I earthquake,
Shake my head though,
How much of me can you take,
I still beg you dont leave though,
Lets be clear yo,
Im intentionally devided,
Lifetime glitch provided,
I cant hide it,
Fight it.....
Im down for you,
You go, i go,
Us against the world;
Easy though,
Me against you,
I really dont know.
Harry clute Jul 2017
Seek of strength seek of faith and hope dream and reach beyond those who unravel humanity for law is the foundations that form cival boundaries for all and not to be devided by the few who linger inside there own egos of power for one must decide must see and respond within the laws of respect
Poet to poetry hide me from society melt me in the fervor of sullen brevity !
there are lines being drawn in the sand let the reader understand in the furtherance of the plan...
A challenge to be set free is a question of time use logical persuasion from behind
the clock on the wall has holes in the side with a sought grained polish of dust
talk with me walk with me through the passage of time with a highway with cars without tires
the mere notion of intellectualism has taken a back seat toward compromise to its twisted lies...
no one has a voice anymore no one wants to be heard
corporate greed with fat cats with blue hats filter through the streets
agruments ensue over yesterdays left over newspaper yet we tend to rattle the chain

society you don't have a part in me cause you lied to me
saying the claim I am what I do you have bitten off far more then you could every chew
you walk the New York mile taking the Hudson Ferry
people get mad at me cause I'm in support of gay rights the fact that we should coexist
your going to have a fight with my fist if you don't resist yet you think I' m so one sided
take you back in a blast from the past 1975 watching the Donny & Marie show waiting for my pops to make me those little pizzas in the oven
those good old days from the past having so much fun with a hope that it would last
today we are devided minds are plugged with evil destruction
everyone texts & no more need for family get togethers around the kitchen table
lock themselves inside their proverbial room waiting to seal their tomb
yet at one time we can climb together as a melting *** for the furtherance of love

buying your time there's a great ladder to climb until you reach heaven's door lest I implore
today we got Nas, Fetty & Snoop hitting the famed rap scene busting out dope joints.
got to kick it to the curb as if you have heard they cry for peace in the woods laying on the grass.
No one today gets by on any free pass we got bills to pay plans to be made
we are the bold the blue and the brave letting are stars shine brightly in the midnight hour
its all a will or a quest for power perhaps you may need to take a cold shower
Trump in his ivory tower that no it all president that's thinks he's getting something done
Yeah we heard Eminem's take on the whole rap scope of intellectualized mentality
but we as a nation have something far more up our sleeve as we quest for love
burning bridges with soup kitchens way out of order holding your own with the foodstamps
we are all learning to take part in the dance
Faizel Farzee Mar 2021
Walking unseen stalker eye see the darker side of this a grey life in shatters
Our minds engaged and battered
Corporations selling their addictive drugs legally for profit
Sell the antidote to the same addicts they create, how is this legit? We should be disgusted
Governments hands are tied as they just walking  puppets
Control by the lawmakers and breakers it's truly tragic
The world lost it, we conquered by being devided and split
They get away with ******, police unfit designed to keep the masses confined to a system only they permit
The system is rigged, we already in cages, it's easier not to admit
I wish I could ignore the squeeze it's choking, Boa, it's starting to constrict
Making it harder to breathe when all I can see the constant pain they inflict
This world is past sick, they profit off lives and tears ******* us dry like ticks
While capturing our focus on a screens with *******, off we get picked
Prescribed addictive drugs on false positives so money they can extract
In fact, we are cash cows caught in a stacked net, we can't escape or fight back
The only time it ends when they bled us dry and let us go to wait for death
While they live large until their dying breath
Our morals gone, we have nothing left.
The language and images of Mario Vitale's poetry are so closely bound to the natural cycles of seasons, of generations, of the body's functioning, that is surprising to realize how many of his poems deal with loving brevity. But this poetry is not sentimental celebration of the goodness of nature, and harmony with the world is never assumed. The way he captures the tenuousness of this faith, the balance that must be found between the ugliness, the harshness of his history- both natural and social- and its intense beauty, is what distinguishes Vitale's poetry, gives it its depth and dimension:

Mario William Vitale Biography

I was born in 1970 Bristol hospital.
A young nurse took me in her arms and said that I would one day become a success,
As the years would pass I was heavy in the arts used to sing and act.
Was an altar boy at St. Pius Church.
In time I would act in my senior class play, "The Mystery Of Edwin Drood"
Where I had the lead role as the Narrator,
I touched many hearts with that performance in 1989,
Was hospitalized with mono that same year for two weeks long,
Also that same year I became prom king of my class Wolcott High School,
After the break up with my first girlfriend in 1989 I wrote the poem entitled, "Remembrance of a loved one" where I had it published on
Attempted plays: Tartuffe, Miracle Of St. Anthony and Balm in Gieade, (His poetic aspirations had derived at 18 in 1989 from submitting his first poem entitled, "Remembrance Of A Loved One"- (Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum)
Attended Central Connecticut State University For Creative Writing: 1997
Next from 1989-1997 (Wrote primarily for and The International Library Of Poetry) , * Received editors choice award in 1997 for poem, " A Beacon Of Light ",
(1998)Sent poetic manuscript to N.Y. Time Magazine and Chief Editor " John Hyland".
Back with rave reviews!
* (From 1999-2008: Had adapted a real keen sense of style for writing poetry: (1999- Sent Editorial to:
New Man Magazine for the Passion of Christ Movie; Sent followup letter to company with poetry platform information attached,
* 2000-2007: Magazine: (Catholic)Maries Rose Ferron Magazine submitted poem" Beacon Of Light", which had excellent editorial reviews as the outset!
2008- Wrote poem entitled: (The Heavy Cross)to* Achieved Poetry status of work of Excellence in writing from the Academy Of American Poetry in which still having received rank and status as a member of Academy;

(The Connecticut Poetry Society) * Short story submitted entitled, "China Dog Ray" submitted to Virginia Writers Quarterly, West Virginia, Also having member status on their board of Poetry.
Attribute Poetry to an ever increasing love of God and his unconditional love that he has for us in return, Thankfulness toward family and friends.(To our past ancestors who fought to uphold freedom that far too many of us take for granted?
My contemporary artists include that of Ellan Bryant Voight, Kay Ryan and Carl Phillips.Which all three are Participants in the Academy Of American Poetry
Having been a member since 2006, My work reflects the likes of past poets such as C.S.Lewis, Hawthorne and Edgar Allen Poe.
Most of my work reflects with the values of religious beliefs intact
In my personal view it is essential in demonstrating a real heart of creative passion!
The reader I believe will benefit by my artistic style of development in a very positive light.)
After experiencing a life transformation encounter.I had realized that poetry is my unique way to convey myself my work speaks from the heart with pure sentiments of though intact,

As the years passed I would write over 4,000 poems and 5 short stories toward my platform,
My poetry is based on the free verse style of writing,
Was published in 10 venues such as Writerscafe, Neopoet, Hello poetry, Poem Hunter, Booksie, Poetryvibe, Poetrysoup,, Poets Know It &
I was saved by God at the tender age of nine in Charlotte Carolina where I came to know the Lord that was in 1979,
Today I continue to write poetry was published on Spillwords, High On Poetry, Tuck Magazine & Setu Magazine.
My main emphasis in writing poetry is to share with the mass populace touching many hearts.
Hope you can read my poetry.

Come As You Are

place face down between the New York mile raised to its dial
the mere nature of the beast we both will join its feast
we traveled so far not to turn back now
the insurance devides the shape

out of thirst to greet and meet
the service was devided
come as you are
with twins in the car

swallow back the engine with shame in its credible game
the sound of the overhead Albatross
sending words common lose

(2) Wave To The Sun

a brand news day dawn
wave to the sun
out of fetters catch the ivy twirl
shades of crafted enriching drill

abandoning the reflex caught up in the mix

(3) To Handle It's Fear

come follow me to the edge of the sea
hoping that she will marry me
climb deeper then ever before
trying to even the score

sought through the shared pile like drift
its all we miss
viewing the scenic look that's all it took
the oceanic breatth

from every circumstance
all to take a part in the dance

A Beacon of Light

shared through solemn peaks do sway
the swan watch and a grandma prays
seaweed lines the parting way
a tear drop gets in the shade

A beacon of light to a hurting world in need of comfort
push back the feeling of what we are dealing
another evening share
with a solemn word to care

minus the violence of a news day dawn
can't we all just get along

The Lonely Number

lie beside a cosmic wheel
feelings of let's make a deal
shing mountains from fullness of dread
leaped beside its bed

halo aside the barren path
a chance to over react
treat by the pillars of one in doubt
cobwebs in the out of control

filled up with the evening dew
shades of solemn fancy chew
we bath in the columns of mass appeal
Sweet Harmony

the southern door opened
deliver instead a storm warning
protest are devided among men
beginning to fall on mass shooting
A pulse within us
like a famous painting from the late Bob Ross
pulling away haunts us most
Star fish hero miss
Sweet harmomy making sweet history
enjoy pepper from the vine
made from his crafted design
Velvet Ranch To Plow The Rest
coming ranch devided sleeve...
lift from a gadget to turn each potato farm,
the light well groomed lift the cosmic vest
try the radio with rest
tie the cupboard to swell
a certain place in Hell
lick outside you place in the window
cut the showcase to help me party some more

Velvet Ranch To Plow the rest
the waited difference
a comedy of friends
it only depends

— The End —