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Larry Potter Sep 2013
They say, in the wheel of life, you'll spend half your years rising to the top and the other half tumbling to the bottom. I guess they got it all wrong. I believe life is a crooked tire that can never roll up and down. Pretty sure, it is nailed to the ground where weeds could grow to entangle it forever. Until now, what they keep trying to say remains a puzzle to me. Perhaps I can never understand what they mean. Or maybe I just won’t. Why? Because from the moment our eyes opened for the world, we’re already stuck down below and I’m afraid we’re trapped here in this limbo for all eternity.

We’re just simple people living an ordinary life. Like every family who seeks refuge from the storm, we do have a place we call home although it’s not much of an architectural delight. However, for some reasons, I find our roof appealing like a real work of art. Patches of cardboard embellish the underside while a combination of tarpaulin and ad posters works in harmony to provide an extended shelter. On bright mornings, we’ll wake from the sunbeams piercing through its many gaps. On rainy days, however, the sound of raindrops falling from the gaps down to our water containers serves as our wake up call.

To jumpstart ourselves for another day’s challenge, we could either eat breakfast (if there were any), or just sing our skipping meals away and spend the rest of the day with sacks of scraps and rubbishes on our back hoping to make a good deal with Mr. Gomez, the junk shop proprietor. He reminded me so much of my father but without the alcohol problem and violence, though. During nighttime, we bring with us our drum to sing carols on the lonely streets. If our feet become too weary to walk, that’s the time we head home. We rush all together, eager to count the coins we’ve collected that night. We make sure to put a plastic cap underneath two of our table’s feet so that it won’t lean uncontrollably and spill the tiers of ten, five and one peso coins we’ve dedicatedly piled over. Then the next part does the trick. A portion of our collection for the night goes straight down a big jar and joins in the many others which fill more than half of the container. The remaining part is used to buy supper to save our hungry tummies from
shrinking again. However, during slack nights when drivers and busy people decided to become miserly, we’re fortunate enough to have a pack of noodles for supper. But if we ran out of luck, we just set our untidy beds ready and drown our raging stomachs to sleep. I know there’s not pretty much but this is where our lives revolve. And as they say, life must go on no matter what.

Together with the three most important persons of my life, I continue the journey for a better living. Along the way, we try to search for the good things out of life’s bitter truths. We never let misery **** our hopes and dreams. Instead, we work harder and tougher. Take Islay, for example. She’s cheerful,
clever, aggressive, talented, a model of hard work. She’s got most of everything. Well, except for height, probably. I wanted to be a doctor so I could help the needy. Islay dreams of becoming an elementary teacher. She said she really likes kids and teaching them would surely be a more exciting thing to do.

Then there’s Nova. Her looks may require you a little more time to think and consider, but she has a good heart. However, she gets a little, uhhm, what term do we use for an unsociable person? That’s it! She’s a bit of a Killjoy!

Islay and Nova caroled a store swarmed with drunkards. It was always Islay who’ll find every creative idea and propose it convincingly to Nova, who in turn hesitates and rejects it but then ultimately respects it in the end. Islay always has the winning edge. Maybe that’s one of her abilities. Her convincing power deserves a credit to the list.

The two didn’t mind the ***** that welcomed them. Inside her mind, Nova asked herself how many people could waste their money on a doze of liquid or spirit that can poison their mind and bring them to imminent danger. If only they have given it to the poor and needy, they could have saved a lot of lives instead of ruining their own.

But Aling Nena, the wicked storeowner, unleashed her witchy wrath to the two. She looked at them with eyes of contempt, of prejudice and disgust. She accused the two as jinxes and blamed them for the
store’s unprofitable end. If only she could look at herself and discover a chest of shimmering blame, she might shrink into shame. Islay and Nova ran off not because they were afraid of Aling Nena or the drunken men but because of what Aling Nena said to them. They cannot defend themselves from such
an attack. How could they when they were surrounded with eyes of ridicule?

And of course, there’s my dearest sister, Juaning. We’ve only got each other since our mother’s death. It has been months already. Juaning was still 15 when mama left us. She’s 16 now. It’s been quite a while and I know she misses mama a lot like I do.

And so they fought life’s bitter realities. They begged and implored to the unconcerned passers-by, almost falling to their weak knees for one very important thing - to live. But even if the three of them were sitting, lying, and rolling down the cold pavement, these people with more graces just pass by without even sparing a glance of concern. Wouldn’t it be happier if they shared their God-given blessings? But as the day continues, they have to endure the hunger, the contempt. Because other than filling their
hungry stomach, they have a sibling, a friend to support.

That’s my part of the story. It has been months now since I caught a serious illness which bound me
to this bed, flat on one’s back, weak, inutile, and useless. Every time they come home, I wish I was with them to taste the sweet and feel the pain, not just a good listener to their stories of survival and moments of friendship. Someday, I’ll become strong again, and this curse of a disease shall be gone.

I woke up to the longing for water. I’ve never been this thirsty before. I called out their names but my voice just echoed deep in the four dark walls of our crooked house. With no one to help me, I summoned my strength and decided to get a glass of water by myself. But my legs aren’t as strong as my will. And as I attempted to stand, they betrayed me. I collapsed and plodded down the floor. Luckily Islay came and helped me get back to bed. She scolded me for being careless. I cried. I can’t help it. I pitied myself all
over again.

The cold evening wasn’t a problem for Islay. Seeing me cry like that crushes her heart. I know, as a friend and a part of our family, she wishes the best for me. And that’s why she’s still out there in the middle of the night, working late to earn more for our better future. She ignored the chills and the exasperation. She knows she has to work harder and she’s more than determined for it.

But something happened to me while she’s away from home. I cannot move my body, not even my mouth. Tears just fell from my weary eyes. And before it’s too late, Juaning caught me unresponsive and paralyzed. My sister cried for help. Nova sprinted to get the jar. Juaning told her what to do. And wasting no time, Nova rushed to the nearby pharmacy to get me some medicine, and most probably to save my life.

But Nova’s effort was in vain. Prescription drugs cannot be bought that easily. The pharmacist closed down the only lining of hope for me. The security guard felt pity on Nova and he suggested her an alternative decision that will change our lives forever.

Islay was still busy serenading the busy streets with her chants of joy and sweet hums. But the clouds become unwelcoming. And by the sound of the thunder, big droplets of rain started pouring down the highway. She ran as fast as she could and sat on a corner where she thought of something deeply. She hugged the drum that she was carrying for five hours or so and tried to remain calm in the presence of the bad weather.

After half an hour, Nova came back with a pouch of medicine on her shaking hand. She handed it carefully to Juaning whose faith and hope were hanging to the tiny bottle of miracle.

Days gone by and my condition wasn’t going any better. It turned out that my medicine was consumed to the last drop. Still I remained immobile and my hands are going number by the days. Slowly I was losing hope. I wish they weren’t mad at me. I’m trying my best to live on. That’s why I’m still here. But Nova shared something worth listening to. She revealed how and where she got the medicine.

It was from a quack doctor on a stall put up on the corner of Rizal Avenue. She said he was well versed and very convincing. And that she spent all of our savings for a bottle of deception. But we can do nothing about it. We did not have formal education. We were fortunate enough to meet kind children on
the streets who would try to teach us something they have learned from school. We would attempt to read newspapers and the description in the carton boxes we spread beneath the Badelles overpass.

Nova cried in guilt and shame. Islay was still angry at her, and it can be understood. My sister, Juaning, comforted Nova with a promise that everything will get better in time.

December 27. It was my birthday. And more than anything else, what I wish is for the four of us to be happy. Nothing in this life is more important than seeing everyone you love smile with absolute
happiness. Juaning never forgot her job and that’s to buy me a cake. Every year, they will try to surprise me with every creative possible way. But that’s how their surprises become predictable with my age.

They sang me a birthday song. But this time, they were the ones waiting for a surprise. As my sister was about to hand me the cake waiting for me to blow the candle, she noticed something she was least expecting for. My lips are pale and my eyes are shut from the light of the world. I caught my last breath and before I gave it away, I left a smile on my face that can never be changed forever. That is how I want them to remember me. Not that heck of a frown clown whose audiences are stricken with sadness.

They say, in the wheel of life, sometimes, you'll spend half of your years rising to the top and the other half tumbling to the
bottom. Maybe they were right. It was then that I’ve come to understand what they were trying to say.

Our life’s wheel revolves around things way beyond just money, food, and shelter. It is about the moments you spend with your loved ones, friends and family that will be forever carved in your heart. We can never know when our life here on earth will be over. So let us cherish every bit of it. And for me, even if we skip breakfasts and eat only noodles for supper, I have realized in these last fleeting moments that my life has always
been on the top of the wheel after all.
Àŧùl Jul 2015
I want to just confess,
Not creating a mess,
I love to see her work,
Not some sweaty one,
But right when she studies.

The angel studies dedicatedly,
And I am proud to help her,
Not that she can't do without me,
The tulip is intelligent enough,
But I want to be the dew drops on her.
My HP Poem #894
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Feb 2013
This note is meant to be read complete at one sitting with complete attention and then only you're expected to react to it.*

One of my female friends claims:
"God won't let anything bad happen to me, I have never intended wrong to happen for anyone..."

Many people find the statement pretty obvious. But I have an entirely different perspective...

Read on, be intrigued.

My counter-statement to the above claim questions the very basis of theism:

"I wonder then how I got on your God's wrongbooks... I have always been a helpful person serving those in need and even serving the lower-strata - I even taught underprivileged kids dedicatedly during my tenure in second year at the previous college.. I remained a no-fuss son to my parents who were always very caring and loving. So my question is, why then your God - if any such entity exists - gave me the worst possible time, why I was cut off from the world by a grave accident that put me into a 22-day long coma, why did I lose all my friends, why I was made to abandon my previous ways of life - including playing guitar as fine as I used to & moving as freely as you do, why I suffered and  why - simply why?"*

Nobody can answer these why's and I don't seek their answers because this is a statement which questions the viabiliity of theism - the belief in any imaginary entity that controls the universe. Bhagwaan or God or whatever you may call the dormant power probably just created the universe & let chemical reactions follow the physics laws and went to a permanent sleep itself.

Life was just created by mere chemical and physical interactions, why do we then need to waste incessant money at different 'so-called' religious institutions instead of doing social service ourselves?

Don't we find any poverty or negativity in the outside world itself?

Why do we not stop the incessant flow of money into places of worship and go serve the poor ourselves instead or are we so busy, rather so lazy?

When God or Bhagwan is not going to be pleased by any such hypocrisy then 'why' are we fooling ourselves by remaining religious in the flashy-fashioned-faking ways?

Why - just a small why?

I'm sure that if God or Bhagwan could listen to our prayers even in its dormant state - it's by the following ways:
1. Serve the poor by your own hands instead of giving mere donations or maundy money, or simply doing more & more of charity to wash your sins
2. Help others - be it a friend, a normally needy person, an aged person, or a physically handicapped person - help them more frequently with a kind heart and pure intentions, free from the awareness that you are helping them such that you don't have to count it among your good deeds
3. Raise your voice against wrong - it could happen to you or a loved one too

There are some other fairly similar ways by which you can attain pure liberation from the worldly woes in this world - in this life only.
P.S.: I'm neither a theist, nor an atheist person
© Atul Kaushal
I heard the rushing wind in the calmest air
Loudly whispering
Unemotional words spoken through many tears
Flying freely
With no wings

The present time became bygone
Dedicatedly detached
A light of darkness lit up bright shadows
Well suited
In mismatch

Opposing allies fought for hostile peace
Calling light the same
Agitation dwelled in tranquility
All their calmness
Spoke disclaim

Harmony was found within a tempest
Coordinated discord
The rushing wind screamed out quietly
Time as they knew it
Was no more
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
Àŧùl Mar 2013
Waiting for you,
Knowing that,
You study,

Waiting for you,
Knowing that,
It does take,

Waiting for you,
Knowing that,
The result,
Is strong steel.
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2016
Yes, today I tell you about naïvety,
Our bright moments all got faded,
Up high above the sky love took you,
Raze you did my love to ground.

Hardworking is a trait of the naïve,
Escaping is the trait of others.
As innocent they might behave,
They might not be dupable.

Innocent people work dedicatedly,
Not the saying the same for smart ones.

Yelp they often for help,
Often they do so for ease,
Underworking lifelong,
Resting most of the time.

Lies you construed for convenience,
Infinite and uncountable lies,
Fife of carelessness you played,
Especially in your romantic life.

Wish they do for an easy life,
Ill they unintentionally wish for you,
Long they will for an expert,
Lastly they will follow their lazy heart.

Teeming with tears your eyes are left,
An aching heart eventually gives away,
Keen to relax with your love they are,
Eastward or westward escape won't help you.

You will rue your actions one day,
Our memories you might forget,
Unto paradise youth will not come.

Down the whirlpool of memories I sink,
Of your guilt you will also feel bad,
Win my heart you did with your naïvety,
Now you are matured as self-centred.

Taste you will many serums,
Of different people they will be.

Another Atul won't cross your way.

Bringing any friends won't help,
Ringing any relatives won't either,
Of loneliness it will be a big hell,
The dome of love you despise,
Have it your way right now,
Enjoy now when you can,
L*ife will settle scores...
I want my heart back.

HP Poem #1295
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2017
Her thought was a positive one,
And my memory sharpened,
So much that I still remember,
The first time she doublecrossed,
So like kids I had wept for her,
And an older friend Madhur,
His shoulder was my tear pillow.

Madhur had said, "If she made you cry now, how can she be your fabled truest lover, your soulmate?"

I remember how she had argued,
That I never cared enough for her,
But all my time was just for herself,
I so resent her for ever forgetting it,
How she revised her 10th with me,
I gifted her self-belief back then,
I know now she silences me.

I remember how I fixed a deal,
We sold the Bengaluru property,
For it our family had flown there,
But I remember how she was misled,
2013 was marred by an old terror,
My old phobia of getting ditched,
She forgot I got it sold for her.

2014 was a bit happier for me,
But I had wrongfully let her be,
I gave her immature self the key,
That key to my utmost happiness,
To behave like that I was foolish,
She was happy having my time,
Did I ever look at another girl?

I remember when my dad was ill,
He was admitted to the hospital,
In '15 winters it was exam time,
She had 'gain swayed off of me,
Young girl presented a Catch-22,
Choose from my thirst or thy dad,
I chose dedicatedly serving my dad.

I still try to woo her back in vain,
For I know she is a bullet astray,
Shot into the period by her age,
Social bounds are now a cage,
Like a Catty she pounces upon,
She surfs upon an internet tide,
And thinks that she is up to date.

Now I feel so tired of trying,
But I will try once again,
I will go to her house,
Once more I will go,
My course ends soon,
Now I just have to gain,
For there is nothing to lose.

Even our newer bigger home,
In Karnal comes to completion,
Opportunities are many in here,
Researching life I am indulged in,
Now is the time for me to watch,
Plan, act & watch the outcome,
I see joy is 'round the corner.

My happiness is in my own hand,
The pursuit of it is not so bland,
It is the most full of challenge,
No time to lose in indulgence,
It's now when I must perform,
The pursuit approaches an end,
My joy is in making destiny bend.
My HP Poem #1587
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2014
Dream about me & my love, my darling
Dream about us being one, my darling
Dream about your future, my darling
Dream about each night, my darling
Dream about life happily, my darling
Dream about our romance, my darling
Dream about the aspirations, my darling

And prepare dedicatedly for the life you want.
Ignore those ignoble nightmares, my darling
Remember that they are not bigger than our joint dream of a happy life, my darling

I hope that the nightmare you saw last was actually your last and now on you'll learn to control what you dream about, my darling

For that you must see the brighter side of the nightmares that all nightmares must end finally and you can control what you dream about when you are asleep.

My HP Poem #511
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Nov 2016
She had kissed me as I slept near her father,
More than now I have not felt any farther.
She pursues her dreams self-focussed,
And she has moved on in that life of hers,
My best wish is that only her I wished.
She so dedicatedly chases all her dreams,
Mine she was the only dream I ever pursued.

That kiss was more gratituos than sensuous,
She had woken me up for an active kiss.
Those wee hours I cannot forget ever,
Because just like a surreal dream it was,
She became a one night angel for me.
Those moments one could never forget,
She is the new generation – maybe she can.
I refuse to become next generation when it comes to love.
If I am supposed to be alone all my life, then so be it.
I am not going to move on when I was not at fault until I am granted justice.

HP Poem #1239
©Atul Kaushal
Gabriel Jan 2014
The shadowiness of grey,
With the grimmest glossy lining,
Cannot hinder the sun from shining,
No matter the sky in the way.

A flower needs brightness above,
As a heart requires virtue,
The heart needs a light to turn too,
Just as the flower requires love.

Dimly woven dreams of growth,
An internal quest for progress,
Beliefs that rarely ever digress,
A path that complicates both.

But a dying star has not shown its all,
As one blast is yet to come,
So with anticipation far undone,
It does not even define the fall.

For a cloud does not sing a song,
But merely floats along the day,
Heat always dedicatedly eating away,
At the changing daydream of those gone.

But the water cycle that fuels life restarts,
Breaking new clouds into a new light,
And much to a growing flowers delight,
Never keeping it and water apart.
Saumya Dec 2017
There are times, when the only thing you can do, is work, work hard , and keep working harder till you achieve the goal you've had, buy what if the no. Of attempts you get, isn't enough as the degree of hope you possess?
The incessant work, the toil, that dedication, all kinda wells up our eyes,  but the pain inside is too deep for those tears even to ease!

Theres a thing, called 'misfortune' that comes into light, then.When a person is unfortunate, at a phase of time, no matter what he or she does, with whatever degree of dedication, the fate rejects all the honesty, and what we exactly get is what we never wished and deserved then.But as the saying goes, 'time rules everything'.'Nobody ever reaped the good harvest before time didn't nod, and I feel nobody ever will.

'Uncertainity' rules life! We can work dedicatedly, be honest with everything and be sincere, yet the chapter called 'Uncertainity' governs life, the people, us, and everything associated with everyone. What we actually wish and expect, isn't what we get, when we actually want, and what we getvis often given at a time, when we are least in need of it.Sadly, that's life.A life, which is indeed so wierdly uncertain!
A deep thought and experience.
najy Sep 2020
The best is a beast I must slay
Living in the valley of expectation
And I know I moved myself there.
The beast lurks late at night
Waking me at three am
Giving me such a fright.

I sharpen my swords
I ******* my shield
And I stay inside.
I practice, practice, practice
Never perfect.

The best is a beast I must slay,
I will not die buried as I lived
Wrapped in bronze, silver, or dirt.
Cast me in immortality
A golden Goddess
My dying wish is to live forever.

I study
I steady my hand
If it’s not perfect, it’s no good.
I must be prepared and precise
Dedicatedly detailed
A single flaw is fatal.

The best is a beast I must slay,
I am not religious, but giving up is a sin
Second only to failure.
So, I practice my acceptance speech
I know, I know,
I know I will never give.

I know it’s no use
I know I’m too scared
To ever do anything worthwhile.
I fear failure so much
I never even try
And I wonder why I’m still stuck in this valley.

The best is a beast I must slay
This is my life’s goal
Because it will take a life of work to get close.
So close I can taste it
I will probably die
An inch short of the beast’s beating heart.

I march up the hill
I tell myself
Today is the day.
I have done this more times than I can remember
I scare myself
More than any beast ever could.

The best is a beast I must slay,
I remind myself of what’s at stake
More than the glory and gold.
I want to beat the beast
So I can know I can beat the beast inside me.

The best is a beast I must slay.
I am forever changing my mind on what I want this poem to be titled. I have tried Best/Beast, The Best, The Beast, and The Be(a)st and nothing quite feels right. The best title for the poem is the beast I must slay. If anyone has any title ideas, let me know!

To get just a glimpse of him, anything she would do;

His work place, was  a divine temple for her  too.

But so sacrificing was her love, she never said, I love you.

Years passed this way, they worked dedicatedly for scores over two;

Though rarely she thought, I wish he would say, " I love you"

Also sometimes about her future she would worry and rue!!

And I, looking at their dedication, thought will they ever say, "I do" ?

Today they are both elderly, bent over, yet to work they continue.

Stuck they have dedicatedly to their proffesion like glue.

To cure thousands, even now they steadfastedly continue;

But they haven't yet said those magical words; n may not so do

All I can do is pray for them, saying,"May God bless you two".

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2018
I work
but how dedicatedly?

India, Her Independence n Republic status achieved, after years of slavery

Even today, our Armed forces protect our borders courageously n bravely

But sadly we citizens treat them shabbily, not taking their sacrifices n dedication gravely

God, awaken our sleepy souls soon; so that we appreciate the great work of our Armed forces

Mandatory should be a training in the army; ministers n beurocrates their children send must for defence academy-courses

Let us look up to them; and respect every soldier, who dedicatedly serves our Nation; his life risking

Salute I, every Jawan, every officer, who this protection unto us gives, his family's happiness risking.


Armin Dutia Motashaw

— The End —