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Well, my daddy left home when I was three,
and he didn't leave much to Ma and me,
just this old guitar and a bottle of *****.
Now I don't blame him because he run and hid,
but the meanest thing that he ever did was
before he left he went and named me Sue.

Well, he must have thought it was quite a joke,
and it got lots of laughs from a lot of folks,
it seems I had to fight my whole life through.
Some gal would giggle and I'd get red
and some guy would laugh and I'd bust his head,
I tell you, life ain't easy for a boy named Sue.

Well, I grew up quick and I grew up mean.
My fist got hard and my wits got keen.
Roamed from town to town to hide my shame,
but I made me a vow to the moon and the stars,
I'd search the ***** tonks and bars and ****
that man that gave me that awful name.

But it was Gatlinburg in mid July and I had
just hit town and my throat was dry.
I'd thought i'd stop and have myself a brew.
At an old saloon in a street of mud
and at a table dealing stud sat the *****,
mangy dog that named me Sue.

Well, I knew that snake was my own sweet dad
from a worn-out picture that my mother had
and I knew the scar on his cheek and his evil eye.
He was big and bent and gray and old
and I looked at him and my blood ran cold,
and I said, "My name is Sue. How do you do?
Now you're gonna die." Yeah, that's what I told him.

Well, I hit him right between the eyes and he went down
but to my surprise he came up with a knife
and cut off a piece of my ear. But I busted a chair
right across his teeth. And we crashed through
the wall and into the street kicking and a-gouging
in the mud and the blood and the beer.

I tell you I've fought tougher men but I really can't remember when.
He kicked like a mule and bit like a crocodile.
I heard him laughin' and then I heard him cussin',
he went for his gun and I pulled mine first.
He stood there looking at me and I saw him smile.

And he said, "Son, this world is rough and if
a man's gonna make it, he's gotta be tough
and I knew I wouldn't be there to help you along.
So I gave you that name and I said 'Goodbye'.
I knew you'd have to get tough or die. And it's
that name that helped to make you strong."

Yeah, he said, "Now you have just fought one
helluva fight, and I know you hate me and you've
got the right to **** me now and I wouldn't blame you
if you do. But you ought to thank me
before I die for the gravel in your guts and the spit
in your eye because I'm the nut that named you Sue."
Yeah, what could I do? What could I do?

I got all choked up and I threw down my gun,
called him pa and he called me a son,
and I came away with a different point of view
and I think about him now and then.
Every time I tried, every time I win and if I
ever have a son I think I am gonna name him
Bill or George - anything but Sue.
Brent Kincaid Sep 2015
I like cussin’
I even researched the word.
It ain’t cussin’
There’s an R that is not heard.
We’re talking of cursing,
The taking of God’s name in vain,
Back when it was blasphemy.
Those days will never come again.

It ain’t the same way
Like it was back in those times
When spitting on the sidewalk
Was a jailing crime
And black people had to walk
Down in the gutter.
There were words back then that
Decent folks didn’t utter.

Well, I ain’t religious.
I don’t go to any church at all.
It ain’t that I am evil;
I’m not riding for some fall.
But there are times
Like when you hammer your thumb
That saying “Oh fudge!”
Sounds just plain old **** dumb.

I am not sending
Anything or anyone here to hell.
It’s just helps
To say hell or **** or fuckaduck
When you have to yell.
A shuckydern don’t fit the bill like
A shouted “****”
When you are *******, raving
Ready to spit.

I totally understand
That some words have a place.
Calling people *******
Can be seen as a huge disgrace.
But I still insist
That many times in a conversation
The word *******
Just fits the momentary occasion.

So, scoff if you will.
I’ll try to play by your nicey-nice rules,
But there are people
What are nothing but ******* fools.
I do hope you pardon
My not liking any more pleasant words
When someone says
The dumbest **** I have ever heard
(Illustration from:
MicMag Feb 2019
Let's sit down together
And have a discussion
And by that I mean
Lots of yelling and cussin

To your own opinion
You're entitled - that's fine
But your view is wrong
If it's different from mine

If you don't echo my thoughts
I don't care what you think
You're bad for our country
Taking us to the brink

Here's the way it is
No room for debate
And if you don't agree
You're deserving of hate

Evil, conniving,
Dumb or deplorable
Lazy, elitist,
Whatever - you're horrible

Our problems all stem
From the other side
So much for United
We'd rather divide
But don't worry, our side definitely isn't like that at all
kara lynn bird Sep 2013
It's hard to believe that forty seven years have passed since we picked our first Macintosh off that tangled orchard tree. Fall was the best time of year. We would hop into the old truck and scoot on down the road to the local farm. Together we'd place everything in order for a perfect picnic; sandwiches here, potato chips there. She'd be certain to leave the pickles in a special container cause that sour taste of dill always made me buckle. Forty seven years since we made our first fall adventure, can you believe it?

The autumn breeze always seemed to soften the light as it glowed upon her curly red hair. So young and full of life she was. It was always a sight to see her when she'd reach for an apple and a good ol' honey bee would come buzzing around. Hell, she'd start flailing her dainty fingertips and scrunch her nose, waving her scarf all around as if the bee would surrender. Those were the moments that I searched for. Those moments (I'd swear) she could stop the universe in a shade of gray. Her ability to get so **** mad made her look as cute as puppy who couldn't run as fast as it wanted. When those moments began to unfold before my eyes it appeared I had been deeply connected to the face of God. My heart would leap, Ah, I knew I'd love her forever.

There was one year which was so special to me, I've held it safe as one of my fondest memories. We had been out all night one fall evening. Our neighbors held a festive barn party complete with a hog roast with all the fixens. We danced until our feet hurt. I remember she wanted to leave early but I wasn't sure why. Being the gentleman that I was, I stayed with the one that brought me.

I popped the clutch and off we went leaving the music behind us. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary but then she reached over and gave me a little tap on the shoulder. She really had a way of getting my attention. "Pull over up here..." she said "down this gravel road!"

I shoulda known better. Shifting gears I made a careful right turn as the tires met with the thickly settled road. As soon the truck had made it fifty yards she opened that truck door and left me no choice but to stop! "What on earth are you doing?" I cried as she exited the vehicle and made her way past the headlights.

Before I could ask another question the drivers side door swung open. The moon must've been full that night cause I can recall light beams bouncing off her beautiful smile. She grabbed my hand and ran towards the forest. The trees lashed back against me as I chased her through the thick of it. I had no idea that the orchard would be on the other side.

Waiting like a tractor for an overdue oil change was a the most romantic thing I witnessed. My pretty girl sure did surprise me. I could have never guessed. Spread out right before me was a midnight picnic. We sat underneath that tree and laughed till the coyotes chased us home. That was the first night we ever made love. Real love...the lasting kind and Lord have mercy, I'll never forget it!

It's been ten years since she went up with the Angels. Every fall I can't help but reminisce of that night we left the barn dance- it's where it all began, but I have yet to return to our spot.

Every time I think about it I can smell the remnants of her homemade apple pie and it brings tears to my eyes. Today, something told me to muster up the courage and get down to the Orchard, it was as if she had tapped me on the shoulder again.

Different it was making my way down there alone. A lot of the landscape has changed and they've added a few things. I'd have to admit, the smell of the autumn breeze still rings true to my memories of my her as I approached the Apple Orchard.

Heavy hearted I headed out on the farm. It was different to see all the children with their families, that used to be us. But the sound of their laughter quickly replaced my own memories as I made my way down the hill to our very first apple picking tree.

There it stood as pretty as an apple tree could be. Her leaves appeared to blow to the sound of the wind, her branches looked like they were smiling. Glancing up I continued to walk closer and I couldn't believe what I saw. Was it true?

Slowly I made my way around the trunk of that twisted orchard tree just to be sure I wasn't imaging something, but I'll be ******, every apple on that tree was gone.

The moment I realized it was true I knelt down and dug my hands in the dirt. A blustery tear rolled on past my lips. I clenched my fist and lifted it to my heart. The moment was too much, I had taken too long to get there. Just as I turned around and decided that I should go- a busy little honey bee flew right past the tip of my eyelashes. I stumbled back and reluctantly began swatting at an almost invisible contender.

Jumping all around like a **** fool I was shoutin' and cussin' going off like a firecracker. All of a sudden the honey bee flew from sight and when I realized that I was so **** worked up, I began to laugh.

You see, it was that sweet little honey bee that made it all possible. It came buzzin' by like a heated stroke of lightening and changed everythin'! That's the moment I realized, if it weren't for the things that made us upset, the moments that brought on grief and heartbreak, perhaps we wouldn't have any reflection on the things that made us happy.

That apple tree may not have had a single Macintosh left for my pickin' but it taught me that my wife had planted enough seeds of love and hope in my heart that I didn't need no apple- just the memories that went with it.
JL Dec 2011
The cops got called at one a.m
An she's sitting on the front step
Smokin a cigarette wearing sunglasses
Hello officer he's inside
In the bedroom sleepin
Let me see what's under them sunglasses
A ******* eye and her lip is bleedin pretty good
The cops run in stomping over and on Christmas presents
The kids are cryin Daddy, daddy!
Mommy what's goin on
Their comin to talk to daddy about him bein mad
Dad is a fighter though and takes the first cop
Right in the throat with a balled up fist
The second cop got him good with his nightstick
Straight to the gut
Daddy is layin there while the good beat him on the ribs
In chains they drag him out to the car
Cussin and yellin up a **** storm
Momma sittin there cryin her eyes out yellin
Baby I love you im sorry
I love you I'm sorry

Time is gone by
Things have called down
While the pigs are takin statements an ****
Right there in the trailer park I see that girl
Some construction workers daughter from west Virginia throws her glasses on the ground
And asks to talk to her lover
He cryin in the backseat
Locked up
she broke my heart when she cradled his bleeding head to her *******
Whisperin I love you baby
With all my heart
She kissed him on the lips
A good long kiss
A movie kiss
Tommorow is Christmas baby I'm gonna bail you out
No you won't baby
We got our rent to pay
There ain't never a passionate kiss in this trailer park
That don't end with both of em tastin blood
Christmas eve in Tennessee means broken teeth and ******
And cops givin out a whippin
Dougie Simps Jul 2014
I've sketched this out, I've drawn up a few conclusions
It wasn't real, but our chemistry could of fooled any illusion..
Talking late texting, an early message, a few words to pass by the other just to gain some leverage,
I just didn't see you coming, but that's an excuse, end of sentence.
I apologize
For not taking my chances to finally look into those eyes
Promise you clear skies
Lay down on the beach, talk forever
As time flies
I miss you.
I miss having someone to just talk
It's getting hella lonely now, hands in my pockets as I just walk
I guess it makes sense
Two people can't intertwine if they both are tense
I just never met a woman who I can speak too, understand and just vent.
But I made a mistake
I forgot what building a relationship takes..
Takes a chance, takes a moment
Takes two people in order to make
And I peep from time to time just to still see that pretty smile
I would text you, but I know it wouldn't be worth while
I just hope you know and understand
This wasn't part of my plans
At times, I rewind that long Saturday
And wish it was all pretend
I wish we could of stayed friends
I tend to wonder if we will ever amend
Till then
I wish you well and hope you one day can come around
I promise to do right on my wrongs
No cussin, no lookin down.
Letting go...cause forever, you can't hold on
It's true that you truly miss something but only when it's finally gone.
Honestly...This was for me. We've never met but I wish we did. I lost to technology and pride..stubbornness and a fight that didn't have to happen. Remember that not everything is worth the argument and not everything is worth losing.
shryl Jun 2013
Found someone new and I lost the old me.

I miss that little girl that's locked up screaming to be free.

Find that little girl and hug her tight.

She's weeping, trying to keep her head up high.


Those laughter rang in her ears since she was five,
 when the kids in kindergarten called her ugly.

Until now, it still haunts her.

Those words slowly became the monsters that she came to love.

Because they become her shield.
How can she love herself when she loves the monsters in her head more?

When she can't bring herself to run away from them.

When she listens to them and shut out the ones she holds dear to.

And these people who actually LOVES. HER. BACK.

And before she can love another, she needs to love herself. FIRST.

She. Is me. I, am her.

I have been mourning for these monsters for a while now.

I realized I need to **** them before they **** me.

Before they make me **** that little girl that is crying but is trying to fight her way back.

These monsters have been a part of me that I have been holding on.

I used to hide behind them whenever I feel insecure.

They helped me build a wall to cower and cry behind.

They helped me disconnect myself from the world.
So that the rest of the world can feel comfortable.

Being disconnected gives you time to think.

Loneliness breeds thoughts.

Guess the **** what?
No more of that *******.

My impression is here so stay.

My footprints will forever be marked behind me,
whether I like it or not.
And I think that I need a small spot for my footprints.

For me.


I crave for understanding and support.

I crave for genuine embraces.

I will explore.

Anywhere, everywhere.

Anything, everything.
And maybe you,
someday, one day.
My thirst for genuine affections
are driving me insane
but is inhibited my angst.

How do I explain to my mother that her only daughter,
her only child is one confused mess.

I like girls.
I like boys.

I might not like girls.
I might not like boys.

Maybe I like both.

Maybe I am just blind…to gender.
One way or another,
I have come to accept that it doesn't really matter.
Whichever way, I go, it's okay.
I want to stop apologizing for cussin’ around.

Because to me they are ******* appropriate.
I am ******* tired of having to be sorry for being me.

I am ******* tired of having to be censored.
Just because some people think that
my orientation is an abomination to the population,
blaming people like me for the demoralization of the institution just because they are the ones without proper education.
But **** that, this is my identification.

I will never know when the time is right,
so I'm putting the hourglass into someone else’s hand.
I guess I will let time do its job.
For now, I am happy with our
awkward little conversations.
You deserve to know that I am just flattered of your existence.
And y’know what?
I think you do a ******* good job at that.
I want you to exist beside me.
To hold my hand in public
and not care about offending anyone by doing so because it shouldn't.

For now, I am holding on to the hope
that maybe you will accept me one day.
I feel things that I don’t understand when I’m with you.
******* kiss me out in the streets.
When our eyes met,
fireworks lit up in my chest but at night
those monsters put them out like rain
I trip over these feelings but hold them back because
of my fear of rejection.
Because I want to be good at being good to you.
Taking out these monsters may all need a lot work but I got time.
I performed this for a Spoken Word session during an art festival in college. It was my first time going up on stage as well. Was a big step I've taken and I can't help but feel slightly proud of myself. :)
Wesley Wise Dec 2011
Cussin', fightin,
till the dawn
you better be glad

You're my dream girl

Hit me, hurt me
till I bleed
you better be glad

You're my dream girl

Hold me, touch me
all you want
I am so glad

You're my dream girl
You will have to excuse me
This will definitely not be my best work.  
I was sort of blindsided.
This poetry café is not normal,
And as you could imagine
I had a hard time writing something hype
This was unexpected.
But sometimes the best things come out of unexpected moments.
A faint cheer in a cloud of fear.
Sometimes there are times where you can’t expect a thing.
So I guess this poem is supposed to be about believing we can do it.
I think we all know we can.
But sometimes even the strongest people fall.
Confidence is great, but ignorance is not.
We are not indestructible.
In fact, failure is inevitable.
The bigger picture is often obscure.
But if one is lucky enough to prevail
It seems as if they sail,
While the rest watch wondering,
What happened to us in which we couldn’t go that far?
We all have a jealous part of us.
We all have those feelings in which we are not proud.
Humanity is sometimes just as evil as it is beautiful.
If we look at history,
It seems to be crowded with pain and unfathomable mistakes.
But pain is not what it takes.
Don’t get me wrong
Life is no fantasy.
There is no magic.
No genies to make our dreams come true.
Instead we have to work hard for the things we get
And sometimes more often than not, we lose what we work so hard to build.
And I know, I know
I can hear it
What the hell am I talking about?
I’m not hitting the theme at all.
And I’m not, or am I?
Because yes we are going to fail
It is impossible not to.
But in fact when we fail,
We have just as big a chance to make a comeback.
Yes that failure leaves us cussin and fussin
But in reality that big picture that once looked obscure
Becomes just a bit clearer now that we have failed.
We cannot go on living life thinking we know everything because there is no room to learn.
If you want to believe that you can do something
You have to prove it to yourself before you tell others.
It starts with you.
You are the beginning of your story,
And you will be there to see the end.
You are present through all of your story.
That is important.
So you know how if you get into an argument
And you say, “You don’t know me”
Well who does know you?
No one truly knows you but yourself.
So you are the only one who can take you where you want to go.
So if you want to go far
You have to get yourself there.
And to get yourself there
You have to be willing to put in the work to get there.
So it’s up to you whether or not you can make it.
It’s your choice to believe that you can do it.
Because in the end
You will be the one to fly, or catch yourself when you fall.
I can stand here and tell you cliché
Don’t do drugs and never smoke,
Or I can simply tell you that the choice is yours.
An inspiring pep talk is only a pep talk
This poem is just a poem.
It’s up to you if you listen to me and what I’m saying
It’s also up to you to criticize my every word.
You can do anything.
But anything can be good or bad.
It’s your choice.
No one is stopping you,
And if they do,
Who cares?
Because they don’t know you, right?
It’s up to you.
Choose to succeed or fall
Either way,
*You can do it.
Bratt M Jones Aug 2015
Theme Muzik

Drums beating
Echoing in the Forrest
Like a thousand heart beats
U r Africa
U r America
U r pagan
Traveling legs

Packed into your journey
Whiplashed with kisses
Unfurl your monarch wings
And become a miracle
In those foot falls
Is a testimonial
The story begins
Calligraphy walking
In the desert
Writes upon
Blood of imagination.
Spaceship, ninja, dragon race whip
All the pertinent deaths happen in sequence

Charging the the line of firing assault rifles
Taking on shape is the storm
Sated completed with Kung fu lighting arms
Roiling clouds inside eyes tornados leaping
From lips cussin' in thunder
Take love by force and keep it
*** shaking, ******* on sidewalks
In theme muzick
Sin Feb 2016
Splice the life you've taken for granted
Wash away the dreams of tomorrow
Drown all hope
Burn all love
For you my friend
Never gave enough

You piece of ****
A real low crawler
Talking all that jive
Like a real hip slinger
You ain't better than me
But you try to be

Yeah it hurts when I **** on your day
See I'm a real time player
So get the **** outta my way
I'll always be the best
For that I cannot lie
So do me a favour
Shut the **** down
And die

There ya go again with all that cussin
Boy you gotta know
I ain't hustling
For when I tell you
Judgement day
Will come along
And **** you gotta prey
Eric W Jul 2017
It wasn't until a friend of mine pointed it out
that I realized it.
He said
think about it,
you like the woods,
you like mud riding,
and drinking beer,
and shooting guns.
You like the open air
in any season.
You like fixing cars,
and cutting grass,
and laying under the midnight stars.
You like sweet tea,
and cornbread and beans,
and, even more,
you like cornbread and milk.
You like dirt roads,
and you like the open water.
You like being *****, greasy,
cussin and spittin.
You like going into the wilderness
with just what's on your back,
just to see if you can make it out again.
You like sitting on the porch
for hours on end
doing nothing.
You like all these things,
and you're going to tell me
you're not country?

I looked at him, and I said
I'm country.
Big Virge Oct 2020
Yesterday Was A Day...
When Things Went SMOOTH... !!!

Made Some Early Moves...
Cos' I Had Bills To Pay...

First Off Hit The Bank....
NO... NOT like That... !!!
Had To Get Some Cheques...
And Then I Have To Say...

One of The Management...
Approached And Then Said...

"Sir please walk this way,
what is it you're needing,
from our branch today ?"

He Took Me To His Office...
WITHOUT Judgement NONSENSE... !!!

We Chatted For A Bit...
About Bajan' Living...

Then He Set Me Up...
In A Way That Was RIGHT... !!!

Moved On Paid My Debts...
Before DISCONNECT Threats...
Were The Next To Be Sent... !!!!!

Next Thing My Man Called...
And Said In His... TALK...

That He Needed A Favour...
He Wanted Some Food...
That Had... ITAL Flavour... !!!

I Said....

"Okay cool,
I'll meet you in a few !"

So... Off Into Town...
No Time To Wear Frowns... !!!

He Made A Quick Stop...
In A Bar And Strip Spot...
And Then We Moved On...
And Hit My Mans' Block...

We Parked Up And CHILLED...
... Pon' Top of The Hill...
And Then Had Some Food...
To... HEIGHTEN Our Mood...

We Then Sat With Men...
And Let Talk Begin....

Music Was Playing...
That Had Men Relaying...
Their Views About Artists...
And Gangsta Type HARDNESS... !!!

We Talked About...
..... " SCARFACE ".....
And Snorting *******... !!!

And How... In His Case...
What He Did Was INSANE... !?!

The Next Thing You Know...
Dominoes Started Playing...

See This Is Some Prose...
To Show it's NOT GHETTOS... !!!

Just... Different Zones...
Where People Make Homes...
And Keep Their Friends CLOSE... !!!!!

NO... FANCY Stilettos...
Or BLING Was On SHOW... !!!

Just Cool Vibes And GOOD TIMES... !!!!
While Young Children ROAMED..............

Rhydems' Dem' Runnin'...
While Men Started CUSSIN'... !!!

As Dominoes SLAMMED...
And... BIG TALK Began... !!!!!!

Lyrical JOKERS...
Who Mostly Were Smokers...
Wid' Lyrics That Hit...
Like... COMEDIC Scripts... !!!

A Dog Got A Lik'...
of Food And Went IN... !!!!!

Then Women Passed Through...
And Played Dominoes Too... !!!!!!!!

The Mood Was Just COOL... !!!
As I Became SCHOOLED...
In... Simple Block Living...
That Is NOT FORGIVING... !!!!!

But TRUST In This Verse...
These People... To Me...
Were Cool And Happy... !!!

And... Homes By The Sea... !!!

These People Are WEALTHY...
In... DIFFERENT Ways... !!!!

Their Children Are HEALTHY...
And Find Ways To PLAY...
WITHOUT... Iron Gates...
Up In Some FANCY Place... !!!!

As Day Turned To Dusk...
And Moonlight Came Up...
The Vision Was Something...
My Words CAN'T Speak of... !!!!!

It Just Felt Like NOTHING...
Could Leave Any BLOTS...
On Chillin' With People...
On My Brothers' Block... !!!

But Next Thing You Know...
We Hear...

... " Look A Ting' ! "...

One of The Children...
Had Quickly EXPOSED...

Was RIGHT BY Some Toes... !!!!!
Now As Most Bajans' KNOW...

That Means MOVE YOUR FEET...
And Move QUICKLY YO... !!!!
Cos' A Bite Is NOT NICE... !!!
And Can STING For SOME TIME... !!!!!

It Quickly Got KILLED... !!!
And Then We All CHILLED...
And Then I... Hit The Road...
As More Dominoes Flowed...

I Got Home And Filled...
My Eyes With A Film...

Star Trek Into Darkness...
But NOTHING Was Heartless...
Within... Yesterday... !!!!!

Today is A New One...
But These Words I MUST SAY... !!!

People... NEED To STOP... !!!
All This LOOK WHAT I'VE GOT... !!!

Because People With LESS...
SURVIVE On These Blocks... !!!

WITHOUT ALL The Blessings...
of Cash And NICE Settings... !!!

But THEY Are OKAY... !!!!!
And YES Have Some Ways...
That Seem OUT OF PLACE...
If Where YOU WERE Raised...
Was Kept................... WELL AWAY... !!!!!

From Hustles And Struggles...
That... MANY Have Faced... !!!
And STILL DO... TODAY... !!!

So You RICH FOLK Should Know...
That These People AREN'T LOW... !!!!!

And just Might Show MORE GRACE...

And Just Like... " Ackroyd "...
Your TRADES Like Your Place...
Were TRADED... OKAY... !!!!!!

What I Saw Was PEACE...
And LOVE On DISPLAY... !!!

And That Made Me HAPPY... !!!!!!
Because It Feels GREAT...
For Me To... Now State...

That... BEFORE I've Aged...
... And Faded AWAY...

It TRULY Was COOL To Have....

" One of Those Days "............
Just a cool days movements in Barbados !
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
I got to cussin’
And I got to a screamin’
And I got to losin’ my cool

And I got to smokin’
And I got to drinkin’
And I got to takin’ my **** out on you.

Girl we still got somethin here, I stay believin’
I’m not goin’ no where till I’m done breathin’
Ladies, even romanticized...don’t fall for this ****.
Delton Peele May 2021
out there as the frost melts off starry eyed  Lad 13

***** cheeks
bulgin at the seams pushin boundries cussin ,
chewin, perusing every female from His age up to 50 fightin everone .
every thing  
mad at the world
voice changing immature
growin like a ****
raw strength and so fill of pride he cant hide it
Un concerned Dads watchin Him
sorta metaphorically  
only he can see when its time to step in
cause hes walked a mile or two 2 in his shoes
puberty pimples and rage has set in
hes gotta give him room to bleed
he listens to his boy as if hes a childhood friend
lets him have full cart blanc in gesture and speach
makes him
feel like hes in
his click  
young and tuff!
makes the boy
feel at ease , old  -  er
and tuff
at this point on this crisp spring day
both smillin
ahhh those Irish eyes
closer than they've ever been
emotionally pretty close to the same age
suns beatin down hot  shirts off  
Dads playin hookey
met the boy at school with beef jerky
quarter ounce of ***
and a half rack of ice cold 18 ounce Raineers
and there off up on the mountain somewhere smokin a joint laughin sweatin
catchin brookies up by top of the world !
as it was later known to be
but at this point it was known as the ****** ponds up the road from the Rossinger store
and although
we had been there and many times since  
some how I knew and I think he did too
we both lavished and whole heartedly  savored every minute of those days
I was thinkin I Was a Man
He was feelin like a Kid
we flipped the bird to the world and nothin could touch that
He was the toughest *******
and the coolest

He got a little long in the tooth but never lost his edge
a full fledged Mosquito
it saddens me that  there arent many around that knows what that means
my Father
told his companion
not to say a thing ..    
to me

. of

.. his ...  


didnt want me to suffer
****** Cancer

He died not wanting to burden me  
a week before Christmas this year . Im numb

it hurts so bad
i wanna packit up take out a few enemies and fade and be done

then  I feel the sun

oh I can smell the beer
see his loving eyes and here  him say Awe
I love you Son.
and then I look at my Son .
I still have time to run with him awhile and try to build with him some memories

I will always love you Dad
not a minute goes by. I miss you
At 106 artiste Tyrus Wong croaked forever, 'cause the ***** weren't
too overly clever. He'd occasionally puke on putrefied catfish heads
just like a Củ Chi Tunnel hiding, Uncle ** fearin,' Viet Cong ****.
Your beautiful eyebrows drawn-on make my **** quiver like the ice
& wet snow on my **** makes the hole of whole **** shakily shiver
& wet snow on my **** makes the whole of **** hole shakily shiver
& **** sleet on my **** makes the whole of **** rim hazily deliver
& the dam sleet on a **** makes 10 whole **** clam quakily deliver
"Here's to the best of times, George Washington!" retorted the slave
teen who was bigger, as Martha mounted their blackest buck ******
"Here's to the best time ever, John Adams!" bemoaned house slaves
with boy jitters who took it bigger from their tar baby's buck ******
In total darkness I felt the quiverin' of your huge, stationary lard ***
followed by the prison cussin' of a prisoner's probationary hard sass
that upholds the right, of close-shaven-Brazilian-bikini-clad bathing
chicks 'neath sheets on the beach, to a handy 4 vinegar-strokes each

— The End —