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Queso Nov 2012
Man had wept
as he watched the fall of Lucifer,
not so much due to the tragedy itself,
rather than the cutting, crystalline
beauty of the Icarian descent

After the absence of three hundred years
since the forgotten burning of Magdeburg(1),
when the Devil had returned to Europe
from the smoldering ashes of
South Africa(2),
and Congo Free State(4),
the soft hills of Picardy were
embroidered in gold
with roses and clematises

And since our girl had been fed with naught
but the shimmering positivism of Auguste Comte
from a silver spoon manufactured in Manchester,
beneath the charmingly moorish face of a lover
and a Prada he wore
quilted with railway, nation-state,
Art nouveau, electricity,
and liberal democracy,
never in her wildest, most horrendous nightmares,
-one of which was mere few dozen Jews dying in pogroms-
could she possibly imagine
His robust fingers,
so caressingly wrapped around her neck and cheek,
concealing the bayonet claws
of mustard gas and industrialized massacres

A god whose name we only knew
and whose warmth we only read of,
had called for the blood sacrifice of utmost purity,
to be fed to its altars for the promises of salvation

As the Devil ravaged her body frozen as the Siberian gulags
and her soul smoking away to the chimneys of Auschwitz,
he raked his nail to her cheek seized by the throat,
lasciviously whispering,
‘Here, this,
This is the kiss of progress
You have thrown so warmly your arms around’

Ninety-eight years had passed
since that fatal kiss of a lovesome late June,
though the summer days had returned in Picardy,
roses and clematises
no longer bloom on her hills
except as tributes for silenced youth
which petals lay as a civilization’s tears
as shroud over a massive bomb-crater of La Boisselle(5)

And never again, could she fall in love,
notwithstanding all the lover’s whispers
of the rational organization of human society
or the ultimate liberation of the working class,
for in her heart have always lingered,
the shadow of the Devil
whose chilling warmth of the Lubyanka cells
and the fiery dearth of the crematoriums of Poland
we had shared as whole, consummate days of youth

For there lies a tragic aestheticism
in deflowering of a rose just about to bloom,
for one delirious sense of snapping off the stem,
we had burned away all ardor of love for a century

(2) Concentration camps were first used as means of civilian incarceration by the British against the Afrikaaners during the Second Boer War
B Woods Dec 2009
Her sweet scent sticks in my nostrils
from when we were last met,
remembrance of her lips on mine
inspire song divine.
Though I gaze upon her face in photographs,
angelic beauty replicates not.
Shivers she sends me
over the phone.
Oh, I marvel that we
may speak from such distance,
yet I crave her warm embrace,
her breath in my ear,
whispering gently, it’s ok,
and forever will be.
I long to run my fingers
through her silky black hair,
caressingly *******
her mind and its motives,
the clockwork behind
those deep brown eyes,
two chocolatey oceans of no return.
To feel her lie against me
brings a state: pure ecstasy,
no chemical exists
that can make one feel
as they do when abreast
with a lover. Desire
fills me to be with her
but for now I must settle
to view my tulip
from afar.
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Thy body caressed,
By his guiding hands.
My nerves relented.

This is love,
In its own lust.
For power.

Man or Woman,
One strives more than the other.
Guiding hands,
Caressingly Hearted.

Thy kisses of fruit,
Desserts delighted.

His warmth within,
A heart pure and whole.
To heal her wounds,
Of the past Untold...
Ylzm May 2019
The wind blew,
aflame, not burning;
softly, gently, caressingly;
penetrating pianissimi billowingly.

I yielded;
I'm carried along,
effortlessly, unhurriedly,
seemingly randomly.

Little things,
a glimpse here, a sparkle there,
a dash of brilliance now and then,
simple unsurprising things.

Then I looked back, and I see:
how far and how changed I've been;
Truth, simple and little, adds up recursively,
transforming compoundingly.
Still Crazy Feb 2015
in low tones
caressingly whispers,
use me,
write yourself

pick me to pick you
only with me,
thru my ink flowing

pen thy pen.

pen thy image,
craft is the pen,
pen is thy craft,
craft thy image,
you were, you are,
created by,
created for,
picked by,
picked for,
One of those days where the weight of it all
seems insurmountable
in the face of life, of men
and mice, of gods wronged
by mortal songs, o' those few,
Precious few, fated to cast dice
and any other animal who might.

I know to be content
all I must do is stand here
in the drizzle during the witching
hour, all I must do is
feel the morning dew after it's coalesced,
Its moisture caressingly laid on each fine blade
of grass, all I must do
is breathe the afternoon mist, take in this fresh air,
All I must do is stride
thru nightly fog, taking it in; and above all, be present
while I can, all I must
do is appreciate that I
getting better.
Word Hobo May 2017
I was strewn
scattered wide
brooding foreheads of jagged stone
thirsty fragments
unfit for purpose
rugged - broken - lying alone

She - pure water
seeping in sand
dark and deep - unrequited and stilled
Her eternal spring
but a fearful trickle
Her destiny hidden - unfulfilled          

Open earth!
a forested crevice
Shake - Tremble - Set her free
Release her flood
of secret desires
splashing joyfully over me        

I will be
her playful bed
smoothing my edges - providence smiled
I will make her ripple
rushing with laughter
kissing her droplets - wet and wild

Cascading to  
her lyrical rill
we'll sing forever - in our sacred stream
She is my lover
caressingly she runs
once worthless rubble -  She did redeem!

gv   For my lovely wife. Feb.19.2014
Marshal Gebbie Jul 2012
Old friend, that shot is picture perfect. Your place (The Gebbie Compound)

is indeed heaven on a hill. You did a fine job in planning and execution. I'm

so happy for you and your lovely wife, you guys deserve what you have created.

Old son, I think we both have found what we have looked for all our lives.

**** good on us! They say; "Good things do come to those that wait".

(Sure, as long as we work ****** hard to get it while we wait.) What we have

earned and our kids make old age bearable.


A perfect, cold and frosty mid-winters day. Air is biting crisp, sun, warm on my back. Old Egmont towers behind the house gleaming with pristine snow and ice. The tui’s are cavorting in the trees ******* nectar from the early fuchia flowers with their long curved beaks, a flash of green iridescence as they fluff their neck feathers. Mother is cooking something great in the kitchen, she is about to call me in for hot coffee and cake….Life is great Stevo, could not be better.

Like minds-different hemispheres-same world.

Regards M

But for starlight, the night is black, no moon

on the rise. My porch a stage to the music of

crickets and frogs in the summer grass. A gentle

breeze touches me like a lover in the dark, caressingly

cool in my July heat of peaceful repose.

The scents of gardenias and honeysuckle drift

in on the currents and far off up the hill a Coyote

calls to his friends. Cooing night birds mummer.

The barn cats come to join me, silent and careful.

One onto my lap, the other to lay down beside my

chair. Soon the purring of a feline mixes with the

music of the grass and the air. Together we all peer

out into the peaceful void, perhaps thinking the same

thoughts, living fine, being in the moment.

These small perfect bits of time come and go. If only

I could string them all together, like rubies on a chain,

what a priceless necklace they would make and yet,

they cost me nothing and once collected, are not for sale.

© 2012 Marshal Gebbie

  Author's Note

Exchange between two old codgers situated in opposite hemispheres, in opposite seasons, but with a remarkably similar take on the quality of their individual lot in life.
The winter
Breeze blows
I hear it sing
Infinite melodies
Ring in my ear

Like lover's breath
Breeze passes by
Softly and caressingly
Bringing dreams nigh

And further out
From river
To the bay
To the sea
The air blows
Over the water
For you and for me
Ander Stone Apr 2024
lost fragrances of easy summer mornings
when all she knew was the dirt
between her toes
and scattered throughout her
golden hair.

lost melodies of lazy summer days
when all she knew was the water
of river susurrations
and warmest shortlived rains
caressingly falling.

lost bites of ripe summer evenings
when all she knew was the sweetness
of rose-red lips
and shared apricots with she
of auburn hair.

lost glances of torrid summer nights
when all she knew was the lust
of her youth
and the wine shared between
first loves.

lost times of summer's end
when all she knew was gone.
Emily Jun 2014
It hurts that I can't hold you,

you can't love me because you're head over heels for other girls
who aren't me
never will be me
you'll never love me

I love you, you don't know that though
lets keep it that way
so when I cry myself to sleep
I know I won't hold you accountable
in my dreams
Emily Mary Dec 2013
It hurts that I can't hold you,

you can't love me because you're head over heels for other girls
who aren't me
never will be me
you'll never love me

I love you, you don't know that though
lets keep it that way
so when I cry myself to sleep
I know I won't hold you accountable
*in my dreams
sds May 2015
She cast down her own thoughts of life’s pitiful dwell
Amongst frightful tales    
The truth was revealed
Deep in the dark upon the shadows you will find him
Hiding along a world tangled in her toils
The darkness his dear old friend, has a mark leaving its toll
For his loving devotion was strung into your heart
When played it sang a sad tune
Enduring the unthinkable it seems
As he came back from the depths of hell
She caressingly asked don’t leave, I need you to stay,
Be god and hold me, my savoir, my one and only    
If there shall be no morrow where you’re with me
Then my life will have lost its true meaning
Céleste Jul 2013
"I had fun tonight."

The keys are in the door,
His hand is on the small of her back.
When she turns for one more kiss,
He helps by pulling her into him.
His arms are wrapped tightly.
They can't get enough.
Suddenly the door is thrown open
And they are on the other side of the doorway.
He quickly reaches back to close it,
Keeping always one arm around her thin waist.
Her feet no longer touch the floor,
But their lips never unlock.

The bedroom is up the stairs and down the hall,
I don't think either of them can wait though,
The living room will have to do.
The coffee table is nudged,
The couch receives them readily.
Slowly, slowly he  unzips her tightly-fitted red dress.
Working his hands gently down her back,
The red dress comes off willingly with one tug.
Breathing heavily, she sits up,
Perched on his hips, she starts furiously unbuttoning his white dress shirt.
This simple task cannot take any longer.

They both breath taking in each other's bare chests.

Entangling her fingers in his hair,
It begins again.
His lips are so gentle and sure,
He needs no guidance,
From lips, cheek, neck, to her soft, strong shoulders.
She knows to slide one hand caressingly around his shoulder,
Down his side,
And let it sit just below the belly button.

He's anxious.
She's ready.
There's nothing now to stop them.

The sun is up.
Her head is resting on his chest.
He's playing with her messy, morning hair,
With the other arm wrapped desirably around her waist.
Their eyes meet.
A wink,
A giggle follows,
Soft "Good morning," kisses are shared.
It's not long before his wandering hand finds her bare **** cheek.

It begins again.

Emily Mary Mar 2014
It hurts that I can't hold you,

you can't love me because you're head over heels for other girls
who aren't me
never will be me
you'll never love me

I love you, you don't know that though
lets keep it that way
so when I cry myself to sleep
I know I won't hold you accountable
in my dreams
Haven't written regular poetry in a long time. I miss it.
Heimir Aug 2016
Bathed in evening light the flowers
of the field sway dreamingly,
while a soft and gentle breeze
embraces them caressingly.

Everything is calm and quiet,
not a single sound is heard
save the effervescent singing
of a joyful mockingbird.

Now it´s time to say goodnight
and lay your tired limbs to sleep.
May your dreams be sweet and pleasant
and your rest be sound and deep.
Moonchild Apr 2022
The water trickled on my whole body, and I'd faced the shower bursting into a sigh of relief. I slowly closed my eyes, and knew that a reverie would be in existence. The random waves of internal screaming, hurting, and laughing made its way to the daunted mind.

Fleeting as it may seem, the tears went down so swiftly yet caressingly onto my cheeks, racing together with the tiniest droplets. My spine was chilled with the fear of merely drowning, but being in touch with both despair and freedom. How would one be filled with physical confidence, yet with a mindset jailed into endless comparisons and weary?

I sometimes wonder, "isn't it too draining to please the crowd with your mask on and true self off?". Maybe, just maybe, the answer to a disturbingly, clamorous mind is ending it all with the shower on.

I felt as if I was on a seemingly calm rainfall on a sunday evening—that time when I've almost lost myself.
Elizabeth Burns Nov 2018
Sometimes this journey feels so surreal
How did this even happen
Life was so normal
So plain and so ordinary
I took so much for granted
The sunlight as it stretches slowly into the room
Sunlight and basking in its presence
The wind touching one's face slightly
Family and how laughter can cure the deepest pains
Friendship with hearts filled with so much love and content
So much support

It's funny how we don't appreciate people
Until a tragedy
Something big
People are good
We make out as If we are the biggest fiends
As if we have darkened the world
With our pessimistic hearts
And our realization of being too naiive
You can't be naive and appreciate life for what it is in this day and age
A part of you needs to be skeptical
One feels a need to criticize "the man"
The one in charge of this mess

Life is strange
However, I honour the strangeness of life
And I respect it
Without it, life would be boring
And tragedies
And crazy circumstances
We need those
To realize
We aren't just some deep messy abyss of darkness and suffering
There is a light pulling through
Open up your curtains
And see your pain trailing out
As you bask
In the Glory
Of the Majesty's mighty sunlight
As your blinded eyes
Will see again
croob Apr 2022
Last night I gleaned the bean within a dream
I picked him up, to sneak a closer peek:
Small in stature, held in high esteem,
I ate him with a sense of awe indeed.

He fed me with protein and fiber -
Without complaint or expectation!
I washed him down with apple cider,
And shat out their amalgamation!

Lovely as all beans can be essentially
Teeming with a truly wholesome beauty
He hugged my gut somewhat caressingly
As he made his patient trek right through me.

Such a fine gentleman is rarely seen;
If only we could be that bean!
Satsih Verma Jan 2019
It takes time-
to brace up, after
the sudden meltdown,
casting a spell on you.

Sometimes I want you
to walk away from punishing
memories of a strange
solar eclipse.

I drop the crumbs
involuntarily, to pick up
my timeless hunger
of a nameless neighbor-
the Grim Reaper.

Wide-eyed irises smile,
when you touch the distraught face
of dipping moon, caressingly
in pain of quickness.

Your crimes are wiped
out, you rise from the red sea
like a sunken dream.

— The End —