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Luis Mdáhuar Aug 2014
Ruddy's was the place to be on Wednesday nights, cheap drinks, free hotdogs and the graceful presence of Times Square hookers late at night, what a wonderful scene, marines hookers and the best jazz juke box inn manhattan, rowdy and something almost always happened, better than life. I was a young man in a strange country, had my fists tested in FLA and Brooklyn for stupid prejudices on my behalf and others, words hurt only those who do not know their meaning and root. There was a black man sitting next to me, quiet and still, a true barfly, he turned and said;
- you are not from round here-
-  no - I said -I am from Mexico -
- you don't look Mexican, but let's go with it, I don't look African American either-
- r you from the south?-
-Georgia, as they call it -
-well, I've worked in FLA and met some rednecks, Cubans, blacks, but almost no Chinese-
-you mean yellow-
-or *******-
- or ****, you know men, I prefer racism down south, over there the distinction is cut loose clear, we don't like each other, but here, men I tell you, you wannanother beer?-
-sure men-
-Girls just wanna ******* cause I'm black, you know, to be cool and ****-
-yeah, Jewish girls wanna **** white Gentiles, different reasons same goal-
-I hear you, here it's all about being fashionable, but deep in the pit it's all fake as a 10 dollar coin-
  We kept at it until Beth started a fight with another ******, they were calling each other **** I've never heard.
Insults can bring people together like butter and rye, you just have to know.. Modern morals are all about selling and obeying.
Cornwallis Inn,
Gothic Stone With
Marble Floor Ways,

A Small Lounge Area
And A Bar Alongside.

Road Weary
And Thirsty
We Belly
Up To The Trough.

A Drunkin' Patron
Pulls Up A Stool,

Too Drunk To Even
Pay Attention To The ****** Gestures
Or Our Body Language.

He Overstays
Any Sort Of Welcome
That I Would Have Given Him.

I Told
The Barkeep
I Was From Town
But Haven't Been Here
For Decades,

That When I Had Left,
The Town Wasn't More
Than A Ghost Town
In The Making.

That The Land
Of ***** And Orchards
Would Dwarf The Town,

Making It Only
A Spot On The Map,
Like The Stain
Left By A Barfly
On A Hot, Hot Day.
Andrew Siegel Apr 2012
When last I left you sitting here
alone with my lukewarm beer
You told me I was charming
told me scars were ****
and I felt a little nauseous
but I listened anyway
can you order a beer
so the next time I see you
I'll forget I saw that fly
on your ear? Really? Great.
Whats that?
You're drinking to forget
the ***** on my boot?
and your old man
who had the master plan
which is he on now?
b? no z? can you count?
you want to forget him
and you want to forget me
like a peppermint wrapper
cheap and negligible
that you carelessly toss
Mark C Jan 2013
Dapping on the surface
Trailing a wake of
Rehashed hard luck stories
Mis-spent dreams and
Might have beens
Heedless that he is out-depthed
He holds to his line
And works the bar

Tied by a master
Plumage plucked to order
Starling blue, sparrow dun
Two fine threads
Gold and black
Crosswound, tied off
Sealed with honeywax -
Stealthy weapon of deception

He feels the shifting currents
He reads the weather-gauge
Spring tide, autumn flood
Both echo in his veins
Gnarly and half-sodden
The old fly baits his game
Past his best, yes - but
Potent all the same

*The fish are wary
But the fly is patient
Henrietta Tiarks: *"A gentleman is a patient wolf".*

There once was a fellow from Lauglin
Who went to the bar once too often
He thought he was cool
‘Til he fell off the stool
And ended up in a pine coffin.
Jacob Sykes Oct 2013
The Wall Walker
and smooth talker
he, being a ticked off ****** with a knife,
is mostly mole faced
but with an incredible grasp on spacial relations
mysterious mister stalking the barfly's and time flys
endangering a species just for ***** and giggles
the great google hooligans pace rapidly
back and
frothy beer
drowned down by the river kawaii
David Williams Apr 2013
He enters looking bedraggled, tired and worn out, his skin like vellum, blank and pale.
Lifting his eyes to catch their gaze he gives a slight nod to acknowledge their presence.
He scans the room as he would a poem seeking an indent that leads to a quiet corner.
A half-lit light casts a shadow on the flock wallpaper, ink stained.
He sits hidden from view, away from plagiaristic eyes. Head In hand
Scribbling while listening for a new word, a muse sings, emanating an un-heard
Beat that guides his rhythm while searching for that elusive vowel. On the floor
Is a scattering of pencil shavings and broken lead, frustration at the loss of an adjective.
The half rhyme squeezes like a tourniquet on the brain…
Frustration runs high as enjambment slips off the page and gathers in reflective pools.

The Lay Pastoral reads an Elegy to the passing of Sir Rondeau Redouble, he lead a very lonely life ascending and then diminishing becoming less Didactic, the Footle holds a Lanterne for the loss, while the Limerick found it quite humorous.

At the bar a Stanza of poets gather, disciples of Villanelle, and regale of their latest triumphs in Women’s Quarterly. Then silence falls as Suzette Prime performs her latest Burlesque she is in good Shape. The Epulaeryu’s compare their Diamante while eating their babba ghanoosh. At the pool table the movers and shakers decant opinions on the latest ‘form’ something to do with A,E,I,O,U…Acrostic looks it up and down looking puzzled, Blank verse remains silent,

They dissect, analyse the entrails, the faint hearted feel a little Grook. The atmosphere is tense. Verbs drift like dust in the light, causing confusion, they mop their brows with a tired senryu. The haiku’s have little to say on the matter…

A Quintain of intellectuals quietly sit, the Sicilian sipping slim line Monoku’s (no ice) hoping for a Couplet before the end of the night. On a stool sit’s the barfly spilling his Bio over the counter top exposing an Ode-ious life, metaphorically speaking. On stage the hottest group in town… Chant Royal and the Syllables… singing their latest Sestina it reached 39 in the hit parade, the notes drift across the room resting on the floor congealing into a poet-tree fountain…they feel at home as the last act MC McWhirtle enthrals with his latest Ballad…the barman Ric Tameter calls time, the evening is a Rap. The club is Epic…

© 27/3/2013
Carson Hurley Jul 2015
I made a friend
as I drank alone.
I watched him
and he watched me.
I pitied him
and I know he pitied me.
he's barely a life
yet I am the lowlife.
They say the flies
go to ****,
I guess I know
what that makes me.
Harry J Baxter Feb 2014
We were clean. Pure.
Trekking from pine needles to sand
time slipping away from
the mountainous routine of
laughter and tears smeared across cyberspace
when I was younger
my Mother told me
that when the people we love die
you can still see them
the brightest stars breaking through the night sky
we were wandering away from smirking academia
clawing our education from
the comedies and tragedies of early mornings
calm like the kiss of diamond tides
and long nights
weighed down with thoughts and drugs and alcohol
shutting off each night
on each sunrise
drifting with nomadic intentions we
raged for rage’s sake
on green lawns with signs painted
dig deeper into the blazing structure,
the momentum is shifting,
and the Kingfisher is watching
proclaiming from mountaintops
that killers hunt these city streets
with a pocket full of bad ideas
the prey a sparkling barfly
clean and holy beneath a neon color palette
potential squandered in a scream of confusion
knowing that not every leap
is a leap of faith
magikoopa ecto1 Jun 2014
There’s a stranger out there
peering out with a blankless stare
staggering stumbling
incoherent mumbling
this not at all expected
from a woman of your caliber
you're somehow injected
intoxicated with an empty flask of liquor in your grasp
primordial lust and lack of inhibition
still, out of curiosity you listen
you lend an ear that cannot hear....

you seem to be interested you seem to genuinely care
good luck to you , you gentleman, you
on your night of sin
surely nothing good can come of this
oh well bartender, some more Gin!
Eileen Prunster Feb 2014
he gazes into an empty glass
as if all the answers
to all the questions
are to be found
in the dregs
Jameson Blackmay Apr 2021
I am the barfly
the strangest kind
the one that's always thirsty
the one that needs a memory erase
the closest one to human beings
the one that wants to fly
but can't find the wings
only the will to pour
the whisky in his mouth
Mark Lecuona Apr 2015
Jump on come on
Gonna lay you out
Flirt zoo showdown
What's it all about?

Head game voodoo
Think about do you
Smack talk all uptown
**** strut walk around

Turn it on ignite your flame
You never be the same
You see you're my plan
Get up girl I'm your man

Funky Gotchy don't I girl?
Rhythm method dance floor whirl
You want I like hot lips pouty
*** love exotic dark-eyed beauty

Hypno mind-zone freakout
Hip sway barfly holdout
Walk toe shuffle foot
Love starved crapshoot

Breakdown hard to get
Intrigue mind is set
Crazy hold mind on you
Alcohol stumble on thru

Funky Gotchy don't I girl?
Rhythm method dance floor whirl
You want I like hot lips pouty
*** love exotic dark eyed beauty

Drunk walk dance floor queen
Move stop tease my dream
Close far wet hard rock
Rhyme poet walkin the walk

****** ***** push away
Eye look what you say?
Smile coy make me wait
Night life stay up late

Funky Gotchy don't I girl?
Rhythm method dance floor whirl
You want I like hot lips pouty
*** love exotic dark eyed beauty
The title came from a dream... the words are a dance floor scene
A Mareship Sep 2013

Two red cells,
Blood and teeth -

Upper lip?


Boy In Barfly

Oh yeah, like that - your tongue’s a feather
Flamingo pink,
Wet with weather,
Drowning in the mouth of me.

Cherry stems
Locked together.


"But I -"
"Just one kiss? I’ll make it quick!"
"******* Arthur, you make me sick."



Julia is on my knee,
Grinding like a toy.
Her hands are at the back of my neck
And she says
"Come on then, boy."
and flicks *** ash at my lap.




I love the taste of your spit.
I like it when you let it drip
with me pinned beneath you like a doll,
my mouth open like a ****
letting you drown my crooked teeth
letting you dribble your DNA down my bottleneck throat.
(******* hell Jack!
You are a terrible kisser...!)



We’re both naked,
But I don’t want to do anything but kiss you.
Not right now, anyway.
You’re so fragile, darling,
And so small,
And your mouth is the pink wax seal
On the envelope of my life.
just for the fun of it.
Jae Elle Apr 2018
it's too ******* hot
in this tavern
& I'm the designated
poet laureate
that had no time to
adequately pregame

there are too
many angels in this
devil sky today
it's like beckoning
a barter
for just a *******

I can hear Satan's
laughter over
Eric Clapton
but it no longer
shakes my
I've seen inside that one
& I know better
yet I remain none
the wiser

the tiny staple
placed upon
the geyser
& this hell on earth
knows just where
the blood will
likely flow
unto the depths of
these rock-laden
& all of
what we were granted
to be gifted

& *******
fuuuuuck you
for being so chauvinistically
I am your forgotten
paid for shot
of Tuaca
your half-smoked
on the edge of the
patio table

I am hell
in suburban purest
Brent Feb 2018
The night is good
Promising spirits, laughs, and song
The bar is full
Friends chat and share the night
I sit alone trying not to look pathetic
My only friend the beer and whiskey
Fooled by the idea
That this will offer those promises
Offer fullfillment
A routine that never pays out
A B Perales Jan 2014
I leave them all to
their drunken joy
while only I alone
float out the door
on a different high.
Past the blood stained sidewalk
I see only hopelessness,
The winners and the losers
both stained the same red.

My heart has slowed,
my blood as thick as the
gummy *****
that has won its love.
Across Nelson st.
I continue forth.
I stop on the warm black top.
I once seen a photograph of
Bukowski smiling while standing
in this very spot.
I stop and try to feel his joy.

All at once I feel thick hands
pushing me on.
"You won't find it here"
A deep guttural voice says
against the back of my neck.
"Nope not here"
A tired weep escapes me.
"I'm here for you Old Boy"
The original Barfly says to me
as my tears become
the whole of me.
"You're losing"
His beer dressed
breath says into my ear.
"I know its hard but you cant stay here."

Bukowskis ghost takes
hold of my shoulders as I weep.
Pushing me on his
voice becomes harsh.
"God dam it this is how it is!"
He stops me dead center
on Nelson st.
"Didn't you read all that I left for you?"
His shouts are slow and raspy.
"I warned you!I warned all of you!"
I can feel his grip
tighten as my
sobbing shoulders sag
in retreat.
"This is how it is!It hurts!"
His shouts tear into the night
"And the returns are mostly nothing!"

His voice lightens
the smell of cigarettes and
cheap cologne are present.
"Go on now."
His voice now a note above a whisper
"Tend to your own demons.
We and the Gods are with you."

A pat on my right shoulder
then Bukowskis ghost
is pushing me on.
I'm a wreak ,
I don't want them to go.
But I know I cant stay.

I know who
I'm going to see
I turn around.
I know whose
hand I felt.
My heart begins to
slowly rip.
My tears run out of
flesh and fall onto
the still warm black top.
Tiny explosions billowing
tiny clouds of steam
erupt as I turn and see
Bukowskis ghost
waving a beefy
hand at me from
the corner of
6th and Nelson st.

Next to him stands
my Grand Father,
the man who
broke my heart
when the Gods
decided to take
him away.
He's smiling,
his malice free eyes
just as welled
as my own.
Bukowski puts
his arm around
my long dead
Grand Father
and comforts him as
he smiles that smile
I still long
for in my dreams.

I fall apart.
Then quietly gather
up what little
that is left of me.
I turn away from
the ghosts on Nelson st.
Focus on the
bright lights of the
Warner's marquee
and without looking
back I continue on.
Immediately after I
Fetched my salary
From a Bank
When I get drunk
Getting into a bar,
From my home not far,
No longer subject
To my inhibition
I become bold
To make an
Open breast of my love
To my inaccessible dove,
For on such state
I become easily capable
My financial challenges
And physical appearance
Anxieties to dissolve.

I crunch her number
Getting no answer
"U R Z best Chick
On earth! "
I SMS her
But go not any further.
It is early in the morning
I ask myself
"What possibly could
Be her feeling! "

Also into a bar
When I make
A divine entrance
To rub shoulders
With colleagues
I stand a chance
Or above them
On the ladder of success
A bit advance.

Also when at night
When I see
Pub's dazzling light
My timidity
No longer in place
Myself assertiveness
Proceeds apace!

Also I bet
Alcohol, dunker's pet
To tension management
Has some effect.

On the morrow
It is when I get
Out of pocket
My spendthrift bent
I regret.

Aside from my health
Going downhill,
I am becoming
Incapable to foot
Electric and water bill.

Tipsy, at times
Blunt, for a fight
I begin to hunt.///
The approach avoidance conflict I under go.
tread Jun 2013
sweet skin, sweet
taste September,
pallet boiling to
an icecream froth,
eyes blue-moon
blue-cheese blue-
sea blue-teaful,
planets in arraign
of Pluto, far out
years before back
-hand kiss to back
-hand slap to my
metallic tears first
come first serve
arriving home drunker
than Charles Bukowski
on the average day, I
hope to be the barfly
of her heart.
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
Tis a gladness found in sadness
mostly pleasure
wince of pain
From an odor round the barroom
none the boys could e'er explain
Like a billowed line of washin'
after gentle fallen rain
Tis the wail of spring befallin'
on a barfly
oh ... the shame
there's homework
I'm the tender
to a list of things that broke
Ere the boss be sharing surely
words no poet ever spoke
Lazy good for nothing ******
paint the fence and fix the gate
You want a pint ... you must be kidding
Plow the forty ... 'fore it's late
Down the misty path of memories
thoughts of Kelsey's brew appears
In a vision almost godly
round a table rests my peers
And no memory tarries longer
than ol' Kelsey pouring liquor at the bar
I sheds a tear
Summer sadness tans bare shoulders
to replace the winter's shun
And the kids each day
they greet me ... Morning Dad
YOUR IT ... then run
I never knew that Heaven
'twas the place beyond my wall
Till I heard my children laugh
while toasting mallows in the fall
Though breath of Heaven
washed the aftertaste
of Kelsey's from my life
And forever I'll be holding ... dear
new memories
with my wife
I am angered at the sign
that hangs atop ol' Kelsey's door
. . . NO BARFLIES . . .
. . . CASH RESPECTED . . .
His wife now runs the bar
Keith Thompson May 2019
Plumes of smoke drift idly,
like the chatter in my ears
Signal to the barkeep for
another drink to quell my tears

The sultry glow of neon blue
stains my face and hands
I'd like a drink to deal with life
and all the sorrow it demands

The lipstick-kissed martini glass
by elbow, nearly tips
The girl next-stool laughs drunkly
as she turns to me and licks her lips

Her speech was slurred,
her makeup smeared,
Her breath smelled of vermouth

Right then, I knew
That not one thing
She told me was the truth (and she said)

"You're the best-dressed man that
I've seen wander through that door"
"How 'bout we go back to my place?
-Hey bartender,  mix two more"

I shook my head,  and turned away,
In search of higher class
Nodded to the bartender,
and dropped a five to drain that glass

My gaze cut through the whiskey'd fog
And then my heartbeat stopped
When I spied a lovely blonde
alone, and looking at her watch

I crossed the floor,  and thought "maybe tonight I'll be a man"
Kept on walking when I saw her
14-karat wedding band

The sultry glow of neon blue
Stains my face and hands
I'd like a drink to deal with life
And all the sorrow it demands
jeffrey robin Aug 2010
paranoia runs deep
into your lives it will creep
it starts when your heart is afraid
step outa line and the man comes
to take to away............

.......................................buffalo springfield

eve­rybody wants to DO somethin
everybody wants to BE somethin............

..........................................­.from BARFLY


and the river.....sure!
it runs
and true it runs!
and we

on that river!


sure we run..............

never to fear
never to lie
never to falter

never to fear
never to lie
never to falter

never to fear
never to lie
never to falter




we shall have no "old farts" for leaders
we shall have no "fat cats" for leaders
we shall never listen to the liars
we shall only obey true laws


and the river.........sure!
it runs
and true it runs!
and we

on that river!


sure we run.......
I do not know what it feels like to live in someone else’s dream.
Outside the house, the moon, like a mistress, slits its throat
and bleeds white. The nature of all things around me has its way
of heaving out the wrongness, as if a drunkard staggering for words,
floundering in a curt reply after being asked where’s the nearest station
towards nowhere. I remember in 4th grade, they asked me what I
wanted to do with my life. All I ever wanted was the same clichéd response,
without knowing the appropriate punishment the desire coming with it.
I am not culpable. I wanted to be a bird stirring in a plainsong: free.
Whatever that meant. In a room where cross-sections of you tender me
margins I cannot cross. When I was young, whenever my mother would
leave me for the marketplace, she told me to always lock the doors
and never let anybody inside. The sound of the gears resembled your hand
in mine when we held hands, securing each finger into place the way
the night tucked us to sleep. It is still something the unforgettable, with
its feigned urgency, its ersatz summer days indoors spent on nothing but
gibberish and luxuriously lounging at nothing, looking at blank spaces
as though they were naked women the first time and the last. In a place like
this that selfishly spires with thoughtless hum, it’s conversations with the smallest
details that cover such distance, revealing weight I cannot solder.
Freedom to me is as bizarre as any other feeling that pushes one person
over to the next one. I have its wobbling sense scattered all around like a crushed
scent of bougainvillea. What we have to give in exchange for it, and what we
are to acquire after trying to weave out denotations that would make us swill
over like muck over the city that we selfishly breathe in, and our almost
ridiculous misunderstanding of the word riddled with unsparing details.
  I had myself mull over it, passing your decrepit house. Freedom,
the wind, or a bird, or anything unloosened like a waning volume from a stereo,
a readying tip of fire awakened ready to catch the corners of your fingers,
a basket of fruits in the morning from a remote bazaar, the peeled off and pared skin
  of an orange, some November night that burnt auburn, anything that may take place
     anytime in our hands – something that does not break in it, but holds still, waiting
to take place, forming names, sliding away from fingers. Freedom, to have a shadow
engraved on an architrave and a cornice, and to have your name in my heart
  like a frieze ornamenting some entablature, or that long dream of striding past
the Metropolitan, knowing how erroneous it was to feel so immense at that cosmic moment
of sizable smallness: the perpetual dialogue between a host and a barfly,
  mellifluously woven striking in sense, a farce raiding meaning all afternoon, like the close
eye of the Sun inspecting furniture, or your nosy neighbor taking time to stop watering the
  plants and watch you dance from your window, to a music that he has no knowledge of,
               but I do. I do. If it wasn’t plainsong, then I was wrong, writhing and alive
still, leaning in the air of a dream – free, wandering,
                      *wind,   passing of figures, clenched fingers, nothing.
Lucy Tonic Nov 2011
The only friends I have
Are scumbags like me
But I didn't say I owned them
Haven't possessed much except a birth
So I'll smoke like a chimney
Till my lungs are black
And I'll drink like barfly
Till I'm the tar I'm steppin' in
Over-nourished, under-grown
We all yearn to stay high
But secretly we love the lows
Scratch my back
I'll stab you in yours
And a man said he liked my evil ways
Double-dared me to match him up
But I ain't proud of who I am
And now there're shards in his skull
Keep your eyes closed
Like you're staring at the sun
I'll continue to bathe in holy water with
Burned retinas
I'm trying to get drunk, burned down
   and struck out. Jukebox and bennies
   keep me up and at 'em. We old barfly's
   look for a sniff of the good old days.
   Lightning never strikes twice I'm afraid.
   I shuffle home at close and try tomorrow.
Firewalker Nov 2014
Your love is like poison,
I thought, as I lay sprawled on the cold gravel
Blood and tooth free to travel, and play in the dirt

Gary Wright & his band Spooky tooth fill my mind,
You broke my heart, so I bust your Jaw

Great Album, loved the “70”s

It started around a month, a century, a week? I don’t know? I lost track
I was in the forbidden palace, the gritty, and the grimy.
You know the Joint,Yea the Soul Sickness,
The place I keep running to, The black hole I cling to, live-in and bath in.

I’m one of the lucky few, not to get it

I must have been at the wrong place at the wrong time,
Force Majuer here you come, the Rush,
pulse-pounding sensual stick of dynamite,
looking for someone to light your fuse,

Yea, I’m weak, need a match?

Oh yea we’re the perfect couple,
we beg, we devour, we bleed our disease into each other.

It’s never enough; our enough doesn’t exist and never did.
Satisfaction is never guaranteed

You crave more,
I need more,
you want more,
I desire more,
more, more, and nevermore

I asked you if you love me?.
You told me, you don’t know what love is?,
but we have something special,
As you grind your hips into my lap and lady love entered my veins,

Lust disguise as passion?,
A void filled with love?
But your love is poison,
And I’m dying a slow death,

I watch from the ground,
Your mud-caked high-heeled shoes,
and his new timberland boots walk-away

Yea, the one who busted my face

I pick myself off the ground; brush myself off, stumble into the palace,
Look around my sancutary, notice a barfly, buzz, buzz and buzz right out a broken window.....I order a shot of antidote.

Few would argue
that what we go through on
a day to day basis to earn a crust is just short of
scandalous and as near to ridiculous
as makes no difference.

I'm one if the few are few who'd say to you,
'stop whining and start grinning'
It's Thursday and no one can take that away
tomorrow the weekend begins,
more grins and wins
so what's there to lose?

In this tin can shuttle heading towards the end
where the West bends me around its little finger,
my eyes stop a while to linger on the lass with a face
that appears to have mixed into the glass of her Galaxy,
and I don't mean a chocolate bar,
far from it

hair tied back and hands go clickety, there's a knack to it,
the keyboard on the mobile keeps a track of it
I get lost in the rhythm.

change here?
if I could I'd change into a barfly and have a drink of beer,
sleepy man looks like he's had a few, more than a can or two,
I'm stone cold and sober.

Headphones barges past
as if this stop is the last he'll ever make

Mister take your time
this is just the Central line
there's several more to choose
ravendave Oct 2017
It smells of dead smoke and stale beer.
A faded barfly warms an ancient stool.
Her cigarette stabs at stale air.
The sax man solos. He's cute, she thinks.
He plays a lick, leers at her, and winks.
Michael Angelo Apr 2018
I'm only alone when I wake from my dreams.
The floor is quick sand.
I can barely stand;
I am trapped to my knees.
No kicking or screaming, please.
It facilitates demons entering me.

I'm only safe in my dreams.
I'm only safe in my dreams.

I'm only safe in my dreams.
Stuck in a world where nothing is what it seems.
Keep your electric eye on me,
I'll show you something real,
But only so briefly.
I made memories as a barfly
Floating through the sky-
It was all underneath me.
The dream doesn't last;
It is forever fleeting.

But I'm only safe in my dreams.
I'm only safe in my dreams.

One day
I shall dream
There is
No better
Days blend
Into night
Night blends into eternity
The stars
the eyes
Are one
Some are
Time hasn't
Passed enough
For you to realize
As one
Continue on.
What's in you
Is strong.
"I know
Where it comes
And where
It goes......
Dream on
Dream on
Dream on
Dream on."
Line in quotes from Aerosmith's Dream On
Khoisan Feb 2020
Once a maggot
now a barfly

— The End —