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angry men, get more done, but angry men die very young

you see my dad was always getting angry, nobody knows why he did

you see he was waiting for the perfect time to stop treating me like a kid

you see dad was angry at me because i didn’t clean my computer table

and he also was angry at me for converting to the cindrella cleaning system

you see angry men get things done, but they also die very young, dad was young, at age 75

i miss his helpful side, by helping me understand the computer

like art colony, writers cafe, and hello poetry and FACEBOOK, man

you see i hated dads frown, you see angry people die very young

i am not one of those angry people, that is why i am frustrated

because people are trying to push my nice side up to space

and my evil side i want to get rid of, cause, i am not shy to look *******

but i am a complete normie, only nerds are angry, very angry nerds

they will die very young, very very young

i hated my dads angriness, cause he hyped me up

i knew dad would die first, because he show his happy side like me

i am not living in the past for anyone

dad was angry, he helped me with the computer, i say thanks to the paranormal dad

but i still thought that dad was a cranky man

hail to the yobbos the yobbos the yobbos

hail to the yobbos and the old cranky dad

i know dad isn’t teasing, but he is an old cranky dad

i am the happiest dude in canberra, happier than anyone

i help the poor, i help the poor

an old cranky dad sits there up on cloud 9 wanting

pat has powers to take old hags out of people

old hags who are trying to be cool kids




i am a cool young dude, i have a lot of fun
Raven Feels Oct 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, the difference makes no difference:>

under the rain love me
above the clouds love me not
think the days flowery and notes of C
think the blame is on the sugary plot

ever since I painted accidents with red
violets turned blue swoon
my demeanor shaded a women with a stubborn head
the kind of color that you moon

the most of the most
all no sequence separated
is what my season is up to raise that toast
and them breezes lay chills for the never faded

stay on my mind rule my mercury
the feel of love is neat
the curious incident that manifested this artery

a crumble of pieces to get back all a dawn
a primary color
painted on my nails tickling a green lawn
can't be traded with no other odor

the sparkles danced roses over my heart
I knew the first page
would be the death of me from the start
wouldn't trade it with any other stage

how did we get there?
the possession of double happiness
the dry blood scattered in the air
moments printed in hopeful swift angriness

delusional dimensions
out of the norm
things my soul would grant a suspension
this time to welcome the storm

I don't think so
the blur of the night on a stairs
a stumble in once upon ago
brought pretty smiles in crying strands of hair

because I don't want to wake up
the dressing of sunrise capital
the unwanted, a guitar playing after my tea cup
even if the burdened wrists all heavy calculated radicals

kisses infected mere means
the days of thoughtful ventures
of doubtful summers and no sleep
something an old vanilla scent betrays a different texture

                                                        ­                            -------ravenfeels
Nadeah Jun 2014
Let's agree to disagree ,
With  the thoughts in my head ,
About  you not me .

You lie to decieve ,
You eat to get relief ,
And yet you still haven't  paid me back my money,
You ******* thief .

You say you love me for who I am ,
But yet you have no time to be  with me mam.
Pauline Morris May 2016
The fabric of my life is a tapestry
Woven together with tragedy

There are black threads of loneliness
Blue threads of sadness
Red threads of the angriness
Yellow threads for my minds sickness
Orange threads for craziness
Purple for my madness
Gray threads for deeds of heartlessness
Pink threads for those rare moments of tenderness
Of course there is clear, see through thread for the emptiness

Now look really close, fine little silver threads can be found of happiness
As well as shiny bright golden threads of hopfulness
It's what holds it all togeather
So no matter what storm I must weather
My beautifully tragic tapestry will be wrapped tight around me
The picture in the end will be so wonderfully sad and beautiful, it will make your eye's tear just to see

Your mind will have trouble comprehending how something so sad and tragic
Can create something so darkly beautiful, it seems like magic
It's because I've lived in the dark so long
I've learned to see beauty were it seems to not belong
Out of place and wrong

But in the darkness the silver and gold threads shine so bright
You would of never even seen them in the light
IncholPoem Feb 2019
Ber  and Dim sum festivals
  for  your  nail's angriness.

Peacock  and    woman  head  
  were  covered  by
Indian  flowers  in   a
digital  painting screen.

Two    dry  cells  of  Japan
  are  powerless.

The  Chinese   made
  unrepairable    earphone
  was  once  damaged
  then  repaired
Second  time   it
became   damaged.

Again  repaired.
Waverly Feb 2012
She says I have a ness
about me,
a sadness,
an angriness,
a hatefulness,
a loch ness.

I haven't washed my hoodie
in a week, the toothpaste splatter
on my shoulder
looks like come,
maybe it's laziness.
What if your kiss
Would change my life
And my changing life
Would change his dreams
And his different dreams
Would affect her world
While her affected world
Would cause her trouble
And the caused trouble
Would make her cry
And her crying eyes
Would make him feel
And his newborn feelings
Would make his heart beat
And his beating heart
Would make him talk
while his talking mouth
Would make her happy
And her happiness
Would make me angry
And my angriness
Would make you say I LOVE YOU?

It’s just a matter of WHAT IF-s right?

**I see…
manicsurvival Aug 2013
Torn by societal views of right and wrong
The voices that once spoke to me are nothing but a long droning sound
Schizophrenics on a city bus screaming about being kidnaped and ***** and abandoned
Mad men on the street banging on a mirror
Yelling "*******!" only to say it to themselves
And self loathing isn't specific to the mentally ill
Or maybe it is
Perhaps we're all mental
Scars of teenagers disguised with bracelets
Bruises covered in foundation
Violence and danger and pain
Self inflicted
Glass glided against gentle skin
Blood oozing out
Only to produce a temporary high on endorphins
But still
A man banging on a mirror
"I hate you" he screams
"I hate you!"
Do we all hate ourselves
And resort to different means of coping
Risky ***
8 tabs of acid
a 27 hour trip
Terrified in spirals of rainbows and skeletons
Angrily playing the piano
Producing music that may as well be spun gold
Mozart's Sonata No.12 in F Major
Not out of willingness
Out of angriness
Self expression
Expression from pain
We stare at violent images in museums and accept them as art
Maybe they're really a cry for help
Maybe the piece is meant to say "Help me, I'm dying in my mind."
But we are too ignorant and blind and we think its imagination
And it's really reality
Prozac Nation was not made for consumption
Nor for profit
Because I can assure you that millions of people are changed by that book
And it's not like Twilight or Harry Potter
It's more
It's the honest truth
What everyone thinks they are but aren't
The poem you're reading right now
May be the cry for help I speak of
The issue however remains
A close minded society that doesn't want to accept the fact that so many of us are suffering
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 36

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

In my own presence, I sense myself void,
Rage and angriness, Pride and unkind,
Desirous and irresistible craving, where I lost myself.

But when I am at ease in your divine presence,
Oh my Beloved, I sense Myself absolute,
As I properly grasp, myself with absolute Truth!

Indeed, Oh my Beloved You are rightfully the Only One! (Al Ahad)
And You are Universally The Truth! (Al Haqq)

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
North African English teachers
Are so rare in Peru;
However, I was sent right there
By the Erasmus - EU.

My adventures didn't even start
When I felt strong unease;
As if I was followed by some,
Some dark and unseen breeze.

My first day was ruined by a bite
Happened in the toilet;
I saw a shade in the mirror,
Then, some tooth and eyelet.


On my first day I got injured
That was badly enough;
However, the first day kept me
A night just alike tough.

Knock-knock-knock I heard on my door,
The darkness was shallow;
Knock-knock without answer,
My guest was Diablo.

I'd been never superstitious,
Though, I believed in Jinns;
Just as I was a believer
Of many other things.


Knock-knock-knock - for a hundred times,
As if my head was' door;
My fear' fulfilled with angriness,
I faced the corridor.

I got the door slowly ajar,
A black claw might me seize;
I snapped its hand and bring Quran,
"It's time to Exorcise!"

The demon tore the door crying,
Of Quranic verses;
The North African welcoming
Has no demon versus.
Isabella H May 2012
Why do you confuse me with your countless lie!
I ask WHY!
you touch me in such a way I use to love so much?
Calling me with our own names we’ve created with laughter that filled the room?
Stare at me as if I was the only one in your world with such unstable glazes that eyes across could see we had something!
My own angriness is filling up with confusion that my vision is fading so fast?
My health has decreased because of my own fault and yours because of the endless hours of sitting                        alone without your presents near me?
It’s already hard enough being near you why do you have to make it harder and painful when you try to think I’m not hurting inside?
I ask WHY!
You should know how that feels, you’ve been in my shoes before
So WHY do you think it’s ok if it’s me ?

That just shows you really never cared a single bit for me, ever since we first saw each other.
You really are one of a kind. Hope you enjoy your smart little friend there, ****!
TheMeanBean Feb 2018
I’m not a shadow of my former self, no

I’ve turned into my own shadow,

Never free to go,

Switched places with the one stalking me

It’s been so long, forgot how to be free

I represent the lack of sunlight, 

So close but yet so far

I completely disappeared from the radar

People step on me, not realizing

It’s okay though, not really surprising

It doesn’t even hurt anymore

Because I’ve been down on the floor

For so long, trying to remember

Where I came from

The winter season is the worst, no sun

Which means for a second, I’m completely gone

Not even a trace, not even a glance

Scream for help now, it’s your last chance

I’m being swallowed up whole

Merging with other shadows

As my mind goes for a stroll

Please help me back up friend,

I wish to have colour again

Colour in my brain

Not just solid black or grey

That’s pretty much all I have to say

My only dream in life is to live

My mind I won’t forgive

For what it did to me

So desperate, set me free

I want to switch back, I belong up there

Not you, 
I don’t deserve to be in despair

I want to have a peek,
Keep getting close

But you’re always in the way

From your head to your toes

Blocking out the heat,

Blocking out the rays

Been down here a thousand days

I’m no longer physical

I’m being hypocritical

You should do this, seek assistance

Only to lengthen your existence

But here I am, sinking in quicksand

It’s really not going as planned

In my mind the shadow keeps growing

While I keep shrinking

I’m getting to the point where I stop thinking

About ever seeing light, ever being free

I know very well that I’m ill

But I’ll get through, I will

Surrounded by the vast nothingness

Angriness wins it from happiness

Evil beats good

Beating this thing? I thought I would

Please help me back up friend,
I wish to have colour again

Colour in my brain

Not just solid black or grey

That’s pretty much all I have to say

My only dream in life is to live

My mind I won’t forgive

For what it did to me

So desperate, set me free

I want to switch back, I belong up there

Not you, 
I don’t deserve to be in despair

I dodge the light, as if on purpose

But I can’t help it, feeling worthless

I was made to be invisible

The darkness makes me miserable

Need to break loose of this walking corpse

Trying to do so through these works

The shadow holds me by the throat

Writing these words, and I quote

“I won’t end you, just leave you breathless.”

Nothing good in there, not a message

It’s only the harsh truth, depression is drowning

In your own thoughts, your mind is shouting

In your ear, just make it stop

Pull the trigger and then I drop

Deafening silence, finally

And I lay there silently, 


Now I’m free from this crisis

That occupied my head,

The only solution I figured out,

Now I’m dead.
Jubelle Elisan Feb 2016
Forgiveness is happiness. We are all locked up when our hearts are full of hatred and angriness. We are being negative about the person. You are having a good walk in yhe morning and you saw the person, your whole day was ruined. And you know what? You don't deserve that. You have to forgive to let go for yourself. Believe me, roads will be wider. You can now go to places where you haven't been before because of that person. You'll have peace. Inner silence. And the beauty when the dust settles will come to place. And that's what you deserve.

/Feb 17 2016 11:00PM
Axel Dec 2018
a cold night
with hundreds of stars
there we were
trying to count the stars
trying to find what's inside
trying to understand
what is this feeling in our heart.

the acoustic guitar that you always play
the sound of the piano that lingers in my heart
the warmth of our hugs
the memories in our heart
we were clueless
we were dumb
but the love felt so real
felt so calm.

we were too young
too innocent
and too serious until everything messed up
the glass in our hand shattered
it dropped hard to the ground
it left us with scars in our hand
the story that we made didn't end with happiness
neither it ended with angriness
but it ended with laughter
because we were just a child
just a kid trying to find what is love.
Jubelle Elisan Feb 2016
Forgiveness is happiness. We are all locked up when our hearts are full of hatred and angriness. We are being negative about the person. You are having a good walk in yhe morning and you saw the person, your whole day was ruined. And you know what? You don't deserve that. You have to forgive to let go for yourself. Believe me, roads will be wider. You can now go to places where you haven't been before because of that person. You'll have peace. Inner silence. And the beauty when the dust settles will come to place. And that's what you deserve.

/Feb 17 2016 11:00PM

— The End —