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Hunter J Nov 2012
Im cold
no one knows me
not even myself
Im tired of living with no self-help

Oh hell
Oh well
Guess this fights over
i hear the ringing of a bell

In time
in my own eyes im blind
cant seem to find
my way out of this mess
so much stress
just to impress

Impress who you ask
Matter fact
i dont know that
but all these suicidal tendencies
Someone put an end to me

I feel like i should be quoting Macbeth's final solilquoy
Life is but a wandering shadow
Goes nowhere
like i care

And all our yesterdays have lighted
fools the way to dusty death
Now stop it for a minute
let me catch my breath
Foe his final line
so i may go in depth

Life is told by an idiot
full of events
signifying nothing
so why repent
and now i truly question
can time be well spent?

Just let me lament
Few good times
adn many bad
all sad
i start to get mad

I start thinking
even if i did look
on the brightside id probably go blind
no lie
i bought a suit to meet god
so let me straighten the tie
my final words to you
Perhaps the earth is floating,
I do not know.
Perhaps the stars are little paper cutups
made by some giant scissors,
I do not know.
Perhaps the moon is a frozen tear,
I do not know.
Perhaps God is only a deep voice
heard by the deaf,
I do not know.

Perhaps I am no one.
True, I have a body
and I cannot escape from it.
I would like to fly out of my head,
but that is out of the question.
It is written on the tablet of destiny
that I am stuck here in this human form.
That being the case
I would like to call attention to my problem.

There is an animal inside me,
clutiching fast to my heart,
a huge carb.
The doctors of Boston
have thrown up their hands.
They have tried scalpels,
needles, poison gasses adn the like.
The crab remains.
It is a great weight.
I try to forget it, go about my business,
cook the broccoli, open the shut books,
brush my teeth and tie my shoes.
I have tried prayer
but as I pray the crab grips harder
and the pain enlarges.

I had a dream once,
perhaps it was a dream,
that the crab was my ignorance of God.
But who am I to believe in dreams?
Austin Martin Jun 2016
eEghnrtvy in hist dlorw ahs an deorr, a acelp.
ahtW ew not aalswy know is ahtw eht deorr is, adn hwy it is os.
ahllS ew bdillny accept? or aceeghlln eht assttu oqu?

egiinnoQstu adn acciilrt ghiiknnt illw aceeghlln eehst cdeeenprst.
aefilru is not not an inoopt, hiottuw aefilru adn efirst ew do not eimoprv
                                                         ­                                     ew do not gorw.
Disorder ilmpsy ehpssu adn aceegnorsu su ot dfin ahtt deorr ehorst dhlosu einoqstu.

This is not gibberish, it is well worth the effort.
mike dm Jan 2017
Not here. Not there. Not anywhere. Not anywhy. Not caring pennywise above my lotto-won unslant brow. I simply cannot who this town anymore.

Wut? It's not that i "jus can't;"
it's that.. well, it's that....

---- It all sidepath whirr spins too much, resulting in me being in it too kneedeeply, as my limbs brim over the finely-tuned ledge of what we think we can potentially know, where it grins up at the space stolid, like a thing imagined real - plus my poor machete has (in a torrid blink of the winkers) turned; or, more accurately, transmogrified into sudden feted befridged leftovers, which, aren't exactly untaciturn in their ways.

(understatement of the eon, iknowiknow)..

---- worse still, -forgotten- leftovers, hidden away in the crisper drawer under the rest of the things spoken for: half due to lazy; the other half, to the fact it won't slide nicely anymore :/

it, turning
and smirking.

Oh! the its
and things.

And those three anthropomorphic hands always pushing n prodding the fated its and things. It's all so.. meh.

So, of c, we decorate it w meta imps and wings above them. Methinks the neon signs of the new rind output axon doth protest too much.

Yet, the gray area is nigh.
Autocorrect, be ******.

Me: I, now, know your tricks. Your abstruse, purely theoretical storms which appeal with chartreuse arms elongated into lawnorder - I can see you've been drawn out. I can see around the bend. You don't scare me anymore with your elegant renderings. I am too much in the dying whitehot.

That voice inside: nothing

Me: ...

Chicken, *****.

Don't you see? It's all getting crunched down. God is in the box marked "fragile," sexting n taking dog selfies doing a Miley tongue wag in the ***** bathroom mirror w an awk ttfn postscript n kissy face discursive.

I won't flinch.

my pockets turned inside-out aboutfacedly, knowingly staring that stare right back up at me, reflexively, interrogating and adjudicating, highchaired n bewigged n gavel-swinging n self-righteous spittle-wingin n all - cuffs hugging the curly q sloughed off set-o-symbols once hung like rare priceless lace above that (over)hyped brand new skull muscle (geologically speaking, of c). but the ***** have all been given, and i, finally, with arms reaching forward and backward, am here.

the haste the haste
the grammar head at the wake
let rigormortis do it's worst,
because there is more behind its door

0100111101010000 bars
hug the star's start
stripping them away,

Denuded, they

corrall it
adn things

I grip these two
and win back
the abysmal.

I am OK with breaking down,
with being hurt. Vulnerable as ****.
These tears are me
and mine.
Jaicob Jul 2021
I've been taken advantage of.
I've been lied to a thousand times.
My mind is awfully broken now,
Adn my body is riddled with lines.

I can't believe you did this to me
After you said you loved me.
In the end, it was just a trap,
And the ransom was my sanity.

I made myself pretty for you,
Dolled up with bows and paint.
It was never good enough though.
You stole more of me every day.

I tore myself apart because
I couldn't be enough.
Even then you yelled at me
"Get over it.. Life is tough"

You never believed me when I said
A thing you didn't like.
I told you I hated you in my life
Always feeding me molten lies.

Even then, you pushed me away
And tore me limb from limb.
Everything I did to myself
Was caused by you, mum, not him.
Fegger May 2010
The lantern sways, as shadows flash,
Mists draped in night so still;
Illuminating fleshless arms,
Creep-out along this hill.
Such guardians of soul-less mounds,
Wooden markers of the poor,
Bow in hallowed reverence
As sentries evermore.

Weeping, yet un-frightened,
She trips between each aisle;
Casting light against each stone,
Acknowledge each beguiled.
Then memory finds her grasping,
And clenching cold, damp stone
Denoting ‘neath a vacant plot,
For he never did come home.

‘Pon scattered grass and gravelly dirt;
Drops to reverent knee,
While fanning simple pleats about,
Her dress, in modesty.
She twists the **** and raises wick;
And it curls with cloak of flame.
She whets her lips, inhaling deep,
Then summons ‘pon his name:

“Bartholomew,  Bartholomew,
Can you see that I ‘ave come?
Are you near, me sweetest husband?
‘Tis I, your Mary Dunn!
I had me thoughts to come t’night,
To ‘ave a word with you,
That’s pressin’ on me heart so fierce,
Ya’ ‘round Bartholomew?
Aye, that’d be just like ye some,
To wait fer me confess;
A’twisten’ in me awkward words,
No salve fer me distress!
Yet I—I need t’hear yer voice
An’ calmin’ words to heal,
The anxious quiver, here, inside,
A’longin’ to reveal.”

The widow paused, collecting will,
And questioned own intent;
To cast a net to spirit’s world,
To herald self- repent.
She wrings her fingers nervously,
While waiting ‘pon the dead;
When suddenly a breeze did rise,
Then a hand upon her head.

“Mary Dunn, me Mary Dunn,
‘Ave not better things to do;
Than wander ‘bout such crypts at night,
A’hovered by the moon?
What keeps y’here in dank an cold,
So callin’ out fer me?
Ye know fer fact I’m dead by now,
An rottin’ in the sea!”

“It’s good to see ya’ too, my love;
Better then, to hear;
That death din’t take away that tongue,
Or how ye prone t’snear.
I ‘spected that I’d smell ya’ first,
That rancid scent of whale;
Yer eyes were once quite darker,
Yer skin not quite so pale”.

The spirit corpse then spun about,
Examined high and low,
The fiery bride he’d left behind,
With heart so still aglow.
Warmed by her excited eyes,
And cheeks so pink with life;
He felt a distance aching,
Longing for this wife.

“Ye got a bit of lonely, Mary,
That why ye come tonight;
‘Spectin’ glimpse ‘ov me, like this
‘Wud turn ya’ heart to right?
Sensible is how ye was,
Yet be scurryin’ to find,
Such wisdom in yer harkin’,
To terms ye felt unkind.”

“Stop with ya’!  Stop with ya’!
Ya’ stubborn, briney goat!
T’wasn’t me who boarded ship
An’ failed to keep afloat!
Aye, the heaven hasn’t tempered,
The iron in yer will.
Judge me not Bartholomew,
One, amongst the krill!”

The bearded ghost then chuckled,
‘Til tears came to his eyes.
Proud he was to have such time,
To spend with feisty bride.
He then retreats in silence,
As he gleans from her distress,
That she torments with a secret,
To him, she must confess.

“"Bartholomew, me love,"
she embarks to make her plea,
"Ye left me young an' fruitful still,
yet no child ‘pon me knee.
I'm not as sturdy as y'think,
An' tremble at the thought;
deprived I am of husbandry,
my womb be saved fer naught."
Without ye then, I’ll ‘ave no spring,
No child to remind,
Of splendid days, brighter sun,
Me husband now divine.
I’m askin’ yer forgiveness,
And yer permit to pursue,
The kindly callers come to me,
In absence then, of you.”

“Yer speakin’ of the cooper, Tim,
Or Drew, the smithies’ hand?
Aye, better off with men who keep,
Their feet upon the land!
But Tim, I’m sadly knowin’ that,
His time is comin’ due;
An’ if a child be yer design,
There ‘ain’t no seeds in Drew.
I’ll not be one to keep ya’,
To an empty marriage bed.
Lord knows ye d’serve a finer life,
Than keepin’ with the dead.
But ev’rythin’ that’s in me,
Needs ye hurt no more.
Death ‘as grant me favored eyes,
I ‘adn’t known before.
I’ll come ‘ere, e’vry night,
An’ visit, yer desire.
Honest, I will always be,
Tendin’ yer require.
Love ‘been mine for days of flesh,
Then, for eternity.
Go then now, me Mary Dunn,
An’ make a life for thee.”

With courage she did leave that night,
With freedom then realized,
To pair with then, another mate,
Forsaking former ties.
Yet, on the night that followed,
And for thousands after, too,
She chose the comp’ny of the ghost,
Her lost Bartholomew.

Each night she braved nature’s serve,
Through rain, or cold, or sleet;
Imbibing ‘pon such moment’s time,
To feed on love so sweet.
Each minute spent, Bartholomew,
Rejoiced in hardships, laughter;
And only God and Time will know,
Such treasures in hereafter.

One night, amidst November freeze,
Mary staggered there,
Among the stones akin to home,
With her husband shared;
Lungs revolting, gurgling swell,
Mouth of staining red;
Contrasting earthly suffering,
Found solace ‘mongst the dead.
Fevered to delirium,
Wet, silver-tainted hair,
She settles ‘side familiar post
And finds him waiting there.
Struggles so to form a breath,
In hopes that she may speak,
Surrendering the day’s accounts;
But fears she is too weak.

“Aye, ‘tis time, me Mary Dunn,
A’time that ye come home.
Beyond this night, forevermore,
Y’ll nev’r be alone.
I wish that I could reach ya’ now,
An pull ya’ ‘cross the veil
That’s kept us ‘part these many years,
In spite of what’s prevailed.”

“So ‘lighten me, me whaler man,”
She coughed a pale reply.
“Why’d ya’ choose to lie to me,
To keep me as yo’r bride?
The cooper, he outlived us both,
Eight children sprung from Drew;
Ye lied to me for all these years,
What say, Bartholomew?”

“I feared me own accord, me lass,
From terms set forth above;
Ye cannot cross to waitin’ arms,
Unless ye go with love.
An’ I, but one love known to life,
This chance then rest with you
To be me escort to the Lord,
This, I say is true.
Should ye have taken ‘nother man,
I feared that ye’d be his;
An’ ye’d be taken up with him,
While I’d be left like this;
A-hoverin’ in between such space,
An’ time, by lonesome self;
While pinin’ for me heart of life,
Me Mary, ‘n no one else.”

“Aye, such flat’ry from  des’prate ghost;
It was my life ye know;
I seen ya’ for deceiver,
So many years ago.
But I choose’d to keep me vows to you,
‘Til heaven takes me in;
An’ if I granted sim’lar choice,
I’d choose the same a’gin’.

I’m dying love, I feel it now,
Me spirit needs to leave;
This body sez it’s had enough,
Me time is done, indeed.”
“Lay down, me lass, breath peace,
Lay down ‘n be there, still;
Our fate, as love, ‘pears destiny,
As both our lungs were filled.”

Mary Dunn surrendered then,
To callings of her spirit;
With forever longing arms of his,
She had no cause to fear it.
United once again, at last,
Of faith and love of few,
She crossed into Eternity,
With her love, Bartholomew!
As this represents a needed edit, I'd like to extend my gratitude to Drew for precise observation, critique/guidance and to my dear poet friend, Ron Gardner,  who donated several verses to this piece that were clearly more appropriate than what I had penned originally.  Thanks, so much, gentlemen!!!

If you are reading this, you did me a great favor of time...thanks.  

Fegger, 2010
WE all have our places in this world.
I do,too.
I , am the rotten apple of the basket
.I stay in the basket too long,
i tend to ruin everything.
thats my place in the world.
that was supposed to be my identity till my last breath.
like the identity of my love is to unscrew him,
for my doctor is to do what no one else would,
for for HIM ,it was to smile and make the world
a better place.
its what defines us.

But that day when i had decided to do three extra shots of ***** and five extra drags and three snorts of ******* and then passed out after a seizure ,i  didnt know i would wake up to a new morning and to a new identity . i was in pain,in considerable pain,and there was just one person who still smiled at the rotten assemblage of human tissues that i had become,that person was him.a guy with the brightest of smiles and the biggest of hearts who didnt think anyone was bad inside.and for someone like me who has ten thousand layers of bad before the slightest of goof,it meant a lot.What would have happened had i decided to do that one month later? who knows ? i would have died,thats for sure.But i would have died a bitter,angry girl.**** am i happy now? will i be happy five years from now ? i dont know.Do i thank him for saving me? YES. do i feel good about being saved.? again. I'm not so sure.why should i be happy just bcus i have few years more to live,why should i be happy becausee i have more time with my parents? why should i be happy because my folks wont grieve ? For HIM,these questions,were the answers.Then why didnt she get those last few breaths? that extra few years?

AS i look at the empty bed next to me and the missing books adn the absence of his chirping laughter,i feel the world has permanently become a little darker,a little sadder.All i remember of him are his last words to me ' I'll be back.It will be okay.'
Well,he lied.I dont think i am forgiving him for that.Not now,not ever.

He left us behind to miss him,to yearn for him,to find things to distract ourselves from missing him.he is not there.he is not around us.i will never see that smile.he will not be on the next bed trying to irritate the hell out of me.he will not talk till my head bursts into little splinters and then irritate me some more.i have not me his doc Zaarah,but over the last few days i have heard stories. she told Arman that she was sure she he smiled at her long after her heart rate dropped and the lifeline drew a flat line on the monitor and the doctors failed to revive her.Armaan tells me that zaarah had spent the night at the morgue standing outside his frozen casket bcus HE was afraid of the darl.he tells me she had to be forced out before she could catch pneumonia or something worse.she tells me how every night Zaarah comes to both the room and terrace where they had gone for their first date.She tells me how his mother had fainted when she came back to our unlucky room no. 509 and how she  had to be pulled back from his bed by his father. He tells me his father looked like a walking corpse when he heard the news.he tells me how both sets of parents had cried arm in arm.he tells me how his dad comforted my crying dad,when i was battling for my life while their daughter was dead. Arman tells me that his father has nt said a word since the day he passed away on the operating table,lying on the side with his back cut open and a smile pasted on his was painless,he tells me.

Does knowing that it was painless make me feel any better? it doesnt. he was no stranger to pain.he was strong and she would have picked pain and life any day over comfort and death.people like her arent meant to die.they never die bcus people never forget them.did he give us enough moments together? he would never have been able to even if he had died a hundred years later.people like him just dont live that enough. No matter how long,how fulfilling,how painless their deaths are= people miss them.Like i;miss him,and i hardly knew him,we werent even friends;we were roommates.

He dies. I live. I cry. Where is the sense in that ? i didnt even want to live.I thought the procedures,the medicines,the doctors and the drips were nonsense.all i wanted was to get injected with a few extra CCs of morphine n my drip and i'd pass on the next world,painlessly.i didnt want this.i hated pain.i have done everything i could find,to run away from it. i used to numb myself by injecting and snorting everything i could find.nobody wanted this. How do you think i will feel when i look at his parents,childless,grieving at his loss? how do you think i will feel when Zaarah crosses my path? We were in the same room.Same room!!! how difficult it was to have our fates switched ? how wrong can god get if there is one ? We were right could he not see?

did i find a donor ? yes,I did. It was him. the perfect match.we were roommates.

But thats not the only thing he gave me. 15 days after my surgery wen i was shifted back to my room,the bed next to me was empty but for a little note on top of it.I opened the note which said.

' you were the best roommate ever.Now we're even. it 2-2.Dont waste it'
I cry.
Zaarah here was his doctor.and armaan was mine. I survived bcus he lent his life,his breaths to me,it was an unfair experience.
HE was suffering from ALS.godammit,he was only 19. And i had a major lung failure.why could god not switch destinies,pls,why ?

i hope this piece isnt boring to you?
yo **** this ***** name jalel
whos really a woman whos tried to appeal
to be a man but understand
youll never be me im like eazy e
and you be d to r e
makin' threats but ya gets no respect
but a gun check respect the tech as load it through ya neck
ya guillotine hoppin' on th3 scene
with my sixty four creepin' slow
with 304s galore i adore
ya aint ready for war
i told you gotta put kids to bed
before midnight ****** in my sight
killin' emcees softly
not speakim' lauryn hill entice fright and thrills
make bodies freeze colder than the ice on my windmills
necklace blinging ***** im from texas
we ball lacs n throw blades on the lexus cant get with us crew be dangerous trust its a must
that ya step back or else get put flat on ya back imagine that?
me loosin to this janky ***** name jalel ya frill than a third wheel
cant even rhyme for ****
sound hesitated constipated
i patiently waited
for you to give me something to vibe but ya just too horrible
sped up ya flow fool
cuz ya sound slow as ****
i rep the old school sound the tools
from every angle
make ya bo legged like bojangles as ya body drools
nothing but blood covered
its a baptism as i continya breakin' nerves like annuerism
nad yea aint it dont stop
cuz its 187 on a muthaphukkin' flop

shut the corny *** lines up
u aint rippin' up **** but ya own ****
******' ya self with self gratification its me against the nation
im black n my brothers be ****** rasta jamaican
***** you fakin'
cant hang with the y to the o to the s to the e f
yes im fresh then a dead body on ya porch steps
sending warning scorning
while in ya morge stiff
ya family mourning
over ya cant **** with the best in the industry
do ya like james did to tammie
terrell entice hell everytime fools try to send mail
my way hop in the six tre
i got hoes to **** check my gangsta limp.
***** i am eazy e son of lost dynasty i see ya eyin me
peepin' **** cuz it hits
like a slug to ya cranium strong as titanium
got extra clips to withdraw
adn im.aimmin em
at your headpiece as ya body grows obese
bigger than della reese feast
only on the weakest i be the wickedest stick my **** in this
instrumental cant hang with me
you worse than that ***** jalel be
writing them corny *** lines
with them horrible *** rhymes
wouldn't even amount to a dime compared to mine
ya make me look flawless
rippin' vocal chords got ya jawless i be the rawest
on this competiton i got for bloodraw with no intermission
i see ya beggin'
but go back to jalel so ya can
start peggin'
each other yeaaa and it dont stop cuz its 187 on a ***** names pablo and jalel
Trevor Lee Boyd Jun 2010
Writing in a notebook every single death I've had
Doesn't seem too bad on first glance
Just wait, this night'll never end

Smear me up a wall
Undo every single thought I have
Wish I could take my eyes out of my head
And see all thie things I've done
All the songs I've never written
My arms close to my chest
My heart in my throat
Everyting's out of place, isn't it the best?

We're running on a full tank of gas with nowhere to go
We're driving in cricles to make it look like we went somewhere
Seeing the same old thing back adn forth
Thinking time'll change this
Boy, were we wrong

Once more before tomorrow
We're on the edge holding on
This life has our hands and is ready to let go
No more last words for us
Going a million miles an hour in neutral
All they see is a person going nowhere
What they don't see (Oh, what they don't see)
We've been to the darkside of the moon and back
(Yeah, we've got this) We've got no obligation to you
We've seen God, one day, one single moment
(Forgiveness behind the flowers)

We've left ourselves here because
Because, because, because, because
We can
Expecting a high fallutin answer?
Well, sorry to disappoint
We've plotted our path here, why?
We can, we can, we can!
Because we can!

Writing in a notebook every single death I've had
Doesn't seem too bad on first glance
Just wait, this night'll never end
Writing in a notebook every single life I've lost
Doesn't it seem funny how're they're gone?
They never were that long
(Never really meant anything)
They never were that good
(Never really could)

Come on, gods have knelt at our feet
We've done our crime, we've done our time
Just wait, you'll see
Just you wait, we'll see to it
That you're not left behind
Sum It Feb 2014
I was struggling on my bed yester-night
I was struggling to catch my train to sleep
Trying to make my way through the crowds of reality
I was tired, I felt weak but couldn't still sleep
I had already missed twice, the train
I had reached the station but
I couldn't close my eyes
my ticket to dream was invalid without that
i couldn't board my train to sleep

What is happening!
check check check check
I checked everything
Bed .... check
Cushion .... check
Pillow .... check
blanket .... ummm
too hot
kick away blanket ... check

mosquio net.... check

Anything else????? Check
lights off.. loadshedding... check

I asked with  gatekeeper of dreams
What now? Let me pass

"you miss her"
"text her" easily said the train master
and the gatekeeper of dreams

"Come on..." i resisted

I turned right
I turned left
Turning and turning
Trying to search a loophole to train
I kicked my legs to the cieiling
left one adn imagined of bruce lee
then i cycled both legs
i cursed my day, the boring day it was
with no work to do and no interest as well
I thought about drinking... to numb my restlessness
May be I could do some smoking... to **** my distress
it was already 1AM of the morning
but all i did you just turn sideways
Train master grinned "No Ways"
My eyes were red and bulging
My heart was on fire and burning
My mind wandered from everything to nothing
I was suffocating
I was gasping
panting and
tearing my senses apart
just trying to hack the way to train
but the gatekeep of dreams was not ready to open the chain

I.......gave up
grabbed ny Nokia 3110 classic model
texted her

i texted her"i am scared to talk with you"

she replied"I am afraid of your poems"

I said"I don't know what to say"

The gate opened, the chain fell down
I boarded  for my train to sleep
I was happy
I texted her
She replied
I could breathe again
I was smiling when I woke up
July 30, 2013
Mike Essig Apr 2015

I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer,
The publican 'e up an' sez, "We serve no red-coats here."
The girls be'ind the bar they laughed an' giggled fit to die,
I outs into the street again an' to myself sez I:
    O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, go away";
    But it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play,
    The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,
    O it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play.

I went into a theatre as sober as could be,
They gave a drunk civilian room, but 'adn't none for me;
They sent me to the gallery or round the music-'alls,
But when it comes to fightin', Lord! they'll shove me in the stalls!
    For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, wait outside";
    But it's "Special train for Atkins" when the trooper's on the tide,
    The troopship's on the tide, my boys, the troopship's on the tide,
    O it's "Special train for Atkins" when the trooper's on the tide.

Yes, *makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap;

An' hustlin' drunken soldiers when they're goin' large a bit
Is five times better business than paradin' in full kit.
    Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, 'ow's yer soul?"
    But it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll,
    The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,
    O it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll.

We aren't no thin red 'eroes, nor we aren't no blackguards too,
But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;
An' if sometimes our conduck isn't all your fancy paints,
Why, single men in barricks don't grow into plaster saints;
    While it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, fall be'ind",
    But it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind,
    There's trouble in the wind, my boys, there's trouble in the wind,
    O it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind.

*You talk o' better food for us, an' schools, an' fires, an' all:
We'll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational.
Don't mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face
The Widow's Uniform is not the soldier-man's disgrace.
    For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck him out, the brute!"
    But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot;
    An' it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' anything you please;
    An' Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool -- you bet that Tommy sees!
Often not taken seriously by his contemporaries, T S Eliot called him "the greatest English poet since Shakespeare." His abilities with rhyme and dialect are unmatched.

No one wrote better about the common soldier, called Tommy in England. The English had a low opinion of their soldiers. Tommy replies remarkably well in this poem. Emphases are mine.
David P Carroll Jan 2021
You and me ok together
We'll be growing old
Every day it's you and me
We'll smile together
Hand in hand walking
The watching the
Beautiful Sunset
Adn listening to the
Birds sing from heaven above
As our heart's beat along
And I softly whisper I'll love you
And we'll be Forever in love
You and me together we'll be
In love for eternity.
True Love ❤️😘💟
ConstantEscape Sep 2014
Hello, you've reached my page of poetry. HAHA. I just didn't know what else social media to use that you wouldn't find before the time is right.



Andrea Diaz Dec 2011
That night
That night
I found a  stranger...
That night
That night
I looked into a mirror.
I heard a voice
That sounded familiar
I heard a voice
That sounded strange.

One that surfaces on the outside
One that shells itself on the inside
One that is cynical
One tht is regretful
One that is Yin,
And one that is Yang.

That night,
That night,
I looked in a mirror.
That night
That night
I looked in mirror.
That night
That night
I lmet a stranger
I turned to my right and met,
A cynical child,
With a crooked smile
Her eyes were pitch black,
Her voice was of a demon's
Her soul was not present.
If I ever believed in a god,
She would be the devil's spawn.

When I turned to my left,
I met a coward,
Her face that always blushed
Her voice was always quiet
Her eyes were that of mine
Her soul was partially there.
If I ever believed in angels,
She would be the one that fell from the heavens.

That night,
That night...
I found my self,

A girl who didn't give a care in the world,
A girl who couldn't speak what was on her mind.
A girl with devilish horns,
A girl with breaken wings adn a fixed halo.

The two sides of me that I never wanted to see.
Yet, they were always there with me.
The two sides of me I wish that left my side
Yet, they are super glued to me for the rest of my life.

That night,
That night,
I met my past.
That night,
That night,
I met the demon.

That night,
That night,
I found my present self,
The one who held the past child and the demon child in one,
The one who endured all their complaints and torments,
The one who had those lonely conversations with the broken angel and the devil's spawn.
That morning...waking up to
Bright and shinning lights,
Birds singing happily,
The sky smiling on me,
The devil's spawn had kept its trap shut,
The broken angel fixed herself,
And the present me,
Was nothing but happy.
The tree is dancing and flickering
Like some computer glitch,
ANd the sound of fpptstops trail me,
Doors shutting,
Chairs scraping,
Dogs barking in an otherwise empty house.
I do not know how to sav myself from this
Remix of unreal and reality,
Just hiding blasting music
Trying to drown out the sound of someone trying to **** me.
The figurine of the pink power ranger rests under my pillow while I try to sleep,
Guardian, protector,
Save me.
I do not want to listen to my thoughts.
They hurt adn conjure things,
Enamored of death or a way out of this hell.
At night I dream
Of people stealing the earrings out of mye ears
And hundreds of people chanting my name.
No matter where I run, they call me.
Even hiding amongst the frogs brings no relief
As their Ribbits shout my name from behinf the bushes.
Save me from this hell, my mind.
I don't want to listen to it.
I don't want to die.
magicbroccoli66 Sep 2017
Whenj he shaikd I wasd not normilo I sad .
Feel insid I nit cirroct, thes maks me seddingtew
The bigg men ssai no tome, I lik deck en mi battem’
Wen je sai I soo sed I cri evy dai of aprel.

Wun dai I weas sed I mad mislef dei of rabbes
Wen I med dog hee *** do sed wot I dei
Hee tel me to no bee dei anymooor
Bow I em fin adn a shappy preson.
co-written by @lostboy
Jolene Perron Jul 2010
Forever wasn't a lie,
it just all fell apart.
I tried to mend the scars,
left on your broke heart.

But you pushed me far,
and you pushed me away.
Wouldn't let me express,
words I needed to say.

Whenever I asked,
you would say "Not now".
I want this to be fixed,
some way, some how.

If you would only listen,
to the words I need to say.
If you would come with me,
after work some day.

Walk down by the water,
yell if we need to.
Get it all out together,
even if I hate you.

By the end we have said,
all that needs to be said.
Everything will be out in the open,
everything will be meant.

I'm just tired of playing games,
running on a rollercoaster of lies.
I don't want you to leave,
to say a final goodbye.

I told you I would take,
if friendship was all you had.
But one minute it was okay,
the next you were mad.

I want the whole truth,
no more stone cold lies.
I want our friendship adn honesty,
no more awful goodbyes.

Because this isn't right,
and you can't just leave.
We're in this together,
you and me.

You've always been there,
my very best friend.
I won't walk away,
this can not be the end.

So swollow our prides,
let's sit down and talk.
Face to face for once,
by the water on a dock.

The only way to solve,
all that has been done.
The only way to win,
a battle that isn't won.

It will never be fixed,
by just walking away.
Time heals all wounds?
Well honey, not today.

We need to hear,
words left unsaid.
The truth behind it all,
everything that was meant.

Every last truth,
no more lies.
Without pushing away,
no more goodbyes.
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Its hard to find the right words to say. When your head is a mess, and you're always this way. When you're torn for the present, and ripped by the past. When your days are nights, and your nights never last as long as you hope, and as long as you need. When you feel like a failure, and can never succeed. Indeed you are stuck, and down on your luck. But don't be reluctant to try and find your way. Look to the future, look to a new day. Look towards the light, adn just start walking. Its time to stand up, and to quite all that sulking. Take one step at a time, and just keep going straight. Dont wait for the world to catch you in stride. Keep it in your mind, that you're one of a kind. So here it is, the big FINALY. The part where i give you wisdom, and act all happy. But the truth of the matter, is its going to be tough. Its going to be rough, and every step that you take, wont feel like enough. So **** it all up, and get ready to fight. Keep your goals in site, and use all of your might. Cuz the road is quite dangeous, and will kick you in the ***. You might even question yourself, are you up for the task? So take one, long deep breath. Take two if you need. **** out all your fears, and focus on success. And pray to god, your situation doesn't regress.
me gs Aug 2014


**** **** ****
**** ****






i actually like this one a lot
Adrián Poveda Nov 2018
Amarga necesidad de pensar, soy bipolar al estar y no estar; ¿qué es realidad? ¿Por qué dejar de soñar?
Estuve un día cerca de ti, y el frío invadió mis huesos hasta sentir que no era yo. ¿Donde estoy? ¿Por qué no siento mis piernas? ¿Por qué soñar es más fácil que mantenerme despierto? Siento una ligera brisa rozando mis labios, desgarrando mi espalda, y sonidos en mi alma me recuerdan que debo volver, regresar al inicio, ¿ser o no ser?.
Recordé, desperté y con mi pluma te maté.
-Adn, stf
brenda callahan Mar 2017
smattering of us are about
small things that remind

smells that have aroused

sounds uttered in good and grief

sights of shadows framed for dispaly

saluations, sorrows and sweetness

surrounds us snugly

smatterings of you are shadows

seeping away slowly

swiftly leaving motionless

spaces no longer secure

sanity waning likes seasons

secrets spilllng

smatterings of me are emerging

spreading to seek warmth and light

searching for grounding adn firmness

safe that i am stong

smatterings of me are here--success
u are completely beautiful adn so is everything that u do
Pourquoi être triste
Cest quoi être triste
Et d'abord a t on mérite cette tristesse
Cette situation qui nous arrive ,nous accable ,nous laisse des séquelles psychic a vie
Faut-il d'abord la mérite pour qu'elle vient même

Malheureusement non
D'abord que personne ne l'appel
Personne ne la souhaite
Elle est la cerise sur le gâteau du malheur
Elle s'invite a notre joie sans demander

Mais alors faut il la laisser nous abattre, non
Se laisser accablé abbatu ,non
Se laisser vaincu, non
Le malheur
La malchance s'il faut la cité
Et son champ lexicale
Ne définissent rien
Ne sont pas en eux des mot de fin
Il en suivra toujours une virgule quand on cite le mal dans un conte

Un malheur nous laisse toujours une leçon
Une expérience et un nouvelle angle de la vie
Autant dire qu'elle est un tremplin pour mieux affronter, pour se recalibré

Je dirais encore que quand la catastrophe arrive
Quand la douleur à atteint son apogée
Quand la dépression même faisant corps avec la déception nous tendra la main
Quand toute force pour tenir bon et droit nous aurait laissé

N'oublions pas qu c'est dans l'ADN humain le concept de se battre alors
Courage a tous ceux qui traverse l'enfer
"Si tu traverse l'enfer continue d'avancer : Wiston Churchill "

Tenons la goute de Courage qui nous reste à deux main ,et nos larmes s'y mellerons pour nous en donner une poignée de courage

N'abandonnons jamais.
J'espère par ce récit encourager tout ceux qui on était affecté en cette année difficile,
fortifions nous donc ,
Josué, 1:6 - Fortifie-toi et prends courage, ..
Mykenzie Jan 2019
I saw a poem
a few moments ago

asking people to pray for her death.

I have come to say, that I will not.

I will pray that she finds someone
who loves her, adn cares for her, and
prays that she gets better, as will I.

To that poet: I hope you are better, as it has been a while.

We all love you here at HP.
We are here for you to talk to, as we all have our own struggles.
The poem was on the featured page and had a filter of some sort over it where it was almost unreadable. Lucky for me, someone had deciphered it in the comments
Ava Feb 2020
La musique de mon coeur cri ton nom
Tu veux même plus répondre
Tu m’a oublier
Comme le mois de janvier

Je devrais calmer ma négativité
Mais je t’aime comme l’été
Tu fais partie de mon ADN
Tu est pire que la vie que je méne

Jamais je pourrais t’oublier
Même avec le mal que tu m’as fais
Tu n'es même pas honnête avec toi même
Je voulais juste que tu m’aime

J’ai pas demander grand chose
Comment tu ose?
Tu me traite comme ça
Comme si je n'étais pas la

Un jour je me vengerai
Et je te casserai
Comme tu la fais pour moi
Tu ne m'oubliera pas

C’est fini je ne veux plus te voir
Tu est du verre cassé
Je ne veux plus te toucher.

— The End —