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 May 2021 jade
Kenneth Gray
The gritty, grinding
  Of the Langoleers
Sawing and gnawing
  The bringers of fear
My mind is their playground
   They are all that I hear

They are the Langoleers,
I tell you -
  And they're at it again
I am trapped in their torrent -
  Their tormenting pen
They've knocked me out for the count,
Now they're gloating
   And ready to win
They're pouncing on my pain
   And stirring up sin
They boast of their victory
   Wearing a despicable grin

This sinister cycle of seismic suffering
Is all that these ******* Langoleers
   Have been offering
I look towards the future -
   Fiery hell is all that I'm seeing
As I watch these wretched Langoleers
   Torture my entire being
While in their grasp,
There is no hope for escape
   There is no hope for a freeing
As I scream in endless agony -
   I'll eternally be seething

They are the Langoleers
  And this is my story
Forgive me, friends,
  If my tale is quite gory

But they are the Langoleers
  That's just how they've rolled
Now I am just glad
  That my stories been told

This is the story of the Langoleers
My torment
My darkness
The source of my fears

Take note, and beware
  The horror
  The nightmare
Of the Langoleers
My mind is a ******* up place. This takes inspiration from the monsters in Stephen Kings "The Langoleers". Its my take on it. I'm comparing my mental turmoil to them.
 May 2021 jade
I love you
 May 2021 jade
I love you.
I love only you.
I want you.
Only you.
Why can't you see that?
Why can't you feel the way I do?
I love you so much that it's hard to let you go.
I can't let you go.
You are my world.
I want it to stay that way.
I want to be able to kiss and tell u how much I love you but I can't.
I'm just unlucky enough not to have you.
I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else.
It not easy to move on.
I don't want to.
I need you.
I choose you.
But you don't choose me.
No matter how much I'm begging myself  to move on,I can't.
Why can't you see that?
No one will ever love you the way I did. Never.
And I can't love anyone else like I loved you. They are simply not you.
I don't want a man. I want you.
But we don't always get what we want.
If God gave me one wish I would ask him to give you the ability to love me.
If you gave us a chance I will show you how beautiful our love story can be.
Everything I have I wanna spend it on you. My love, my life, my everything is for you.
I want you. Your hugs. Your kisses. Your lips. You. I want all of you. Every flaw and every imperfection I want it all. Every beauty every gem you posses within I want them all. The beauty and the nightmare let me share it with you. Let it be us. For I love you more that the moon loved the night. I don't care if you got a few broken pieces I'll fix them up with mine no matter the hurt it gives. Through good times and bad times I choose you, I want you.
Here I am loving you so much but there you are telling me to move on.
How can I?
You tell me it's not possible.
You just can't love me.
Move on!!!!
But I  can't!! I don't want too.
I still wish the impossible will happen.
Though it hurts like hell.
Breaks me in two.
Burns my heart.
Waiting is agony.
But I still wanna face it for you.
This love I feel it's too much.
It's so much. It's more than what I have ever felt. I don't know how to control it. It's controlling me.
You say move on,
How can I move on when you bring out the best in me. You make me feel safe. My whole sanity is with you. I love the way you look at me. You see me for me. That's what I want.
People say love yourself. Know your worth. you don't need him.
I do. I do love myself.
I know my worth. I know I'm all worthy of your love and you are all worthy of mine.
In your eyes I've seen the image of me. I've seen how you have seen me. And the way you've  seen me is what I am. The real me. This is what I deserve. I deserve to be loved for who I am because I am a woman who has made lots of mistakes but still worthy of love. And that's how you see me. Everyone else only seen me at my most beautiful times and all my achievements.  So they love me for that. But you are the only person who knows me inside out. The real full entire human being I am everything you know. And yet you see me so beautiful the way I deserve to be seen.
Then how can I not love you. How can I want someone else when you are all I crave for.
I tried my best to make you love me. A few scratches on my skin, a few pieces  of my heart fell but yet I'm fighting my way past all the voices that scream "move on!!"
It's not easy.
No one will ever understand this pain.
You are my best friend. My ******* hero. My angel. My life. My Anam cara ( Meaning: A person with whom you can share your deepest thoughts, feelings and dreams with your soul friend)
I can't just move and start over again it's not easy in this wicked world.
When I was wondering with a broken heart and trust you found me and fixed me. Like that you got glued to my heart. I can't take you away. Then all the pieces you fixed will fall off again.
I don't want to trust another and get hurt again. I've been through enough.

I am the dark sky and you are my moon. You light me up so bright and made me beautiful. I was just a dark cloudy sky but then you came and lit me with your beautiful glow. You filled my sky with stars as you brought out the best in me. No one will ever understand how important the moon is in the night sky.

But it's sad that the moon doesn't like the sky. Every morning when the sky woke up The moon was gone. The sky  had to let the hot sun shine and light her up. The sun was nice but not all the time. Not like the moon. It couldn't compare to the peace the moon brought. The sun loved the sky. It loved to make the sky bright but mornings aren't peaceful at the night. The sun didn't paint the sky with its stars or any gifts. But the moon did. The sun simply shined when the sky was happy and bright but the moon it shined when the sky was sad. No matter how many dark clouds covered the sky the moon could simply take it away. But some days when the moon was gone the sky cried. she  cried cause she was alone in her darkness. She cried for the moon because she knew the moon didn't love her back. He was probably shinning somewhere else. For no sun could make the sky shine on a rainy day. Then again the moon would show up and the rain would stop. The sky will shine. All dark clouds are gone. The sky knew she could never have the moon , he was there simply for a reason. But she couldn't help wishing for the impossible.  Wishing that the moon will forever be hers. She has heard little children say that everything is possible but having the moon wasn't one of them. But she couldn't leave the moon because the sky was incomplete without him. So with a broken heart she let him be. But at the same time she was happy because as long as she had the moon she was okay and nothing can make her dark.

You are my moon.
And I,
I'm the sky.
But just not yours.
Like the moon can never be the sky's.

I hope to die and wake up in another world where you are mine and I am yours.

Till that goodbye.
A simple rant to my cupcake
 May 2021 jade
der kuss
my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man my moon my moon my man my moon my man my moon my man
Repeat till the page is full, printer.
I love you. I love you so much. I love you.. Love you to the moon and back.
Moon and back, what does that mean? Does it mean the amount of time that it would take me to get to the moon and back I would love you? Does it mean that love is a measurement and the moon and back is one love? Does it mean that if love was a form of energy it could take you to the moon and back? Or is simply just a figure of speech to be said meaningfully to a lover to imply great love?
Moon and back, I have heard that many times over and over, never understanding the meaning, and I think I'm not the only one.
Moon and back, if it's a amount of time then it's six days, Apollo 11 did it in six.
Moon and back, if it's a measurement then love equals 477,800 miles.
Moon and back, if it's energy then it's equal to 381,000 gallons of gas.
Moon and back, if it's a figure of speech then it's a extremely poor one.
Moon and back, I love you to the moon and back, it implies restricted love, measured love, to an extent love, timed love, ended love.
To the moon and back I will love you.
Love should not be measured, timed, restricted, ended.
Moon and back, why do we still say it? Because we saw it in the movies? "You want the moon? That's a great idea! I'll lasso the moon for ya what'd ya about that?" "Hmm, I'll take it" - it's a wonderful life. We heard it in the songs? "You want the moon? Girl watch me grab it" - Far East Movement
Why? Because we have no alternative?
Moon and back. Moon and back. To the moon and back.
What? Do we lack the capability to make new phrases? Do we lack the romanticism?
No, we lack the courage to say our thoughts. I love you till, till the sun explodes and we are ****** into darkness and even then when we are nothing, and there is nothing, there will be my love for you.
We have the fear of being laughed at for saying what our heart wants us to say. I need you like birds need wings to fly, like lions need claws to ****, like fish need water to live.
The horror, of being completely honest. I didn't love you the first time I told you I loved you, because if I did mean it then, than this must be more then love, but it can't cuz what's after love?
Moon and back, I'm tired of unromantic couples.
Moon and back, moon and back.

Moon and back, maybe we say it because deep down we all know the truth.
The truth of, moon and back, and as much as we hate it, as much as we fight it,
Love does end.
What if sun had  fallen for moon?
would they be able to meet somewhere??
 May 2021 jade
Don't go
 May 2021 jade
Darkness peaks
I try not to see
The sent fools me
So there it is
I don't want it here
I know i don't
No matter i know
I always end to say
Please don't go .
 May 2021 jade
Burnt. The End.
 May 2021 jade
And here we are
the end.

Five years running
and nothing to show

except the slowed
platonic love

and tired

and an absence
of what once was

Except you don't know
do you

know that I'm
leaving us

know that I'm

into wondering
if I'm behind in

experiencing people

I feel I'm at a loss
with you

because we met each other
too soon

and now I'm just pointed bones

and you are the sun

and I'm greedy
for still wanting a piece of you

But I am burnt

The End.
I didn't think I'd write this kind of poem about you.
 May 2021 jade
Harley Hucof
(S)ometimes i say i love you
(I) dont really know if i do
(T)o be honest i want more from you

(O)ther things on my mind
(N)ow i think is the right time

(M)any positions spiral in my brain
(Y)ou should be scared

(F)or i intend to get freaky in your bed
(A)rroused by the thoughts in my head
(C)ome let's play and you'll feel
(E)ndless ******* ahead...

Words Of Harfouchism
Trudging through murky waters
It reaches up to my ankles
I know it goes deeper
But I'm waiting for the reaper
I feel it creeping up my legs, creating slippery tangles
My wet hair clinging to me in mangles
I slowly get pulled down
Waiting for myself to drown
Devoid of emotion
I'm pulled into an ocean
I feel nothing anymore
My feet are sore
From walking on this slippery floor
Please stop the pain
Before I go insane
 May 2021 jade
Amelia Delgado
I mistook you for a glass,
When I poured all my love
Into you
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