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wendee mcmoon Jan 2021
its a pattern
its a pattern
its a pattern
with you
its always a pattern

you change and grow and learn
but something about you stays the same
i cant say what it is but it draws me for a loop every ******* time
i get my hopes up and!
things are going great and!
i feel myself allowing myself to become comfortable again and!
like it always does
its less of a you and more of a me, this problem
this exquisite little issue i keep finding myself dealing with
of always being “second” to someone else’s “first”
it’s something i have to learn to deal with
and i am
but surely
but very
learning to accept my place in certain people’s lives
wendee mcmoon Jul 2018
who knew guinea pigs and good intentions could make someone cry this hard.
almost three years were our embers lit
never ever quite erupting into a flame before dying completely
and it seems like you think that months of silence—
silence both agonizingly painful and indescribably freeing—
is best broken by guinea pigs and good intentions.

that is not it.

for me, the silence was broken with quiet heaving sobs.
for me, the silence was broken with holding back tears on the elevator before breaking down once my door slammed.
for me, the silence was broken with cheeks stained with eyeliner and mascara.
for me, the silence was broken with tears i had never actually shed because i did not believe they existed.

they did.

it took three years to reach this point.
three years ago this week.
that was when it began.
three years later, here i am
on a different continent
as a different person
loving myself and potentially someone else
(someone who isnt you)
learning to love someone new
(someone who isnt you)
when suddenly
just like that
you pull me back
to three years ago
with guinea pigs
and good intentions.
it wasn’t really a breakup, but someone who is effectively an ex reached out after months of silence. i cried.
wendee mcmoon Feb 2018
it's cool nights like these
where i long for the taste of skin on skin
for the fire of kisses and affection warm in my belly
i long for arms wrapped tightly
around my waist
or my chest
or my shoulders
i crave the companionship
i need the comfort
i can't live without the love
i have been starved of for so long.

it's cool, clear, mild nights like this one
that ignite the blaze in my gut
where i need the intimate kind of love
that i have never been lucky enough to experience
on this side of a television screen
that i have been deprived of
my whole life.
on february 21, 2018, temperatures in northern new jersey reached up to 80 degrees fahrenheit. i wore shorts outside for the first time in months. when the sun was in the sky, i felt so good, and i wanted that day to last forever. i didnt think the sun would ever set. but it did, and it was still unseasonably warm, and as i walked back from my friend's dorm, i was hit with a wave of longing that i hadn't experienced in a long time. i got back to my place and i grabbed a notebook and scribbled this down on a piece of paper.

if the term "indian summer" wasn't so racist that would be the title. if you know of other terms/phrases/expressions/etc. that refer to unseasonably warm days during the winter that are not racist, i'd love to hear them.
wendee mcmoon Jan 2018
it’s large and soft and full of memories
now tainted by the thought of her
countless nights spent soundly sleeping side by side
comfortable and safe
but those nights have ended
will never return
exchanged for awkward glances
and menageries of bugs in my gut
i miss that bed though
i miss the closeness and the warmth
of her body next to mine
the routine
the sameness
the consistency

but life isnt consistent
unless the consistency is change

so i tell myself
there will be other beds
better beds
other girls
better girls
far better than she
better faces, better smiles
better memories
stronger feelings of comfort
and belonging
and acceptance
and love
for myself
and someone else.
inspired by a boy to write this. wrote it from his POV because he told me how he missed sleeping with his ex girlfriend in her bed
wendee mcmoon Nov 2017
Strike a match and I will burn
Becoming the fires that rage in Hell
With the molten ocean waves that churn.

My love is passion and I yearn
I must break free of this prison, this cell
Strike a match and I will burn.

Watch my heart as it begins to turn
I screamed and gasped as I fell
With the molten ocean waves that churn.

Maybe I will never learn
But what I've seen I will never tell
Strike a match and I will burn.

My heart claims it will not spurn
And that my feelings for you will not quell
With the molten ocean waves that churn.

These feelings I have worked to earn
I have finally cast my final spell.
Strike a match and I will burn,
With the molten ocean waves that churn.
A villanelle I composed for my Intro to Creative Writing class. It was very hard to write, and it took me a bit to complete it and be satisfied. To learn more about villanelles, click here:
wendee mcmoon Nov 2017
I try to dance in the rain
I try to sing through the night
I try to light up the darkness, but I can't even find a match.

I try to bring peace and tranqility
I try to make those important to me just as happy
I try to sleep, but find I can't even close my eyes.

I try to use my imagination
I try to dream vividly
I try to soar above the clouds, but I can't even find my wings.

I try to be supportive
I try so hard to love you
I try to help you, but I can't even help myself.
An anaphora I wrote for my Intro to Creative Writing class.
wendee mcmoon Nov 2017
A firefly alerts me to its presence inches from my face
Bubbly giggles erupt from my lips
Crickets whisper in the bushes next to my porch
Dusk has finally arrived, overtaking twilight
Evening made way for nighttime
Feeling light in the dark
Grass, bright in the sunlight, turned to an inky navy in the moonlight
Heat from the day residual in the post sunset bliss
In the daylight it is unbearable
Just barely tolerable after dusk
Kisses from the wind brush my arms
Lifting up the gooseflesh
Moonlight hazy in the humid air
No such thing as silence at night
Overhead I hear distant thunder
Perhaps a midnight storm is near
Quickly approaching the rocking chair where I sit
Reading, enjoying the evening
Stars blink and twinkle above
Tonight, this summer night
Underneath the summer sky
Violet and blue and indigo surround me
Waiting to disappear in the morning
Xuberance in the bright morning sunlight
Yes, but until then I will revel in the evening
Zephyrs gently rocking me to sleep.
An abecedarius I composed for my Intro to Creative Writing class.
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