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Mar 2016 · 575
Take Heart
V Mar 2016
Lonely heart of mine,
When will you ever be satisfied?
Always looking for the one
but never for Jesus Christ.

Now I am 20 years old,
Lord, I'm sorry it took me so long
You were closer than I'll ever know,
with you my heart has more than enough.
12:07 am
Late night testimony.
Feb 2016 · 863
V Feb 2016
Sometimes we feel lonely,
like another brick
another wall
like no one needs you at all.

Life isn´t supposed to be like that,
just think for a while;
you're the brick the wall needs,
You're a masterpiece.  

Open your eyes,
and you'll see
all the love around you;
it was all the time beside you,
you were too blind to realized,
Don´t you?
Feb 2016 · 457
My darling.
V Feb 2016
Day and Night I´ve prayed for you,
asking God to lead me to you,
but time passed by
and I am still wondering
if there´s someone for me out there, outside.

I wish you were here, right now
but God´s plans are not mines,
I´ll keep praying for you,
My darling, I hope you too.
Feb 2016 · 351
V Feb 2016
Life is hard,
Life's a clue
but I'm sure about one thing, Darling,
I'm glad I've met you.
Feb 2016 · 615
V Feb 2016
I still remember that day,
when I met you for the first time.

When I saw your face,
oh man,
it still leaves me paralyzed.

But I wonder if you'll ever
see me the way I do;
I think I'll be just a dream too.
Feb 2016 · 667
Unending Love
V Feb 2016
When I was just a little girl,
people used to break my heart
it felt like every word they said
were painful in every single way.

It made me think I was meaningless,
like life's had no sense
but nobody knew how I felt.

One day Jesus found me,
He made me feel like I wasn't an ordinary girl,
restored me in every single way,
Oh Jesus, I'm grateful everyday.

Ever since that day,
God helped me to understand,
those people hearts;
They were in pain.

"Hear me, please" he said,
"Be careful with every word you said,
don't be like them, save your heart,
I've stuff for you prepared."

One thing I know for sure,
Jesus hears you,
heals you,
and saves you.

You've been there when nobody was,
You're the best friend anyone could ever have,
Oh Jesus,
You'll have forever my heart.

God change everything.
Jan 2016 · 546
How many times?
V Jan 2016
As I started to think
how to put my mind into words
I read 'Title, Body, Notes and Tags',
The word 'Body' paralyzed me.

How many times,
have we offended our Body.
How many times,
We are ashamed of it.
How many times,
We spend thinking about our defects.
How many times,
We are not comfortable in it.

But most of all,
How many times we appreciate who we are?
The essence of us,
that freedom, energy
that makes us who we are.

We're always trying to be
anyone but us,
but there's someone out there
who wants to be like you;
because they see
what you can't.

So, love yourself
because if you don't,
Who will?
Dec 2015 · 401
you. my. inspiration.
V Dec 2015
I've always wanted to be an artist,
to be able to create,
to imagine a better way,
but nothing happened.

Then you appeared,
you gave me that inspiration
that sense of satisfaction
that every artist wished for.

You gave me colors
that I didn't know they exist,
You started to put order
you painted every corner.

I'm so glad you came into my life
you are that complement
that I've been waiting for.
Dec 2015 · 240
30 Nov.
V Dec 2015
It's the last day of November
seems that you don't remember
what you told me that December.

I hate this feeling
that my heart keeps beating,
oh God, I must be dreaming.
Nov 2015 · 619
V Nov 2015
I can't get out of my mind
the idea about you and I
it leaves me paralyzed
realizing I'm not your only one.

Realizing about the other one
makes me wanna cry,
Maybe I should try
find my other half.

Then it comes this guy
with all this love and care,
this feelings and emotions,
making me believe again.

Love comes around
and finds you all the time,
you should not be afraid
because it will take all your breath.
This is a short experience about my love life.
Nov 2015 · 458
Picture Perfect
V Nov 2015
Every time I post a pic
all this questions conquer me.

Am I'm pretty enough for you?
Am I'm your type of girl?
Would you like it?
Would you fall for me?

Then I saw you liked a girl's pic
and it breaks something inside of me.

I started answering my questions

I'm not pretty enough
I'm not your type
You didn't like it.
You won't fall for me.

But then I realized
you ain't the reason
that keeps me traumatized.
It's me, I'm not confident.
Late night thoughts
Nov 2015 · 626
V Nov 2015
I'm not your type
I told myself all the time
wondering why
I'm not the one.

I should be sleeping
but I can't stop dreaming
Dreaming about you and me
Oh God, that's a fantasy.

Every time it comes to you
I notice every defect on me
Leaving my mind on the idea
about You and Me.

I'm laying on my bed
and I can't forget your face
Oh, why don't you leave my mind?
To you,
Nov 2015 · 462
No Title
V Nov 2015
No words,
no inspiration,
no emotions.

4am in the morning,
and don't know where I'm going,
i should be sleeping
but my mind keep thinking.

This ain't a love poem
neither a sad one,
I'm just here
trying to figure out
the right words
to express myself.

But I can't.
Nov 2015 · 516
I can't
V Nov 2015
Every time around
I want to talk to you
but I just can't.

And I wonder why?
Maybe is because your smile
the way your hair moves
your eyes staring at me
that unique style of yours.

That's why I can't
it's because you're irresistible,
for me.
Nov 2015 · 782
Late night thoughts
V Nov 2015
It's 12:50 am
and my mind can't stop
feels like every throught
leave me out of words.

Can't stop thinking about you,
consumed by doubts
Would you like me too?
Do you think about me as much as I do?.

Who knows
maybe I'm just another girl
and my attraction for you
misunderstood every action of yours.

You got me at that point
where I can't define your moves
Are you flirting with me?
Are you just being kind?

be clear
and tell me,
tell me what you really feel.
For ......
Oct 2015 · 592
V Oct 2015
I want to make you feel
what I feel when I am listening
to love songs.

I don't want to be
your first love
I just want to be the last one.

I want to make you see
your own heart.

I don't want to only
hear your problems,
I want to listen and be your support.

I am here.

You have my words,
all my words.

Oct 2015 · 340
To the one.
V Oct 2015
The one,
who awaked feelings I've never felt.

The one,
who gave me a reason to smile.

The one,
who appeared on my dreams.

The one,
who cared about me.

The one,
who loved me.

The one,
who made me believe in love.

The one,
who occupied my mind.

The one,
who stop loving.

The one,
who disappeared.

The one,
who broke me.

This one is for you,
and this is the last time that I wrote about you;
because I've realized
that *
you weren't the one.
Love is so powerful, and it's now bad to remember bad experiences because that's what makes us who we are now. Don't be afraid to love again, everything happens for a reason, so... what if you needed to passed through this to meet your other half?  

Again, excused me if I have any grammar mistake.

Thank you, hope you like it :)
Oct 2015 · 677
Am I?
V Oct 2015
Every time I looked at his eyes
feels like my heart wants to explode,
he's all that I've being waiting for,
but am I his?

Every time that I see him around
I only want to talk with him
but it seems that every time he's around
I become the shyest person alive.

I've known all his crushes
and they don't look like me
am I his type?
but certainly I am not,
that's what my brain tolds me.

I've being in love
with only one guy
before I knew him but
with him it's all different.

Am I in love?
could that be possible?
Am I having a crush on him?
without knowing him at all?

Am I?
This is my first poem ever that I've wrote, that's what I am feeling at the moment, truly. Forget me if I've any grammar mistake or anything.
Oct 2015 · 1.5k
V Oct 2015
It happens like this.

"One day you meet someone and for some inexplicable reason, you feel more connected to this stranger than anyone else--closer to them than your closest family. Perhaps this person carries within them an angel--one sent to you for some higher purpose; to teach you an important lesson or to keep you safe during a perilous time. What you must do is trust in them--even if they come hand in hand with pain or suffering--the reason for their presence will become clear in due time."

Though here is a word of warning--you may grow to love this person but remember they are not yours to keep. Their purpose isn't to save you but to show you how to save yourself. And once this is fulfilled; the halo lifts and the angel leaves their body as the person exits your life. They will be a stranger to you once more.


It's so dark right now, I can't see any light around me.
That's because the light is coming from you. You can't see it but everyone else can.
I don't own this poem; it belongs to Lang Leav.

— The End —