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Bree 3d
A beautifully, intricate creation
Formed by a child's imagination
Capturing life through another's eyes
No room left for abnegation
The paintbrush bleeds as an artist cries
A clean canvas presents us with endless tries
Art is an unrestricted liberation
Accessible during both lows and highs
Acting as life's illustration
As our society's restriction dies
What do you think?
Bree 3d
One second there
The next gone
One second grounded
The next floating freely
Reality and fantasy
Constantly switching
In and out
In and out
Bree 3d
It's like a spineless monster
As it claws right up my throat
First it takes my voice away
And next I start to choke

It digs it's nails right into me
And grips me much too tight
Holding me in place
As I will myself to fight

It sits right on my chest
So I can't make a sound
And my hands start to sweat
As my heart begins to pound

It takes complete control of me
Never letting go
So If I were to need your help
It'd never let you know
Bree 3d
One again the world resets
The moon leaves, replaced with light
Taking with it yesterday's regrets
As the day seizes us with renewed might
Golden radiance shines through colorful leaves
While the smells of earth engulf me
My lungs are filled with morning's crisp breeze
As nature persists carelessly
Clouds dance across the midday sky
Countless shapes, colors, and size
Seamlessly the day moves by
And once more the moon will rise
As is the path that nature takes
And no matter what, the cycle never breaks
Bree 3d
I tear and rip at my lips, leaving them raw and bleeding
Looking bloodied and messy
No one wants to kiss a pair of lips that look like mine
I yank and tug at my nails, leaving them short and bleeding
Looking bloodied and messy
No one wants to hold a pair of hands that look like mine
I love and lose, a consistent cycle
My brains bounces back, my heart taking the fall, cracking a little more with each loss, leaving it broken and bleeding
Looking bloodied and messy
No one wants to love a heart that looks like mine
I pull and pick at all the seams throughout my body
I unravel myself and sew it back together again
I break and fix, a consistent cycle
But I take the toll, displayed by the scares throughout my body, leaving me broken and bleeding
Looking bloodied and messy
No one wants to love a person who looks like me
This could be triggering, so if it's not your *** of tea I apologize.
Bree 3d
To sleep is to relax
To let your body stop
To sleep is to leave yourself unprotected
And let your walls all drop

To sleep is to accept the end of today
And allow it to be morning
To sleep is to stop the day
Then wake without a warning

To sleep is to let time pass by
Without any hope of keeping track
To sleep is to give up control
An ability in which I lack
insomnia anxiety sleep
Bree Jun 10
I don't think I realized at first
That this would be it
The last time that you and I
Would see each other, eye to eye

And maybe I'm wrong
And someday we'll be face to face
But it won't be the same
As it was that day

And I don't think I understood
That the last time we'd meet
We'll have walked past each other
Without even a greet

We were strangers again
I was air and you were glass
Like we knew that we were here
But we couldn't see past

This invisible wall
That was made from our pain
Which will never fall
And will always remain

So I'll forever remember
The blank look in your eyes
And your face and you walk
Like it didn't bug you, that we didn't talk

Two souls once connected
Now so very far
As we walked past each other
Like the strangers we are
What do you think?

— The End —