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320 · Dec 2019
Shining Veneto
Zach Dec 2019
Beneath the sun in shining Veneto,
Wondering freely alongside warm radiant houses,
Clinging vines embrace the structures,
Pastel streets developing,
Town life unfolds slowly,
Strolling as you wonder,
How did you ever forget this?

There's love in shining Veneto,
Love around every corner,
Love propped up by every barstool,
Love flies by on every cycle,
Enough love to make you a fool.
Love in every face that passes,
Love on the street,
A chance for bliss,
In those you meet.

I'll learn the language you'll soon see,
Then you'll finally be with me.
Away from what I know,
We'll take our time,
To watch our vineyard grow.
A new love will mature so pure and true,
My answer to life was always you.

Take my hand,
Lead me to where things don't hurt any more,
A small touch of kindness travels a long way,
Bypassing cynicism and misery,
A new love anchored and here to stay.

As our feelings build,
The vineyard grows in sync,
Soon to be sipping on lovers wine,
Together as one,
You saved me.
I felt what could be,
Now it's all that I see,
Please let me stay here forever.

It's easy to be happy here,
All we need is each other.
A warm soft embrace,
Closer than ever,
Rushed with radiant bliss and flooded with emotion,
Please don't let go,
Even though I know we can't stay here forever.

Darkness arrives,
All that can touch us is the moonlight,
Shining down on a new love that pulses in sync,
The Italian who saved me from the brink.
Now together as one,
Sleep tight,
We'll stay here as long as we can.

Only welcome these feelings,
When this time you know it's for real,
Numbing solace,
Cured with an injection of warmth,
Only found in such an embrace,
A closeness that leads to a special place,
Where life flows differently,
The present path you tread sways gently,
Leading to a softer future,
Where reality aligns with dreams,
Becoming how it was always meant to be.

We fell in love,
Under the sun in shining Veneto,
Soon to be left cold,
Empty and searching.

Zach Ascot
A poem I wrote expressing my dream of Italian bliss.
279 · Apr 2019
The Call to Wisdom
Zach Apr 2019
Hollow knocking,
Skies that blur,
Calling for your attention,
Time to wake up.
A strange sense of peace upon you,
Where is your place in history?

Assess your existence,
Time grinds forwards,
Are you being left behind,
Or do you move with purpose?
Keep working,
Keep dreaming,
For the world will reward you,

Sacrifice is glory,
Sweat your friend,
Stand back,
And see life for what it is,
Be silent,
Absorb the chance to be exceptional.
Now all that’s left,
Is to make a decision,
Look to where your path leads,
And know that the work makes sense.
196 · Apr 2019
Sink with a Smile
Zach Apr 2019
Tonight I’m in no mood for dancing,
The man in the office,
You know the one,
He’s got a nice tie,
He tells you who you’re gonna be,
In the name of education.
He sat me down,
Looked me in the eye and told me,
There’s nothing here for you,
Sorry son,
You’ve gotta go join a rock n’roll band.
Well that’s what I heard anyway.

Let me tell you this,
Circles don’t fit squares.
Ram a circle into a square if you dare,
You’ll have to make that square so large,
That it takes my soul with it,
Only then might you get me,
But it’ll never be a perfect fit,
Just smothered and suffocated.

The internal beast of truth,
Will never tolerate perceived normality,
It’s only instinct is to rebel,
Insanity is preferable,
Instability a comfort,
There is no reasoning,
Drown in your own angry rebellion,
Sink to the bottom with a smile.

Did you know they can forget us?
Tell us who’s worth it,
Who to listen to,
Who to respect,
Without a window into their being,
Instead you’re told who they are,
And what they represent.
Did you know you could be forgotten?
There’s no loyalty out here,
Your legacy in the hands of others,
Your worth in the balance of an agenda,
So what are you gonna do about it?
Fade into history?
Become a distant memory?
What you’ve gotta do,
Is represent something so loud and true,
That when the herd comes to trample and step down on you,
Those who connect to your cause,
Have no choice but to step up.

Come on and get heard,
We’re not finished here yet,
Come on make the message louder,
I want to hear it,
Let me listen,
We gotta get heard,
We gotta get this message out there somehow,
Maybe we’ve gotta take it straight to the people,
Let them hear it,
Give them a chance for change,
Pleasure the beast of truth,
Aggravate normality,
Destroy perceptions,
Let’s go!

Now come on,
Why don’t you tell me,
Tell me how it’s gonna be,
Come on,
Just tell me.
Tell me what I’m gonna like,
Who I’m gonna be,
Where I’m gonna go,
Just tell me.
I’m standing here,
Why don’t you just tell me,
Tell me how it’s gonna be.
Tell me how to dress,
How to laugh,
How to love,
Why don’t you just come on over here and tell me,
Tell me how it’s gonna be,
I’m still waiting,
I’m still sinking.

Zach Ascot
191 · Jan 2021
The Last Poem of 2020
Zach Jan 2021
Another step forward,
Another chance at bliss,
With enough self-belief,
To take a chance at this.

Dreams held close,
Beyond mind and etched on paper,
All to be chased,
But the pursuit of love was greater.

Blind faith had never felt so clear,
To love successfully demands the will to suffer,
Without truth there can be no everlasting joy,
And the strength to get tougher.

We're all in motion,
It  can't be stopped,
Was this your time,
When the pendulum of fate dropped?

For the dreamers who outrun regret,
You have the power to choose,
For a dream you'll do anything,
To learn and never to lose.

No matter what you endured,
There will be a flash in time,
When everything makes sense,
And life is sublime.

A year full of memories,
With enough self-love to cope,
The demons extinguished,
And a new future filled with hope.
Let's just pretend this wasn't uploaded in 2021.
180 · Jun 2019
Regret Square
Zach Jun 2019
Dark skies provide tonight’s slumber,
As your body rests,
Your mind turns over,
Meeting with those long forgotten and suppressed.
Welcome to where your regrets live,
It’s always raining here.
A dark-haired angel,
In a white lace dress,
Stands to face you.

Where are you headed?
A wedding or bright funeral?
Her eyes cold and crystal blue,
You know who I am,
The girl who believed in you.
Her hair slowly filtering the rain,
Trickling down wavy weathered locks,
Turning white lace to grey.

She holds my arm,
Her damp grasp soaking my sleeve,
I proclaimed the prophecy,
One day you will be a great success,
And the whole world will know your name,
She smiles,
But don’t forget who said it first.

I’m so sorry I’ve failed you,
I’ve been trying so hard,
She pauses,
Slowly raising her arm,
To rest a hand on my cheek,
Slowly caressing,
With a cold but loving touch,
A distant stare,
Fading out,
As if she was never there.

Return to your life,
Lingering in regret of the past,
Rest easy,
Soon to be forgotten,
Tonight should treat you better.

Returning to the centre of a large desolate courtyard,
Grey brick parameters tower overhead,
Dark cobbles collecting pools of water,
The lights are dim,
The rain is loud,
You’re not alone.

There she stands,
White soaked dress and dripping hair,
I loved you.
We promised each other everything,
But parted as strangers,
I vowed to make you happy forever more,
And ease your existence,
Yet here you stand,
Drenched by the rain,
Are you here for answers,
Or wishing things were the same?

Holding my hands,
She leans back,
Smiling as rain slowly cascades down her cheeks,
A flash of warmth,
A break from the weather,
Forcefully showing what could be,
Vivid beautiful moments,
Shared in everlasting bliss,
Bright and radiant,
Colour and closeness,
Now interrupted by dreary skies,
And large oppressive walls,
Closing in,
She pauses,
Holds my cheek with a distant stare,
And slowly fades away.

If only we had ignored our surroundings,
And listened to our hearts,
They always knew better.
I need to rest.

Rain lashing down,
The grey landscape set,
There she stands,
Waiting for you.

I can’t feel anything here apart from regret.
The rain cannot hurt me whilst my mind is on fire,
You always told me I’d make you happy,
That I was all you needed,
The rain bounces from the cold hard stones,
This storm never subsides.

Navigating your conscious existence,
With endless questions,
The reality is painful,
The fantasy beautiful,
There are no solutions.
Dreams that lead to nowhere,
A cruel trick of the mind,
A false flicker of hope,
Reminding you of what’s passed.
One day I will prove you right I promise,
Then maybe you can stay a little while longer.

As time moves on,
We separate further,
Connected through dreams,
Have you been searching for me too?
Two perfect fits,
Collided at slight angles,
Never to become one.
There is no answer,
I can’t fix this.
Slowly she reaches her arm towards my face,
Staring lovingly,
Please wait,
Don’t go.
I need you.
You always leave.
Her whole body begins to fade,
Slipping away to pale tints of grey,
Just stay!

Perhaps this story,
Our story,
Was never meant to move forwards,
But only to repeat for eternity,
The only woman who understood my soul,
Now gone,
Never to progress.

Now alone in the shrinking courtyard,
The rain never ceases,
Lower your head in defeat,
Feel the rain brush down your skin,
Soaked through,
Getting cold now.
Will see you again tomorrow.

Zach Ascot
This is a poem I wrote based around the reoccurring dreams I had about the girl who changed my life.
176 · Dec 2019
The Rescue
Zach Dec 2019
Breathing thick troublesome air,
Stranded on a platform,
Deep out at sea,
Standing there indefinitely.

Fixated on the horizon,
Waiting for salvation,
In a childlike state,
Envious of seabirds,
Longing for a simpler existence.

Return to your makeshift bed,
Unforgiving whilst trapped in your head,
A life consumed by dread.

Looking out to lonely waters,
Praying for rescue,
Or some form of understanding.
One day you catch your reflection,
Pictured in the burnt blazing water,
Another unsuccessful sunset,
Reveals your answer.

You have to save yourself,
Nobody is coming to save you.
You've got to paddle this platform,
With all your effort and might,
It may take weeks,
Or even years,
A gruesome struggle lies ahead,
But one day you will reach land.
Changed forever,
But alive.
Zach Mar 2019
I hate to interrupt the show but something terrible has happened.
The creator we have come to know is missing.
Only the worst can be presumed,
A young man doomed.
What caused this?
Why dismiss creative bliss?
Please turn back,
Otherwise goodbye Zach.

The missing creator now wonders,
With freedom on his mind,
Longs for an audience so kind,
Where art exists purely,
Leaving the mainstream behind.

New roads unravel,
Still with no guide,
A blank expanse and meaningless horizon,
Where will my answers reside?

I walk the road right,
I walk the road left,
Trying to separate from all the rest,
Strange roads bring out my best.

Free from a parasitic load,
Letting the past implode,
All that remains is to follow this road.
Mirages flicker showing what could be,
What does this path have in store for me?

The artist you were born soon did not stay,
This is not the reason why you came this way.
An imposter within you must die,
A system you must defy,
Where algorithms decide your worth,
Trends are consumed neglecting the expressive,
False artistry is the true depressive.

But this is what you’ve always wanted right?
A place of rhythmic structure,
Disposable by nature,
Whatever was there to fight?
There’s freedom laid out in front of you,
No longer in artistic debt,
The haunted emptiness now upon us,
A painful path to follow.

The roads we take decide our fate,
But journeys soon get forgotten.
This is not the death of a creator.
This is the birth of an artist.

Zach Ascot
This is a poem I wrote about my past experience being a creator on YouTube and other similar sites. It represents my feelings towards creating art in general.
129 · Nov 2019
Hope Hill
Zach Nov 2019
The rain drains down the pane,
Falling faster,
Let the chaos reign.
The tired town strains but holds,
As a view of madness unfolds.

Staring outwards now enticed,
Restless hounds uneasy,
Clouds awake,
The downfall pours,
Streets empty as perceived,
A chance for solitary,
Your pain relieved.

Now hurry,
Be quick,
If you want this trance to stick.
Nothing hurts,
Nothing matters,
Even with your dreams in tatters.

Venturing out beyond all reason,
Embracing the lonely season.
Content with misery,
Legs beating down harder than the fall,
An incline slippery and steep,
As the world vanishes beneath your feet,
Consumed by clouds that weep.

Reaching the top wasn't worth the view,
A bleak outlook faces you.
Even though it hurts still smile,
As storms like these only last a while.
Make your way down,
Rejoin the town,
As if it never happened.
The rain will wash away your trace,
Leaving something new in its place.

A moment shared alone with the world,
In hope for a better tomorrow,
The clouds draw in,
Yet the rain still tumbles.
A poem I wrote. When hopelessness meets hope. The spoken word version can be found on my YouTube channel here: - Thanks & best wishes!
81 · May 2020
I will wait for you
Zach May 2020
Lost to your troubled world,
I gave you my word,
At the end of your pain,
I’ll be there and I will wait for you.

Conversing in the silence,
Words that softly caress,
A gentle understanding,
Signs of something unconditional,
Leaves a heavy comfort.
Challenged to find the light buried in the abyss,
The demons are waiting for me,
But I will wait for you.

Soon to sprout horns,
Harsh whispers,
The demons begin their toil.
I raise a finger to their lips.
I will wait for you.

Remaining strong whilst followed by a deadly entourage,
Staring down at an empty hand,
Wondering if it’ll ever be completed by yours.
I will wait for you.

When it’s quiet,
Cold and empty,
And every slight sound can be heard,
Nothing hurts,
But nothing smiles,
Exposing the truth of who you are,
The chance to listen and absorb what’s truly on your mind.
What do you hear?
The ungodly wail of demons.
They’re starting to dislike you,
Distrust you,
Disrespect you,
I close my eyes and remember your face.
Transported back to a glance we once shared,
Embedding a feeling that's never left,
The strength to douse infernos,
I remember the essence of us.
I will wait for you.

Who is on your mind?
Who do you long for?
I gaze to the sky in search for comfort,
Scattered stars,
A sharp thin moon,
Softly lighting my thoughts,
The reassurance we both exist under the same sky,
A reminder of infinity,
Silence only holds questions.
I will wait for you.

Horns growing,
Poison tongues,
Hinting at delusion.
Are the dreams of us as fragile as they seem?
Deeply connected to my feelings,
Following the purest desires,
The most powerful force within us,
Always leads me back home to your love.
I will wait for you.

The day we reunite,
Our first embrace,
I’ll hold you tight,
As I may never hold you again,
And this feeling will have to last a lifetime.
The regret of not following my heart,
Will always be a greater pain,
Not just for my loss,
But the missed opportunity to love you,
For the chance to see you smile,
And to never have to walk this world alone.

I will wait for you.
A poem I wrote expressing the conflicting emotions I experienced whilst deciding whether or not to see the best in her. I work through my feelings and come to a decision.

— The End —