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 Mar 2019 RonliSong
Tony Tweedy
Life is sure to cost you whilst on the path you choose.
And there will be heartache from things that you will lose.
A greater pain you may encounter, at a far greater cost,
is to no longer see a value in things that once you lost.
You can lose trust in many ways for many things. It can shake foundation and pillar as destructively as any earthquake.
Not entirely happy with the last line..... of or in??
 Mar 2019 RonliSong
Jane Doe
One drink wakes it in me –
the reckless storm that ignites in my belly
and spread to my head,
my chest.


I issue an evacuation order for myself –
a hurricane of stillness gathers on the horizon,
pack a bag and go.

Leave everything you don’t need behind.

Your job –
you’ve always gotten another.

Your home –
you’ve always gotten another.

Your love –
you know you love another.

Everything is undoable,
transit is safety, movement is comfort
stasis is death.
Plastic bags dragged into your throat.
***** water rising in the basement.


Before you’re too old,
before the cement dries,
wipe it off.

Two drinks crumble it in me –
the recklessness becomes hopelessness.
I’m so tired.
I am sandbags;
heavy, full, put up to weather the storm.
I couldn’t go if I tried.

Heaped on a beach and the water is rising.
 Mar 2019 RonliSong
Ashly Kocher
Lost in time
Hiding behind
Someone else’s disguise
Only if you
Could turn back time
Remove the disguise
Be yourself
Rise to the top and shine
 Jan 2019 RonliSong
When the day's are rough.
She pour down
her thoughts
on the paper,
to ease her
 Jan 2019 RonliSong
His Love
 Jan 2019 RonliSong
It will be magic.
If he can
wash away
my scars
on my body
with his love.
 Jan 2019 RonliSong
There will be gloomy days when
you will look back at your old self
and think about this one choice you made that
changed your life in many ways
You will think about the day you decided to leave
You left family and friends behind
hoping to find a better future on the other side
You were young and naïve
you were that quiet kid that
no one thought could ever leave
yet, on that September 6th 2013
holding hands with Fear and Hope
you boarded a plane that took you miles away

There will be gloomy days when
you will wonder why
on that day Fear didn’t pull you aside
and tell you that life
wasn’t going to be as bright on the other side
You will wonder why that quiet kid
had this strong need to leave
You will look back in sadness
and grieve the loss of those happy times you took for granted
You will be drinking the same coffee
mum used to make you on a Saturday morning
and you will be listening to those songs
dad used to play in the car on a Sunday afternoon
You will grieve what it feels like a loss
of those you have always loved

It’s on these days that you will feel alone the most

Inside your head it will be as dark as the sky
on a rainy winter afternoon
and your eyes will be as heavy as grey clouds
ready to let the rain pour down

It’s on these days that you will grieve the most

Though, they say there is always calm after a storm
and no matter how brief it can be
you will eventually find some peace
and it’s within this peace that
you will find the strength to remember that
not everything is as gloomy as it seems
It’s within this peace that
you will honour that quiet kid
who is no longer as quiet as they used to be
and it’s within this peace that
you will celebrate their new life as a fearless kid
 Dec 2018 RonliSong
Here comes the rain tears,
Drenched in pink,
Softening the colour of the background,
All you can feel is gentleness,
These are the feelings of the sky.
Everytime when it rains, I dont know why but I kind of sense that the sky has its own feelings. Joy, sadness... anything. :) Well, it is purely my imaginations but who knows, right?
 Dec 2018 RonliSong
It was a cold winter,
But I could hear my heart fluttering.
Fast but gentle,
Even though it was cold,
I could feel blood running beneath my skin,
Warm but gentle.
I kind of miss these old feelings,
Gold and gentle.
These are the feelings i had for my first unrequited love. Back when I was in Holland.
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