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every time a woman met her husband

looked at his eyes and stayed for a word

he didn't say it he as he has got tired

he went asleep without saying that word

except good night and morning may be good

the woman was pretty ,the woman was youth

the woman wanted to be heard, she wanted to be fold

when she went a walk , one comes along

he was a strange, he had bad heart

his heart fill of hate ,his heart like an art

extracting by devil extracting by hard

now the angel went away and the devil brought

the strange went in hurry and he looked

at her face with only big smile

he said to her one, two ,three, all words

how attractive are you? Why aren't you touched?

How are you walking on foot? you must ride!

Inexpensive car ,or high rank plane in its ride?

If they were not, you must ride

A good horse spread wide

If it was not that, you must ride

A strong camel wearing a beautiful dress

Its colors gain from your cheeks red in appearance

And green as yours ,the shinning of your eyes

And yellow in above as your hair colors

If it was not their, you must ride

A man who carried you without any pain

He can traveled with you , felt with gain

Happy ,strong, eager and you would be his woman

Come with me and you would be heard another

The woman lost her mind , the woman appeared another

Woman had not seen, a strange in her thought

As she heard what she wanted for time. She went blind

She obeyed him and let him ride

They took his car ,it was not unlike
every woman wanted to be folded
The bad world

If you walk in a road

If you want someone to help

Asking him for address

He may answer you with bless

The most looking with soreness

He thought that you are bad Dishonest

He saw you are the worst

Or he might be avaricious.

He was worry to say welcome

As he counted with small thing

He might tie his hands

Not to be enter in his sinus

He may be poor and had nothing .

But he must had the hoping

And big smile as it was said

Smile at me and I want nothing.

He might be a thief and plan badly

He wanted to steal you even your money is needed

the toughts of the worst increased .
thebad thoughts iincreased on these days
Boy run ,run

She has come

She is beauty

She is honey

She attracts observers

She imprisoned them

She stole their hearts

She took their minds

She affected  them

They became her slaves

Who can face her?

Her eyes are wide

She  drown her viewers

They battled for safe

They battled to reach

The shore of safe

But they gave ,they gave up

Who can face her?

Her face is white

Shine at the light with bright

When it was seen

The hearts dropped at the legs

The minds got  paralyzed

She did what she wanted

Her cheeks were burning

With the red color made you shame

You didn't look very save

You couldn't look her

Her hair were free

Moved with the air

They were flew high    

Then they flew down
And your eyes followed hers
eyes,, down, moved, look, burning, paralyzed,  legs,
The date
The train is left
It runs very fast
Who can stop?
I have an appointment
A date with who I loved
I wore the most
New and expensive one
Of my well-made suit
I had troubled
As I lost my tempered
When I remembered her shiny
Smile that was seen
Over her shiny
I could hardly tie my neck tie
Which I tied before in ease
My hands trembled in fast
What had happened to my tempers?
When I wore my shoes
I suddenly saw my socks
Beside on the carps
What a luck
I became very smart
I walk out in fast
The rain was downed
I still smiled
But a speedy car passed
It distributed the water
Everywhere like storm
I had bad storm
I was downed
I remembered one
Told if you want
To get high rank
You must be patient
And able to ascend the mount
I must be patient
As I remembered her face
Shining with elegance
I went back
I washed up
In fast as I could
I wore another one
The time spent
As the blink of the eye
I tried to stop a car
To transport me so far
The cars were busy
What a bad luck!
Finally I found one
I took it in fast
Argued the driver to run
To get the train before he had gone
The driver drove not fast
I argued him with weak sound
He told he couldn't
As the land filled with water
He hardly controlled the car
I looked to the heaven
The sky was filled with dark
What a bad luck
I prayed to my God?
You know I don't want harm
Please help me my lord!
Finally I was in
The watch moved
Clicked with high sound
I became in puzzle
Which sound was heard
The watch or my heart sound
I stayed on the chair
Beside the window
I wiped it to have a look
To green garden to compare
With her wide eyes
Which looks good
I opened my note
Looked at my watch
Asking my heart
"Why she didn't come?"
The time for the train came
To move up
The moving is like a death
Comes on time without late
Not be stopped even
By the walls
High and strong
Even the doors are closed
But it did know his road
I opened my note book
To look why she is not
Here up till that time
She didn't be late
I adjusted my time
On her time as she did
She looked like have an adjust clock
With her body as I thought
She walked up the ****
On the morning to wake up the sleeping
She walked the birds
To sing harmony songs
She went to her work
On adjust time without late
Why didn't she come?
Here is the time
I wrote and keep on my heart
I reminded it every moment
Here is the respond
Oh! Oh! What luck
I opened the small letter
That it might be sent
But I forgot for my happiness
Or speed, or my thoughts
Who could stop that?
Or could return the time?
To send that letter
To meet my lover
The time is passed
As the train passed
My love was lost
one needs to read everything ,he can get
The thief

Our princess got sick

She felt bad and ill

Her rosy cheeks were fainted

Her red lips were faded

Her body got to be delicate

Her eyes had no tears

She asked her father

Not to marry her

But her father had insisted

She saw her future black

She couldn't sleep or even talk

The physicians got lack

"How could they cure her back?"

The king was very happy

To get from his lover happy

He  forgot everything except the happy

My princess looked as the trees in winter

As the leaves became dear

She said" I am so poor

As the trees have no green

I am ready for my sunset

That might get down in the west

Dear ma forgive me for my false

Or any word I said"

I cried and knelled on her

I said "forgive you! What  a matter!

You are my sunrise appears with welfare

You have kind heart and mind

You have an angel spirit

If all human like you

The welfare will grow

When  I saw you I like all

When I saw you I learn the word

The mean kind ,love and good

You will live till you burned

Me but you mustn't forget

Me at your sleep or at awakens

To the God to give me forgiveness"


After some days  I smiled

I told her to go to the groom

Telling him she can't marry him

Their life will not be well

So he must look for another one

Can be his only lover

She went at a moment

She heard a strange talk
angel, grow, spirit, mind, welfare, matter, ma, forgive
The thief3

The princess looked at her face

That became red and filled with fear

The princess said:" why did you this worst thing?

Why did you convert their fathers to be nothing?

They can't move or talk or even think

You made them fill of  losing hope sink

You deserve to die or even get hurt"

The witch woman collected her intelligent

And said with yellow smile that was gained

"What do you say my sweetly girl?

My daughter that I will love at all"

The king smile at her and said"

"Dear, you have kindly heart"

He looked at his daughter and said"

Don't accuse any person without evident

Go to your room and don't go out"

The princess' face got red and

Her tears were descended

She run with that boy to her suite

The king ordered her to stop

He ordered the boy to be dismissed

She cried very ,very loud

She stayed at her room without getting out

Till her father entered at once

He saw the pale of her face

Her body became thin

He astonished and said

"what did make my groom sick?"

Smile ,smile to see my gift

Come to my suit to see my gift"

She thought that the witch was dismissed

And his famous justice was returned

She entered his suite in speed

With great smile that decorated

Her face to make her more smart

She called with a smile"

"What is the " her speech was interrupted

As she saw a strong guy and the witch stood

The king said "this is your groom!"

Is that good gift at your mind!"

She said with sad :

"Who is that?"

The king said"

He is the nephew of my love"

to be continued
the bad , leads to the worst. the good leads to the best
She ordered the thief to dismiss

She walked on her toes

Trying to make no voice

She opened the door suddenly

She found the leader eavesdrop

She said suddenly without wait

"don't you feel with shame"

To listen secretly at the princess room"

, What will my majesty do?,

If I make him known"

The leader face got red

He hurried in his steps

She entered the room frown

And ordered the thief to get up

After she was closing the door

He said with great astonished

What did that smart deserve

To be paralyzed without movement?

What did that beauty give

To get worth to get harm?

She said "this is a long tale"

Began with a morning on a day

Our princess has a kind heart

She helped the weakness all needed

She walked on the market as she used

She found small boys cried

She wiped their tears and attended

Them to her suite to change their mood

They ate and washed

They felt with rest and get happy

She knew the worst act in the city

There were several boys getting unhappy

She asked and discovered the ugly

The bad witch woman did her magic

To have money to have the land

She hurried to the king to let him know

Her father show her his lover

That would make his heart grow

With green with love and do

The best for all men as a hope

And he will be more strong

As he might get a child

His kingdom will be known as good

Land  through the world and land"

The princess became very happy

She wanted her father to hear her story

To decrease the sadness of his town

She ordered the boy and try

To tell the king about the try

Of destroying his kingdom

By doing bad things and dull

When the boy swathe king's lover

He shouted suddenly "the scaremonger

This the witch that spreads the disfavor"
the thief must come to meet that one to get rid her from any worse
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