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149 · Dec 2019
Prisoner (Haiku)
Ally Dec 2019
through the bars of love
she longed, a caress in stars
sunrise, acquittal
149 · Feb 2020
Clouds vs Sun (Haiku)
Ally Feb 2020
Full moon between clouds
The darkness all around me
Awaiting the sun
149 · Sep 2019
Dancing memories
Ally Sep 2019
Wretched memories dance
Afraid to commit my heart
Dreamlessly dazzling
148 · Dec 2019
Footprints - (Tri-Haiku)
Ally Dec 2019
Lonely path I walk
one set of footprints, today
you are in my soul

While I gaze at the bright moon,
the stars know my heart ache well

to have you walk here,
Surrender to the heavens
I say goodbye, now
145 · Dec 2019
Sing me a lullaby
Ally Dec 2019
I remember your voice
Your words linger

Like a piano
ivory keys stoking

the memory of each
straight into my heart
... and memories
145 · Nov 2019
Aching poetry
Ally Nov 2019
I do not cry
my heartache
bleeds onto pages
I share my words with beautiful souls

I write to feel
I write to bleed
I write to remember
and often to forget

I read your poetry
to feel with you
to reflect with you
and offer my poetic embrace
145 · Sep 2019
Ally Sep 2019
I never talk to strangers
it scares me to get close to the unknown
but, then I remember
how we met ...
144 · Dec 2019
... Exhale
Ally Dec 2019
We have been hurt
insensitive words
... let it go

take a deep breath
... exhale
feel what I feel
give me... all of what you feel
143 · Oct 2019
Memories of love, gone
Ally Oct 2019
You are always here
keeping me warm through the night
while I pray for morn'
142 · Oct 2019
A man, not mine - for Yusuf
Ally Oct 2019
It's been a long time

since we connected

beautiful words, shared

you are my friend

You don't utter unkind

you push me

to a better version of me

your respect for me, I treasure

A man, not mine

but you are in my heart

my soul searched

and found you, my Yusuf, my friend.
142 · Nov 2019
Your touch
Ally Nov 2019
I have to forget
I have to let go
but your touch
lingers...into the night

My 3am thoughts
In your arms
Your hands searching
Caressing my body

I have to forget
I have to let go
But your touch
...I miss

Desperate kisses
Demanding all of me
I have to let go
but I miss... your touch
140 · Sep 2019
I know
Ally Sep 2019
Fading memories

my soul concealing

hurt from my

aching heart

I am soaring

with majestic

angels on a bright red

persian dream

In a dream

where you never leave

In a dream

where you are still holding me

Tranquil sounds...

with every key

it moves me

further away from you

Paralyzed with fear

of forgetting your beautiful face

I know I will always

feel your love
140 · Jan 2020
Somewhere between
Ally Jan 2020
"I'm somewhere
Between your soul
And my last breath"
139 · Dec 2019
Ally Dec 2019
You find a way to
sneak in briefly, tenderly
again, fading slow
139 · Oct 2019
Running into the night
Ally Oct 2019
Your eyes
I see your trust
broken and shattered
I know you are hurting

Sad sad eyes
I cry with you
under the moonlight
the brightest stars

Your troubled tears
let me wipe them
A third eye kiss
passion on your dry lips

Rain pouring
no colorful rainbows
baby, let me
hold you through this hurt

Give me your
running into
the night... passionately
134 · Aug 2019
An echo
Ally Aug 2019
My lips sealed
Crying into my pillow
Eyes wide open
Into the silence of the night
An echo in the distance, faintly heard

I remain...still
My heart shattered
Aching heart
Bruises that won't heal
My heart aches for all the broken souls...
134 · Aug 2019
Once again
Ally Aug 2019
The night's silence
chirping birds not yet in slumber
reminding me,
I am not alone.

Painfully remembering
Your loving embrace
my heart aches
Once again,
132 · Aug 2019
Ally Aug 2019
The day you said
your final teary goodbye
My tears won't dry
Take my beautiful memories with you

Scattered reminders
All around me
My tears won't dry
Take my beautiful memories with you

Empty bottles
Lonely sunsets
my tears won't dry
Take my beautiful memories with you

Standing at your final
Resting place
Weeping weeping weeping
You are gone...Forever, my love!
Ally Oct 2019
I woke up this morning

with the sun in my view

birds singing a happy greeting

flowers smiling as I tickle their petals with drizzly drops

But my heart is heavy

my tears are flowing

another day

colorful accessories covering my grey memories of you

Driving, as I do every morning

coffee at the office and the usual

small talk

back in my space, alone behind a closed door to the world outside,

allowing my emotions to flow

onto this page

it is the only way

I would cope through this day, my tears frozen, for now
131 · Nov 2019
A tango love
Ally Nov 2019
Connected vibes
our souls dancing
our hearts paused
our lips locked

Forever is what we
dream about
oh, forever... my love

Spinning out of control
all day, baby
from dusk to
a beautiful sunset... my love
124 · Aug 2019
A love like ours
Ally Aug 2019
You are my dusk till dawn
to you I am drawn
Your voice plays like an orchestra
I dance to the tone
Of never being alone

You say I love you baby
oh, but I love you too

This is our love
This is ours to keep....
124 · Aug 2019
Soul to Soul
Ally Aug 2019
Tell me all the
things you will
never say
out loud

Whisper your secrets
into the deepest
part of my soul
I'll keep them safe

Unspoken chemistry
Infinite attention
Unconditional trust
from my soul to yours
124 · Nov 2019
Ally Nov 2019
My heart

frozen in snow

the chill of winter

will remain on these lonely days

I remember

our first kiss

your lips

was made for mine

We use to lay

entwined for hours

forgetting that our hearts

was ever broken

Everyone tells me

to let you go

finally, be free

of missing your touch

But they don't know

how I miss you

how much I need you

even though I know, I should not

We have tried

so many times


we didn't give it our all
124 · Dec 2019
Tuck my love away
Ally Dec 2019
You mean the world to me... remember that,

and keep my words

safely tucked into your

beautiful heart

                          ... forever
123 · Aug 2019
One day
Ally Aug 2019
Share all the love
within your soul.
one day,
it will find
its way
into your broken heart
... and stay.
122 · Sep 2019
A to Z and you and me
Ally Sep 2019
Afternoon naps
Blossoms in Spring
Cuddles on the couch
Drives into the countryside (I’ll navigate)
Exploring your body
Forgiving you for being silly
Giving you a love note
Having you by my side
Impressing you with my salsa dance (yeah)
Just holding you
Kissing in the rain (let’s get wet)
Loving you
Morning kisses
Needing more kisses
Oh, you are amazing, AF
Picnics in the park
Q & A’s
Reading poetry together
Sushi platter for two
Tickling your feet
Unlimited conversations with you
Van Gogh paintings
Walking hand in hand
****** midnights with you
Yes, kiss me
Zzzzzzzz’s… sweet dreams my love
122 · Aug 2019
I made a vow
Ally Aug 2019
Years ago
...Until now
Hurtful words
In between

The day we met
dressed in all blue
I should have known

A window to your soul
Loss and pain
Unexpected bond

My mouthy thoughts
Many nights of anger
Your frustration
yet, forgiven for it all

I think of you daily
and in the darkest night
Beautiful sunny skies
Magnificent hues at dawn

I pray
I wish
I dream
I believe

Years ago
...Until now
I vow
to hold you close forever
121 · Oct 2019
I hold your hand
Ally Oct 2019
My heart aching

my mind racing

I know you need me

you can't see me

I am here

every step of the way

you are not alone

I hold your hand

you will never walk alone

I don't care how

but you will know

you will feel me...

...right here
121 · Aug 2019
Memories of you
Ally Aug 2019
Waves washing away
The whispers from my soul
My heart breaking

Drowning all emotions
Wrapping my thoughts with a pretty bow
Willingly letting go
Of all of you

In my solace
I reflect
A glorious
New day
118 · Aug 2019
You are
Ally Aug 2019
my morning dew
dandelions wishing
sunflowers smiling
raindrops dancing

All of you
All of me

a beautiful symphony
the most beautiful sounds
the prettiest rainbow
colours...bright lights

dancing to our heartbeats
one step at a time
sliding across
only us

Forever dancing
Forever in love
118 · Dec 2019
I'm alone
Ally Dec 2019
It is late and all is silent
The summer night has closed in...
A solitary whiskey to ruminate
on the world... I love you.

Three simple words that encompass
the universe and all its beautiful mysteries.

I love you,
Your soul is with mine, as you sleep,
Like strange incense, they wisp and play.

Our souls know more than
they will reveal...

I love you
The only certainty, my only truth
I love you
Reflecting on love, so long ago, yet still, I remember.
117 · Nov 2019
Time stopped... briefly
Ally Nov 2019
I carried you
for 9 months
In the safe confines
of my body

I sang to you
I played the classics for you
I read poetry
It was utter excitement

The waiting was torturous
could not wait to see
Your precious face
and touch your little toes

The day, finally arrived
pain, indescribable
Joyous tears
I was to be a new mommy

But here I sit today
you didn't cry
But died

I held your lifeless body
my hands shaking
my heart shattered
you were gone

All these years later
On this day
I still remember
Your birthday

I celebrate your soul
for I know
God had better plans
The answers I may never know...

All I know
On this day, 22years later
I still remember how
Time stopped... briefly

R.I.P my little boy, always in my heart.
117 · Jan 2020
Ally Jan 2020
Somewhere between
the wind and
the rain
we missed the
beautiful rainbow
116 · Aug 2019
Ally Aug 2019
Show me
all the parts of you
that's not so pretty
your story, your truth

Allow me to share in
all your beautiful scars
even those,
... hidden
116 · Aug 2019
Ally Aug 2019
in it's truest form
sees no colour
Love is love

feels deeply
it is always kind
Love is love

dances with hearts
breathes through souls
Love is love

to the end of a love
to a final chapter on two hearts
Love is love
115 · Dec 2019
Ally Dec 2019
A collage of
colorful memories
turns to
tearful cheeks
115 · Oct 2019
Love vs Fire
Ally Oct 2019
If this love is a fire

I will burn

I will walk

I will dance this fire dance

Eyes gazing

holding a

a river of emotions

we have been denied for an eternity

The blood burning in my veins

My emerald view, glowing

You look at me, and I know

I will risk my heart, once more
115 · Dec 2019
I see you
Ally Dec 2019
The parts you won't

or can't show to anyone...

I see your scars

I see you

and it's ridiculously

precious  and beautiful

that you trust me

I see you
115 · Oct 2019
Treasured memories
Ally Oct 2019
Do you want the sensual,

the confident and the *** appeal?

A woman who knows exactly

what kind of reaction she will illicit?

A woman who knows

her body,

her strengths

and her weaknesses

Who knows her body is aging

every single moment lost

Who knows that without a doubt

she has to up her game.

Days are busy

and all we really want to do

is be comfortable and relax

in oversized T's and no restraint of a bra.

An evening reading and sipping on wine or, an evening

in a glitzy restaurant with crisp white linen,

flutes of champagne

and fine dining.

Some would simply opt

for the cosy

fireplace evenings,

I certainly do!

In a world where time is money,

we often think that

without money spent,

we cannot enjoy an evening.

But it is in my moments of solace

that I reflect and know without a doubt

the cozy evenings are where real emotion

and memories are treasured.
114 · Aug 2019
Our bond
Ally Aug 2019
We didn't need the norm
or any kind of form
for our bond to be born
We just...

113 · Oct 2019
A forgotten dark night
Ally Oct 2019
The stars fading now
The moon a dull light
The breeze, icy cold
Time frozen on this darkest night

I smile at the faded
once colorful polaroid
while my tears
splash on my cheeks

Your arms holding me,
The memory keeps
me safe,
for tonight

Midnight laughter
turned to tears
into my pillow
a lonely body, once held

My soul weeps
begging to rest
while my aching heart
confesses to the Gods,

In my slumber...
running in the morning sun,
beautiful butterflies
dancing on petals yellow and pink

A light drizzle
a symphony,
designed for lovers
embracing into a dance

Birds chirping their morning greetings
I wake to a new, bright sunny day
and smile at the beauty around me
turning the pages of a forgotten, dark night...
112 · Aug 2019
Blinded by words
Ally Aug 2019
Small steps
Towards what
I needed
To hear

Leaps towards
What I
Wanted to
Feel again

But it
Was the
One step
Backwards, quickly

That saved
Me from
Being hurt
Once again
112 · Sep 2019
As the day bleeds
Ally Sep 2019
A feeling
A spark
A fire
Blazing in the dark

Screaming your name
In the lonely midnight hour
Nothing will ever be the same
Our souls searching in vain

As the day bleeds
Into night
I lose sight
Of all my needs
111 · Aug 2019
Soaked and creamy (18+)
Ally Aug 2019
Laying in the tub
Oh, how I need a rub

Just your one finger
I am begging you to linger

Feel my need for you
Look at your view

Kiss my lips gently
My hips move elegantly

My juices want to escape my body
I am beautifully greedy


I beg for you
Your **** needs to spew

I stand
Facing the taps
With both hands

A ******

The deepest part of me
I am soaked and creamy
110 · Aug 2019
Evidence of pain
Ally Aug 2019
Brutal truths
... heard and felt
without any
pretty words

I have tried
and failed
One day, you will need to read the
filed memories
and absorb all my pain
110 · Aug 2019
A melody of love
Ally Aug 2019
Breathing on your skin
your body my canvas
with every brush of
my rosy lips,
the sound of
my voice,
a melody of my
... love
a never ending
... passion
for you ...
110 · Aug 2019
Pick up the pieces
Ally Aug 2019
We all make mistakes
no such thing as big or small
they are all lessons
big, valuable lessons

We pick up the pieces
little by little
often, dragging them along
for decades

A river of thoughts
frozen emotion
icy tears
brutal scars

Our 3am
our only...

109 · Jan 2020
Fallen Rose
Ally Jan 2020
Petals dry and withered
The once pastel blush, now pale
Given up your thirst for rain
... you fall
Petal after
Once, beautiful petal
109 · Aug 2019
Ally Aug 2019
I write about you,
antique words just pour out of me
I think of you
and my romantic heart holds love

I still feel your passionate kisses
trailing my body
your arms around me
embracing, our beautiful connection.
108 · Aug 2019
A new day
Ally Aug 2019
In my lonely hour,
my heart aches for
your touch
your soft whispers

My soul
consoling my broken heart
with memories of
your butterfly kisses

when morning comes
I am lovingly reminded
there is beauty and comfort
in a new day
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