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107 · Nov 2019
Perhaps, in the wind
Ally Nov 2019
I hear your voice,

Calling my name

I swear, even

During a thunderous storm

I feel your arms

Around me

Keeping me safe

From any harm

I see your face

Only in my dreams

But I swear I know

Your beautiful eyes

Perhaps, the wind itself

Knows how I yearn

For your arms to hold me

And to hear you whisper my name

From my new book "Unforgettable" now available on
From my new book "Unforgettable" now available on
106 · Aug 2019
Ally Aug 2019
There was a
reason why
our souls

We may
... never ...
know all the why's

Does it matter?
I think not!
105 · Sep 2019
Shine furiously
Ally Sep 2019
This fearless soul, shine
vivid memories of you
detached furious heart
105 · Aug 2019
Broken pieces
Ally Aug 2019
I picked up your
Broken pieces
Shattered, one by one

It was incredibly hard
To see you so helpless
Broken promises
Of the past

You didn't believe in love anymore
You didn't care about it at all
But you wanted to, for me that
Was half the battle won


You felt them all deeply!

All you felt, all you became
I embraced completely
With every beat of my heart
Every bit of my soul

I loved your beautiful
Broken pieces
Nurtured them
Still love them, as you silently dream

And watch my broken pieces
From up above
You are with me
As my night turns to day
104 · Jan 2020
Your soul
Ally Jan 2020
Your soul

I have known you, for so long, yet we explore a little more
Each day

I know
Without a doubt
That my soul
Needed... only yours
104 · Sep 2019
Rain dance
Ally Sep 2019
Sing your beautiful
lullaby to me
drizzled with your
silver drops

I cry with you
we dance
the dance
of aching souls
104 · Sep 2019
Ally Sep 2019
I have loved you for years
but our love has been a rollercoaster ride
a battlefield of our souls fighting
our hearts breaking over and over

We both prefer our solace
it hurts less
than for us to be together and
fighting over a love that will remain
                                                              ... a battlefield
102 · Feb 2020
Ally Feb 2020
I have gathered
All the pieces
Our every moment
Memories I hold onto

The long walks
With sand between our toes
When it started raining, instead of
Running we kissed and got soaked

The way you said my name
Oh, how I miss that sound
Lazy sunday mornings, coffee
In bed moments

Oh, and the laughter
The purest love
... just for me

I miss the
"On my way, see you soon" texts
Or the "I love you baby" as you
Left for the day

All these pieces
Fit together
In my puzzle to remind myself
I was once loved, unconditionally

Your memory remains
My most treasured
102 · Oct 2019
Morning coffee
Ally Oct 2019
Layers of me, all

around your body

our legs entwined

my breath in your neck

Stroke through me hair

Pull me closer,

Butterfly kisses

Strawberry whispers

and bourbon promises

all through the night

Morning coffee

wearing only your T-shirt

and freshly

squeezed juice

These are the moments I treasure,

whether you remember them

or not

These are my precious moments

When you loved me

before the complications of the day

took over what our hearts

and souls needed
101 · Aug 2019
Stubborn heart
Ally Aug 2019
My heart stubbornly

believes that one day

            you will truly see me

... truly love me
101 · Nov 2019
Just my thoughts...
Ally Nov 2019
101 · Feb 2020
My voice of love
Ally Feb 2020
My voice of love, speaks
waiting for your soul, seeking
find me under, stars
98 · Aug 2019
A morning kiss
Ally Aug 2019
Memories of a

long time ago ... fading slowly

I say goodbye to the sunset

while love

adores me

with a loving morning kiss
98 · Sep 2019
What women need 101
Ally Sep 2019
I need a little rain
drenching my soul,
and a dark roast brew,
and a whole lot of you
98 · Aug 2019
A symphony of pain
Ally Aug 2019
Heart piercing violin
dull sounds of a piano
vibrating your voice
through my soul
an impulse not
mistaken to be
the drums of my heart
... running
98 · Sep 2019
Unexpected smile
Ally Sep 2019
I met a stranger today
whilst picking up a quick lunch
helped me carried my parcels
what a nice gesture, I thought

Reluctantly gave him my number
he nervously asked, "When can I see you again?"
left me speechless, really
he must be at least ten years younger

As the day went on
a few calls
a few texts
and boom

He thinks I am lovely
and loved my pretty blue nails
All I can do is hope
tomorrow, he makes me smile again
98 · Aug 2019
Ally Aug 2019
I imagine touching your hand
Walking into the deep of the forest
I imagine talking to you for hours

I imagine your laughter
And allow you to chuckle at my funny side
Enjoying a picnic...we fight over the last olive

I imagine sipping your love
While my tongue dance for more
I imagine...looking at you, a world without you
...while I slowly die...
95 · Aug 2019
Our story
Ally Aug 2019
We all have a story,
to tell ...
or keep hidden in our archive
of hurt, loss, love and pain

The quilt will consume you,
Let it go!
forgive those ...
... forgive yourself, often

Live a life without
the usual expectations
be your authentic self
let it go... exhale

We have all made mistakes,
some we can laugh about
most would have taught us
a valuable lesson
94 · Aug 2019
Utterly spent
Ally Aug 2019
This utter madness utter bliss us craving
Lustfully so
To share pleasures our bodies merging at last
To feel spent
To love
To lust
To touch
To lay.... afterwards.... utterly satisfied
Utterly exhausted
94 · Jan 2020
Ally Jan 2020
Dance, dance, dance,
like everyone's watching...
93 · Jan 2020
I am
Ally Jan 2020
I am the wind
My words breezing through
Broken souls
And shattered hearts

I am the rain
A downpour of emotions
Through my pen
Drenched with tearful memories

I am the sun
I wait for the morning
Sun, after a dark night
I get up and smile, to a new day
93 · Aug 2019
Lonely for too long
Ally Aug 2019
perfect smile
not letting anyone in
...but you

my non existent laughter
my words
my solace
I've been lonely for too long

In a perfect world
we are lovers
In my world
you will never be mine

I've been lonely for too long
93 · Jan 2020
Only in my dreams
Ally Jan 2020
I look up at the night sky
I see you between the stars
The half moon smiling
as I close my window

Draw the curtains
another night, another wish
I fall into a deep slumber
forgotten memories
revealed in my dreams

When your kisses were still
warm against my cheek
When I could still feel
your breath against my neck

At dawn I am reminded
that you will only
to live
... only in my dreams
Ally Aug 2019
In the depth of the ocean
darkness surrounding me
my invisible enemy
lurking in the deepest part of my soul

emotions surfacing
faced with only
my own thoughts

my pretty smile
disguising my lies
my tears,
tell a story.

I am, ok!
my favourite line,
while tears
find their way into my heart
92 · Jan 2020
Scars vs Love
Ally Jan 2020
I give to you
all my heart
and all I am
I am ready, my love

I have waited
for your
beautiful soul
for longer than I should have

You know my scars
You love them
You show me yours
I embrace them
92 · Aug 2019
The one that got away
Ally Aug 2019
I have often pondered
and wished
sometimes prayed to the Gods
cursed to the universe

To feel so much
hurt so deeply
cry so often
sleep deprived

Yes, I have often wished
that you were the
that got away...but in my soul stay
92 · Aug 2019
Happy ending
Ally Aug 2019
When love is not true
We feel it
Deep within our soul
Energies collide
And collude

While hearts play along
Often, ignoring what isn't sincere

We all just want
That beautiful,
Happy ending
Even... if it hurts
92 · Jan 2020
Ally Jan 2020
Him, standing in the beautiful
morning sun...

Her, smiling, for nothing
ever looked this beautiful to her...
91 · Jan 2020
Fragile memories
Ally Jan 2020
This world was not for you

you left too soon

I whisper your name

and dream of forever


I will remember


I will wait for you to whisper my name

                        through our fragile memories
90 · Oct 2019
My lonely hour
Ally Oct 2019
I believed you
held on to every word
I will not make the
same mistake again

I cannot live
without you
I cannot crave
without you

Your touch
I will remember
Your tender kisses
I will miss, in my lonely hour
90 · Aug 2019
For now
Ally Aug 2019
Let it go!
just a little for now
cremate all the emotion
let the tears flow

Say your goodbyes
sprinkle the ashes in their
final destination
feel your pain

But hold on to the parts of your soul
That still needs
to feel
to breathe
to love

...for now!
90 · Feb 2020
I dream
Ally Feb 2020
I dream
The dream
Of you
And I

I sing
The song
We dance
Like lovers do

I keep your soul
With mine
As it should be
Forever, I dream
90 · Aug 2019
My son, Shiven
Ally Aug 2019
When I looked into

your beautiful bright eyes

for the very

first time

I knew love




Years of the joy of watching you

grow into the

amazing man

brave and strong

I look at you

in absolute awe

You are amazing

and your mommy loves you,

                                              ... unconditionally
90 · Jan 2020
Ally Jan 2020
Though it's hard
and often, I am
close to giving up
I remember you
your love,

It gets me through
yet, another day
90 · Jan 2020
A glorious twist of fate
Ally Jan 2020
For a decade or so
I believed that love
wasn't meant for me,
My heart denied any love

I stopped looking
The crushing breathless
scattered emotions
suffocated my will

Determined, I lived
in absolute solace
dreaded the dawn
longing for the moon

Fate, oh FATE

A rollercoaster ride
emotions drowning
My soul
My heart

Fate, oh FATE

On a day when love
and disbelief carried my
fragile heart
I looked into your eyes

An extraordinary moment
Our hearts felt every heartbeat
in our chests
and my soul danced a glorious twist of fate
88 · Aug 2019
Letting you go
Ally Aug 2019
I miss you
With every waking
Tortured moment,
It's painful

I have to let you go
Little by little
I am scattering
Your memory

And as they fade
I throw them back into the universe
Ashes to ashes
I'm letting go
88 · Aug 2019
Only once
Ally Aug 2019
I have been in love
many times before
but only once
did I truly give my heart

Only once
did I truly understand
why we love
how we love

Your last breath,
it was at that moment
that I knew
I could never, ever truly love another.
88 · Sep 2019
Ally Sep 2019
This … is utter madness
This... is utter bliss
This… is us craving
Lustfully so
To share pleasures,
our bodies merging at last
To feel
utterly exhausted
Utterly satisfied
Ally Sep 2019
A well thought out evening
A luxury lavender soak
I lay back and inhale
relaxed and happy

I get dressed
silky stockings of course
revealing dress
black pointy heels

I do this for me
This is who I am
I embrace all things
silky and ****

My favorite cozy spot
A cider and pizza ordered
I sit back and take in this moment
I reflect...

"Perfect" Ed Sheeran
a slice of pizza
and tears
sipping my liquid comfort

Asking for the bill
I am sobbing
you are not here
I am alone

The one who used to call me
his perfect love
has left me all alone
dinner for one was not part of the plan.
87 · Aug 2019
No fairy-tale ending
Ally Aug 2019
I allowed you in to
break down my walls
letting a little love in
... slowly

You were scared, too
kept me at arms length, often
patiently, we waited for
our precious times

You broke through
my decade of silence
you knew my fears
you knew my heart

Showing me
my strength
my courage
I believed in myself again

I finally had to let you go
no fairy-tale ending for us
I needed to heal my soul
...all over again

I fell in love with you
when I knew it was hopeless
you needed me, and I
just couldn't be there for you

We do only have
one greatest love
I wasn't yours
You weren't mine
86 · Aug 2019
To the heavens
Ally Aug 2019
On this icy night

I look to the stars

With questions

And teary eyes

I surrender

To the heavens

And embrace

The chill in my veins

Standing still




My soul

Filled with hope

I still believe

I will love again
86 · Aug 2019
Kisses & butterflies
Ally Aug 2019
Piercing through
my ever insistent darkness
an orchestra of emotions
reaching out
... reaching in

my dorment butterflies
by the touch of
your lips on mine
86 · Sep 2019
Your little lies
Ally Sep 2019
Our story began
with your tender words
and ended
with your pretty lies
84 · Aug 2019
No words
Ally Aug 2019
Holding you close
Your heartbeat
Close to mine
Stay in my arms, my love

My head on your chest
Your arms
Playing with my hair
Our bodies gliding to beautiful sounds

Our perfect moment
Just us...
Our love don't
Need any words...tonight
84 · Aug 2019
Round six (18+)
Ally Aug 2019
Round Six!
Your head on my naked tummy
touching my inner thighs
ever so gently

butterfly kisses trailing
your tongue gets a taste
of the effects of you
we just can't get enough

you need your fix
let's start round six
your tongue swirling
in my spot

I grab your hair
pull you even closer
I squirm
soft moans

your finger enters
my zone
you pull out...
and offer a taste
I obey!

With one motion you're on top.
tasting my creamy sweet mouth
******* my tongue
biting my bottom lip

We move to the rhythm of our lust
Filling me
As you collapse onto me!
84 · Aug 2019
Ally Aug 2019

set my heart on fire

dancing around

together as one


adore you

let's dance to our flames

'till the end of time
84 · Aug 2019
I am
Ally Aug 2019
I am
A girl
I am
A lady

I am
A good girl
I am
A lil bad

I am
All about soul
I am
All about sin

I am
I am

I am
I am
83 · Aug 2019
Midnight promises
Ally Aug 2019
Whispers of hope
our beautiful, misled dreams
crazy fantasies
hopeless dreams

the words you whispered
tenderly embraced
in your comforting arms
a web of lies

wish I could
undo those promises
such deceit
in the midnight hour

our lonely hearts
... cheated
82 · Jan 2020
Lyrical emotions
Ally Jan 2020
Today I sing
A song of love
Of tender words, like
I love you

Today I am grateful
For the beauty in
Our souls
Merging our tears with our hearts
82 · Aug 2019
Ally Aug 2019
Sand between my toes
a breeze
... inhaled memories
almost forgotten ...

I kneel down
and pray
for your memory
to always stay
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