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 Feb 2018 Sherryann Phillip
When words form
but the voice is muted,
strings of sentences -
like loose lengths of yarn,
just swimming...
swirling in the currents
of the wash.

They meet,
they connect,
they get tangled up
with each other.

What had before made sense
now swells larger,
more intricate,
more tiresome.

It all converges
into a ******
as the spin cycle ends.

What’ll emerge
is a convoluted mess.

I’m a mess.

And then,
I get hung out to dry.
 Jan 2018 Sherryann Phillip
priceless diamond drops
the pavement of broken dreams
streaming down my cheeks
 Jan 2018 Sherryann Phillip
 Jan 2018 Sherryann Phillip
You've ...
   got me burning
      my mind's wheels turning
                    no matter how hard
                               i've tried
        i always find myself
    tongue tied
mmm tongue tied
              with yours
           my libido soars
          touching you,
touching me
   You're all
         that i see
             lying naked
                     in my bed
           can't get that image
          out of my head
      kiss me,
touch me,
    feel me,
          want me
               i can still
             smell Your scent
      and all my energy's spent
trying really hard
    not to care
          yet i still feel
Your fingers in my hair
      my hair draped
           over Your face
                       it wasn't
              the time or place
       me on top of You
it was all i could do
to not melt
   from the ecstasy
                         i felt
                         kiss You,
                            touch You
                               feel You,
                         want You.
Sunday morning thoughts
 Jan 2018 Sherryann Phillip
Climbing on the bus
Not looking forward to this trip
But it meant so much to her  
And how could I predict

That it would be her last hurrah
Before she passed away
Just one year ago marks
The anniversary of that day

It was an annual trip, with her twin
They took to different cities
With a group of old church folks
They called themselves
“The Traveling Gypsies”

As it turned out to be
My last fond memory
Of my mother and her twin
Before they were stripped
Of all their memories

Alzheimer’s was their reward
They gave it quite a fight
Bed ridden in their final days
Until they saw the light

Who's to say how it will end
Or where that place will be
A gutter in the streets of life
Or home where it should be

So as I sit and contemplate
These moments I recount
I think about the road ahead
And how I’ll make it count
My mom and her twin sister both had Alzheimer's. My mom was significantly more progressed than my aunt's. My aunt acted as my mom's caretaker long after we had them both moved to a memory care facility. They both did well there for about 6 months. Then my mom became aggressively depressed and crying all the time. At that time, they both had a bad sinus infection at the same time. My mother recovered but was still crying and complaining she couldn't breathe. However doctors could not find any ailments in her. My aunt ended up getting pneumonia. While in the hospital they discovered and diagnosed her with stage 4 terminal lung cancer. She died 4 months later with the last month being bed ridden, hardly eating until she was nearly only bones and on a breathing machine. My mom and her twin were always connected in the weird twin way ... knowing things between them, beyond normal comprehension. We all believe my mom knew (not in a cognitive way but in her own twin way) before diagnosed that her twin was going to die. None of us expected her to live much longer than her twin. They both had long life forces even crippled with cancer and Alzheimer's. My aunt Lorea (other mother) died Oct. 27, 2016. Up until that point my mother could still walk, talk, eat and recognize me and my siblings. However after she lost her twin she could no longer walk requiring much more individual care. We moved her to a residential home care facility. They worked really hard to try and revive her willingness to live. It wasn't a conscious choice to give up because with Alzheimer's your brain doesn't work right. She lasted less than 3 months after the death of her twin. It was heartbreaking, to say the least, to witness. I rejoice her being reunited with her twin and my father and free of the confinement of Alzheimer's but I'm still working through the finality of it on the earthly side. Growing up as a child of twins is a blessing of having two moms (one being the cool mom ... the mom you could tell anything to .. knowing she would know how to explain it to your real mom in a way you couldn't bring yourself to do) and a sister cousin, my aunt's daughter. I had an older sister (10 years) too. So in my case I had three moms I love dearly. I am grateful to still have my sister.
 Jan 2018 Sherryann Phillip
that’s just the stab
i needed
to live in reality.
Productive Sunday,
hopefully to be followed by
a productive Monday!
Motivated by a sting.
Dear Liz

I don't mind
When you're weak
When my ear is what you seek
When your voice
Is softly spoke
I don't mind
Your subtle strokes
I'll be here again today
Cause you take my breath away
Traveler Tim
It's dark tonight.
Seems darker than
it usually does.
Or is it just the way
I see things now.

Lights are so bright.
From my view,
High above.
I keep looking down.
How high am I?

It's chilly tonight.
My feet are cold,
My soul follows.
Half naked but
fully exposed.

On the floor,
Sitting in front
Of the window.
I will fall
To reach the sky.
So long.
Of splendid thrones of gold  
or treasures manifold  
Of jewelled caskets  
or lavish banquets  
Of Emirs and rajahs  
Of Sultan and Shahs  
Of kings and queens  
Of rulers and emperors  
Of sparkling crowns  
or flowing gowns  
Of their subservient stewards and obedient pages  
Of their stalwart squires and servile knaves  
Of poor humble, docile minions  
who tended to regal pavilions  
And obeisantly carried royal palanquins  
Oh and some were real life harlequins  
Of castles and palaces  
of abounding gold and silver  
in ostentatious regal splendour  
The sidelined fanning maids in waiting  
Yet to me only one thing worth noticing  
The minstrels who came to sing  
from afar for the queen and king  
For I'd rather be a poetess for kings  
so to my tunes swayed a kingdom  
than I be the king of mere subjects  
and be filled with regal boredom!  
So I could join ranks of  
and sing for the king  
some folklores.
Since the site has no picture feature for each poem I think I will post the poems pic on my cover photo, so the cover photo will represent my latest poem. Take care all and best wishes to site owners.
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