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3.6k · May 2017
Smoking kills
Varsha Nehra May 2017
Smoking has killed many,
We see examples each day,
But you turn deaf,
With smoke, you can't even see,
The truth behind it all.

The lies are pretty,
The feeling feels heaven,
You are so high,  up in sky,
That even when your lungs fail,
You only feel the need for more,
The cycle of smoke never ends.

You are my friend, my family,
But I become your enemy,
When I show you reality.

Please leave it behind,
I know you can do it,
Show the world your will,
It's not to be taken lightly,
I have told them all,
But action speaks louder than voice,
And you are the only one,
Who can show them,
The power of steel,  only you have.
899 · Jun 2017
I Write Because
Varsha Nehra Jun 2017
I write because of my silence,
I'm silent when they blame me,
For all the things I didn't do,
And Making a fool of me.

I write because they don't listen,
To all the truth that seep from my wounds,
I try and try, but I'm the fool,
To not know that I'm just a tool.

I write because of my wish,
To communicate with them,
Who don't even remember,
What I had to go through.

I write because I have been lied to,
To tell them that I know the truth,
That they had hidden away,
So that I could not find and call them out.
773 · Jun 2017
Happy Girl
Varsha Nehra Jun 2017
I was opening the door,
When I saw her,
Little pregnant cat,
She was sitting on the edge,
I was scared, I will not lie,
In my perception they were cruel,
That's what I thought at that time,
I quickly ran to my mother,
Told her about the cat,
She suggested to bring some milk,
So that I could go past her,
Without any scar or mark,
With some will power, I opened that door,
She got excited just from the smell,
Her tail was wagging as she was,
She jumped down and started drinking,
I quickly closed the door,
So that she would not sneak in,
I was about to run away,
When my curiosity got in the way,
I turned back, and that day I saw an angel,
Instead of a cruel monster I imagined her to be,
She was beautiful, no doubt,
And soon to be mother,
I don't know why, but I was proud,
It's still a mystery how she made me love her,
Because if she didn't come knocking,
I would be just another girl,
My dark heart would have overtaken my soul,
I would have been nothing,
But unhappy and lonely girl.
When I was a little girl I met this sweet cat who was pregnant with kittens who later on became our house cats.
588 · May 2017
Song Of A Bird
Varsha Nehra May 2017
There is she, Sitting in her cage,
Looking at something, Far from her reach,
Many thoughts runs through her mind,
But only independence outsmart all,
Independence is important for her,
She recalls the time,
When she was independent,
When she flied high in sky,
When her songs were filled with joy,
When her life was not a life in cage,
Now all she does is sit here,
In this cage, dependent on the one,
Who has in-prisoned her,
For the sake of her beauty and songs,
But she's not happy anymore,
And so are her songs,
They are sad, just like her,
She is slowly losing her hope,
Of a bright and independent future,
Maybe she will die in this cage,
Without reaching for the sky,
But she will try with all her might,
To be free from this cage.
533 · Jun 2017
I remember
Varsha Nehra Jun 2017
I remember the time,
When I was a little girl,
Living in my small world,
It was not the perfect world,
Even my pretty dolls didn't blind me,
To the reality that surrounded me,
He was alcoholic,
She was a scaredy woman,
Other two were shadowed by that women,
While I was left inside the house with a madman,
I dealt with it my way,
Became a loner, a silent child grew up in me,
She found out later, but it was too late,
I had learnt to become small in the face of fear,
Didn't talk to many, friends were a commodity,
I didn't have the right to have, so I didn't try,
I grew up, and the expectations grew up too,
I was good at somethings,
But didn't try hard enough to be great at it,
She was disappointed, nothing was going her way,
She cried in front of me, I couldn't take it no more,
I decided to give it my all,
Even if I failed in the end,
Now I had decided to prove myself,
To her, to him, to them, it was now or never,
I guess the charm worked, as I won in the end.
502 · May 2017
I'm A Girl
Varsha Nehra May 2017
I'm a girl, I have the benefit over boys.

Everyone will accept my friendship,

While  yours will be questioned.

I may not be as good as you,

But I have the benefit over you.

I'll always be a victim,

While you remain culprit.

Even if I don't get the justice,

You will be shamed in public.

Society may call me names,

But you are not as free as you think,

The love of your life may never,

Give you a chance forever.

Her life will be changed by your fellow,

She will question your intention,

And pull the arrow,

It'll hurt and you'll see the shackles.

I'm a girl, I have a benefit over you,

I will be forgotten,

But you will be shamed,

If something happens, they'll call your name.

I'm a girl,

I will either fight to live or fight to die,

But you'll never see me cry,

And you'll die under the burden of my cries.
I got this idea from FaceBook Friend Request
451 · May 2017
My Choice
Varsha Nehra May 2017
Am I really independent ?
Or am I living an illusion ?
Where my cage is just big enough,
That I don't see its limits.

My every choice is questioned,
When I thought I chose the right one,
No one bothers to ask for reasons,
For me to make that decision.

I have done my homework,
I have thought it through,
Why question my choices now,
When it's too late?

I will not come back,
Or I will but it'll only be a body,
As my mind has flown away,
From the love you shower over me.

It's my choice to choose you or not,
Or is it your choice that I have to comply?
My wishes doesn't count,
All because I'm a woman.

I'm treated as weak,
Told that I can't take care of myself,
But the one who loves me,
Becomes my enemy as I defy him.

Am I a toy, which can be played with?
I too am a human who knows,
What's right or wrong for me,
So please accept my decision one time,
You don't have to forgive me,
But please don't fight,
As that is not what I wish for.
A question that turns up in my mind whenever my decisions are questioned.
440 · Jun 2017
My Mom
Varsha Nehra Jun 2017
The day I was born,
The day I was put in your arms
I saw a beautiful fairy who was my mom,
Every day since then,
I thanked the God for giving me,
Such a great gift in you,
There was no one as beautiful as you,
No, there's no one as beautiful as you,
The power you have while facing problems,
Puts all the past fighters to shame,
You become a lioness,
when someone tries to harm your family,
That is what I like about you,
Your never ending support for us,
Making us take a step forward,
Stay as you are now, forever,
As we will need you all along,
This journey that we call life.
A poem for my mom on her birthday
435 · Jun 2017
World Peace
Varsha Nehra Jun 2017
World peace?
Is that possible?
I have been living for 20 years
In this world where I can't find peace,
Even in my own country,
How can I dream of world peace,
I think it is out of our reach,
When a cat doesn't like another one,
When a dog won't let anyone eat it's food,
How can we expect to achieve the peace,
It'll never come true, I know for sure,
The neighboring country are at each other's throat,
But US talks about world peace,
As though it doesn't have its own wars to fight,
India has enmity all around it,
China was born a enemy to all,
No feelings to befriend it,
All are lower to them,
I don't think world peace is possible,
But nothing is impossible,
Maybe we'll get there one day,
When jealousy will vanish from the face of world.
423 · May 2017
My Life
Varsha Nehra May 2017
It's a new start, a new life,

Starting from past remains,

That's left after all the fight,

I don't want to struggle anymore,

I want to live a life of shine,

No hard work in sight,

No fight to fight,

All my struggles leave me,

As I sit here with my one lone friend,

A friend who don't understand me,

He's selfish but sweet,

Maybe I'm the selfish one

Making him suffer in this hell

Making him lose sight of his fun

He is troubled, I can see

He seems less and less playful

Maybe it's me, not him

As I want to stop struggling

Living a peaceful life without fight

I am selfish

My friend works hard in his own way

He wakes at 5 and preys on innocent pigeons

I love him

But my thoughts are scattered

I feel trapped

I feel suffocated

Maybe that's why I want to end it

I feel empty

But I love him

And that's why hold on to him

He's my life
Written for my 3 years old male cat Shinna. We both have been through some tough time together, but with the help of each other, we were able to successfully move on. He loves me as much I love me, that's what keeps me going.
394 · Jun 2017
One day
Varsha Nehra Jun 2017
One day I'll reach mountain top,
But today I'm in valley of doom,
One day no one will stop me,
But today many shackles bind me,
One day I'll not back down to anyone,
But today is not that day,
I'll have to work hard,
In order to achieve success,
I know nothing will be better,
Then an easy life that I earned,
Today I may be lacking,
But tomorrow's gonna be mine,
No one will look down on me,
As I would have built up my pride,
Through my sweat and blood,
The sheer look on my face,
The determination I will feel,
It'd be nothing like I feel now,
It'll be much better, I'm sure.
356 · Feb 2019
Do It
Varsha Nehra Feb 2019
Cool that you got what you wanted,
But it feels that you have stopped,
It feels like you are gaining weight,
Hey girl, why stop now?
It's the start, not the end,
Do it! Do it now!
It's not the time to sit around,
You have got it, I know
Just add hard work to the mix,
And you will have the results that you have waited so long for,
Hey, Do it now,
Or regret forever!
322 · Dec 2017
I wonder
Varsha Nehra Dec 2017
I wonder if I knew French,
Would you have understood me?

I wonder if I knew German,
Would you be satisfied by my decisions?

I wonder if I knew Japanese,
Would you have understood my love?

I wonder if I knew Latin,
Would it matter if I knew Sanskrit too?

I wonder if I knew Korean,
Would I be called a better person?

I wonder if I knew you,
Would you have known me too?

I wonder if I knew a code,
Would you be able to decode it?

I wonder why I wonder,
When any language I know wouldn't reach you,
You, my love, is out of this world.
306 · Apr 2018
Varsha Nehra Apr 2018
Idly wandering the grounds of reality,
I look as the leaves changes the colour at the tips,
An understanding comes with astounding clarity,
The change is near, the change is here,
My life supposedly moved forward,
While I was turning the page to look at yesterday,
It's due my time I should look at it in the eye,
The time of opportunities are here,
And here I am, the moth seeking perseverance,
Surely the weather has changed for the better,
The leaves seem dull but the change is beautiful,
The ground is laden with yellow leaves,
The ground is shining like gold,
It would surely mean a better path for a better tomorrow.
A story of a wanderer.
294 · May 2017
Varsha Nehra May 2017
They are present between us,
Thinking they are above us all,
And we are lower peasants,
With their mercy to live on.

You may have met them,
In my case, I met a few,
They left me creeped out,
Making my life hell with no way out.

They come into your life,
To show their nasty nature,
They rob you of your free life,
And make you live in a prison.

They may think they are good,
But believe me, they are better
If they leave us alone,
Their opinions make us loose
All hopes in humanity,
And make us A Fool.

Love and hope are all lost,
When they enter your life,
It's better to block them,
Before they try something vile.
I wrote this poem from my personal experience
285 · May 2017
Foolish me
Varsha Nehra May 2017
Oh Love, oh my sweet love,
You have been everything I asked for,
My vision is filled with your handsomeness,
I'm blinded by your magnificent charisma,
I have lived you for years now,
Without letting you know of this crush,
I feel like you like me,
But I don't have the courage,
To let you know of my Unrequited Love,
Maybe you love me back, maybe you don't,
But believe me, whatever you choose,
I'll accept it, I'll understand it all,
So don't shy away after knowing of my love,
It's for you now, but it will go away soon,
Someone else will take your place in heart,
I will move on, so don't complicate it,
It's for you, but mostly for me,
That I don't hold onto this foolish me.
237 · May 2017
Broken Relationships
Varsha Nehra May 2017
You came into my life,
Like freshness from beautiful flower,
The relation between us was like,
The first rain of monsoon,
Soft but harsh.
I have loved you till now,
But I know the time is right,
For me to let go of past,
That was filled with our sweet laugh,
You know me like the back of your hand,
But you're still a puzzle in this hour,
Do we really have to go through this,
Dark and deadly path.
We can let go of each other,
And live a life of full of spark.
I can't promise if the future will be bright,
But it will be better than our broken hearts.

— The End —