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 Sep 2015 Tiki Cagilaba
I take cold showers because
they're supposed to help
To cure depression
They don't
I just shiver
Like I do
When I'm depressed
 Sep 2015 Tiki Cagilaba
A middle aged woman,
In love with the past,
Once told me I had my whole future ahead of me.
Well, yeah,
Where else would it be?
 Sep 2015 Tiki Cagilaba
Give me one chance
To tell you why you don't deserve another.
I called this 15w because apparently I can't tell the difference between syllables and words :)
I left your house--
the house I'd hoped would be ours--
and all I could think about is,
out of all the people in the world,
only you feel like home.
September 7, 2015

I shouldn't have gone to that party.

For anyone who hasn't read the poem "The Wedding", by Clementine Von Radics, I highly suggest doing so. Her work is beautiful, and that poem is pretty much exactly how I feel right now.
I know how to recognize a desperate soul
    Wood for our fire
      To keep our family warm
        In winters cold
          What is the sacrifice
            Dear tree
              You captured the sun
                Drinking the rain
                  Roots deeply in soil
                    Mother earth
                     Ashes to dust
                        Cinders to rust
                           Reaching for heaven
                             Only to become
                               The god of fire
Nothing can ever be truly destroyed. Everything can only be converted. Even humans... we become something else.
 Sep 2015 Tiki Cagilaba
If only pain were tangible
So I could grab it by the throat
As it has done to me
Time and time again
I am the first light
Dancing on petals,
The only flower
Left last in fields,
I am the cloudburst
That drops from sky,
I am the cleansing,
The earthly scent
After sweet rains,
I am the vast ocean,
Rocking earths cradle
Sunlight singing, dancing
Atop the sparkling waves.

I am the white bird
Who sails in the blue,
Join me in the light,
In sky, so much room,
Circle with me, above
The sea, race with me
Into the long night trails
Of the shining moon.
Sun shines through shadows,
water gives way to the splash,
sharing summers smile.
A fellow user (Hilda) helped me realize I may be lacking on the happier poetry here. So, attempt I did, to remedy this. Thank you Hilda for this rainy day to be reminded of happier states.
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