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She sees heaven in his eyes
He sees a hell in her heart
Too many times she's been hurt
and torn all apart
He sees her suffering
She sees that he's trying
But something inside her
Feels like she's dying
She knows it's worth fighting
He knows how much she's struggling
Struggling with pain versus time
Never knowing if she'll make it through
Like she's blind, walking a twisted path
He guides her towards the truth
She falls behind, she's just too tired
He turns around, sees her lying on the ground
Adrenaline kicks in
He has to carry her out of this place
A heavy load to bare, he struggles through
He takes the weight on his shoulders
Pain, sorrow and a lifetime of despair
Knowing she's his one saving grace
He pushes on until he sees the light up ahead
The final stretch, but he feels heaven on his side
Wondering if he'll make it after how much he's bled
And how much he's cried
The bright light awakens her
She holds on tight, crying tears of joy
With a kiss and a laugh they move on together
Cause love is something even hell can't destroy
Tapping on the wall around your heart
          Trying to find a way in
You've built it tall and strong
And plastered
       it with
          your suffering
     To remember why it's there

Yet here I am,
        not knowing where to start
So I tap,
Hoping one day you'll hear me
Praying one day you'll open your heart
                     I want in
         I want to take your hurt
                 and make it mine
To share your pain
And find a way to make you see
This life your living
The infliction
         you've put
              upon yourself
You need not bare it alone

           Tell me your stories,
       Let me feel
              what you feel
You think you need to be a stone
But I want to know you to your core

So I'll tap,
Until I can see that diamond underneath
Not to break you
            or damage you
       Just to release you
               So you can finally

You are not

A ****** for being a man

A racist for being white

Homophobic for being straight

A terrorist for being Muslim

Or a bigot for disagreeing

Stop generalizing
You're not anything unless you commit the act
He was a spider who lured me into his web. He did not eat me nor try to harm me, he had no intention at all but to leave me there stranded and confused.
Well I'm single ... Again
I know the stories that you tell
I have them memorized so well
I take you at face value
Every time
You're everything I want
You're nothing I could hate
Hope you don't hesitate
Will you be mine?

I see the electric sunshine
I see the electric sunshine
I see the electric sunshine

In your eyes

It's nothing but a bruise
It doesn't mean abuse
It's just a disagreement
I'll be fine
He still loves me the same
He tells me it's okay
He knows just what to say
Every time

I see the electric sunshine
The mask you hide behind
I see the electric sunshine

In your eyes

I know the stories that you tell
I know they're just pathetic spells
You thought I'd fall for it
Every time
You're no longer what I want
You're everything I've come to hate
Now your gone for good and I know
I'll be fine

I saw the sunshine in your eyes
The light you flipped on with a switch
And when it turned out to be lies
I turned into a *****
And I cut the cord to the ties that bound
I'm happy without electric sunshine now
I've seen the light without you

*I let it shine
If you or anyone you know is in a domestic violence situation, you can contact the national domestic violence hotline, anonymously if you choose, at 1-800-799-7233 or at
January saw raw lips and bruised knees
from biting back her words and the struggle for solid ground.
February saw dried flowers in the window,
but she could only hang upside down for so long
before she lost her grip and crashed.
March saw dilated pupils and swollen storm clouds,
full of self-doubt and irrepressible memories.
April saw a loss of words accompanied by a ****** loss
of something far more precious.
May saw blooming flowers,
but she choked on the dirt in her lungs.
June saw her “love’s” final kiss,
and a preference for a model newer than she,
without a broken windshield.
July saw tears mixed with rainwater running into gutters,
and desperate wishes lost on dying starlight.
August saw feeble movement and blurry disappointment
that her orange bottle of hope had failed her
September saw pale fingers closing around long sleeves
to hide angry purple lines of control and release.
October saw sunken cheekbones against cold porcelain,
and lovely handiwork wasting away.
November saw candle wax dripping into closing sockets
until scabbed defeat finally blew out the flame.
And December saw a dark wooden bed
below six feet of worms and decomposed youth.
The words on my paper
Screams the word 'pain'
The ink of my pen
Is the witness of all these
Don't Wait
Starting From Today

Have you ever really wondered
What you'd do or say
If a doctor said you have one week
Starting from today

Would you sit and watch a sunset
Or the dawn as it arrives
Go see the ones that you love most
Let them feel your love inside

Would you listen to the oceans waves
Hear the birds just singing songs
Feel the raindrops on your face
Let the sunshine make you warm

Would you watch the children playing
Make sure you played along
Look back upon a life well lived
Make good on all your wrongs

Well life is short and it goes by fast
So I know what I will do
All those things on my list
I won't wait to hear bad news

Have you ever really wondered
What you'd do or say
If a doctor said you have one week
Starting from today

Don't wait

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
( A Cops View)

Profiling, it can save a life
Now Im not saying its always right
But we see something thats out of place
And we're supposed to look the other way

Dont judge a person by there looks
What they drive or who there with
No matter what the time of day
We cannot question what they say

Your mind tells you there's something wrong
That this person does not belong
Still im not allowed to question them
About where they're going or where they've been

But commit a crime or someone dies
Then the whole community they question why
For the Officers should have known
That guy, that car, they don't belong

We cant profile all by itself
The law requires we have something else
It is a tool that we can choose
But not the only tool to use

Profiling, it can save a life
Now I'm not saying it's always right
No one tool should be abused
But if it saves a life,..... ill profile you

Carl Joseph Roberts
Apparently I have ticked some people off with this poem. Let me say this again, Profiling alone without just cause and additional actions is wrong. Profilimg because of color of skin is always wrong. Profiling is not however just a color thing. Profiling can be used with other tools to determine if you should take an additional step.  Never used alone and never because of color of skin of weather the person has money or not.
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