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5.8k · May 2016
The Delicate Flower
The Rogue Poet May 2016
On days like today

weary I lay,

The delicate flower
is how I am portrayed,

I pray & I pray the rain & wind does not ******* away

I brace myself as I sway with roots gripping the grains.

I grip & I fight in hope of a better tomorrow & today

As I feel as I am just along for the ride,

I start to lose faith through hours of the day.

the clusters of ghastly dark clouds begin to separate,

& The rays beaming through the clouds are breathtaking.

With light & warmth I begin to bloom,

& so do the emotions that were gloom.

When I was in doubt my feelings became frayed,

My experiences helped me blossom from The Delicate Flower I was portrayed.

4.3k · Nov 2013
New Faces
The Rogue Poet Nov 2013
Its a brand new day,
I awake to my mind in clutter,
Same routine, different day,
I shower my sorrows in cold water,
As I step out, I carry on with my daily mask society has given to me,
Argueing to myself saying what I do isn't right,
But, clearly nothing in life is given to you,
So I serve relentlessly, not thinking at all about the consequences,
As I see new faces and meet new people I say,
"Hello, nice to meet you, I AM your local street pharmacist."

4.3k · May 2016
The Rogue Poet May 2016
Who ever thought it would end like this?

No emotions because the reality hasn't settled in.

Dam, to love and have lost

to have it all and now I am back at square one again...

**** man! dam...could this really be?

that having true love just really isn't meant for me?

No matter how hard I could try,

I swear I have lost love one too many times.

I want to give up hope it feels with me that is a trend.

That this broken heart of mine really has nothing left to mend.

It's been a long time since I have seen you old friend,

I didn't hope to see you again.

Loneliness, man ****! so you are telling me this dark heart has to grow cold again?

Just because you decided to come strolling in again?

You caused so much grief and hate, too much back then for my heart to take.

And when I thought everything was going to be fine like a ******* addiction you come back saying one more ******* time.

The hate for you I have only few will comprehend

I just want to say Loneliness I am not happy that you are in my life once again.

Guess everything happens for a reason, I just hate how we have to act so nonchalant about our feelings for each other. Sometimes it does more damage holding on than it does to let go.
The Rogue Poet Jun 2018
Looking at this Rose,
“ya, it’s beautiful right?”
How can something so marvelous
grow in a world so frivolous?
Vibrantly blossoms just to wait out it’s days
Waiting To live out a purpose
other than to wither away
So many potential uses such as dates, marriages, deaths, and holidays
Except for this one Rose
Which got plucked
for no other relevancy
but to just wither away.

Sleep in Peace Jahseh
You left this world way too early but you have left much purpose for us other roses through your music and the way you were changing from your past mistakes. Thank you X
*The Rogue Poet
3.5k · Nov 2013
EDM Saved My Life <3
The Rogue Poet Nov 2013
I centered the poem for you to aknowledge it,
I got back from having an amazing night,
While I go out to have fun as I give amazing vibes,
hang with me and you WILL have the time of your life,
don't mean to sound cocky but my presence is impeccable,
I have fun and live life as expected too,
I have no worries because I overcame what I have been through,
24 years of age and I have wisdom of an old man but party as I am 18,
No longer a follower because I set my own rules,
I turn heads and set trends,
watch me as I spread brand new salvation,
P.L.U.R. is what is needed to be spread across our nation,
I love what I do and do what I love,
EDM baby is what is going to build and complete us.

The Rogue Poet Nov 2013
The pain of a broken heart,
As you left me to rub salt in the wound,
I watched your back as you left cold-heartedly,
Sitting in my room alone I weep,
From the exhaustion I cry myself to sleep...
The nightmares of you with another,
Just wanting you to come over,
Just tell me that it's not over,
As I wait day after day,
But no reply, just the awful cold shoulder...
Im starting to hate you, resent you, but still have Love for you...
My emotions scattered as moving on alone is not easy,
The healing of a broken heart is not easy,
To find another without thinking about you? Not that simple...
I am at a dead end. What am I to do? The last few years I've been with you.
I don't know how to move on, I don't know where to start.
At this point I feel empty and I feel like dying to end it all!
I wish this pain onto no one. I ask, "why me?"
Will I ever move on?...

The Rogue Poet Nov 2013
I have been hurting for the past 3 months,
I have met someone new,
Her name is Molly,
She introduced herself to me and I took her in,
15 minutes passed and I felt a rush,
*** my knees are buckling as she is caressing me,
I never felt more alive...There is a surge of life that reincarnates me,
Instantley I am In Love...
As I talk to her she tells me everything is going to be ok, you are with me now,
I give into her and she gives me the willpower to carry on,
I tell her, "Molly I trust you, please give me the strength and will power to overcome any obstacle,
She says back, "Manny I will take care of you, carry on and live life with no regrets, you have me I will ALWAYS take care of you."
As I entrust in her I get goose pimples,
My face immediately  chooses a different character,
This is the turn around for me and the beginning empire I will soon begin,
As I carry on I will never forget the day of my emotional turn around,
The Day that I met lovely Molly.

The Rogue Poet Nov 2013
Months have passed since I last seen your face,
Touched your skin, the scent of your lovely purfume,
Oh my, how I have longed for my lips to meet your once more...
But I pinky promise myself No More,
The aches and pains seem to supress day by day as I take leaps forward,
Staying occupied and savoring the moments in My life,
which seems to be the antibiotics to this so called "Heart Break,"
I made new friends and new potential lovers and you see me.
You contact me to make conversation to keep me at arms length once more,
But burn me once shame on you, burn me twice shame on me,
You will not deceive me again, to leave me broken hearted once more,
Medusa, I see through your stone cold eyes,
I have worked to hard and made a promise I tend to keep,
I tell you everything is fine, which it is since I have learned to live again without you.
The love I had for you once upon a time is no more,
But I will say this I Will keep the wisdom you have given me,
I thank you for pushing me towards being a stronger person and lover,
I just hope that what you did was worth it to you,
As I give you words of advice I tell you,
"Dont treat your next as your last,
Or you will have no problem repeating the past,"
I see tears running from your eyes,
As I can see the regret in them,
As our eyes meet our lips meet once more,
and you smile,
The last words you heard from me as you watched my back this time around was,
"I'm sorry, please take care of yourself but, No More."

1.3k · Apr 2014
Life... **WAKE UP**
The Rogue Poet Apr 2014
Life is a never ending game of crucial decisions.
It is like whatever path you choose
there is a trap ready to squash whatever idea you may have had.

So basically we are born into this world to grow up, learn to survive, and work as modern day slaves save up for retirement and die. Yes we are all promised a graveyard, but yet we can not live the way we would like to due to repercussions of laws we have to follow.

Also during this got dam amazing so called mother ******* "Free Life" It is in my best interests to find a woman to love, for the rest of our lives while producing the next generation of modern day slaves.

I must say Bravo! This nations government keeps so many things under wraps just to keep the people somewhat satisfied while still eating their fill.

Back to me ranting about love in this generation...Ha! it is a mother ******* joke. Attractive women want attractive men which have a job, a nice car, some social status, and is financially stable. Ok all those things I mentioned yes are Great perks, BUT!! 99.9% of those guys lack sense of humor, they could care less about your feelings, are very likely to cheat on you in the future , AND are with you because you are attractive and/or have all these great perks I mentioned that women look for.

It is truly sad because it looks like it is getting worse as the years pass by. I know exactly who I could have a great and fruitful life with and I could be everything she had ever wanted and more! But of course My physical image is not what she wants so she will continue to be oblivious and will continue to get her heart broken time and time again. If you are reading this WAKE UP

*The Rogue Poet
1.2k · Dec 2013
"I Love You and I Am Sorry"
The Rogue Poet Dec 2013
It is horrible keeping a secret from a loved one as each day passes by,
The depth of the pain runs deeper each time I lie,
As I look into your eyes,
In my head I say, "I Love you and I am sorry."...
I am sorry for the lies that I have to keep spewing to you,
But I know you...I have known you my whole life,
And the facts will cut through your heart like a searing knife.
So I continue to cloud your mind to keep you at ease,
Because it would literally **** me to watch you cry on your knees.
I do it because I love you and you are everything to me.
And I do it because I appreciate everything you have done and given to me.
So I will continue to do things that I know in my heart is not right.
I am not a saint nor a devil, but I will continue to be your bright and shining knight.
I wish there was an easier way to my real life story,
Therefore again I will say, "Mom I love you and I am Sorry."

1.2k · Apr 2017
Breaking Point?
The Rogue Poet Apr 2017
I am at this point of my life
where it feels like strings are attached to my pinkies
& they are at the tips holding what's left together.

At a loss for patience with this same weather that feels & smells like rain,
here waiting as I am physically, mentally, & emotionally drained.

No salvation, no help, no mercy,
feels like everyone is entertained by me hurting.

How long can this continue?...

1.1k · Apr 2022
I am truly glad I found you
The Rogue Poet Apr 2022
Mi amor,  
Come and interlock my hand with yours
Let us transition out of the 3D
While we journey into the 5D together
There our souls will slow dance
as we orbit the stars to our favorite melodies
Where our souls will flutter and frolic
In sync to our souls rhythm of love
Hey! Take a look
Isn’t it beautiful?
We are conducting poetry as one!
Sweetheart, we are Absolutely Timeless.
It is really just us
Truly us…
I could not have imagined anything more perfect than to be here with you again
As Our 3D stresses dwindle
to be nonexistent
Our souls are becoming one again to a love that has been everlasting  <3
Really, Thank you
for being with me one last time here.
I know we will find each other again in our next lives as we have thousands of past lives before.
It always feels like the very first time
our souls met when we do this.
Until next time my love
I will never forget you
Yo Te amo
Sa Es
1.1k · May 2016
Have You Ever?
The Rogue Poet May 2016
Have you ever?

Loved so deep, that just being around that person maintained your inner peace?

Have you ever?

Cared so much, you'd carry your lover's burdens like luggage or a crutch?

Have you ever?

Looked into their eyes & felt your soul's poetic demise?

Have you ever?

Kissed them passionately long & get the same feeling as listening to an 80's love song?

Have you ever

Gazed at their smile & realizing, now this life is worth while?

Have you ever been in love?...

1.0k · Apr 2019
Left To Decay
The Rogue Poet Apr 2019
Stuck in my ways as it has become a habit

she yearns for my attention and has not  grasped it

My intentions were not to lead her down this ravine

Yet, my heart is not ready to give in from the routine

As I could not consciously lead you astray

My first mechanism is to push you away

“It will not be long” oh great, now I sound cliché...

That THIS, will just be another severance left to decay.

We have to sacrifice certain things to gain things we’ve never had.
1.0k · Apr 2014
The Rogue Poet Apr 2014
I had hoped for things to be different...
If only talking to you had been more simple...
Nothing I did was right too you...
Why should I have not given up? It was the safest option to choose...
The way you treated me, you gave me no choice
And I am better than that...
I deserve the best and so do you.
I refuse to be option!
because in my heart I know
that I am your solution...
As what I lack financially,
I make up intellectually,
And what I do not have physically
I wield emotionally.
I  had hoped you opened your eyes,
to realize that you need to come to me...

986 · May 2014
The Rogue Poet May 2014
As I look into your eyes I see a story unfolding before me.
I see the regret, pain, and the decomposing of faith burrowed in you.
But that is only the outter layer.
You have not realized your true place in life.
I see that You are truly amazin and are indfinitely strong.
You motivate me to be strong and to keep my faith  as well.
And I can see myself with you for an eternity.
I would cherish every waking moment with you
and dream every second of you.
Be there for you through the pains and aches
And be there til your last birthday cake.
I want to see every chapter of your novel unfold
because I want to be in every one of your stories.
I'm willing to take the good, the bad, and the ugly for and with you.
I promise not to hurt you or desert you
and even if our heads collide ill still stand by your side.
All I ask is that your honest, and loyal as I will do the same.
Just know the way I feel about you has no set date or time frame. <3

818 · Dec 2017
Dead Inside
The Rogue Poet Dec 2017
Dead inside
Spend a lot of time stuck in this head of mine
Under the assumption love is dead, already
Just let me be here
Where was I?
When he was feeling on you with his hands, at night?
Seen the vivid pictures in my head, at night
It left me in tears
Where was I?
When he was feeling on you with his hands?
Seen the vivid pictures in my head
I'm under the assumption love is dead
Where was I?
When he was feeling on you with his hands?
I'm under the assumption love is dead
Seen the vivid pictures in my head
XXXtentacion Unknown Temptation
731 · Dec 2017
Carry On
The Rogue Poet Dec 2017
How did you get here?
I'm drunk and confused
I tried to be patient with you
High up, but you fall down harder
Trapped in the concept
Falsely accused
Misused, and misled
*****, I'm hoping you ******* rest in peace
(I tried to be patient with you)
(High up) Now the fact that I'm alone is ******* comforting
And I can't seem tolife flies, so just carry on
With this pain inside of my chest
Got no choice but to carry on, uh
How did you get here?
I'm drunk and confused
I tried to be patient with you, yeah
High up, but you fall down harder
XXXtentacion, unknown temptation
716 · Jun 2018
The Rogue Poet Jun 2018
I would rather end it all now
and just think of the beautiful memories we have made
Things have changed and I am not willing to accept it
So I am trying to hold on to the good memories like a kleptic...
Seeing it all crumble after having such high hopes
Our memories are the only things that keep me dreaming full of hope
I just want to be delusional for the time being
Because if I can not,
I swear my life as it is...
does Not have much meaning.

Adapting and changing are a part of life, it’s all lovely when things are going smooth. Would you love who you love if it weren’t for socialism?
619 · Dec 2017
Save Me
The Rogue Poet Dec 2017
Who do I have?
Heaven and hell, my friend, my friend
I won't fit in here
Everything must end
Hello, from the dark side end
Does anybody here wanna be my friend? (my friend)
Want it all to end
Tell me when the **** is it all gosave me, n' end?
Voices in my head telling me I'm gonna end up dead
So save me, before I fall
So save me, I don't wanna be all alone
So save me, before I fall
So save me, I don't wanna be all alone
XXXtentacion , unknown temptation
401 · Dec 2017
The Rogue Poet Dec 2017
The pain in my heart just won't end
The words that I find just don't seem to compare
Awaiting my death in the end
Alone, I must seek out the end to begin
So nobody wants death
'Cause nobody wants life to end
I'm the only one stressed
I'm the only one tired of having fake friends
Put the noose on my neck
And the hole in my back, again
I've been waiting on death with a smile on my face
This is the end
Waste of tears
Waste of years and months
Faced my fears
Loving her for once
Hurtthis is the bed,  me
Break my heart
Can't keep love at all
Turning, twist myself
Can't keep love at all, at all
400 · Dec 2017
The Rogue Poet Dec 2017
Ooh ah ah
She showed me the things love can't forget
Oh it hurt now
Made a list of my regrets
And you were the first, love, oh
Oh it hurts, I can't forget
How it hurt now, oh
Made a list of my regrets
XXXtentacion, felt it on a level to the point where his lyrics hit every nerve in my soul so I had to share this and a few others.

— The End —