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Jun 2015 · 584
Every Sunday
Taylor Link Jun 2015
One day you will sit here,
On these cool leather seats,
And you will say my name and laugh.
Laugh, the way we laughed to fill the awkward silence after "her" name.
Distracting ourselves from the countless "why's" that lead to someone calling Every Sunday.

Every Sunday.

Every. Sunday.

And I guess, you just don't think about these things.

Not until the palm of your hand is wrapped around the hand of another.

You say my name and laugh.
"I" am "her".
"She" is me.
May 2015 · 694
longer, still.
Taylor Link May 2015
I will hold you in my heart, long after these fleeting moments have ended.
Longer still, from when our last words have floated off into the void of wayward dreams and forgotten hopes.
And I will hold in me each smile, each stolen glance, each tender moment, every bit of your laughter -
So golden and glorious, that when you laughed, the entire world followed suit.

And for one moment , she rests.
The world on her platform,
Stops. And relishes in the splendid sound of your joy.
May 2015 · 1.9k
Taylor Link May 2015
The funniest thing about endings
Is they rarely look like endings
They are wrapped in smiles
And plastered with words
Meant to sting but not burn
They wear hope like a jacket
Which they leave on the floor after a night you can't remember
The thing about endings
The key to their masquerade
Is the fact
That they look like beginnings.
May 2015 · 410
Taylor Link May 2015
When I was young
When the sky was new
And the air was fresh
And flick'd with blue
And there was me
But not yet, you

When I was young
With many thoughts
And many dreams
And not yet caught
Up in eyes
Of the bluest, blue
Oh, there was me
But not yet, you

When I was young
And patient, still
And love a dream
A constant thrill
And didn't hurt
For hurt was still,
A long way from my mind

And now there's you
And there is me
And maybe "us"
And maybe "we"
Can't commit
So far you flee
You leave me far behind

And now there's me
But there's no you
There never was
So know, it's true
That love is fast
And love outflew
My grasp
I could not keep.
Mar 2015 · 764
if you leave me.
Taylor Link Mar 2015
If you have to, just leave.
But don't come back, if you do.
Let me forget about "we",
Let me forget about "you".
Don't wrap me around,
Your finger so tight.
Just leave me to be,
Just leave me despite-
A hundred sweet memories,
Two hundred warm hugs,
Three hundred deep kisses,
Four thousand and one-
The days it will take,
Maybe less, prob'ly more...
To forget who you are,
What we weren't..what we were...
Oh, I understand, do what you must do.
If you leave, leave me be....
No more "we"... No more "you".
Mar 2015 · 484
Variations on a theme
Taylor Link Mar 2015
Little girl, I am so sorry.
14 years old, how could you have known.
21, and I should have known better.
And yet here I am, not far, have I flown.
Do you see the house, up on the hill?
It knew we'd be back,
It waited, and still-
I swore this time was different.
How many times I wish I'd listened.
Just variations on a theme!
Little girl, I am so sorry.
I've led us back into the dark.
Back to this place, these familiar woods, filled with the pain we'd worked so hard- to rid ourselves of completely.
To start fresh, to start anew.
And of all the lies I've ever told,
I'm most ashamed I lied to you.
Mar 2015 · 383
wherever i go
Taylor Link Mar 2015
I love you.*
And I'm writing it here,
Because I can't write it there.
But it doesn't change how I feel.

And no matter how hard
I've pushed it away,
I can't deny,
that it's real.

As real as I, who am standing here.
And you, miles away.
In a town enveloped in the thickest snow,
In a house engulfed by the shade.

I dream of taking you away from there.
For us, for you, for me.
But these dreams are just the dreams of my dreams,
And there's no way they can be.

So I'm writing it here,
Because I can't write it there.
And you may very well, never know.
That I love you now, and I'll love you then, and I'll love you wherever I go.
Mar 2015 · 436
Wash over you.
Taylor Link Mar 2015
Let me wash over you
Like waves unto the shore
The foundation of your soul
Is pallid and dry
Let me fill you deep with color
Mar 2015 · 437
Taylor Link Mar 2015
Being with you is easy,
It’s like f
                           ing asleep.

And it's only after I’ve woken up,
That I realize I’ve even fallen.
It's no wonder they call it "falling" down and "falling" in love.
They both feel like you're going to die.
Mar 2015 · 302
Taylor Link Mar 2015
I want to kiss every inch of you until all your pain has melted into deep pools of blue in your eyes that haunt me when I'm sleeping the days away wishing you could have loved me like I loved you wore blue the first time we met.

Now, I wear blue all the time.
Mar 2015 · 376
Whatever's left.
Taylor Link Mar 2015
I am a puzzle.
But not in the way that I am baffling,
confusing, or hard.
I am a puzzle,
and like any puzzle i've ever come across,
there are pieces bent, and missing.
There are so many pieces of me,
owned by so many different people,
because they take them when they leave.
And now I am  everywhere.
Everywhere, and nowhere.
At the bottom of their drawers,
and under their beds.
At the back of their bookshelves,
a notch on their bedpost.

And each time they leave,
I put myself back together with the pieces I have left.
But I'm scared that one day,
there won't be enough.
Mar 2015 · 650
Blending in.
Taylor Link Mar 2015
Everything is loud
It's like someone's turned up the volume
And life is up as loud as it can be
My heart pounds out of my chest
And onto the floor
My hands are blue and purple and green and yellow and white
Because they're trying to be
Something they're not
Because being me, isn't good enough
The rest of me, follows suit
Feb 2015 · 837
I met myself today
Taylor Link Feb 2015
I can see myself sitting
I am low against the ground
My body limp and listless
My cries, they make no sound
Who is this pathetic creature?
I ask now, in despair
She is the girl I never was
But suddenly, she's here
Now, this is where I leave her
This is where I turn away
Because I didn't like things I saw
When I met myself today
Feb 2015 · 311
Taylor Link Feb 2015
You always find me when I'm alone.
When the rest of the world has gone to sleep, you run through the corridors of my mind.
I lay there, as you trample through my veins.
You charge up from my legs, to my arms, to the tips of my fingers.
You light me on fire and then you leave.

You never stay to watch me burn.
Feb 2015 · 677
i thank you, God
Taylor Link Feb 2015
It's so hard to thank you, God.
But here I am.
Thank you.
You have shown me moments of resounding light, in the silence of my human darkness.
Though I am hurting, no mortal pain can numb your love.
I feel your arms around me, and though I have tried so hard to shake you, your embrace never falters.
Thank you for loving me, the imperfect soul that I am.
Humbled in awe of your unimaginable grace.
Feb 2015 · 443
I am here.
Taylor Link Feb 2015
Where does love go, when love is lost?
When all "stolen" kisses are only stealing time from an inevitable end to another hopeful beginning.
Maybe love is like a house.
Yes. A house.
Once filled with laughter and light, filled now, with tired and bittersweet memories.
Time picks it's way through the hallways, up the stairs, through every corridor.
Time envelops each crack in the foundation, every surface, until nothing remains.
Eventually, it's like the house was never there at all.

But now and then I feel you.
Like sweet, soft wind against my cheek... a tiny stroke against my heart.
You whisper; "I was there".

A part of me, with you still, whispers;

*"I am here".

— The End —