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Candra Creviston Jan 2020
You're one I can never forget a sin I commit over and over again.
Like a sweet addiction on my breathe,
A craving I can't resist.

You're one regret I love to taste,
your substance abuse.
Drunkenness and naked in your glory,
Oh God give me one last drink.

Your a mistake a type of adultery,
That brings me pleasure.
I would choose you as my drug,
****** injected in my veins.

I keep wanting more even after I swallowed the bitterness.
The taste of methadone as it dissolves on your tongue.
The best mistake I made is your regret a taste I can never forget.
Candy81 © 3 minutes ago, Candra Creviston    pain • rhyme • love • sad • death

Poem can be found at link below
Candra Creviston Jan 2020
I miss everything little thing his scent and the feel of his breath on my neck.
The way the car windows would fog up when we parked next to the beach.
How his hand fits in mine perfectly like a puzzle piece.
I keep going back to how things use to be.
Picturing us so in love a connection like we were meant to be.
A love story that could drive anyone mad how a love story should be.
So madly in love everyone could see the emotional connection between you and me.
Picturing us the way we use to be makes me sad that we were never supposed to be.
A love story that ends abruptly torn apart by the man that was supposed to love me.
Inspired by the song
Every little thing by Carly Pierce

Poem found at link below
Candra Creviston Jan 2020
My world crumbles around me a tower moment upon me changing everything I have ever known.
Losing everything I ever knew as my life and my home.
Everyone I ever loved has left me all alone.
Always focused on poor pitiful me until the day I took control of my own destiny.
I maybe alone may not have love to call my own.
I do have a life that lives hard and a heart that loves even harder.
I won't ever give up and take the easy way out I will push through this storm on my own.
Those so called friends that want to see me fall will only see me rise above them all.
My path maybe hard I may stumble I may fall.
One thing is for sure I will never break even though I may fall to my knees asking the lord please.
I will still stand up and face reality and change my destiny because nothing is sat in stone.

Candra Creviston Jan 2020
So much I want to say so much I want to do,
I can't think straight.
I have to remember to say,
I'm sorry to the one's I let down or hurt the most.

A mother's love is never changing,
when I say I love you it remains the same always.
I'm your guardian angel and  I will always have your back.

So don't worry boy's your momma will be okay.
In those last day's I will spend it with my kids.
My baby boys who have grown up into young men.

So don't worry about your momma,
I'm in a better place.
I will have my wings and fly like my brother and be free.

So in my final hours don't cry for me,
I won't be in pain.
I will always be with you even when you can't see my face.

In those final hours of my last days,
don't cry or be sad.
Think of me as an angel who has her wings, smile and say,
"that's my momma an angel with wings."

So in my final hours all will be okay,
I will always love you for eternity.
Remember your momma always has your back.
I'm your greatest fan,
you can be whatever you want to be.

You're amazing never change for anybody,
you're perfect just the way you are.
This goes out to my boys,
a poem a reminder that your momma loves you always.
Poem found at link below
Candra Creviston Jan 2020
You think you know the way that I feel,
because we said things we never meant.
I want to say I'm sorry for all the hurt that I caused,
I'm asking for your forgiveness.

You say you're over "it, but" then you bring it up every time you get mad.
Forgiveness brings you peace and an understanding of what caused the sadness within.

I'm not "perfect, neither" are you we both are guilty of each others pain.
I forgive you for everything even when you hit me over and over again.
I forgive you for "me, not" for "you, but" for the better part of me.

Forgiveness is to let go of the past holding no grudges and say I'm sorry.
Ridding yourself of "selfishness, think" about everybody have some empathy.
This is forgiveness and it can bring out the better part of you do it and see.
Poem found at link below
Candra Creviston Jan 2020
I have never tried to make you look guilty or bad.
I've never pretended to be perfect I've always been who I am.
I wanted to say I'm sorry we had to "end,"but it's for the best.

I hated to see you "go, but" I want you to know.
You will always be a part of me in some old fashioned story.
We will live on in our "past, I" hope you never forget me or our memories.

It's time for me to let go and move on and make new "memories, it's" just how it should be.
That doesn't mean I will ever forget the good times we had.
So don't "worry, don't" be sad.
Try to be happy now that you can do your own thing.

You're free from a ******* with me so be single and happy.
We were only teens when we married and started a family.
Our kids are grown and started pursuing their dreams.

So it's time to say goodbye and leave behind any hard feelings.
We both made mistakes and choices that was selfish and sad.
Try not to reminisce and bring back the past.

Move toward the future don't be stuck on trying to fix things.
We were never meant to be it's time to face reality.
It's time to go now I'm sorry for everything.

"Someday, maybe" you can forgive me.
When someone asks me if I know you I will smile and say I use to.
So don't forget I did love you even when I seemed mad.

You will be missed and our memories will always be apart of me.
Poem can be found at link below
s Jan 2020
Could it be that if i hadn't confessed,
You'd have kept your love a secret?
Maria Etre Jan 2020
I write
because I stutter
when I talk
with emotions
CC Jan 2020
Everything has been said before a million times
Everyone has thought of the same phrases with countless rhymes
I’m sick of feeling more than I can say, systematically forced to lock pointless words away
With every waking moment I must focus and strain to find a word or two I haven’t used in vain, just to put it here, or maybe there, so you can hear that I’ve been there
My tongue has lost its meaning by the death of my bloodline
Symbols carved on stone had more life than the ones written on mine
I’m sick and tired of trying to weave my way around something so blandly perfect
Something so generic and true
‘I love you’ should be enough
I should not have to tell you how soft the clouds in your eyes are, how sharp that gaze of yours can be
I should not have to ask you to blink every so often, so I am sure you are not a mirage
‘I hate you’ should be enough
I should not have to illuminate the ferocity you unlock in me
I should not have to show you how primal the urge to cave your head in is
I miss the feeling words gave my people before me, even if I’ve never heard it for myself, I can only wish my thoughts came to speech as easily as air comes to my lungs

I see now why God had struck Babylon,
And I wish he’d do it again.
Everything’s been said before a million times. I’m gonna keep trying to find new ways to say them
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