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Man Feb 15
"I hear the old man had a son."

"No, truly? Surely not."

"I can attest to it, I played witnessed
As part of their caerimonia."

"I'm moving him to Rome,
He'll live as my slave
And I'll make him a gladiator."

"Oh-**, that's rich! He died like an insect,
Sipping poison."

"How are we going to get away with this?
The walls are starting to close in."

"Relax, just change the dates. Make some edits."

"Nobody will notice?"

"I highly doubt it. Plus, they'd have to prove it. And we're sat on top of the evidence."

"How many times has this happened?"

More than once.
The Listened Confession
PawanTube Jun 2019
How’s this MOMENT like
Bad b!tches is on my fate,
Happiness avoided far apart
And the expectation lies far.
These dam* world,
Who amenable for this!
No one, to see himself instead...

Why we still barely hanging on,
This ****t worse thought

Let the rush of your sea-shore,
Stumble to that  MOMENT
Is the only thing you step up.
Lit up your moon of heaven
Let it possess the time
Until it possessed...
To show the world who am i.

PawanTube Jun 2019
never before I talked to myself
never before it needed but today,
it all happened.
all I have but why it seems everything is far apart.
to whom I fight.
to whom I disappoint.
to whom I love.
and to whom I share all.

what's a pathetic moment is?
attention outward the cage, how would it rid outta.
the  concessive mesh
not letting to come out
and an impressive flesh on limbs
this thought doesn't fade

I ashamed of what it happened.
if there's something left to see a cause
and that's only the regret...

"so be proud and love your regret much as you can until your realize possess to a   cause"

b:- PawanTube
never before it needed

but today, it all happened

all I have

but why it seems everything is far apart

to whom I fight

to whom I disappoint

to whom I love

to whom I share all.

what's a pathetic moment is?
attention outward the cage, how would it rid outta.
the  concessive mesh

not letting to come out

and an impressive flesh on limbs

this thought doesn't fade

I ashamed of what happened.

if there's something left to see a cause

and that's only the regret
Amanda Kay Burke Jun 2019
I tried to save you many times before
Witnessed others try to save you too
Finally I realize that the only person
Able to save you from your demons is you
I don't want to save you, only show you the light you have within you so you can use it to save yourself
An apple, they say
But why Eve?
Was it a woman who first saw
Lies beyond God’s command?
Was it a woman who first decided
Not to follow blind orders above?
Free will, they say
Yet He was angry at her.

Hey, Eve,
What was it like ?
Tasting knowledge at the first hand
Were the devil’s promises
I think so too.
a prose about an apple, from an old collection.
Medhina Khanal May 2015
The smashed ribs, the swollen legs
The state of heart every time the ground shakes
The endless tears, the unflattering fears
The subdued feelings, the impotent states
and I realize how helpless I am
As everything vanished within seconds

The cracked hopes, the buried dreams
The unbearable truths, the painful screams
The broken fantasies, the shattered desires
The situation where no one admires
Tried to stop, I tired to evade
Then I realize how helpless I am
as everything vanished within seconds
Alyanne Cooper Jun 2014
A body lies broken
On the freeway ramp curb.
A man once stood there
Asking for help
With his cardboard cutout
Plea for societal mercy.
Then a car sped too fast,  
Swerving to make the green light
It was never going to catch
In this dimension or any other.

Just a moment was all it took.

Did you know he was a soldier
Who was haunted at night
By the enclosed confines of his house
Because it too closely resembled
The urban landscape he fought in,
Faced death in, lost friends in,
Got caught in until the web of his mind
Couldn't ever forget it
Especially when he tried to sleep at night?

Did you know he came back
And tried to fit in to the community
He had been born and raised in
But found that the stares and glances
Of wonder and horror laced
With misunderstanding and pity
He didn't need but couldn't escape
Were too much for him to bear
Because though he could
Look the enemy in the eye
It hurt too much to see
His own father couldn't meet his,
And a community takes its cues
On how to treat its people
From those closest to them,
So, soon no one would look him in the eye?

Did you know all that when you passed
Where he stood every day on the curb
Asking for your pity and spare change,
Having become the uttermost disgrace
In his own eyes,
Because don't you know
He used to be somebody?

Did you know that today,
When you made a split second
Choice to speed up the turn,
He'll be buried in the National Cemetery
With an honor guard
And a three rifle volley salute,
But the chairs will be empty
And no one will speak kind words for him,
Because he's already been forgotten?

How else could you run over him,
And drive off with not a glance back??

My conclusion: you're a ******!

— The End —