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Thomas W Case Feb 2020
The dark dance calls softly,
like Night Shade or Oleander.
Just a little taste...
Just one more slow waltz...
I can smell her
wet orchid while I sleep.
She moves languidly through
my dreams, possesses me at dawn
with lambent steps.
The love is violent, like a bullfight.
It's sweet and treacherous, ferocious.
Fatal for one of us;
and she's been gored.
The darkness calls, there is an attraction to chaos and failed love.
Asominate Feb 2020
These ***** hands, they understand
They break a man and ****
Life is enchanted, I never wanted,
They broke my mind and will
Not saying you're rude, but only the moon
Listens to my story in silence
Do you now get my mood, of why I brood,
And why I act out in violence
Mark Jan 2020
Don't waste perfectly good loneliness.

Don't waste it on the wrong person.
Don't even waste it on the right person.

Don't waste loneliness during the day,
When there are things to be done.
Don't waste it in dreams at twilight,
When there are dones to be thinged.

Don't waste loneliness at night
When your time should be your own
And could be filled with anything
Other than everything you're not.

Take your loneliness
And denigrate it.
Crumple it. Crush it.
Throw it in a blender.
An industrial oven.

Take it out
For a few drinks too many,
And a few more after that;
Lull it into a false sense of security
That congeals with its drunken state
To create a blinding dichotomy
Of vulnerability and arrogant invincibility,
So it suspects nothing
As you lead it
Down a dark alley
And beat it to death with a brick.

Have a too-close-to-call
Fight to the death
With your loneliness
In a public toilet,
With it almost getting
The better of you
Until you smash it
Off of a porcelain
Sink basin,
Before dragging it
By the hair
To a cubicle,
Where you hold its head
Under the toilet water,
Long after its body stops convulsing.

Do what you can
To transmute
Your loneliness
Into solitude,
And wear it.

Back to front.
Right side up.

Wear solitude so well that
It ends up wearing you,
As its skin.

Use solitude to learn thyself.
To feel thyself.
To know thy changing self.

Let solitude remind you that
The existence of loneliness
Begets the existence of
The antithesis of loneliness.

So definitely don't waste
Perfectly good loneliness,
Especially if you're forgoing
Perfectly good hope.
Stephanie Castro Jan 2020
People are dying due to loose gun policies
The only people with guns should believe in the right philosophies
Some things can't be solved with simple apologies
Innocent people are suffering the consequences
People need to come to their senses
Some people are left defenseless
Tears are being shed and blood is being bled
People end up on their deathbed
Because of the irresponsible, it might be impossible
To roam the streets without fear, even when no one is near
School shooting and gang violence, mass shootings, and hunting accidents
There needs to be a change in the rules and regulations
We need to unite as a nation before our last salutations
Alicia S Azahar Jan 2020
We hear daily of the tragedies of our youth being slain,

How some turn to suicide to medicate their pain,

But are we taking a stand to intervene with this violence?

Or just turning our heads, choosing to be silent?

How often do we watch them being bullied in school?

The lack of discipline at home, the disregard for the rules,

Our police officers and teachers are made into villains,

Trading discipline and order for guns and killing,

The value of education is being reduced to a sentence,

Prison is the educator; there is no will for repentance,

Social media is being utilized to post videos of brutality,

People laughing and sharing as if it's a normality,

Are we not disgusted by such acts of violence?

No reprimands for abuse, just us choosing to stay silent,

How long will we sit on the sidelines of destruction?

Hoping violence decreases, but not aiding in its reduction,

Instead of condemning our youth for their disobedient ways,

Let’s lead by example in what we do and not say!

We must take a stand and refuse to remain silent,

Let’s join forces with our youth and stand against violence!
Max Neumann Nov 2019
we're from the

we're coming for

we're giving you
the wrong address in order to hunt

don't you worry about it
don't you feel intimidated it's
fine being inferior
don't ya think bro?
Today is a good day.
Big Virge Oct 2017
Ya Know ....    
There HAS TO BE A ... BETTER Way ... !!!  
There HAS TO BE A ... BETTER Way ... !!!    
There HAS TO BE A ..... BETTER WAY ... !!!!!    
Than How We're Living Nowadays .... !!!    
NO Forgiving ... Minds Displaced ...    
Thinking Things That Lead To HATE ... !?!    
Drug Induced Cos' That's The  JUICE ...    
That New Age Crews Are Now Into ... !!!      
OTHERS Too Now Think It's COOL ... ?    
To Live Their Lives HIGH ON ... DENIAL ... ?!?    
There HAS TO BE A BETTER Way ... !!!    
To Nurture Seeds Inside Our Brains ...    
MORE Depth of Mind WITHOUT The Lines ...    
May Help You MORE ... I Think You'll Find ... !?!    
LESS Thought of War MORE Thoughts of Peace ...    
MORE Thoughts of Warmth Less Coldness PLEASE ... !!!  
Turn Down Fallacies So That We Can SPEAK ...    
About The Things We All ... Believe ...    
Less Dividing And Colliding ... !!!    
MORE Combining ...    
Those Who STAND For MORE Than Grands  ...    
So That We Can Build SOLID Plans ...    
That PROTECT Our Lands From HARMFUL Hands ... !!!!!    
UNITE Humans From DIFFERENT Strands ...    
The Game's To PLAY ... NOT Desecrate ... !!!!!      
It's NOT OKAY To HATE A Race ...    
Because They Move DIFFERENTLY To YOU ... !!!    
There HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY ... !!!    
Come On ... It's TRUE ... !!!!!    
Just ... THINK It Through ...    
Less Fights .................... In Sight .......    
Would Be .... ALRIGHT .... !!! ? !!!    
And May HELP You Feel SAFE At Night ... !?!    
Unless You're COOL With Life These Days ...    
If You Are ... OKAY ... !!!    
But Let's Get Things STRAIGHT ... !!!    
Things Are NOT ... Okay Today ... !!!!!!!!!    
RISING Hate Cos' Life's A STRAIN ... !!!    
Less Youthful Veins Than ... WEBSITE NAMES ... !?!    
MORE LIES Than Faith ...  
MORE Killers Today Than DINNERS On Plates ... !!!    
MORE Laws Than ... " States " ...    
MORE ****** Than ... " Babes " ...    
MORE Silicone Bits Than ... BIG OL' ***** ... !!!!    
SEE These Are Things That Make Me THINK ...  !?!    
There HAS TO BE ...    
BETTER WAYS To ... LIVE ... !!!    
And YES Okay A .... BETTER WAY ... !!!    
It's Just Wordplay ... At The End of The Day ...    
But ... THINK About The Things I Say ...    
And Things Now FOUND To Be DISPLAYED ...    
By People BOUND By What They FACE In Todays NEW AGE ...    
A World WITHOUT Millions of Pounds ...    
EXCEPT For Those Who Gave Them Roles ...    
That Fed False Hope And Ropes For DOPES ... !!!!!    
On Which To ... CHOKE ... !!!!!!    
Okay THAT Quote May ROCK  Some Boats ...    
But NOT In Ways That ... Systems SHAKE ... !!!    
Systems Built To CONTROL Wills  ...    
And LOCK THEM Down Like MANY Now ... !!!    
MANY MORE Than ... Years Before ... !!!    
So Now The HOARDS ... APPLAUD The Cause ...    
But Really AREN'T SURE What They're Clapping For ... !?!    
Because They Choose To ... AIR The View That ......    
"Everything's cool, but i'm feeling you !"  
"If you're feeling me ?    
Do something dude, and face what's true !    
Then maybe we can see less bleed,    
and more succeed in finding peace !"
LESS Room For Greed And FALLACIES ... !!!    
MORE SPACE For Plates And ... EQUALITY ... !!!    
So That ONE DAY ...    
We ALL Can Feed OUR FAMILY ...    
..... HUMANITY ..... !!!    
I Speak Sometimes ...    
Within My Rhymes ...    
About ... UNITY ...    
But Right Now It's EQUALITY I'm Trying To GET ... !!!    
Cos' It Seems To Me ...    
If I've Got ONE And ... You've Got ONE ...    
What We Fighting For We're Both Still POOR ... !!!    
Did That Line .... STUN ... !?!    
Were You Thinking ... GUN ... ?!?    
See That's The Thing ....    
It's Our Thinking That NEEDS TO Equate ...    
So That Balance Is DISPLAYED In ALL OUR WAYS ... !!!  
Now That's PRETTY DEEP ...    
EVEN For ... ME ... !!!!!    
"Whoa, now i'm SCARED !"    
So I Think That's Where ...    
I'll Let My Pen Now Find The End ...    
MORE TIME For Patience .........    
LESS Spent On ... Ignorance ... !!!!!    
MORE Upliftment ... !!!
LESS Time For ... DESPAIR ... !!!!!    
MORE Commitment ...  
LESS ... " I Don't Care ! " ...    
LESS Thoughts of HATE ...    
And Division of ... RACE ... !!!!!    
LESS ... LUST For FAME ...    
And A BLINGED' Out Range ... !!!!!    
What More Can I Say ... ?    
Well ... LESS GUN PLAY ... !!!    
Cos' There ... HAS TO  BE ...    
........ " A BETTER WAY " ........ !!!
Just viewing the world as we progress, I felt I had to express my view on how things could be improved ....
Meg B Jan 2020
When the air is crisp,
the smell of late autumn and early winter heavy in the air,
crackling leaves and tree pollens thick,
the light begins to slip away earlier each evening.

I peer into the meringue-streaked sky
through the rectangle frame of
my windshield,
and just like that,
my senses take me back
as if I had never left.

Stumbling home on sidewalks
stained by sick from too much fun,
or not enough,
the fun I had was nearly always the mask I wore
to conceal pain.

I remember the way the air smelled as I cried;
I remember the sound of pumps on asphalt as you screamed at me;
I remember the sensation of wood on knuckles as I struck the front deck in anger fully broken open,
like a mallet had cracked me from within my chest.

When I hear the first few notes of song after song,
together their own playlist of
memories wanted to be forgotten,
I'm the audience to a fade-in flashback.
Sometimes it happens so suddenly that I feel nauseous,
as if my body was physically ejected
from present to past,
from the totally inconspicuous to full-fledged trauma.

Even now, trauma is a ***** word
for the clash of happy smells and sounds
against their violently depressed
and repressed sentiments.
I struggle to understand how
my rapid fire of shells and casings,
my broken limbs and oozing wounds,
my PTSD ignites
within a glance at an orange horizon,
an inhale of firewood,
an echo of windy gusts shaking folded leaves from trees.

Autumn is a battlefield,
but so is winter, spring, and summer.
Every where I go,
every season that sneaks in
and fades away,
every night's sleep,
every new anxious thought;
you slither in the moments,
in between the trees,
circling round and round
waiting for the right sound or smell,
anticipating the sights unseen,
hiding within my senses,
eagerly springing to life
when I least expect it.

I exhale sharply
at 70 mph,
and I wonder when, if ever,
I will be
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