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Kathleen Jul 2019
Sometimes you wake up and your plans for the week have burned down.
You find the owners of the buildings got into a fistfight,
blaming each other for its destruction and were arrested.
I guess that means we can check it off the list of things to say goodbye to.
Time to renegotiate and go for something like that hole in the wall pizza joint with all the awards on the wall.
Time to kayak on the only part of the LA River that isn't concrete.
Colm Jul 2019
In the crook, in the valley
Find me lost within your bliss
With contented countenance
And satisfactory feeling of infinite rest
Found on me
Find me none the less impressed
Regardless of height or extent
For I am lost in bliss and blissfulness
In you
Sarah Adams May 2019
I drew the curtains back
It shed light on the shadows that had been following me
It answered my questions of fidelity  
The light spilled in and it rang like a bell

I answered to it’s call, it’s resonance beckoning to draw a line
I allowed for the divide to separate us

It’s path was immediately opened up
A large trench ripping through the earth
A huge void in the space where we were once connected

You threw hatchets of lies to try and get to me
Seeking a dangerous approach to get back on the other side
On my side

Standing my ground and siding with truth,
I left you there

It was then you took up painting
Trying to render the whole picture
- biased and ill interpreted

Painting me

That’s no portrait at all
roxanne Apr 2019
Violet Valley
Violent Valley

In unison
a painted progression

Seen to the point of intrusion

In a cloak of mercenary wander
A violet valley
of a crimson dawn

Drawn from scarlet billows

Where I seethe
Into a prison I saw
A vision blurred from yours

Under the heath of an adolescence
comes a lapse of time
in a spiritless essence


Unsheathing itself
In the beds of silence
the voice of a cobalt rebellion

Freedom stricken
Gaslit onto your lips

The index of incendiary

Rearing fruits of wonder
Where knowledge is set without bound
born from the dusk
of a violet valley

No truth knows where it has risen
For curiosity is kept unkempt
inside obscure tides

of thought from yours to mine.
nick armbrister Jan 2019
Open Valley
The valley is a special place for me
It opens out into a wide plain below me
Following miles of winding steep mountains
Great to hike but so very perilous
The beauty worth the hazard of death or bad feet
Those who dare go here know the price that beauty asks

And accept it easily

Only a few score a year go all the way
Down the full length of the valley
From the precipitous highlands
Right down the mountain chain
To the chilled out lowlands

An immeasurable distance

But some ask how far it stretches?
I would tell you but then again
Go find out for yourself and tell me
Was the beauty your find there?
Worth the answer you find?
This valley is only one of many

But something ethereal makes it special

I could list the prominent features
Or show you photos and videos
They are cool but single dimensional
You must go there and risk it
Small little you and the big infinite valley
Risk the awesomeness of Mother Nature
To see one of her hidden prizes

Even if you die it’s worth it...
Jo Swan Nov 2018
In the Shadow Valley;
Ferocious Black Crows strike
Like poisonous propaganda of Third *****.
They circle around:
Viciously striking Children at first sight-
Leaving their frail body with ****** wounds!

Black Crows nastily grin;
Children cry; tears of fright.
The Children’s spirit scarred with sinister sin.
What will become of them?
Innocence lost by this evil sickness.
They are discarded like infected phlegm.

Voice so powerless!
Black Crows pure victims;
The Children has tasted the world’s wickedness.
Darkness now stronger;
Lost in the wilderness of dark shadows,
Will cruel corruption of evil conquer?

In the dusky distance,
The rod and staff glimmers-
Black Crows tremble at the sight of its existence.
A fire torch shimmers-
Sparking hope; Children follow like sheep
To the mystical luminous sight.  

Though wounds may be deep,
Their soul shall heal with the Light.
Breanna Stockham Nov 2018
The highs and lows, the valley views,
The good and bad, you win and lose,
You’re up and down, mountain to valley,
Praising then tearful, sad to happy.

But what happens when you get stuck?
You climb and climb but can’t get up.
In the valley you settle, in the valley you stay,
Less sun, less warmth, more shadow days.

But is there ever a valley without a mountain?
Is there ever an exit without a way back in?
Nothing’s forever - the good or the bad
If you can’t find your way, find another path.
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