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If love is true then the feeling will stay,
I'm sure that's why she still loves me today.
I never want to ever feel I'm losing her again that was awful
Maria Mar 1
I swear to you, I’ll be up soon!
I’ll go up! I’ll spread my wings!
I’ll start forward up to the moon!
I’ll live fast without any dings!

I’ll live in whole without a hitch!
All delays in my life are taboo!
I’m alive! That’s how I’m rich!
I’ll live full force! That’s my true!

I’ll run on my life off-the-road!
All by myself! No pain, no fear!
If I have to, I’ll turn on a flight mode!
I can do! You know! Despite it’s severe!

You just believe, and I’ll be up!
I’ll get a star from the sky by myself!
There’ll be headwinds. And who knows but
The world around may be cleaner itself!
Eliana Knight Feb 27
Im the daughter of a well-to-do businessman
He remarried, of my stepmother, I was not a fan
My sister & I were popular, engaged in charitable work
I taught Sunday school to children, which was a perk
I had a religious upbringing with the local church
My father felt his good name I would one day besmirch
For I went on outings unaccompanied by a male escort
I am stubborn & independent was my retort
Thursday morning my older sister & father were gone
Father came home, while I was out on the lawn
When I came inside I saw father on the lounge dead
Later the maid found his wife on the floor by their bed
Both were struck in the head with a sharp axe
She got eighteen, while father received eleven whacks
I was arrested charged with their ****** but no trial
For the men believed a woman couldn’t fit the profile
I was found not guilty and inherited the house & fund
But by society my sister, Emma & I were still shunned
Many believe & accused me of Abby and fathers death
As I walk by they mumble & snicker under their breath
Some theories were my uncle Morse or the maid
That she was my lover, that Abby and Father were dismayed
Abby apparently caught us both, in the barn at the back
And forced me to become a horrible, murdering maniac
Could I, Lizzie Borden, a woman, be so depraved?
Well only I will know & the secret I will take to my grave.
I know its dark, but i found the case very interesting so i wrote a poem about it, i hope you enjoy it.
Jeff Bresee Feb 25
Love is a game, a journey of sorts,
a search for the one who is right.
And of all the seekers, just what do they know,
are not all just travelers at night?
For it seems in darkness they search hill and dale,
hoping to find their true love.
Awash in the masses, a literal throng,
mixed in amongst push and shove.
And so, as you seek for to find it you must,
consider what true love's about.
It's not about finding who you can live with…
but who you cannot live without.
showyoulove Feb 9
Today's Gospel is from Matthew 15:29-37. It describes Jesus performing miracles of healing and a vast crowd of people had gathered and followed him for several days. He looks out and says: "My Heart is moved with pity for the crowd... I do not want to send them away hungry and possibly collapse on the way back." They have a little food between them, Jesus blesses it, breaks it, gives it to his disciples and from there to the people with seven baskets full of leftovers. What I want to focus on is not the miracle, but Jesus' statement that "My Heart is moved with pity." It's a fine enough description in English, but in the Greek, it is called splaghchnizomai, which means "be moved in the inward parts". It comes from a word meaning internal organs, a deep gut-level response, "visceral feeling/reaction".

Have you ever experienced this? Something so powerful, it turns your insides out and can make you feel physically ill? We've all seen those commercials of starving children or helpless animals on TV before. That's how Jesus probably felt or worse to see those people before him starving for physical and, more importantly, spiritual food. I get the feeling when I see someone suffering and there is nothing that I can do to ease their discomfort. I can only pray. To be honest, prayer might be the only thing that can help, and we should take great joy in the fact that we have a way to help, we believe and have faith that prayers will be answered, and we have the gift of asking others to intercede and lift their voices in prayer joining our own.

Lord God, how perfectly, how intimately, you must understand and experience our joys, our burdens, and our sufferings with us. How connected you are to all we go through. If this is true, it's unimaginable what you must have experienced on the cross with the weight and pain of all sin, all the suffering in the world. It makes our trials easier to bear because, at mass, you unite your very self within us. You become part of us and, likewise, we become part of you. We do not walk this road alone, because you share and understand, better than anyone else, what we are going through.

Lord, help us to develop a greater connection with you, give us the grace to be moved in our inward parts by love, compassion, mercy and all the gifts and blessings that flow from you. Let us act swiftly and come to the aid of those in need. Perhaps, our own crosses, our own struggles and trials, are preparing us to have that tender heart of mercy toward someone in a similar situation that they can find hope and peace in the midst of the storm. We ask this and all things in the name of the Father who created us, the Son who died for us, and the Holy Spirit who lives within us. Amen
Written December 4th, 2019
Erenn Feb 8
I built walls where bridges once stood
stone upon stone of my own making
a fortress of doubt, of fear, of pride—
until even the voices that called my name
sounded like ghosts in the distance

I had friends once, real ones
The kind who saw the storm in my eyes
and stayed to dance in the rain with me
The kind who knew my silence
wasn’t rejection, but a cry

But I let shadows whisper louder than love
let insecurity pull me toward hands
that never meant to hold me
I traded warmth for cold, truth for illusion
turned away from those who stayed
for those who never would

Now, the echoes of laughter haunt me
memories like open doors I closed too soon
Regret is a heavy thing
and silence heavier still
How do I find my way back
when I was the one who walked away

Would they still hear me
if I called their names again?

Till this day. I don't know how to face them again
Sam S Feb 2
You can know someone for years
and never really know them.
And then there are those
who understand you
before you even speak.

There are friends for now,
friends for a while,
and the rare ones—
the ones who never need an invitation
to understand.
Maria Etre Jan 31
Go to where
poetry is aroused
that's where misery
drinks with company
and over-thinking
smokes with assumptions

That's where the heart
over-fills drinks
to the brim
"is this right?"

and wets papers
with poetry
that questions
its creator
Africa Poems Jan 28
Here's a heart that aches
for what I need
There's one that makes
my little heart bleed

and I plead for her affection
she answers with rejection
but I know even though she may go
her own way, she'll still say:
"I love you so

maybe not to me, yes, it is a pity
but as long as she is happy and pleased
I'll just shuffle along with the breeze
unsurprised, I never was her cup of tea.
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