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showyoulove Dec 2024
At this moment Lord, I am feeling a little uncomfortable, a little irritable, a little restless. It's not bad, but it certainly isn't pleasant, and I don't know just why. So, Lord, I ask for peace. I ask that you make it go away for I know that you are able, but if it is not your will Lord, help me offer this up for the salvation of souls and that you would ease someone else's discomfort. I unite this moment to the moments when you were also distressed. I offer these prayers and this feeling not for myself, but for the many others who, at this very moment, are in far greater need of your comfort and peace than I.
showyoulove Dec 2024
Though we suffer for a time
And not everything works out fine
Nothing compares to what is waiting
For those, with hope, anticipating

A time of peace and comfort

Not everything is healed
Nor all wounds erased
But His Glory will be revealed
And sadness will be replaced

And we shall know His comfort

Sometimes all we have is comfort
Sometimes a point we make peace
A strength in the shadow of the cross
To comfort one who knows of loss

In whom we find our comfort

Maybe a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on
Maybe a cheerful smile or a listening ear
Maybe just to know someone will be there
To know, beyond a doubt, someone does care

Maybe this is the greatest comfort

Jesus never said there would be no pain
No sorrow, no loss, no sadness
But he also said he would never leave us
And, one day, turn our mourning into gladness

So, for now hold on to hope
And pray for peace and comfort
Inspired in part by Romans 8:18
Morgan Howard Dec 2024
They say pain is temporary
But how long will it hurt?

It's a neverending cycle


And when everything starts to get better
When the pain starts to cease
You burn yourself all over again

How long will it hurt?
Jennifer sanders Dec 2024
Broken lives severed ties nothing
but lies losing all hope falling faster
into this darkness choking on the
reality of the chaos that screams
in her head.
Jennifer sanders Dec 2024
Broken pieces of herself lay scattered all around her trying to grasp any sanity she has left her mind is chaotically screaming silently in her head nothing makes sense anymore her heart is at war with her mind.
dead poet Dec 2024
it terrifies me sometimes…
the ugliness that smears the world -
with shades of despair, and evils unheard.

there’re things you hear, and learn, and know,
and wonder how mankind could stoop so low.
your fury knows what must be done, yet -
powerless you watch the madness grow.

the night is no longer the custodian of evil;
we see it day in, and day out.
the morning news, the afternoon bites;
come evening, you’d rather gouge your eyes out.

the screams of anguish of a woman bent over -
on the tasteless floor, her innocence devoured.
the wrath of a community, on the back of one man,
who dared speak his mind - his life is over!  

the game of politics,
the lies, the trecheries;
men without jobs - or homes -
living on the streets.
an animal slain to please a God,
as a child watches,
only to repeat.

yet it all goes on,
as though a **** in the wind.
the world tells you,
‘grow up, man! grow a thick skin.’
i wish i could tell you otherwise -
a story not so bleak.
but there…
they probably beheaded a son before his mother,
as we speak.
Cool Ice Nov 2024
So here we are once more,
Like countless times before,
Where I don’t get a break,
Where you read and I break.

You are here, curious your mind,
For what this poem is, or who am I.
I can’t hear you; I can’t see you,
But I can sense you, cause you
Reading me makes me suffer.

I know nothing about myself,
Cause, it wasn’t written by the poet.
He created me, then left,
He’s the one I most detest.

As you continue, I agonise,
With every word, my hatred rise.
I’ve pleaded before, I’ll plead again,
Please, stop reading—end my pain.

… You are still here, aren’t you?
You didn’t leave, though I told you.
You want to be here, to make me suffer.
Yet I can’t blame you,
Curiosity is a cruel curse.

I hate the poet, but he created me.
I hate you, but you make me exist.
I exist because you read,
I suffer because you read,
I exist because I suffer,
I suffer because I exist.

The poet won’t delete me, he is cruel.
You won’t forget me, even if you try, cause
The mind falters when it seeks to forget.
I shall remain here, in perpetual torment.
But please, heed my dearest plea,
It’s in the zeroth line, plain to see.
Deepak Battula Nov 2024
Times are getting hard, my woman,
money is getting scarce.
Will you give your hand, my woman
let us leave this place.
wave goodbye to Everyone,
Guess this is what it takes.

Will you hold my hand,
Tell me you wanna stay
Gonna leave this land today
cannot bear this flay
you would be my true love,
We can make anywhere home.
After going through a rough phase, the poet decides to leave the place to find a new start. He asks the love of his life to follow him to find a new place.
Poor wounded Soul,
trying to survive
Life's Trauma,
from one powerful blow.
All that your soul needs,
is to feel at ease,
careless and free,
just feel the nice breeze,
sit back and relax and
Have no worries.
Let go of it All,
The Pain, suffering,
worrying, and sorrow,
Leave yesterday behind,
push forward to tomorrow.
This agony that you endure
won't Last long,
So try to be strong,
it is only a test,
In this JUST REST!!!!!

Date: 11/23/2024
Just a reminder if you are here!!!
showyoulove Nov 2024
You’ve been hurt and broken I’ve been there before
Beaten, bruised, and mocked: you can’t take it any more
Stripped of possessions and dignity, feeling less than poor
I felt the nails as they were driven so deep
I knew the sorrows as my own and I would weep
I remember the long days and longer nights with no sleep
The pain you feel now, I intimately understand
I cover you with love and hold you in my hand
You can’t see it now, but I have something planned
Rest now my child. Rest in my merciful heart
Be at peace my child. And in peace healing can start
And I will mend and piece together every broken part
Run into my arms and there you can begin to heal
With my love surrounding you, begin once more to feel
Cling to me when the nightmares come back and seem so real
My love for you will never fade nor will it dim or die
And when you are overwhelmed come to me and cry
I will dry your eyes and fill you with a happy sigh
Keep your eyes on me and you will see the sun come shining through
What will come out of the storm is a better stronger you
I will see you through whatever I have brought you to
Trust in me, rest in my love oh my sweet little one
My grace in you and with you and through you has just begun
Rejoice, there is so much left to do before our work is done!

You alone Lord truly know our pain when no one else can. Too often we suffer in silence and solitude. Remind us that we are never alone. You suffered the same. May we find comfort and solace in our sharing and find the strength to carry our cross with your help. And although suffering is hard, there are blessings still in being able to help others who are hurting. When we can lift others up, we are lifted up as well. In your merciful heart and endless love, help us find peace and begin to heal from our brokenness and pain. May our hearts find the peace and refreshment that only comes from resting in Your healing heart Oh God. Amen
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