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Journey of Days Jul 2017
too late
you discover
that it is hot
and burns

do you know how the frog in the *** felt?
postscript - I do now
afteryourimbaud Jul 2017
I did so many
foolish things
back when
I was young
loving you
is not
one of it.
Jellyfish Jun 2017
It all just makes me want to sleep
and stay hidden under my blankets.
I can't stand taking tests or exams
All of a sudden when I start
My mind becomes blank
I start to over think
I stay on one question for to long
and when I get the results that I didnt want to or if its so close to passing
I break down
I get so mad
because it will be the easiest question ever
and I still fail  
This is why I don't like tests or exams
It makes me feel stupid and question my intelligence
TS Jun 2017
I am not smart like the other girls.

I am not as pretty,
nor as charming,
or sweet.

I am not like the other girls.

I never will be.

- t.s.
Jellyfish Jun 2017
You've showed me
that I don't need to be afraid.
Not everyone is going to leave
and there's no reason to push them away.
Brianna Jun 2017
This is for you my best friend - the next time I see you I will be walking down the aisle as your maid of honor.
You will be getting married to the love of your life and you will have your first child in a month.

Weren't we just 14 a few months ago? Didn't we walk home from school laughing at dumb jokes that almost made us *** our pants?
Weren't we just 16 a few months ago? Talking about kissing boys we knew our parents would never approve of?

This one is for you my best friend- the next time I see you i have to remind myself that you've grown up.
That this man you're with has a child and you love him and you're not into going out anymore.

But weren't we just 14 a few months ago? Getting drunk in the backyard while we talked about our latest crushes.
Weren't we just 16 a few months ago? Talking about graduating in a few years and how we just want to be someone new.

This one is for you my best friend- The next time I see you, you will be moving to Boston in a month.
You will be finishing school and moving in a with boy for the first time in your adult life- someone you love.

I swear we were just 14 a few months ago, right? Making plans for college and the future that we had no idea would bring all this.
Weren't we just 16 a few months ago? Trying to dress better and planning our first tattoos and getting piercings because we were so punk.

Life changes and we have all grown up and taken so many separate roads I don't know where they cross and don't cross anymore.
This ones for all of you I hold dearest and true.
I just want you to remember... I will always love you!
Tøast Jun 2017
I want to travel to far off places.
Sit in coffee bars writing notes,

I want to go to Paris,
Walk along the river
And feed foreign ducks
Foreign bread,

Smoking cigarettes and watching the sunset, as it kills the day. A romantic display of a brutal ******.
A poets stupid love for foreign places and romance and coffee.
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