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julianna Mar 2018
I believe I am stupid
When I lose things that were important to me
Because I remember
I couldn't have thought it was that important
Otherwise, I wouldn't have lost it
I tend to lose a lot of things
So was anything ever important to me?
I think what I am what I'm not.
suze suze Mar 2018
When you realise you're holding onto a dead bird
Ha, But you still hold on.
Spooky Babe Mar 2018
I don’t know when this all happened
I didn’t know I wasn’t truly being me
Apparently it’s been going on for awhile
Or maybe I always knew subconsciously

I don’t know why after all this time
I still get butterflies when I look at you
At first glance that sounds cute and charming
But it’s preventing me from doing what I want to do

I often compare myself to other girls
who would never possess a piteous trait
Constantly beating myself up inside
Knowing I’m the reason we can’t date

What I long for isn’t a relationship
It’s knowing that our souls are entwined
You know me like the back of your hand
And I know you like the back of mine
Things aren’t the same am I to blame?
it's as if my dandelions
had flown with the geese
what time of year was this
to burden me
to check

that one last teardrop could call you back
that it could find



in your face

let me rot
your face
your face

let me do it now
let me burn your brains
let me rip out your heart
come on boy

let me out
your face

before we combine
and burn your heart out

let me the freak out
your face


its its its

it rained one
LoveLy Feb 2018
She spoke to me in poetry
I was just too young and illiterate to understand
I pray for you!
I cry for you!
You cry for us!
Down your round shapes
You burn in anger.
Shiver in rage.
You do not get the attention
You deserve.
So you drown us
in our own
mother of all. I pray for you!
Saudia R Feb 2018
Today I told you how I felt
How stupid I was to show you my heart
How I wish I could turn back time
and the worst part
you didn't even know I was talking about you.
Iska Feb 2018
although age in and of itself
does not declare experience
or the depth of knowledge one has gained
and in my opinion is silly for anyone
to think otherwise
I'm always told
"your so wise for one so young."
"oh I remember what it was like to be 19
and think you know the world."
Yet what they refuse to acknowledge
is that in 19 short years,
I may have experienced both
horrors and beauty
that they have yet to dream let alone see.
Who is to say that age is a boundary of the mind?
That inexperience creates an age divide?
Who are they to claim that we would be consumed
when they have yet to wander in our beaten old shoes?
Who are they to judge me of a story
they have yet to hear?
All becuse they refuse to lend an ear?
Jake B Feb 2018
I'm an idiot.
At least i'm smart enough to know so.
Zoe McGonnell Feb 2018
The Act of breaking my heart took you three nights.
You held her in those arms that held me.
Kissed her with those lips that promised me love.
Those lips that made me love you.
The ones that made me stupid:
Because you would never choose me.
Not when she was so easy and you
Just wanted what she could give.
But while she gave you her body;
I gave you my heart.
Beautiful and brilliant: my trusting hands
Lent you my heart for sale to keep.
But instead you dropped it for the girl who
Lives on My ******* street.
But the most pathetic part?
I still choose you.
I still see your car in front of my house where you kissed me
I replay all of our moments on a ******* loop
I pray every text is from you
I hear music and I wish I could hear it with you
My heart beats to the sounds of
My body pleading what my voice can't:
For you to choose me.
For you to have chosen me
For you to change
For you to just please send me one last "love you <3"
For you to bandage the parts of me I detest with your love
For you not to leave
For you to hold me while I cry over you
For you to love me
Because all I want is You.
I would give anything for You.
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