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Robin Carretti Jun 2018
This is like
The study hall
Easily distracted by rubies
More may be less
tale of  two cities

Please listen
Diamonds are too clear
But rubies we love to
Who cares to be the fairest
Rubies are the
fortune tellers flush
Like Barbara
Stan evil met Stanwick
Her sparkling candlesticks
Double Indemnity roulette
Those Rebelites statuettes

And how the ruby hooked
on her cultured pearl string
Being pushed over one ruby
My gems got
like marionettes don't sleep
you will be changed
Into the Gem Bodysnatcher

Just ditch her fake ruby cup
of coffee
Always wanted to be
reassured Ruby Jubilee
Stabbing her jeweled
pen Glamp Tepee

Her ruby could be
locked up and stored
It better be insured

People were naked
without their power
of rubies
She sat so confidently not
to be
Looking at the

Monsterous devious maids
Took her for everything
Screen playact
****** just a tad glad
The ruby cluster rash
Ceremony hot flashes
Ruby loves to blush

With Frank Sinatra
Gave Lana Turner a cluster
That was just
the starter Hey Buster

Someone is always
quicker and
****** sicker
Just light her flicker
She was the gem of
the trade
The real boot

the kicker was Jack of
all trades the shinning
But Frankly, they were the
made gem

Something you call
love but
ruby success
You said these boots
are made
for walking
that's just what
they do

One of these days these
rubies will walk
all over  you
Ruby Ms. Gabby
Miss ruby lips Tabby
Loreal and hubby I am
not mail service
Or your ruby police
Ruby slipper to be
escorted by fake Prince
welcome to sanity

Artsy Aristocrats
in the Pick-INNS
All ruby for sucker pins

Her belly went in
The functions
produce rubies
anything you want
But reproduce love
Over my ruby heart, you won't

Rubellite head Humpty* Dumpty
The Wall Street
the diamond
the exchange got  overly
Of the Dynasty
her ruby
So far__________

Catching high gems stars
The best-aged ruby
color winery Tuscany
Hi ****** in springtime

Ruby fanatics
The Ruby blew out the
candles at one go
Was the grandeur
Ruby grapefruit

God/Goddess/Ruby that is
Nod/ Mistress/Hobby
Flight/Gem/Food/ don't wait to
marry him
She got the
cutest little
babyface diamonds
are way too
Mommy dearest
Anna Karenina
one heartbreak for
this ruby the meanest
The beauty unbound
The rarity like no
other to
be found
This is firehouse of rubies or Ruby of Tuesday any day I might say I hope you love grapefruit and the good kick of a boot there is no Owls to hoot please take a ruby seat this is Robins beat
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
The cozier side of loving
Taking the ride inside
a picture pours
The rosier* pompadour
Mirage sale outside
The heart got heavy his
spoonful guided to lighten you

Picked you his cream eyes
Your brush he strokes
He 's hooked but your
unhooked the writing
on the wall
He's having a ball
Whats in his gesture
He's his  own stir
Standing like the still-life
Afterlife do we get our pleasure?

Venus mix of measuring
love pursuing
Needing more
room until?
We sign a love will

Watchtower not much
Why do they say time
will tell
The sacramental
Canvas genius

Secretive confidential
Can you ever be more
Specific love is terrific
Modern times
You just know
the love
The only way
From the bottom or
Your top lips
Venus had you on fire
How just knowing
first, love your head
above the canvas
Venus appears
It moves you

But occasionally
it turns off gas heat
He's thinking of
you opening his door
Venus of Gods

Spiritually doctrines
of habits
His cozy tidbits of
Your rising in digits

The big study of the cafe
Painters of biology
So genuinely gifted
On the mountaintop,
he draws his body in
His canvas  of Venus
You're sinfully sweet
body wins

The win or the sin
hard time beats me within

The mystical interpretation
Those erroneous heats I see
Above the sea sweets for me
How he lands me
And than forbidden
Hands me God for what
I didn't really see

Not set to be turned
  like a time machine
can reset my buttons

Venus, you got me
To better love me in my
prime a matter of time
His favorite
You're his pride and joy
This wasn't a ploy
Your long friendship
No time for my memories
What outwins my failures
Just laughing it off comedies
He healed you inside at your best
The worst distance painting to rest

Like a triple heart by-pass
of doubles, life was a gas
A sense of who
you are
The religion is a
whole lotta (Zeppelin) love
The shaking (Elvis) painting  
Like a Viva Las Vegas
How the money jingled
like Venus

How you formed me
words listed scorned
To paint each other
The quaint picture
To be reborn again

You get the
picture right? the gain
All commitments
Venus invitations
It transforms into
a world
of forgiveness
Like the enigma
love engine locomotive

Taking your shoes off
Get cozy not to
be crossed off
Here's Johnny
the crossword puzzles

He looked at you
like a  blind man
For the first time
in your life
He was sharper in his
love than any man or wife
He said you are
my person

Venus of love talking,
humming, flaming
importantly, how
I see you reacting
you look
reading along
But laughing is
the best

Venus, All mine to love you
and me maybe a baby
That's the name she's Venus
Getting Cozy romantically love silly or way too serious can get you delirious I feel the comfort zone is like a mac and cheese please don't burn it we live in a world that's always turning and more affection to be loving transform you're yourself into something like Venus. I am waiting to see your creative side a love is not to ever hide
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
Why so kinda
the good witch
Glinda but you're the
Big broom spender
Hail or Rain the Queen
of Splenda

You have some horsewhip of
Spring rain hairdo we represent
Lolipop land so dipsy do I

The munchkin land Love me do
We need to take a stand
You know I love you
Dunkin Donuts small cup is
Not to buy my hand if you will
But wait I've been
rained upon to love me so

Group Kiss
Missed her lips, not such
an angel the concert rained
acid trips
So naive rain-bath  went over
your sleeve like Scientology
meeting Uncle Sam
Was so devoted

When you have a job
Get in the rain with him
Your rain trickled you
got promoted

She's more fickle but not
to be trusted
Mom always buys those
Kosher dill pickles
Her kids were allergically
tricked I raced her got a freckle

Doing a Taylor swift
high note key
Or wearing her flat's
Lotto rain win  you trickled his chin
The veranda at Fort William
Henry  Lake George the brave
I am Henry the eighth I am
Living with eight wives
flood palace sneak

She sings like a health
nut water freak

Malevolent Queen Jolie
was so tickled pink

Had a horrible dream
like you lost your middle
finger when the rain trickled
down the glass

His cowboy hat VIP rodeo pass
Cowgirl split money/rain
The wedding rain beliefs
  Those fire chiefs
Rain is a good thing sleet
Couldn't get the  fire out
Near her feet piles of wet

PA cops with meter tickets
You were all engaged
in both of your pool eyes

Cousin Vinny plays
bocci ball
eightball court cases
Her biological clock
is ticking
My Teressa or
Mother Teressa
Myrtle Beach

The sea-curtain tortoise
Your lips have
more purpose at his reach
You took a
Toyota ride the rain trickled
down he was pleasantly
your back female form
And the outcropping
What a boy toy

Green bucket rain
***** Spacek
Kevin Spacey
leaking through the
He let out some viper rubber
she's a tear trickled high
up the ladder

Let's look into the science
of things hard of hearing
kiss me dancing in the rain

The anatomy of the sun
Do you miss me age spots
What evaporates the rain
He crushed your gem
Like a deadman he devoured them
We live to drink 8 glasses a+ day
Playing 8 ***** or crazy eights
I rather take my umbrella
Drinking spring rain cup
All my problems with
unnecessary weight
The diet lipstick
Makes your lips
watered but skinny

And he's screaming
wheres my
shaving cream
What happened to you
last night

I am tired of hearing
The same speed
I am way faster
The quickie stars
Never will I wear a girdle
Playing tennis with his racket
His reflection I saw these hurdles
I will get better affection
From my slow turtles

I do not understand why
they are running in your
tears of the puddle
back to you in your direction
How rain affects us does it wake us up or holy water in our cup. We love to run feeling fueled  but we never go by the golden rule water is everything to give us energy twenty-four hours a day and love how the rain trickled into my mind so drink up my words through my poem
Michael LoMonaco Jun 2018
Blissfulness has hit a brick wall,
Colliding against the barriers of hardships.

Unable to discover the joys in life,
As despair kills all of the pleasure.

Cause is misplaced by unanswered questions,
Replacing purpose with unjustified critique.

Lying in a pool filled with misery,
With motivation at a standstill.

That rut puts us in a downward spiral,
But we can certainly stand again.

In order to conquer the slump,
We must lift ourselves up from the water.
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
The Victorian ladies bubbly
Her back-hand-fly Hubby
At the back wing, he had her
high swing voice pls another
try Oh! my he's mouth dry
The aircraft of man
The spell lift oh! ****
Grand slam fascination
Had their private
back room with the singer
Tina Turner the rolling river

Don't be a two-faced wing
Not left in the back feeling sick
On your back burner- Goes-flick

Wing debate became
The revelation who
will back up
your words
We need stronger wings
of communication

Recount music reverberation
Catches my butterfly
Butterfly tip nails
Say goodbye to the messenger
The back Man Voyager
The trip candlelight lover
Butterwing lobster red-fish
wing hippy hop sing

The tower Trump
She had a collection
of stamps feeling
Larger than butterflies
in her stomach

One of a kind muscle's
No  bumps the best
butterfly kissing

The Tattooed was a fraud
The bash the wings all clashed
Around the bend, they
left one wing not to be fooled
So heartbroken more that
meets two wings
to be eye spoken

Life is complicated
Butterfly Malabar
Your eyes cried every
night in the daylights
I never stop to
wing him book-nights

How she phoned
I saw his light starry-bright
The North Star
The banded Native
New Yorker Hub

The gift of gab
All wings of disorder
Rehab more lovers
What wings to order
She's Fragile heart
He's fly by night so
Buttercream cake was
the best year
Every emotion high-gear
Bewildered by wing's
Wrong time to be
Glancy with her sigh
Always high in life

Not to be the burden
But why such big
The backyard mansion
But down to earth
butterfly takes flighty

The Lotto money rolling
But I  stay flying__

Butterfly bedtime
The sticker Honey
lullaby Airforce

Army-green but her
honey eyes bitter-fly
The back of her
butterfly dress
He was impressed
At her best not to
be married

The Cosmo
Morpho one
Zebra longwing needed
a short circuit to pursue
her  long wing___
Ms. Chicken
Got burned so many wings'
What an embarrassment
Sapho longwing Sax

Milestones away Mexico
hot humid  outwinged
Maybe the print was forged
But Sage flower colorful warm
cocoa browns so dazed
Kachi Polo suits
She is wearing the butterfly
pin she was backed away

The Bed-put up his front
So tucked in
He had an extra wing
The trousers melody
Madame Butterfly was in
What a blessing of the sing
They were eating like
babies butterfly flounder

Wing talk became flighty
inflictions without
her medication
On her butterfly tablet
Such lucidity of visions
Made quite the
Butterfly reactions

Like the Aphrodite Queen
with Greater love diction

Syiphina Glasswinged
butterflies names
Try the eighty-eights
Of courageous wings
of fame play eights
one summer he screams

He came to see her in four
love generations
In his sunshine
Floridian hummer
Not the ****** birds
In the norm Palm trees
Met the butterfly storm

Ceylon Rose endangered
The Habitat off
With their hats

With her Man and her
butterfly hat she waves
and asks to sit in another
lower back sting
She just hears his
voice and sings
This is my butterfly I hope something flies your way, not just any day every day brings your mind to a different flight.  Not just one night or if your in the office in the back wing that's OK we all have wings to go different ways
Amy Perry Jun 2018
When you love life itself,
The very act of sitting passively
Contains feelings of contentment.
Harbor love by abstaining from harm.
Refuse to defuse pain.
Leave pleasure as a passive gain.
Rejoice that you can remark,
"I have lived";
That is a truth
The mystery of Consciousness gives.
When the blood and the lungs
Pump and respire
With a warmth in your heart
That sings like a choir -
When the silent moment is sweet,
Light and complete,
How much more can you be,
How much more can you seek?
You are already Love
Every moment you breathe.
You are Love on a journey
To manifest dreams.
You are already a dream
Within a dream.
Now experience fully
However your story proceeds.
abp -o2/20/17
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
The game Wii or We_
and never wear me out
You're the roundabout
All He  etc, etc,
It's now or never
No-one ever loved you
As long as me
So SGT. Pepper lonely
We never were
Hearts eating the club

Ringo the drummer
We were never the
noses those yenta's
The fan- open-switch
We could never be his
Manwich go -fetch

Like the Walrus-wish
Our sign was never
The tear-jerker like
Taurus a light match
Matador bull

The ******* Barrel South
witch, this world is a glitch
The dark sunnyside turf
Boris Karloff
I see the moon arising
Wolfe, not Bruce Lee

The Madmen Mr.Softee
For sale
Love notes in San Diego
The campfire with
Eggnog Amazon Congo
We never enjoyed
Eggo well red-breasted
( Robin) took the eggrolls
left her boys sesame seeds
In their hoods

So many milestones
The ringtones new cellphones
((Hello))zip the lip Zorro
Cup of Joes Muffler sounds
of Moes

Beef gravy Sandwiches
- top fries
Oh! Yes Arby's going
beyond a dollar Uber car
Unique breeds of dogs

Became a horse of Oz
The Wiz of frisbees
We never got to really see
What we never were

Not behaving love
Star Wars, No discount on
After Christmas past
coffee ghost the blind host

Forest Gumps Ba Ba shrimp
If this was twenty years ago
I would never see the
mobile phone of Trumps

Like Space Alein ET
Taking the city train
You got taken
From a B.L.T

You're with your wife
That's life she wants all 
Your cards etc
The Cheese Gigilo
The wine's computer
The spouse of the day
websites I smell a rat

How I felt so grieved
Even if I was getting
money how long
I mourned
Your next door
he borrowed money
He said he will give
it back
He will never give
it back
All you could do is
smile back
Her's, Purs, furs, bars
E-bay other peoples identity
Selling your books with
their names
Refurbished cars
His health drinks
We never saw it coming
to his death the last
strawwhat health

Gym with him wealth etc
Pix, Canadian cups
Venus, burn those
Divas leave me
The expensive plastic Visa
The Candy Man Miss barb-wire
barbecue hamburgers hotdog
Eating animals like cannibals

The soul man and he's never eating
The Slim man
The piano when you're a
stranger some enchanted
evening Uptown Girl
Just put your key in
her car and leave her
Flag down someone else's
Zigzags or Jag-Jaguar
Billy Joel tiger fuel
Walk like a man
and women talk
To be stalked
Your  eyes up
Meals on wheels
Candy canes Black/Blue canes
Who wants to be a senior

These discounts are S--T!!
But the senior prom
Were are you from?

Sick-land  meet
Another round
Robin drinkers
Heres to the world
we never were
Go out and celebrate
We never realize
It's never too late
The comical rundown on we never everything is classified with never but please its fun time things will get better
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
The unlikeliest people have
wings on their backs
peace in their souls
and halos under hats
Never judge someone by their appearance. You have no idea what they could do to help you in your time of need. So treat all you meet with the kindness they rightfully deserve. The world would be a better place for it.

This poem was inspired by Sue's work so it's a dedication to her! Thanks so much, and be back soon!
Lyn ***
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