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Sharde' Fultz Sep 2014
One day you'll be sitting there
Thinking about me.
And I'll be somewhere,
Doing the exact same thing,
Thinking about me.
Madzq Sep 2014
We've all go something to say
And no one's listening anyway.
When mouths are telling,
Mouths are yelling.
Eyes closed up and ears shut.
We wave our fists in the air
We think we are right.
We know it in our gut....
When your friends in a rut
No direction,
To do
With What
Is there to do when you don't give a
For except
Maybe your own problems,
Things that directly affect
your own respect.
To get your get wet.
Its something we all just don't get.
For every word you say, listen to two,
See that through.
Maybe some truth you'll find
In the mouth
Maybe if you just having in there
Then maybe
You will start
To care about another's
Its a provocation
To know their elation
Could be
Your salvation.
Its not always about you, about me.... It's about us.
Alexis A Sep 2014
My little eyes
Squinted as they
Searched for an attacker
My tongue stretched out
To catch a fly
For my dinner
Out of the corner of my eye
I spotted a two legged creature
The same people who
Paved over my home
Killed my dinner
Stepped on my mom
And destroyed my air
The cruel beings
Who selfishly paved
A mall over my home
Killed the bugs
That were annoying them
And stepped on my mom
Like she wasn't even there
They don't think of
The frogs that lived in that swamp
Or the ones that are going to eat
The poisoned bugs
Or even the few
That may be out for a stroll
Just two small to be seen
The two legged creatures called humans
Are killing my species called frogs
A short poem about a frog who's been through a lot, and many go through much worse.
JadedSoul Sep 2014
Why is life always about you?
why is everything always about you?
can you not accept that others are alive?
can you not accept that others have feelings too?

Not everyone is out to get you
not everyone is out to lie to you
or cheat you or what the hell ever!

If I have a headache,
you likely have one that's worse
if I stub my toe
yours is likely to be amputated

why in the hell does it always have to be about YOU?
can you not, for once, let the sun shine over my head
let it shine over others' heads?
and for once let them have their own moment
without you ******* on it!
I know a few people who are like this.  Won't let others have their moment.  Not willing to accept that others also struggle in life
autumn eyes Sep 2014
There are no trails,
No lighthouses or sails.
No measure of the tide;
All you can do is drift into the unknown.
But don't you stress;  you're not alone.

There are some with tools (a paddle or a wing)
But some won't help, that's the thing.
There are others, the selfless,  that'll give you a hand.
And sometimes there won't be.  You'll feel like you're in quicksand.

But this is life; where you'll laugh and cuss.
You're just going to have to try to survive like the rest of us.
Tess Calogaras Sep 2014
I thought about walking until my legs gave out;
The wind whistling in my ear,
The leaves silently chiming in the context.
My hands were cold and I was acutely aware of how frozen my face had become.
Each footprint was a part of myself I left behind.
I could have walked for evermore.
Making dents in the shallow ooze,
I took the earth with me.
I tried to use its power,
its goodness to fuel my vacant insides.

Why am I so self-absorbed?
Swollen bellied infants lie scorching in the heat.
Headache. Dried. Irritated.
Their faces leak of pain and nothing more.
They are scavenged birds that vultures seek,
Nesting on their parched skulls.
I wonder if they would cry if they had the equipment needed.
They still smiled, shaping their thin faces to a grin
I stand here full bellied, nourished, hydrated
and act like I have nothing
I have the earth in my shoes,
The capability to smile.
I should be thankful,
But instead I just walk.
mip Sep 2014
there are times i think
people could never be so incredibly
but then i remember
how you left a mark
in every portion of my heart
so with each beat
i would be reminded of
everything we had,
everything we could've had.

my universe,
you consumed me like
a vortex.
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