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Tab Dec 2015
lets talk about your hair
lets talk about your eyelashes
lets talk about your hands
lets talk about your knees
lets talk about your voice
the way it sounded when you would whisper about the stars, or the way it sounded when you screamed you couldn't deal with me anymore
you never talked about my anxiety
you never talked about my depression
you never talked about that week in the hospital
you never wanted to talk about me it was always about you
we all have demons and mine was you
J Valle Dec 2015
I will pour myself
Make others whole again
A sacrifice with no gain
For people are selfish and vain
Just because you made me a birthday wish didn't mean I owed you one,
Just because I didn't say any wishes didn't mean I dont care,
I just don't want anything associating myself with you.
What need was it for you to spit out greatly bitter insults at me,
Yes I called you crazy
For I have never seen a selfish person such as you.
It is no use pretending I meant nothing to you,
For you would have not smeared your unchanting words on me.

I would love to see you in much more misery than this,
But thank you for you immediately blocked me out of your life
Happy birthday, hope that changes your undeveloped mentality and if it doesn't don't bother thinking I care. Am still not ashamed to call you crazy!
Christina Cox Dec 2015

The pyramid of importance.
The pyramid of selfishness.
The pyramid of tragedy.

Depending on how you perceive it.
Drop your Grudge Rants
by the door
We Will Not Tolarate
This Anymore

Edit and toss Distasteful Rhymes
Ugly Poems with Vain designs

Haughty thoughts and
bitter words
Childish petty accusing verbs

Who did What to Who and When
Will this Clusterfuck never end?

Selfish actions, Spoiled Children
We Refuse to be your Minions

Like CNN
And Drone Fox news

We've had enough of
Self Serving views

Hurting hearts, far and wide
tender Poets with
tenuous pride

Yet, Strutting and Indignant
for who I ask?
All those involved,
A Donkeys ***

Not a home for
Egotistical Zealots
Nor a place for
flinging pellets

We come in Peace, HP to share
Not get caught in ugly snares

And to the few that
have the gaul.

"If you have nothing decent to say,
say nothing at all"



Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
Many of us feel so cheated when we
have a moment to come onto HP
and our time is wasted by ugly
degrading Rant Writes
against other Poets.
SERIOUSLY. . Come on.. REALLY???????
Natasha Dec 2015
You are so much to lose;
and for how I've gained
I'll accept all your burdens,
sorrow and pain;
but is it worth it for you?
with all my mistakes
I know they've caused you

melancholy and disdain.

It's mid-December,

but it feels like spring
such as the world, we are an
odd, complicated thing.

I just can't see you seeping
anything useful from me.
I am the raging forest fire that

mercilessly swept across the trees.


I don't mean to burn you,
I simply try to breathe

I can't help that it's within my nature
to destroy everything I meet

in time
with a heavy laden heart
my love

you'll fall to ashes at my feet.
I don't know what's wrong with me... I don't know what I do wrong... Maybe that's what's wrong with me?
you told me
to be selfish for once in my life
but I am
every second I don't ask
for the one thing I wish
more than anything
I could have
because asking for that
could mean losing you
and I am far too selfish
to risk that
Steph Dionisio Dec 2015
I have found myself related to Gomer;
yes, I am also a hustler.
She had relationships with different men,
while I engaged myself with my own selfish plans.
She slept with them for so many nights,
while I slept with selfless thoughts, unaware it wasn't right.
She had correlation thinking it was alright,
while I linked myself with faulty motives and to it I delight.
We were ****** in our different ways.
Unrighteous deeds we both had praised.
It corrupted her mind and body,
while it made me a ******* spiritually.
In the midst of my unfaithfulness and cruelness,
I have found love and forgiveness.
For love came down and bought me with a price,
showed me the beautiful meaning of sacrifice.
The blood of the lamb cleansed and restored my impure soul.
An enough reason that makes me whole.

*-Steph Dionisio, December 02, 2015
Inspired by the book of Hosea in the Bible.
Torias Nov 2015
I hope that I lurk in the corners of your mind, creeping out into the light when you're alone.
I hope that when you hear my name, your heart secretly hammers in your chest.
I hope that you stare at the back of my head when you think no one is looking.
I hope that when you imagine your future children, they have my eyes.
I hope that the sweetest part of your favorite song is reserved for thoughts of me.
I hope that you are most completely and utterly wrapped around my little finger.
Now aren't I selfish?
I hope you are too.
Amanda O'Brien Nov 2015
I don't have the heart to leave you.
I'm going to make you hate me.
You say you love me with all your heart
You will forever hate me.
I know I am so very selfish.
But I'm doing this for me and you.
I have to be alone.
There is no other way.
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