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MyReflections Oct 2020
All my balloon
Rise so high
For finding their cloud
In this vast sky.
I admire the scene
With contented eyes
Seeing my balloons
Floating in sky

Ages later
When they reached there
They say it with sigh
That it was me
Who filled air inside
And brought them here
Releasing  thread of their
To let them fly.

For now,
With a smile
I say Goodbye
For I have more balloons
Waiting to fly.
In this poem, I refers to all the teachers who share their knowledge (air) with students (balloons) and let them fly in the Sky (world) to find their cloud (Dream)
Armand-DeamoJC Oct 2020
When I met you I thought my life would change
I thought my life would have meaning
I thought I was becoming a man

When I met you
My life changed
Not the way I expected though

I stopped doing drugs and smoking
I found love and loved it
I found friendship and cherished it
Friendship betrayed me soon after
Love sent me on my way
I became a party animal
And drug addict

When I met you
I thought my life would have meaning,
But my thoughts were deceiving
I was blind to what I was seeing
And lost myself

Tomorrow I'll send you on your way
And there'll be no way to make me stay
I'll never forget you
I'll never regret you
I'll never miss you
Tomorrow my life will change,
But wasn't that how all this started
Just frightened about leaving home and joining the military
Kristin Oct 2020
This is the cup of the new and everlasting covenant
Shed for you and for all, so that our sins may be forgiven...

Do this in memory of Me.

In memory of the spooky parochial school halls
In memory of the wizened nuns, quietly obedient
In memory of the over-simplicity of rules
In memory of false piety laced with hypocrisy
In memory of crushing inadequacy

Do this, in memory of me, the child.

In memory of the child whose uniform never quite fit
Whose body developed too early
Who had trouble making friends
Who didn't have enough discipline

Do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that
So many tiny rules and expectations
to love, serve and obey
Anais Vionet Oct 2020
Theoretical physicists say that there’s really no such thing as “time.” That our perception of time is just how our minds work but that, in reality, everything is happening at once.

Somewhere, Harry James’ trumpet is crying out to lovers. Do you hear it?

Romeo is about to take stage for the first time - Kennedy is climbing into the convertible - and I’m about to meet my true love - will I know, did I know? Argh!

Time passes by or stays, unseen. Contrails forever linger, flowers never die and kisses don’t end.

This school day certainly feels like it’s lasting forever.
ice cream lasts forever, coffee on endless refill.. or endlessly empty cups??
Arya Night Oct 2020
They say there would always someone to offer a helping hand.
But what happens when the hands are curled into claws,
And your out of blood to bleed.
Jay M Oct 2020
Quiver, shiver
Tell me what you see
A trillion eyes
Staring at me?

Flickering light
Hands in their flight
Clack, clacking away
At keys of black
Refusing to say
To utter but a word
Adjust a greatly aching back

Cold and filled with pins
Unwilling, shift in unease
As I sit here
Clack, clacking away
At keys of black
Lingering is a gripping fear
Nevermore are there to be great wins
Only sins
Of failure and defeat

Baking in the boiling heat
For my sister
Something sweet to eat
While my brain is playing twister

Back to the keys
Oh the clack, clacking keys!
How they press,
How they form my stress
Into something beyond my brain
To express my tries in vain

Listen, and listen well,
For this day is a taste of hell
One of many soon to swell

So each day
Here I stay
Clack, clacking at the keys
Unsure when this racing mind shall be at ease.

- Jay M
October 20th, 2020
Oh the great stresses of high school.
Green Tea Oct 2020
I find it odd that I'm similar to my bathroom sink
When the lights shine on, the reflection is dull
It'll try to catch everything, a strand of hair, be it brown or gold
But must follow an obligation, so god forbid pink
The hair piles up but the water needs to go down
A responsibility to do so it's forced to go down

I ask for help but told to rethink
When I go back to the drain, the hair becomes wool
"It's useless if it can't function, they oughta be given a scold!
With those worms in their head, they must be sick!
Insecurities, mistakes, failures, and more!"
Criticized even if they've just arrived at the shore

In the pool I think I see mon raison d'etre,
But out goes the hair,
It need to keep working,
Or else it's pushed aside like a crippled mare
A weird/awkward flowing and eccentric poem I didn't know how to revise or fix tbh lol kachow
MRosen Oct 2020
You are the edge of the universe,
The boundaries of my existence,
A place where students love to converse,
But only from a distance.

I had to write a poem,
But I didn’t know what about.
My mind was at a tipping point,
So I settled upon a pout.

I lay on the soft green blobs,
As I pondered the task at hand.
My head began to throb,
for it felt like a bag of sand.

And in my hour of darkness,
I did not wince nor cry aloud.
For then I heard a harkness,
That pushed me off the ground.

My teacher said a sound,
That made my heart abound
“The stairs that lead to nowhere”

Now that is quite a title,
I chose to use it for my poem-
The words are the most vital.

You are the edge of the universe,
The boundaries of my existence,
A place where students love to converse,
But only from a distance.
MRosen Oct 2020
I ask them to chill out…

Or at least to stop screaming.

I say “it’s eleven and you will wake the neighbors”.

I want them to snuggle up with me on the couch.

I want to watch disney movies as a family

Or play a round of werewolf altogether

But all they will ever want to do is run around the house,

Screaming like chickens with their heads cut off
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