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Maeve Dec 2018
It's funny
Sometimes you have to nearly die
Before you can start living

I am better for my accident
I am not ashamed

My soul gets the chance to
Part one of a collection of poems about my car accident
Jenny Dec 2018
Her stare reeked of death
I was marked by her fingerprints
A sea of wings encircled her
The subtlest of hints

Leaves crumbled as she twirled
A breeze of foul odor
A hand of bones took hers
It’s time, it told her
To my old self, you died so that I could live
Morgan Spiers Dec 2018
     after you were gone, everything started to grow bitter. all i want is
     for  something to feel sweet again.
chili powder
     you brought a variety into life that i've never found elsewhere.
     although i loved it- and, in honesty, still do- i've understood life
     without it to be bland.
     i hear the sound of your voice in the way people tap their feet and click
     their pens like you did. the refrigerator hums songs you used to sing
     in the silences you created when you stopped singing them to me
     isn't it funny how you used to be the one who made my tears dry,
     and yet now, you're the one who removes the dams my eyes had
     finally built?
birthday cards
     it is a profound celebration; i've been reborn into someone whose
     love can no longer belong to you.
Philomena Dec 2018
One Year Ago Today I Was:

In A Bad Situation To Say The Least
Feeling Very Worthless And Alone
Incredibly Cold In The Snow
Staying A Friends House
In Love With A Monster
Heavily Intoxicated
Wearing A Dress
Bleeding Out

Today I Am:

Far Away From My Past And The Pain
In Love With My Dear Sweet Boy
Happy Healthy And Free
Studying For My Trade
Without a Single Cut
Living on My Own
Emotionally Intact
Warm At Heart
Used to need to bleed every day to feel okay, but today I am one year free of that addition so yeet I guess
Shay Dec 2018
Petals in the wind
So effortlessly dancing around my chaos

Ocean breeze pushing against the current of my soul

Why so tormented are you
Must you be drawn back to the ripples in the water of your evolution

Of your rebirth



Messages from and to within
All lies in the wind

Like petals in the wind
Dancing so effortlessly in my chaos

Life is the dancer and I the dance

The Tinkerer Nov 2018
From the word,
I've been away,
Creating rhymes,
Had taken a break.

A conversation, just yesterday,
Got me thinking
for the written word,
I still do crave.

To write about love,
To write about fear.
To write about life,
Or this field right here.

With every word I write,
I seem to remember,
The wall's not down,
Though the ladder is near.

Thought I'd grown up,
Left behind my poetic years.
Now I realise,
I stopped out of fear.

But all the while,
I was blessed with an ear.

For now  I can hear,
A rhyme within a smile,
Entire ballads in her eyes,
And the beauty of a tear.
This it the second poem of mine in the better part of a year. I just want to be able to write as eloquently as I used to about the many things that have been a major part of me in the last few months.

I have realised that this is one form of release. And it seems to work.
Thanks to the world.
The Tinkerer Nov 2018
Broken, bent, beaten and burned.
Spirit weary, and my belief worn thin.

My mind turned,
What I now 'knew' I had to unlearn.
What I now felt, I had to upturn.

To fight the doubt,
To fight the fear,
Took a crack in the shell
For me to peer,

I needed real ties,
No half-truths, no fallacies,
No small talk,
No niceties.

I need you raw and real.
My strength is fear.

To face it together,
Win alongside eachother.

A need to learn,
The depths of the world.

Only then could I be me.
Post panic attack and anxiety facing situations. I have had a couple of days to think through all that I have gone through I now I am slowly realising why I am at this point in my life in this way. I hope to make and stick to the changes I know will make my life better.
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