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Nolan Willett Sep 2020
You say you hate the human race
I say you have a lovely face
You think youโ€™ll never reach the place
I think that you would miss the chase
So I unlace
And you embrace
And with the world we keep pace
โ€˜Til the day we disappear
And leave without a trace
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2020
You know me so well
I share everything with you first
You know everything about me
Things I might not even be aware about
You bring me to Utopia with each touch
A single swipe, and I get my cup of tea
But how bad could you be for me
I have increasingly decreasing attention
I am just a tool to you
A point to collect more data to sell
And sell away to manipulators
And attack me with new intelligence
I am always gullible
Technology, I can't live without you
I need you more than I thirst for water
why do you set out to destroy my entire race?
Mark Wanless Sep 2020
the human race is
mother and i must suckle
or die a rare death
Jaxey Sep 2020
writing is easy
when your heart is in the lead
your mind in the back
of itself
i guess
but as soon
as something happens
worth writing
my brain says
i told you so
crosses the line
my heart left
in the back this time
locked away
along with
the pen
as i run
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Swift-footed huntress
Life and death hangs on footrace
Love fierce like lions

New day, new haiku!
This one is for Atalanta, a courageous and fierce huntress (not be be confused with Atalanta, the Argonaut). Small wonder that she has been compared to Artemis, theyre similar indeed.
In fact, she swore an oath to Artemis, keeping to the two thing the goddess herself treasures other than hunting - her virginity.

She was more of a tomboy, other than hunting, she loved wrestling, riding horses and such. She gained a reputation for being so skilled and better than her male counterparts.

Theres so much story around this extraordinary woman of myth. Her father left her for death from the moment she was born and she was raised by a she bear, and eventually raised by hunters. She played a role in the hunt for the Calydonian boar was gifted the boars head and hide by Meleager, a fellow hunter and slayer of the beast who happened to be in love with her and was tragically killed by his mother. The reason being because he killed his uncles who were jealous that such a prize was given to her and not them.

Even from birth, this woman was badass.
Now for the main and popular myth!
Not only was Atalanta a skilled huntress, she was beautiful, grabbing the attention of men (who were intrigued and some probably wanted to put her in her proverbial place, so to speak).

So she said that she will offer her hand to the man who could outrun her in a race, but the losers will lose their life by her hand.

One man caught her eye, Hippomenes (aka Milanion or Melanion). He knew well enough to know he couldnt beat her in a race so he turned to Aphrodite to help. The Goddess of Love was outraged by Atalantas lack of interest in love, so she granted him three golden apples of the Hesperides before the race commenced.

As expected, Atalanta was beating him and he would drop a golden apple to make her stop and admire it. Some myths say she deliberately did so to give him a chance to win, haha! And win he did!

She did swear off marriage (oath to Artemis) but happily married him and gave birth to their son, Parthenopaeus.

But their marriage was shortlived and they were turned into lions...
The reason being because they were so consumed by their passion, that they actually made love in one of Zeus' sacred temples. Another myth states that her husband didnt honor his dues to Aphrodite and so she cursed them to make love in the temple.

Honestly, this is one of my favourite myths. I find her so inspiring as a character (and the fact that they apparently made love in one of Zeus' temples makes me laugh hard! The irony! The last line of the haiku is a reference to their...excited *******, haha! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚)

Men didnt like that she was so strong and skilled as a huntress yet she stuck to her guns and proved herself, though she didnt really have to. Thats something we can all learn from as a whole to be honest. Even her name is rooted from 'atalantos' which means, "equal in weight"- a testament to her achievements and victories with men.

Man or woman, we are all true equals. None exceeds another. We all have our strengths and weakness in life but if we stay true to our resolve to be the best we can be, we'll be much better for it! ^^

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ’œ
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn ๐Ÿ’œ
Nidhi Jaiswal Aug 2020
i feel
life is like a race
we are horse in face of humans.

but still,
horse have no self control,
humans have self control.
The winner is always horse.
This poetry is based on my opinion on today's time
We are humans but again we are part of this ride.
Everyone want's to reach at topmost position in today's time due to this they also do bad works.So the winner of ride is always horse.
Thanks for reading.
In the midst of the turmoil,
Everyone has infection -
race by discrimination,
religion by reeducation,
*** by conversion.
Everyone is suffering -
power is suppressing,
"Submissive shall detain;
nothing has to remain!"
What is our fight?
Is it really the plague?
I say, the fight is within our might.
That is also the fact.
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