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Tia Jan 2018
Facts are my basis
Life isn't full of roses and daisies
You are your own racist
You belittle yourself's abilities

Throw away the pain
Open your door, dance in the rain
Your abilities are the strength you gain
You just need to put that in your brain

Appreciate yourself you have beauty
Trust yourself, you can get through seas that was stormy
Wave your flag after you crossed the unstable bridge
Then get back on the ground, kneel to thank God

Sing that song say 'I will survive! "
Believe in yourself you'll make it out alive
Repeat this cycle of life while holding yourself tight
Then next thing you knew you won already with all your might
For 2018
Vale Luna Jan 2018
Call me a monster
And I’ll be wicked
Call me a fool
And I’ll be stupid

Call me a freak
And I’ll live in the shadows
Call me a streaker
And I’ll lose all my clothes

Call me a beggar
And I’ll be down on my knees
Call me bedridden
And I’ll be diseased

Call me abusive
And I’ll punch black and blue
Call me a *****
And I’ll be ready to *****

Call me a tyrant
And I’ll take over mankind
Call me a thief
And I’ll rob you blind

Call me psychotic
And I’ll be deranged
Call me a danger
And I’ll be restrained

Call me replaceable
And I’ll get lost
Call me a cheapskate
And I won’t pay the cost

Call me a housewife
And I’ll cook dinner
Call me suicidal
And I’ll pull the trigger

Call me a cutter
And I’ll slit my wrist
Call me a no one
And I’ll cease to exist

Call me a black girl
And I’ll fit that design
But call me a ******?!
    You just crossed the line.
The end is what counts <3
Lex Dec 2017
My skin
Her face
My legs
Her waist

All so different
how will ever I match up

I'm different
and I should love what I am
Dark hair and eyes
Beautiful caramel colored skin
I wish I didn't have to lie
Do I really want to be where they've been?

But they're all so perfect
Her long legs thin
Her flat stomach
Why can't I be them?

My curvy waist
My strange smile
My weird laugh
I always look vile

I want to talk to them
but i'm not plastic
I need to go hit the gym
before I do something drastic

Not only do they see me ******* up out here
they don't see any bit of my heart
but what I constantly fear
is that they wont think i'm a work of art

I never stop crying
trying to stop my pronounced fate
I'm so tired of trying
to let go of this internal hate

I'm a woman of color
A woman judged by her skin
I look at my self and think i'm duller
because everyone knows you can only be beautiful
when you look just like them
so simialr

You become a involuntary twin.
To: Sydney
My favorite girly with the best smile and skin!
I hope someday you see how much you mean to me and others around you. <3
rmh Dec 2017
depression is like running a
three-legged race with yourself
Belle Dec 2017
I bet y'all thought I was white
Yeah I get it
I look white
I mean like yeah I'm kinda white but
I'm not white
If you want to know EXACTLY
I'm 47.5% Native American of the Susquehannock tribe.
There's also some middle eastern in there, but that's irrelevant.
My family, we were strong natives.
A town in Pennsylvania named Annville.
It's named after my Aunt Ann, who was the leader of her tribe.
All this and people are so quick to assume I'm some "white girl."
I still don't know what's worse though,
Being called *******,
Or red skin.
Because they don't talk about what it's like when you don't look your ethnicity.
Then when you try explaining it to people... they laugh at you.
And tell you you're "touchy."
Or once again, just a "white girl."
When my friend dressed up as a quote on quote, Indian, for Halloween and I told her it was offensive, she scoffed and said, "but you're not even reeeeeally a Native American."
Cause when people look at me they think "white."
Sorry I don't put feathers in my braids and wear pelts of fur.
Do you want me to walk barefoot in the winter and sleep in a teepee?
We don't do that.
And you get the day off for Christopher Columbus? Cool.
He ***** our women and murdered our people. You know we were initially called Indians because he though we were India. He didn't find America...we did. But nice try.
And the Washington Redskins? I don't know if they're a good team or not, but god I hope they change their name because every time I hear it I feel like a piece of my heritage is slashed. But nobody realizes this. Do they?
People like to giggle behind my back when I defend my native side.
So when these people are having their outdoor weddings, or pool parties, or Fourth of July barbecues. I'm just going to do a little rain dance. See how much you're laughing then.
zero Nov 2017
I swear to you,
the unstable heads of the masses are lacking hearts,
and in their places,
the empty, sickening hole,
the spongey, earthy remains of what used to be,
lie hollowed out carcasses of the devil,
next to their sycophants and empty graves.
The emperor is corrupt,
don't follow him.

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