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We Are All Human;

Gender or Wealth,
Religion or Race.

If you disagree,
Then you're a disgrace.
Tiara I S Mar 2019
Hey- it's the emo kid you never knew
With Brown skin in the place of White
Clothing black- as my heritage
Multiple shades of darkness
Stripped of their specifics- boiled as one
Depression rampant within my home
Trauma plaguing my scattered peoples
Beaten- Whipped- Stolen- Neglected-
Murdered- Skinned- Hunted- Sold- Collected- Experimented- *****-
Anxiety trapped within my veins
Coiling my nervous system taut
Genetically- stress should have murdered me
I shouldn't exist-
So when I open my mouth to protest my sufferings--
Centuries of punishments left untreated- undiagnosed
Passed on generation to generation to bear
--Listen- Hear me- Listen to us and-
Be blessed we aren't out for Blood
Because an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and
I see color
I dont ignore the past grievances but-
In spite of them keep going
Black Lives Matter (Too)
[I shouldn't have to add the "too" for yall to get it]
a shower
abaft made
a soul
in Penn
Yen then
wrest my
heart there
when thunder
chicken cue
the race
and ready
in Watkins
Glen they
sped into
heaven in
the finger
lake alas
a race in new york
MJL Mar 2019
We're here!
No party?
Who’s ugly?
Leave your pity
I'm not afraid
Everything’s primitive
New Mother's old
Father's cold
A universe of historic shame
Casting shade
The assertion of intolerance
Blocking righteousness
Grabbing ignorance by the pores
Let infant nails dig for evolution
The bold face of madness
Biting to be truly free
Sanity expands
-ism’s explode
Pushing hearts
Moon Star Traveler
Be you
Be here - with me
Against hate
One with the human faith
One for love
Each generation hopefully brings us a step forward to ending intolerance.
Abigail Rose Mar 2019
I never asked to join the rat race.
But being a cognizant participant of the
perpetual scramble
I've noticed
it seems
we're always neck-and-neck,
it's me!
No, *******--
it's you--you're winning--oh,
wait--it's me again!
him, me, you...
Is this a marathon we're supposed to sprint?
Are  humans even capable of doing that?
Or... hamsters?
I slow down and become a fat ******* lump,
moving slowly, and yet somehow,
there you are beside me still.
There is our row of hamsters wheels,
and here is our imaginary race
to a finish that exists in an industrial dream.
The soul resides in the breath
we can never catch
as we are racing--
I'm winning!
You, me, you, him, her, me... again.
And again.
And again.
For efficiency's sake
we race in a row.
I need a ******* break.
Girard Tournesol Mar 2019
I'd heard about problems with police
hard to hear harder to believe
personally I never had a problem
oh a few well deserved speeding tickets
probably cut a break no definitely
I drove very fast especially in the turns
roll-the-tires fast in the turns
that was me

and the more I heard the faster I turned

as a young kid I applied and was accepted
to six colleges six for six piece of cake
why the stress my SAT score equated
to an I.Q. of 1 above plant life
accepted open arms those WASPs loved me
graduate school one for one
      best in the country
bar none MBA with honors that was easy
they called it the golden passport yes

passports are even faster

I never had problems
   with band-aids
       the bank
the insurance company
      the healthcare system
never turned down
      for a credit card car loan
life insurance policy
      or request for a specialist
experience is the best teacher
      and the more I learned
the less I wanted to know
      and the faster I turned

then I learned
   about certain specifics
      certain policies

with regard to traffic stops
bank loans rental property
heath care voting rights marriage
read the color purple
and then that invaluable government  
       syphilis experiment
that would have been inconceivable
       even to doctor mengele
that the star spangled banner
       has more than one stanza?  
really there were four stanzas?

MY country ‘tis of ME
      and it was making me feel *****

learned that no one
      voluntarily held that flag up
that hellish night
      o’er the ramparts WE watched
as slave and freedmen
              were ordered
      to their near certain death
with the threat of absolute
      certain death

then I watched a cop
       shoot a kid in the back
              in cold blood
near a merry-go-round
on a playground
in baltimore maryland
I liked baltimore
fast very fast he emptied the 10 round clip
of a semi-automatic 9mm Glock 27
into THAT kid's back no hesitation ******

baltimore baltimore baltimore baltimore

I hit the brakes hard
      on those fast decades and decades
generations generations generations
      of turning
I slowed down way way way down
took a deep deep deeper breath
then did what I always did and do best
I turned turned turned I turned around
and as I turned I woke
to kneel
be more than words

> As published in North/South Literary Canon
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
We are
no matter what others say.
or age
does not
come in our way.
We will write
what we feel
and sooner or later,
these wounds
will heal.
We are
We are poets! Write on! :)
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