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Varsha Nehra Jun 2017
I was opening the door,
When I saw her,
Little pregnant cat,
She was sitting on the edge,
I was scared, I will not lie,
In my perception they were cruel,
That's what I thought at that time,
I quickly ran to my mother,
Told her about the cat,
She suggested to bring some milk,
So that I could go past her,
Without any scar or mark,
With some will power, I opened that door,
She got excited just from the smell,
Her tail was wagging as she was,
She jumped down and started drinking,
I quickly closed the door,
So that she would not sneak in,
I was about to run away,
When my curiosity got in the way,
I turned back, and that day I saw an angel,
Instead of a cruel monster I imagined her to be,
She was beautiful, no doubt,
And soon to be mother,
I don't know why, but I was proud,
It's still a mystery how she made me love her,
Because if she didn't come knocking,
I would be just another girl,
My dark heart would have overtaken my soul,
I would have been nothing,
But unhappy and lonely girl.
When I was a little girl I met this sweet cat who was pregnant with kittens who later on became our house cats.
Ben At93 Apr 2017
She was a wonderful girl,
Had it all figured out,
And for herself,
The whole world,

She was madly in love,
Drunk, high and *** every night,
All went too fast and never stopped,
And slowly the world faded from her sight,

Til one day she woke up,
Found out she was pregnant,
Everything crumbled down in a drop,
Then in came, resentment,

It went from all spinning around,
To silence filled with statements,
She couldn't hold her ground,
And with a baby, struggled to pay rent,

Everything became tasteless,
With no one to even hug,
She started to be reckless,
And one day, turned to drugs,

Each day became harder than the last,
And nothing was enough to numb the pain,
Constantly haunted by the ghosts from her past,
Desperately wanting to get away,

See she wasn't a bad person,
Just needed a break,
Breathing became a frustration,
Because she became someone she hate,

With no one else to turn to,
She went her own way,
The world will never know the truth,
Of the struggles she faced everyday,

Wasn't long until she gave in,
She didn't want to fight anymore,
And just like that she ended it,
With a heart so torn,
Ashly Kocher Apr 2017
I sit here in the silence and think things through
I hope one day I will carry you
To hold you tight, look in your eyes and hold your hands
I will always be your biggest fan
I pray to God through and through
To hope one day I will carry you
I get upset, and angry when it doesn't happen
But when the time is right it will be
That I hope one day to carry you
I know everything happens for a reason and will be patient for you
That I will one day be blessed to carry you
Carolyne McNabb Mar 2017
You are sweet and kind.
I'm so lucky you're mine.
You're silly, goofy, and strange,
but no one makes me laugh like you can.
You're honest, genuine-
which is the best relationship to be in.
I am so proud to call you mine.
Most days, I feel I don't deserve your time.
But you love me nonetheless,
and I really must say you're the best.
Not just the best person or friend,
not just the best lover or future husband.
What really has me smiling right now
is knowing you'll be the best father, no doubt.
And I really hope and pray it's true,
that maybe, just maybe,
someday our son will grow to be just like you.
I love you, Alex.
insomniatrical Mar 2017
I arrive at your doorstep, flowers in hand,
To surprise you on this beautiful day in June.
Your birthday, and the perfect day to take you out,
Could there be nothing more excellent than this?

I ring your doorbell and stand there for a minute,
And then you open the door,
Swollen eyes and a tearstained face.
Darling what's the matter?

I try to console you,
But you only push me away.
Saying that you are sorry.
Whatever you've done, why should I be mad at you?

I attempt to hold you ,
And then you begin to scream
At the top of your lungs.
How long did you say it was since?

I am confused now,
If you say that you eat double now,
And that you and I brought life here,
Then why should you be sad?

I do not understand,
And you begin crying again.
'It is the product of another man!'
And now I wonder why?

I understand now,
And I am frozen dead in my tracks,
I drop the flowers and walk out the door
Do I dare look back?

I can hear you crying behind me and I drop to my knees in your front yard.
For hours I sit as your wails die down,
You bring out a beer for me and a soda for yourself.
And I ask you 'how long?'

You reply with 'only a few weeks'
And to follow I ask who.
Somber, you cannot remember,
Only that you were not willing and could not recall much.

We gaze unto the stars and what a whirlwind these hours have been,
Conversing until dawn.
And everything remains calm as I carry you back inside,
Sleeping in my arms.

On your bed I lay you,
And beside you I stay until you are deep in slumber,
Peaceful and the flowers now in a vase.

I touch your stomach and I can nearly feel the life within.
Life jumps beneath your closed eyelids.

Considering the circumstance, I cannot think of a better way to spend this June day.
I completely get that this is crap, but I wrote it while listening to music and got a little distracted. One of my friends just had an experience like this and I felt I needed to write about it. Thanks for getting two of my poems trending! It seems like they're always the uplifting ones, so I'll try to write more of them. BY THE WAY: If you want to request something for me to write about, feel free to do so. I will also follow back anyone who follows me.
Àŧùl Feb 2017
There're lots of differences between the sexes,
And pregnancy is one of them.
The man can not get pregnant,
And the woman can not fertilize herself.
The woman is the one physically expecting,
And the man is pregnant in his mind.
Thinking and planning for his child's future.
My HP Poem #1421
©Atul Kaushal
Elizabeth Carsyn Jan 2017
My mommy said I shouldn’t eat the watermelon seeds, that it would hurt if they made a home of my tummy. She’s a little loopy, my mama, and I don’t believe her sometimes, so I ate the seed and it tasted really boring. I swallowed the seed whole and nothing happened, mama.

My mom told me not to eat the watermelon seeds, that, in a few weeks, a small black tear drop floating in my body would hurt once it found a home in my belly. If it claimed my gut, it would throw out the food I tried to eat, greedy of the space, growing and swelling inside me until the button of my worn jeans would no longer snapped shut. She’s a little dramatic, my mom. I ignored fruit-flies swarming the chewed rind left on the counter, its sickly sweet scent swallowing the space of my small apartment.

My mother warned me never to ingest the seeds of a watermelon, that this little black tear drop once wedged into the sweet sponge of the fruit would one day decide the house it made of my torso was no longer its home. It tore its way from my body, strangled the sides of my diaphragm, round after round of reverberating contractions bent me over until the sweet clear liquid flowed from me. Then came the melon, my melon, that once found a home in my body – falling from me in clumps of sickly sweet spongey mush through shaking fingers into an unsuspecting porcelain bowl.
                             She was right, it did hurt.
"What tempature does love freeze?" asked
a five year old ice scientist.
Her character sheet read: "Mage".
She preferred "Scientist".

"An Ice Scientist can freeze anything!" We said.
"How cold?".
"-300 degrees Celcius".
"-300 degrees Celcius".
The Ice Scientist spent
Dungeons and Dragons
and the entire next Year
asking us the Freezing point

"I want to stop the Bard by
freezing the Queens love"

"Roll for it".

"Nat 20".

"The Queens love freezes
As she refuses the bards advances".

"YES! ...Wait,
What tempature?"

"70 degrees,"
"love can freeze at any tempature".

The adults burst into laughter.
The Ice Scientist smiled,
gleefully ignorant.

I fell silent.

At 211.5 Degrees Celsius, Adrenaline Freezes.
Did you know that?
Your heart stops racing,
No more sweat, dry mouth.
The initial fight or flight reaction slows.
you see less red.

Mom stopped buying Epi-pens;
they're only sold in packs of two,
said she's "Boycotting epinephrines codependency".

Adrenaline helps your heart beat!
Did you know that?

At 128 degrees celcius Dopamine freezes.
Did you know that?
With desire frozen and no sense of reward
you sleep more, eat more,
slip into depression.
You aren't addicted to anything anymore!

Mom gave up coffee,
gave up chocolate,
can't even have ***.

Dopamine makes you happy!
Did you know that?

At 121 degrees celsius, serotonin freezes.
Your well-being crackles on a car window.
The remaining strands of happiness,
form icicles!
You can't regulate your mood,
or appetite, or sleep patterns,
you are unpredictable and sick!
Serotonin heals wounds,
did you know that?
with it frozen, the scars you've collected
stay open!

At 0 degrees celcius water freezes!
you are made of 50-60% water!
half of your body is FROZEN at 0 degrees!
Did you know that?

At -2 degrees celcius human blood freezes.
Your hands go numb,
like when you have no gloves on?
Then your toes!

"I think I would like the numb feeling"
"being frozen, like Elsa".
All those tingles are the blood
warming up and moving around.
Did you know that?

"No, I didn't know any that."

At -218.8 degrees celcius, oxygen freezes.
Breathes winter trees
into glass ornaments.
Each panic attack, a frozen lung.
A car exaust pipe duct taped inside your back window.
A crowbar against it attached to a friend
A friend who saves your life.
Without oxygen you turn purple.
Did you know that?

Dear Ice Scientist.
There is a cryogenic chamber
deep in my heart where you have slept
like that queens love,
set to thaw with an oven timer.
While you rest
I will set fire to the blankets you've used
like in-scents, prayer candles.
Taste you hot in my lungs
like cigarette smoke
if not for long, for memorial.
Your afgans burned to ashes.
Each night I still cover myself in them,
pull them over my head,
rub them into my eyes,
swallow them every morning
like vitamins, or mood - stabilizers
because as frozen as the
water in my body is,
your memories were cremated.
My addiction to you is cryogenic.
Walt disney won't bring you back to me,
you are no hologram.
I will be cold.
I will die in this winter
I know falling though thin ice
is just drowning
which is no different from a frozen lung,
frozen heart.
How am I to pull farther away
when death is as close to me
as any other flurry?

"Mama, what's the tempature?"
"I'm busy".
"Dada, what's the tempature?"
"Well, Inside or outside?"
"Well it's five below freezing outside".
"In here? Well, it's 70 degrees".
Carolyne McNabb Jan 2017
I reached out and held your hand.
"Mom...I'm pregnant"
I felt your grip loosen,
and I was afraid to meet your eyes,
wide with shock, with tears glistened.

You stood across from me,
arms folded, ready for my big news.
"Dad...I'm pregnant"
Your gaze fell and you wouldn't speak.
We both knew it was too soon.

"Congratulations, Miss McNabb.
You're pregnant!"
I know it's true and yet it seems so unreal.
Baby Lost...
...And Baby Reborn.
I don't know how to feel.
Excited of course,
the obvious choice.
But also scared, and maybe paranoid.
My little Oliver Sparrow never made it
out of the womb-
taken too soon.
I tried to forget the pain
but pain is much too real to be waived.

There is a baby inside of me.
I have seen it on the black and white screen.
I couldn't help the laughter that bubbled,
when I saw its little hiccups and kicks,
the way it seemed to dance inside.
I believe in my baby, I can't resist.
My baby is strong, that much I know,
just from seeing its dance-
almost like a restlessness to be free.
My baby is loved-
more loved than I could ever hope to be,
and yet I wish I had more, more, more love to give.

My baby is here, and real,
and so is my desire to be the best mommy.

Baby Lost...
...And Baby Reborn
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