How I wish my eyes could Grace love
And my heart embrace nature's freshness,
In it finest and purest from.
Oh,how I wish I was a poet,
How I wish my hand will listen to my heart,
I would have told the world how beautiful it was
With words too deep to say.
Oh,how I wish I can make words come alive,
Live would have been more easer for me.
How I wish I can write,
Love wouldn't have died,
Peace would had last longer.
Oh, if only my heart will speak to my hand,
Then I will whisper in to the world's ears
That her smiles are hidden in hope.
Oh, I wish I was a poet and nothing moreš
Alas, I could only wish and always wish
That I wish I was a poet!!....
Dream isn't those things we see when we sleep
It those thing that don't let us sleep