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March 2025
HP Poet: Mike Adam
Age: 66
Country: UK

Question 1: A warm welcome to the HP Spotlight, Mike. Please tell us about your background?

Mike Adam: "Slum east London, dysfunctional violent childhood, playing on bombsites. School, dungeons and kidnappings, sad little boy. Love of dogs and plants and rocks. School: Beckett Shopenhauer, work, college, work university, 1st love lost, travel Asia beaches and mountains, monasteries, monks, Bhodidharma. Work, work, work, Lady J (published collection), retirement, happy at last."

Question 2: How long have you been writing poetry, and for how long have you been a member of Hello Poetry?

Mike Adam: "Began writing 10 years old, HP about ten years."

Question 3: What inspires you? (In other words, how does poetry happen for you).

Mike Adam: "Poems gestate and arrive unbidden, laid like turtle eggs, a little hole, sand flicked and forgotten."

Question 4: What does poetry mean to you?

Mike Adam: "From 1,000 posts perhaps start with the latest few. I call them "mercifully short," easy to read but, given time, you may unpack a great deal."

Question 5: Who are your favorite poets?

Mike Adam:
Why ask who has Satori, who has not?
What need have I for that dust, fame and gain

Life that seemed vast
Is briefer than your handkerchief"

Question 6: What other interests do you have?

Mike Adam: "Amidst the first suicidal mass extinction in history I am grateful to read new poetry and garner hope from young poets still expressing themselves in beautiful combinations of words so thank you all for that...

Who am I?
I don't know"

Carlo C. Gomez: “Thank you so much Mike, we really appreciate you giving us the opportunity to get to know the person behind the poet! It is our pleasure to include you in this Spotlight series!”

Mike Adam: "With gratitude, Mike."

Thank you everyone here at HP for taking the time to read this. We hope you enjoyed coming to know Mike a little bit better. We certainly did. It is our wish that these spotlights are helping everyone to further discover and appreciate their fellow poets. – Carlo C. Gomez

We will post Spotlight #26 in April!

Das Schiff kam wie ein fliegendes Pferd, zu einem ungenauen Zeitpunkt
Unser Matrosenbruder aus dem Pantheon der Dichter war an Bord
Jean Pierre Basilic Dantor Frankétienne D’argent
Der in Eile den letzten Akt schrieb
War zufällig wie durch ein Wunder im Hafen
Er stieg ein und verließ das Schiff, ohne zu sprechen, ohne Geld
Ohne seine Meisterwerke, ohne ein kleines Haus
So ist das Leben, wir verlassen das Schiff zu jeder Jahreszeit.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Franckétienne ist nicht weg
Er ist irgendwo, in Ravine-Sèche, Haiti, auf den Straßen
Seine Inspiration ist die Show „The Point“
Wir haben keine andere Wahl, als uns zu kümmern
Um seine Erinnerung, seine Erfindung und seine Vorstellungskraft
Franckétienne war ein haitianisches Genie, Dichter, Dramatiker und Spiralist
Kulturminister, Wortschmied, Sänger, Maler und Künstler
Sein Name war ein langer, langer Satz
Und seine Worte brachten die Leute zum Lachen bis zur Ekstase.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Zu Lebzeiten hatte er sein kleines Haus nicht bekommen
Er war ein legendäres Genie, das die Vorstellungskraft herausforderte
Die Diktatoren, das Gewöhnliche, das Ungewöhnliche und das Abstrakte
Indem er ein Mapou wurde, ein Baobab. Wendell würde sagen
Was für ein Potomitan! Was für eine Kathedrale! Was für eine Zitadelle!
Um den Sohn des Direktors von McDonald's zu paraphrasieren:
„Wenn du fällst, lerne schnell zu reiten.
Dein Fall, lass deinen Fall zu einem Pferd werden, deinem Pferd
Um die Reise fortzusetzen“, den Ausflug.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

„Nach fünfzig zählt jede Minute.“
Frankétienne sagte einmal, da du gehen kannst
Jederzeit, in jedem Moment
‘Galaxy plomb gaillé‘, nicht zu weit vom Nadir entfernt
Eine unsichtbare Spur auf dem Kopf wie bei Valentino oder Tino Rossi
Frankétienne ist nicht mehr, der Künstler ist weg
Er bleibt mehr denn je ein neues Wesen
Der Riese, der Schriftsteller, der Schauspieler, der Schöpfer von Worten
Er ist in Hosenträger gekleidet wie ein großer weißer Neger
Nicht wie ein Monster aus Dr. Frankenstein. Wie ein Gangster
Ein Dieb, das Schiff kam wie ein fliegendes Pferd; es ist der Tod
der uns bedroht, als ob wir im Unrecht wären.
Wir weinen, wir weinen, und wir schreien jetzt wie eine Mutter in Trauer
Für diesen fortgeschrittenen Achtzigjährigen, für diesen Fürsten des Lichts.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

P.S. Eine Hommage an Frankétienne und Familie, an Wendell Théodore
und Gesellschaft, an Radio Métropole und an alle guten Haitianer
Mein aufrichtiges Beileid an alle! Sit ei terra levis!
Dies ist eine Übersetzung von
„Le Navire Est Venu À Cheval, Ou Hommage Au Fameux Poète Frankétienne“
‘The Ship Came Like A Flying Horse or Homage to the Famous Poet Frankétienne’
‘El Barco Llegó Como Un Caballo Volador U Homenaje Al Famoso Poeta Frankétienne’
‘O Navio Chegou Como Um Cavalo Voador Ou Homenagem Ao Famoso Poeta Frankétienne’
‘La Nave Arrivò Come Un Cavallo Volante O Omaggio Al Famoso Poeta Frankétienne’

Copyright © Februar 2025, Hébert Logerie, Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Hébert Logerie ist Autor mehrerer Gedichtsammlungen.
Hello Poets,

I've noticed the 300 poet poem gaining some traction again,
And with all the new writers joining recently,
It shouldn't be hard to make stick.

But there'll still need be more,
When everyone on here has joined,
So I ask of you one thing,
Bring out all your artists wherever they may hide,
And lets make dream reality.
Earlier today the original post about this started gaining some traction, and I got 3 new submissions. I know it may not seem it, but I'm doing my best to get this thing together but it is nearly impossible to pioneer an online personality to the reach I nee it to go. So I ask you all my fellow poets, please forward this anywhere you can or to anyone you think is interested. You can reach me at or private message on here. To submit for the project all you have to do is write up a line(s) of verse and email or private message it to me. You may submit more than one, but I can not guarantee all will be used. Thank you poets. 30/300
El barco llegó como un caballo volador, en un momento inexacto
Nuestro hermano marinero, del Panteón de los Poetas, estaba a bordo
Jean Pierre Basilic Dantor Frankétienne D’Argent
Quién escribió, apresuradamente, el último acto
Pasó milagrosamente a estar en el puerto
Subió y se fue sin hablar, sin dinero
Sin sus obras maestras, sin una casita
Así es la vida, nos vamos en cualquier época del año.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Frankétienne no se ha ido
Está en algún lugar, en Ravine-Sèche, Haití, en las calles
Su inspiración está en el show de ‘Le Point’
No tenemos más remedio que cuidarnos
De su memoria, su invención y su imaginación
Frankétienne fue un genio Haitiano, poeta, dramaturgo y espiralista
Ministro de cultura, creador de palabras, cantante, pintor y artista
Su nombre era una frase muy, muy larga
Y sus palabras hicieron reír a la gente hasta el éxtasis.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Mientras vivió, no había conseguido su casita
Fue un genio legendario que desafió la imaginación
Los dictadores, lo ordinario, lo inusual y lo abstracto
Convirtiéndose en un mapou, un baobab. Wendell diría
¡Qué potomitan! ¡Qué catedral! ¡Qué ciudadela!
Parafraseando al hijo del director de McDonald's
"Si te caes, aprende a montar rápidamente
Tu caída, deja que tu caída se convierta en un caballo, tu caballo
Para continuar el viaje", la excursión.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

"Cada minuto cuenta después de los cincuenta"
Una vez dijo Frankétienne, ya que puedes marcharte
En cualquier momento, en cualquiera instancia
'Galaxy plomb gaillé', no muy lejos del nadir
Un rastro invisible en la cabeza como Valentino o Tino Rossi
Frankétienne ya no está, el artista se ha ido
Sigue siendo más que nunca un Ser nuevo
El gigante, el escritor, el actor, el creador de palabras
Está vestido con tirantes como un gran ***** blanco
No como un monstruo del Dr. Frankenstein. Como un mafioso
Como un ladrón, el barco era como un caballo volador. Es la muerte
Que nos amenaza como si estuviéramos equivocados
Lloramos, lloramos ahora como una madre de luto
Para este octogenario avanzado, para este príncipe de la luz.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

P.D. Un homenaje a Frankétienne y su familia, a Wendell Théodore
Y compañía, a Radio Métropole y a todos los buenos Haitianos.
¡Mi más sentido pésame a todos! ¡Sit ei terra levis!
Esta es una traducción de:
‘Le Navire Est Venu À Cheval Ou Hommage Au Fameux Poète Frankétienne’
‘The Ship Came Like A Flying Horse or Homage to the Famous Poet Frankétienne’

Copyright © febrero de 2025, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados.
Hébert Logerie es autor de varias colecciones de poemas.
Some say hell is other people—
they have met their fathers.
Some say hell is being alone—
they live as me.
Some say there is no hell—
what sheltered lives they have led;
I envy them.
Some say the world is hell—
how I pity them.

Some go looking for hell—
are they really that lost?
Some are born into hell—
welcome to the modern world.
Where is your angel?
Isaiah—Not Market Viable.
Our Bible is copyrightable.
Serpent, Demon, be the poet.

Let’s crucify the poet,
I’m not looking for Jesus.
He has no profit, perhaps,
The prophet forgot to only prophesy profit.
Prophecy of the profit poet is dead.
Some say he is in hell so dream another dream
The ship came like a flying horse, at an inexact time
Our brother-sailor, from the Pantheon of Poets, was on board
Jean Pierre Basilic Dantor Frankétienne D’argent
Who wrote, in haste, the last act
Happened to be miraculously on the port
He got on and left without speaking, without money
Without his masterpieces, without a little house
That’s life, we leave at any season.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Franckétienne is not gone
He is somewhere, in Ravine-Sèche, Haiti, in the streets
His inspiration is in the show of ‘the Point’
We have no choice but to take care
Of his memory, his invention and his imagination
Franckétienne was a Haitian genius, poet, playwright, and spiralist
Minister of culture, wordsmith, singer, painter and artist
His name was a long, long sentence
And his words made people laugh until ecstasy.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

While alive, he had not obtained his little house
He was a legendary genius who defied the imagination
The dictators, the ordinary, the unusual and the abstract
By becoming a mapou, a baobab. Wendell would say
What a potomitan! What a cathedral! What a citadel!
To paraphrase the son of the director of McDonald's
"If you happen to fall, learn to ride quickly
Your fall, let your fall become a horse, your horse
To continue the journey", the excursion.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

"Every minute counts after fifty"
Once said Frankétienne, since you can leave
At any time, at any moment
'Galaxy plomb gaillé', not too far from the nadir
An invisible trail on the head like Valentino or Tino Rossi
Frankétienne is no more, the artist is gone
He remains more than ever a new Being
The giant, the writer, the actor, the creator of words
He is dressed in suspenders like a big white *****
Not like a monster from Dr. Frankenstein. Like a mobster
A thief, the ship came like a flying horse; it is death
That threatens us as if we are wrong
We weep, cry now like a mother in mourning
For this advanced octogenarian, for this prince of light.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

P.S. A Tribute to Franckétienne and family, to Wendell Théodore
And company, to Radio Métropole and to all good Haitians.
My sincere condolences to all! Sit ei terra levis!
This is a translation of
‘Le Navire Est Venu À Cheval, Ou Hommage Au Fameux Poète Frankétienne’

Copyright © February 2025, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.
Le navire est venu à cheval, à une heure inexacte
Notre frère-matelot, du Panthéon  des Poètes, était à son bord
Jean Pierre Basilic Dantor Frankétienne D’argent
Qui écrivait, à la hâte, le dernier acte
Se trouvait par hasard, miraculeusement sur le port
Il est monté, il est parti sans parler, sans argent
Sans ses chefs d’œuvre, sans une petite maison
C’est la vie, on part à toute saison.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Franckétienne n’est pas disparu
Il est quelque part, à Ravine-Sèche,  dans les rues
Son inspiration est dans ‘l’émission le Point’
Nous n’avons pas d’autres choix que de prendre soin
De sa mémoire, se son invention et de son imagination
Franckétienne était un génie Haïtien, poète, dramaturge, spiraliste
Ministre de la culture, faiseur de mots, chanteur, peintre et artiste
Son nom était une longue phrase
Et ses paroles faisaient rire jusqu'à l’extase.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

De son vivant, il n’avait pas obtenu sa petite maison
C’était un génie légendaire qui a défié l’imagination
La dictature, l’ordinaire, l’inordinaire et l’abstraction
En devenant un mapou, un baobab. Dirait Wendell
Quel potomitan! Quelle cathédrale! Quelle citadelle!
Pour paraphraser le fils du directeur de Mac Donald
« S’il arrive que tu tombes, apprends vite à chevaucher
Ta chute, que ta chute devienne un cheval, ton cheval
Pour continuer le voyage », la randonnée.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

« Chaque minute compte après cinquante ans »
Disait Franckétienne, puisqu’on peut partir
A n’importe quelle heure, à n’importe quel instant
‘Galaxie plomb gaillé’, pas trop **** du nadir
Une trace invisible sur la tète à la Valentino ou à la Tino Rossi
Frankétienne s’en est allé, l’artiste est parti
Il demeure plus que jamais un Être nouveau
Le géant, l’écrivain, le comédien, le créateur des mots
Est habillé en bretelle comme un gros blanc nègre
Pas comme un monstre de Dr. Frankenstein. Comme une pègre
Le navire est venu à cheval, c’est la mort
Qui nous menace comme si nous avions tort
Nous pleurons maintenant comme la mère
Pour cet octogénaire avancé, pour ce prince de lumière.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

P.S. Un Hommage à Franckétienne et famille, à Wendell Théodore
Et compagnie,  à Radio Métropole et à tous  les Haïtiens conséquents.
J’offre mes sincères condoléances à tous. Sit ei terra levis!

Copyright © Février 2025, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de plusieurs recueils de poésie.
I’m almost a poet.
I almost make sense
Enough to impress
Others with my senseful nonsense

I’m almost a poet
And I almost understand
Others’s poems and other poets
In the end no use, I tried to no end
But I like to pretend.

I’m almost a poet,
My metaphors are almost immersive enough
And my edges and corners are almost not rough

I’m almost a poet
I’m almost there
But not quite
I’m almost a poet
Almost - a man.

Evangeline, on the soulless night of February, I continue growing my broken wings. I remain sentimental, wasting my tears away. When I look at you, all I sense is the growing impatience that I will never be able to sit with you.

Even if I bloom with these wings and my graceful tears, I don't believe you will hear my silent pleas and whimsical, hopeful yearnings.

I am a tree with seeds of sadness buried deep in the earth. A rotting fruit of desires. I could never be as majestic as you, chère Evangeline. I am eloquently silent, with my lips tightly shut; I am a crumbling mountain, and madness slowly decapitates my light—but make it poetical.

Make my sadness profoundly graceful. Make my body arch like the slipper orchids. Make me a beautiful yet distant star, Evangeline.
princess and the frog was one of my favorite disney films, and I can't help but also wish on the evening star, evangeline, in hopes my wishes will come true too.

let down - radiohead
IdleHvnds Feb 21
I watched as the dog waddles away with his feet wrapped in a soft leathery boot, the owner too focused on getting around the mounds of snow to notice the dog's discomfort.

A soft whistle escapes from the accordion sides of the streetcar while a groan escapes an elderly gentleman, pressed too close to the wall.

I stand embraced by crowded bodies, snug in the middle of the streetcar walkway.

These times of discomfort remind me that I am human.
Experiencing life.
Watching, listening, enjoying the discomfort of mortality.
cherishing the imperfections, the frivolousness of each individual.
A balladry of the mundane.
A full streetcar on the way to work—I hate when you look up and see all the faces glowing from the light of their phones.
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