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M y
Heart opening
As the rose petals
Thou hast pouring
On it aroma of

✒ ℐamil Hussain
brandon nagley Oct 2016

Yonside the celestial, whereinto ourn
Ability to seest shalt abraid as past day's fade.


Over with ourn life-time of a wait;


Accolent being's, praise in song-
We sit as children on living grass,
Tables made for dinner's to last,
As no time wilt pass, noone shalt be
Late, predestined plates; to never be
Athirst nor hungered.


Warrior's, King's, Seraphim's, cherub's, angelic shine, O' a place
To wonder.


Thou to be mine yellow rose, me to be thine chaperone on the streets of gold; feet being led by the spirit of old, with God on his throne; in the
Holy city wherein love is the
Greatest command.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated ( agapi mou)
Yonside-on the farther side of.
Whereinto- into which.
Celestial- belonging to or relating to heaven.
Wilt- will.
Abraid- awaken..
accolent- neighboring.
predestined-(of God) destine (someone) for a particular fate or purpose.
Athirst- thirsty.
Hungered- hungry.
Mine- my
Chaperone- a person who accompanies and looks after another person or group of people.
Thou means you.
Thine another form as thy meaning ( your)
Wherein- in which
Leaetta May Oct 2016
Another late night commute
his mind rambling
seeking  causes of his dilemma  
failings, coming up short,
present unfavorable circumstances
she had been praying for his happiness
so she listened

what he didn't have
what he needed
no opportunities
So,  she listened
taking in his sufferings
smoothing off the rough edges
with her perfect roundness.

Stormy days had passed
rain had kept him dashing
from car to home and work
she listened
lighting up the clouds that remained
no advice given
smiling brightly
as full moons do.
after rainy days
Tyrel Kriger Oct 2016
I'm afraid of the way your looking
I'm a man who won't back down
you should know that I'll be waiting
with  your wedding gown

the valley of a mountain
with thicker forest thicket
dangerous youthfull fountain
gave us two one ticket

climbed so strong my legs
were burning trunks of fir
carrieed coloured flags
you far behind a stir

I'll let you down
before you find me
don't turn around
there's nothing to see here

I've never found
what it is you see inside me
don't turn around
there's nothing much to see

5 years and your eyes may see me
as I can not recall
your eyes they do complete me
I've never felt so tall

don't turn around
let's only look ahead
don't turn around
till just before we're dead

look at my eyes
I've always been so real
look at them now
this world is how I feel

theres mountains in the distance
there calling us back home
and there will be a Day
when both of us have gone

your wedding gown is waiting
just beneath the sky
so let's only look right here now
in case we both should die

your heaven love is waiting
on tops of mountains high
steady steps were taking
we will live to touch the sky
Some more from the vault
Elrow Swift Oct 2016
I do not wish to fall in love
By accident or chance
I do not wish to slip and fall
Into affection and romance

I do not want to spring the trap
That clamps around the heart
I do not want a sweet surprise
As love awakens with a start

Because if I've fallen into love
A swooning, ignorant fool
My affection is but dust and sand
Fickle, vain, and cruel

So I refuse to fall in love
At its precipice I'll wait
And there I'll choose to fall or stand
And there I'll choose my fate

I do not wish to fall in love
So unaware and so asleep
No I will decide to give my heart
will not fall...but leap

Into love I'll jump headfirst
Committed alive or dead
My purpose clear, I'll face the fear
And choose the fight ahead

Love is not just something felt
Or found by luck or chance,
It is also a choice to make everyday
A taxing, beautiful dance

So here I pause outside love's door
Do I enter through the gate?
It aches to stay outside these walls
But my eager heart must wait

It is not time to give my love
For what reason, I do not know
But to give it now is not love at all
I must wait for it to grow

To confess a love not strong but weak
Fills me with smothering fear
For she deserves more than I have
Every laugh, thought, and tear

So I cannot give her all just yet
For there's not much here to give
But I know that soon I'll be prepared
To share this life I live

So I wait here pacing the edge of love
Till the hour shall arrive
When with life prepared and heart lain bared
I'll hold my breath, and dive.
Kewayne Wadley Oct 2016
She has this urge that makes her open her mouth and howl,
This undoubtible urge that cannot be ignored.
She cannot express it, this desire that comes as an howl
A kind of war that screams in peace, isolated from everything she knew.
An annihilation of the shutters felt through skin.
Coming to a complete hault, a still breeze.
A silence of footsteps heard from foliage
An ecstacy of sorts.
Spreading like wildfire, burning everything it touches.
Laid bare in an empty room, her.
Cutting loose, giving into need.
This passion that beckons her
Well aware of the moon
Bottled in winter's height.
A wisp of desire rising from her cry
No longer disillusioned, she howls.
Head held high, naked in euphoria
The Nada Oct 2016
Tell me where to go, let me know where is the place I will grow. Show me your plan and help me to make it done.
The Nada
Nobody's Oct 2016
Sixteen years i have waited

and Sixteen more i shall wait
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