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Andrew M Bell Feb 2015
Forgive me if I seemed brusque at the airport,

these churches to farewell

are not where I choose to worship

and saying goodbye is like sheathing a sword,

the danger is not over until it’s out of sight.

You’re an introspective man, covert with your passion,

but I suspect you were as glad to see us

as we were to see you.

It’s been said that you are a perfect foil

to my extroversion,

we are a sort of Laurel and Hardy of the emotional spectrum.

One of the perils of transience

is the absence of solid friendship

so that we sometimes become

like wings without a body.

Having a friend arrive on our doorstep

is to find something we did not realise

we had lost.

A holidaymaker is as bright in the workaday world

as a mint coin on sunlit concrete

so that our biggest concern

was to polish your days

to the consistency of your previous excitement.

We are rusty entertainers at best.

One of life’s more pleasant surprises

is that we never know how or where

we will forge a friendship.

Friendships forged in the workplace

can be the most enduring

because there is no mandate to like our workmates.

For a few, too short days

you brought back for me all that was good

about my life in Auckland

and I can ask a friend for no greater gift

than to reflect a little sunlight.
Copyright Andrew M. Bell
John Pilgrim Feb 2015
you, a paved road
mine, a dusty path
they meet
we meet
they part
we part
i follow
**without bearing
Gwen Dec 2014
We used to be best friends.
We used to stay up all night, telling each other it’ll be okay,
Even if we both didn't believe it.
We used to hang out everyday,
anxiety and depression instantly falling away.
We both knew it, but never said it outloud;
We needed each other in order to stay sane.
Yet in the end, you took my sanity.
We used to talk about all our problems and ways we can fix each other,
Even though we knew we couldn't fix ourselves.
We sat leg to leg.
Shoulder to shoulder.
We used to listen to music and fight the urge to scream.
   We used to be so close.
God, I really just can't forget you. I hate you.
Ember Evanescent Dec 2014
Things were so much less complicated when we were little, but now I feel like I don't even know you anymore.
can anyone relate? :/ I'm going no no no stop going to those parties getting high and drunk and stop being a **** ur gonna end up dead please ur better than this I care about you but you are becoming the type of girl you and I used to hate and swore neither of us would ever be.
Symmetrical duplication,
Sphere stained with plasma,
Planet stitched by scars.

Typical introduction,
Sport tossed down for clone,
World thrown curved to teach.

Negligent abandonment,
Phase grown out of claim,
Life passed short in bloom.

I miss the inventive, lost boy who used to live with all of his innocent, free friends playing in Neverland.
Kate Lion Sep 2014
i saw a friend from middle school tonight
he looked different, his pants were so tight and he talked different

i wish that i'd said hi
i wish that i'd hurdled over my pride
but we were both too afraid to say anything

and it was in that moment that i realized
that neither of us have changed since 9th grade year
it was an awkward silence that has followed us since our awkward stage as teenagers
(and now im 21)
NicoleRuth Jul 2014
Sitting on that wall I look around me.

Memories of the past jostle each other vying for my attention.

Each one taking me back to a different time.

The dark sky above looks pretty much the same as it did all those years ago.

Yet the changes life has taken are too large to go unnoticed.

Its surprising how people who once meant the world now lay in the dust forgotten.

Blowing away with the wind to places we no longer want to follow.

They leave behind just memories.

Something so simple but still have a power over our hearts.

Taking control at moments, forcing us to remember what we hoped to forget.

No eraser can wipe them away, no whitener block them out.

Their vice like grip on our heart stays on for all eternity.
Sometimes Ally Jun 2014
every inch of this town holds a memory I don't want to remember.
every single ******* memory was with you.
we danced in my front yard
went swimming in the lake
ran through the forests together
walked all around our neighbor hoods
I talk about you like you were my lover
but you were more than that
you were my best friend
we spent every waking moment together that we could
you lived only a walk away
and now you hate me
you hate me because I ruin everything I touch
every friendship I have rots to hell
I want you back in my life but you won't have me
come back
come back
she was solely my best friend, and now we're nothing

— The End —