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Arcassin B Jul 2016
By Arcassin Burnham

I know you like the shoes on my feet,
Walking into trouble,
I'm learning everything I could possibly
Know about all of our existences that reside
In smokey flamed wood alleys getting the
Alcohol out of our systems and fornicate on
Who to blame for adultery,
But the only thing on your mind is to blame
And insult me,
I got nothing against you or your armada honey,
Life is already bad enough for us all apparently,
Cause I've been chasing the rain and it shoots the
Roses away from all of the chaos and mischief just
Sitting right at our door steps while handing guns
To the teenagers that don't know any good,
I guess that's why they call it the hood,
it's My Birthday Guys , so show me some love !!!!!

Vanessa Marie Jan 2016
How the satin essence of glowing white
blankets the chilling night
with such warmth
and such love
does the wood feel
as animals lay tonight
in a deep and peaceful slumber
caressing the deep wood
in effortless affection
Lunar Luvnotes Oct 2015
If he can't pick strings or stroke keys, no thanks.
If he can't write of me like I write of him, no thanks.
If he can't see I'm not when I say I'm fine, no thanks.
If he can't give me his last dime, without batting an eye, if he cant offer his last shred of hope, of warmth when I have none, no thanks.
If he can't drop to his knees, and beg for mercy, if he can't put trust in something above working for him, no thank you.
If he can't see the worlds I see, if he think I'm only crazy and not blessed, no thank you.
If he can't tango in foreign tongue, if he lacks the bite of the purple travel bug, no thank you.
If he's not for me always, no thank you.
I aim for a life of love, of absolute trust that I will never find myself stranded with his cubs in a scenario he has control of.
I aim for a life of undying passion and inspirations, to ignite our life, to teach our young that there is nothing stopping them but themselves.
If he's not all of the above, no thank you..
And if he is, I beg of my creator to cleanse me and make me worthy of such a gift, thank you.
Just keep swimming. Don't be afraid of love when it comes. Just keep healing.
Lunar Luvnotes Aug 2015
Just cuz I don't speak on it doesn't mean everyday isn't a struggle. Through the praying the smiling the laughing the dreaming.. You're always there looming in my heart. As if your presence relegated to long term memory is not scarce enough, you want to take that from me. Tainting our past with sour casts. Calling our fated love a facade, then how did it happen that such rare people found in each other what's identical? Have you no faith in God?

Let me have the good memories, stop flicking anger onto them, ******* all my oxygen away when I need to be deep breathing the winds of hope. You can take the bad memories and go. Be gone with what I guess you came here for. I'll bask in what's left, what was once mine and will be again when he says so, in God's time, a man who truly loves me through all my craziness.

You have established once more that he will not be you even though no one's asking.. but don't try to take away that it was. Or I don't have much chance of hoping that such a thing can happen in my life again, with another. Otherwise all I have left is this piercing paranoia, that any man that loves me is only doing so until he changes his mind, about who I am and who he is and what we are.

You can still love me from afar. Love yourself and find peace, even if you cannot have me, or don't want me. I could love oceans over, mating sporadically with all that is in me, you thought so too, when you said you wanted to take care of me. You don't want that now.. We have established that. You want to soar amongst sea spray with no threads attached to your heart to tangle you up. Let me have what is mine, our memory. If you want to deny that it was always worth it, do so in your own mind. Leave me out of it. Please..

I prefer not to bare my soul in real time, but if you want to be written instead of being forthright and calling me, fine. Have it your way.. Goodbye. If you don't ever want to see me again, go. Walk forward and stop writing about tumultuous romance, tumultuous calm, whatever you call it. Just go.

My bloods already spotting the floor. The wound that bleeds wanting for the goodbye I am worthy of. Just go. But don't expect me to never post the poems I've been writing these months when they're golden. I was holding off until you heal so you would not find them so torturous. If you see them, please don't respond, if your reflections are clouded in anger, not God.

You are the most perfect beautiful creature I have known under your anger, the happiness of life lives just on the other side of it. I just want to be happy as I can be without you. Don't punish me because that's possible. You really don't get just how special you are, and that the agony is mutual.  You don't get to judge how I handle abandonment, how I cope, how I survive the loss of you.

I should not have to state the obvious, that I am in pain. It should go without saying, stop twisting the blade. You left, so go. I prefer silence over knives, every time. There's no shame in turning back to glance me as your lover or friend, unless it's just to taunt me. If that's all that is, be gone. I really don't need 101 reasons why you're leaving. Just leave me with my memories. Please. And another thing..

Make it difficult as you want, I will still climb through life loving you, cuz that's what I was born to do. To heal all you broken people by loving you just the same as if all your **** was sorted out, cuz all you broken people are already living inside me. You are me. How could I turn my cheek on you in the same breath that I love me? It doesn't work like that.
Six planets are retrograde. I can't.
Lunar Luvnotes Aug 2015
"..I will stand my ground, for I am no craven. Call out to me with your soft voice and breathe into me. I am overcome endorphins and am left no choice because in this moment I can say to you that I will rejoice.. Now back to a fluid. GLANCING OVER your hand gliding with concentration, determination sliding from your eyes through your fingertips and the glow of moonlight on your skin only accentuates your hips and where am I going thinking about your lips? We're so innocent. Bask with me in our tumultuous calm, we are a paradox that cannot be wrong because my eyes are wide open and you are the one inspiring me to be strong."
9/17/14 The author does not wish to lay claim to the past in its entirety, so I deem this piece property of the muse to savor as inspiration rather than lose it to a phone notepads abyss. Eating dinner in his truck everyday to keep him far from our dysfunction that was bound to do us in anyway. Riding flowstate in that truck under the moon, writing in tandem. Rolling around in the back of it cuz his flesh made me forget our circumstances. I never had more passion. It's just a pity it was next to never mutually acknowledged. Im done being sold short this life. It's time for everyone else to make way, my glory days are approaching.
Lunar Luvnotes Dec 2014
Bathed in her light,
Mother Moon holds my sight.
"Isidora" of my series "Moonchild" Isidora is Greek for gift of Isis. I'm Catholic and everything...but um I'm pretty sure the ****** mother is based on the original ****** mother, Isis. Jesus is to us what Hathor was to ancient Egypt. They have the same bday I think, and died at the same age and born of a ******. Anyway the ****** Mother, Mother Earth, whoever you connect to the moon, the moon itself! This is what gifts access to the universal anima, the subconscious, our souls, other realms. Along with Neptune, Pluto,  Jupiter and Uranus. But the moon is who really speaks in images. Which is why moonchildren, aka Cancer the crab, the Mother of the zodiac is also the clairvoyant of the zodiac. I'm Mars in Cancer. If u have the Moon placed dominantly anywhere in your Natal chart you probably paint deep visuals. If you are run on moonbeams, you are naturally gifted clairvoyance, now according to me, also known as Isidora, the gift of Isis.
Lunar Luvnotes Dec 2014
Angst is the door,
to self-discovery,
or denial.
When the hall forks,
the choice is yours.
Which way will you go?
Up the spiral staircase?
Or the other way,
to chaos, oblivion,
the black hole of your plight?
The world needs
the riches of your soul,
please do not get lost!
I beckon you forth,
each stair, a deep breath.
"Moonchild" series. This is sixish months old but I just had a dream about a dark hall forking and a few months ago a dream with a spiral staircase.
Danielle Bluejay Sep 2014
Sometimes I’ll look up
and thank the moon
just for showing her face
But just like anyone,
We all have
our dark days

— The End —