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kade 3d
My unrequited love,
somehow remains so unquitable.

It still lingers in my heart
too reluctant to depart.

Memories constantly reemerge,
most of the time they come in a surge;
drowning me.
I still miss you dearly.

Please, will you try again with me?
To recover what was lost?

Though I was only yours for such a short time,
I still remember the look of love in your eyes.

I would give you eternal dedication.
Its not a speculation.
I just wish you had the same reciprocation...
of love.

"You're the sun to my sunflower,
the color to my world,
and the only key to my heart."
...I still haven't changed the locks
The first poem I've ever written. Im starting because it was one of her favorite hobbies, I guess it helps me still feel close to her.
You yelled,
You pointed fingers,
You slap boxed a computer screen.

You broke things that aren't yours,
You challenged Truth,
Now you're a memory,
Yet another 404.
If you let your anger burn hot as possible, you'll run out of candle.
Lalit Kumar Feb 24
In the quiet moments when the night is deep,
When sorrow lingers, and the tears may seep,
Remember, love , your mom's embrace,
In the gentle breeze, in the warm sunlight's trace.

She walks beside you in every step you take,
A guardian angel, for your sake,
In the echoes of laughter, the memories shared,
Her love lives on, forever cared.

Your dreams, she'd say, pursue with might,
In every challenge, find your light,
For in your journey, she takes part,
A silent cheer, a beating heart.

Though words may falter, and emotions swell,
Her love's a story only your heart can tell,
She'd want you to live, to soar, to fly,
With each passing moment, reaching for the sky.

So when the days feel heavy, and the road seems long,
Remember her words, like a comforting song,
In your heart, she resides, a love so true,
Guiding, watching, forever with you.

Your dreams, her wish, a legacy to start,
Carry them proudly, let them fill your heart,
For in pursuing them, you'll find a part,
Of the love she left, an eternal art.
silvervi Feb 24
I wish I could sleep next to you right now
I miss how your body feels next to mine
I miss how you're holding me,
Putting your arms around,
And how you fall asleep faster than I.
Kat M Feb 18
Gone your embrace–
Temporary; come again.
Grace me. Embrace me.
Linger in your thoughts and fade
Into each other. We are.
Feedback Welcome!
Jia En Feb 18
I guess I just miss you.
Never once did I actually
Think that I’d have to get used to
Not seeing your face daily;
Not being able to talk about
Whatever I needed out of my system; they say
That girls take too
Many pictures but obviously it isn’t true
Because there’s not a day
That passes without me
Wishing I’d taken more of you.
I’d do anything to be
Teleported back in time, into
Your arms. And even though
The height difference between us was so
Large, you were always the one
That had the bigger piece of my heart.
I hate us having to be apart.
I bet you’re tall now. It’s been
Far too
Long since I’ve last seen
i wish you knew.
silvervi Feb 18
Without your arms
Sometimes I'm lonely ,
Without your lips
My lips get dry,
Without your eyes
I'm feeling cold.

Without your sighs,
Without your voice,
I just hear silent noise..

My thoughts are rebels
Without you,
My words feel meaningless
Because just yesterday
You have slept in my room
And now all that I see is
Emptiness and lack of you.
Allowing myself to miss him. ❤️
Laokos Feb 17
he's getting old now, but still young enough
to buy self-help books he’ll read
only to stay on the treadmill
next to the other suburbanauts.
uses a fortune cookie slip as a bookmark
that just says run.

he's getting old now, but still young enough
to think he "found" someone—
someone as boring as he is,
and they swore to her readymade god
"to have and to hold" each other's
credit card debt and tangled mess of neuroses
‘til death of one kind or another comes.

he’s getting old now, but still young enough
to pretend it’s not happening.
cleans the gutters. trims the lawn.
drags his boat to the river every summer
to drink beer and lie in the heat—
like the sun will burn the years off.

he’s getting old now, but still young enough
to break down in the grocery store,
somewhere between the potato chips
and the popcorn,
crying onto the linoleum,
wiping his nose on his sleeve—
a quiet little implosion
under fluorescent lights.

he’s getting old now, but still young enough
to think he’s missing something.
like a dog still searching for the ball
that was never thrown.
like a flickering motel sign that just says
no vacan, no vacan, no vacan

he’s getting old now, but still young enough
to feel like a frozen dinner in the microwave—
burnt to hell on the outside,
ice-cold in the middle.
silvervi Feb 16
Going to sleep
I miss you so much next to me
Because this is where you are meant to be.
Morgan Howard Feb 13
The silence is deafening.
How many days has it been?

I can almost make out the faint calls,
Of someone in the distance.

But just as quickly as they appear,
They vanish without a trace.

So, I sit against the wall,
Hugging my knees to my chest.

Scratches on the rough concrete behind me
Marking the depth of my agony

How long will I rot in this cage,
Before someone notices that I am missing?
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