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Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2020
The moon hanging above is the only one who knows my pain
Listen to laughter in my mind until I go insane
Please do not let the stress consume me in a single bite
Listening to negative voice that raises almost every night
And the moon offers subtle comfort when demons emerge to play
Take a small step forward
Two back the next day
Is it my blood or am I simply too weak?
Won’t give up on looking for the answers that I seek
The world will not make it easy but I have faith I will pull through
And hopefully find happiness hidden inside too
And if I don’t we’ll at least I gave it my best effort
Jim Davis Dec 2020
Take a little hint
Today... live
Tomorrow... love
Yesterday... fuggitaboutit

©  2020 Jim Davis
Pretty much the same for most of 2020
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2020
A soul so precious it's aura gold
Yet stained with sadness untold
In life's waves is tossed
Still keeps good spirits
Despite all he has lost

He is rain on a hot summer day
Heart beating underneath shades of grey
Band-aid to cushion wounds no one else seemed to see
Healed with one kiss from him effortlessly

But now he wears armor over his own skin
Preventing new love from seeping in
And I don't think I can break through to his soul
Without ripping a gigantic unmendable hole
I want to see what's inside
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2020
In end I'm surprised
An old habit slowly dies
And beginnings rise
It takes determination but you can beat any vice
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2020
This is the story of Good-Time Tim
That I sit down to tell you today
No matter the weather
No matter the season
This man just wanted to play

And rain always calls for a raincoat
Boots and a hat for good measure
But Tim didn't need any protection from the storm
In the downpour in fact he took pleasure

His father put the pressure on
From a young age expected perfection
So when he grew up he got the hell out of dodge
Moved far away from parental correction

He was always in a drinking mood
Any time of day or night
If you caught him four drinks or more in
Whew! He was quite a sloppy sight!

This is the story of Good-Time Tim
That I sit down to tell you today
No matter the weather
No matter the season
This man just wanted to play

He drank hard alcohol and beer
Without discrimination
Either one would work just fine
For his goal of inebriation

He was a bit too rough on his body
Which is an overly gross understatement
He neglected his health and mental well-being
In reckless pursuit of entertainment

He wasted his life away getting wasted
Never pausing to consider that he might be missing out
Too self-destructive to attract a wife
So a family he chose to live without

This is the story of Good-Time Tim
That I sit down to tell you today
No matter the weather
No matter the season
This man just wanted to play

There was the time Tim broke his shoulder
Falling out of a tree
Because someone bet he couldn't reach the top
A task that proved to be an impossibility

Tim hardly ever brushed his teeth
So they all fell out by age 45
But considering his lifestyle
He was just lucky to still be alive

Surprisingly he was a religious man
Although not one page of the bible did he read
He had heard Jesus turned water to wine
That was all the preaching he'd ever need

This is the story of Good-Time Tim
That I sit down to tell you today
No matter the weather
No matter the season
This man just wanted to play

As he grew old he began to slow down
But not once did he ever regret
The countless mistakes he had made through the years
I guess the ***** made him forget

His liver held up for a very long time
But eventually started to rot
But for Tim it was too late to get sober
So he still swallowed shot after shot

When the doctor gave him his fatal diagnosis
He laughed and said "I'm ready to go
But make sure I'm buried with a bottle
In case they don't serve liquor way down there below!"
Day 29: Research a type of poetry of your choosing and implement that writing style in a poem
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